• Member Since 3rd Sep, 2015
  • offline last seen 3 hours ago

Black Hailstorm

A never-ending storm of ideas


It started with two, only two.

Born in a land plagued by the Drought that threatened to end their very nation, they were only two, two brothers, two princes, in the surviving kingdom of Centuria.

One, the eldest, was a Centaur, the younger, a Gargoyle. The older was what some might call a bit of a brute, took chances often too much while the younger was gentle, loyal, kind and often the one to question or aid his elder when things seemed awry. They were known to squabble, had their disagreements, but they loved each other, lost loved ones together and they were only two, so they had to stick together. Two brothers in a land that was dying, a land they had to preserve, somehow, someway, for themselves, for their people, for their promise.

So they took a gamble. Placed their bets.

And nearly lost it all.

An entry in the Chaosverse

Chapters (1)
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