• Published 8th Jul 2019
  • 520 Views, 15 Comments

Device Naming - Anonomis

Sunset decides to name her new MP3 player

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Chapter the Only

Sunset was walking down the hall at school bobbing her head, when she felt someone tap her shoulder. As she removed her earbuds; the music could still be heard blaring before being cut off by the pause button.

“Whatcha listening to,” a feminine voice inquired

“My MP3 player. Why do you ask Pinkie,” Sunset answered

“Can I see it,” Pinkie asked

“Uh; sure. Just be careful with it.”

“I'm always careful. You got a lot of good music in here,” Pinkie mused, flipping through the songs

“Whose MP3 player is that and can I see,” Rainbow Dash asked

“It's mine, and I guess you could see,” Sunset answered with a sigh

All three girls kept walking until they reached their first period class. Since she was early as usual; Sunset wanted something to be able to listen to music on and settled on the current device.

“I have to ask; why'd you get pink,” Dash asked "I'd figure you'd want red or yellow."

“It wasn't my first choice of color; but unfortunately the model was popular and the other colors were sold out. And the other colors were black, blue and green."

“Sorry to barge into the conversation girls; but I couldn't help but notice the device. I could add some diamonds to it if you'd like,” Rarity offered

“Thank you for the offer; but it's fine just how it is.”

“I could put some of the bands I listen to on there,” Rarity suggested

“I figure there's a decent selection on here as it is; but I'll keep the offer in mind.”

“When did you get that fancy music player,” AJ asked entering the classroom

“I bought it in Saturday. Unfortunately; this wasn't the exact version I wanted; but it works just the same.”

“Good morning girls. What brings you into the classroom so early,” Miss Cheerilee asked curiously

“I wanted to get here early as usual; but wanted something different to do than just reading.”

“Fair enough. But please make sure to keep it put away during school hours,” Cheerilee warned

“I promise to keep it put up. The last thing I'd want is for it to get confiscated.”

As the group was waiting for class; Vinyl walked in with her headphones on as usual; but tapped Sunset on the shoulder. After gesturing to the MP3 player and to Vinyl herself; Sunset handed the device to the resident DJ. Vinyl removed a laptop from her backpack and connected the device to download some new music for the redhead.

Not more than a few minutes later; the device was returned with just enough time to store it in Sunset’s bag before the bell rang for class. Despite not listening to her music; Sunset noticed she felt the same as Vinyl having to refrain from the use of any devices during school. The next few hours seemed to drag on with nothing to do.

“I have to ask girls,” Pinkie started “Have any of you ever named any of your belongings?”

“I originally called my leather jacket ‘Martha’,” Sunset answered

“Why 'Martha',” AJ asked

“I honestly don't remember. I think I was just looking up something and the name caught my eye.”

“I usually just name my devices as ‘The Awesome’,” Dash bragged

“Why am I not surprised,” Sunset mused

“Didn't see that coming,” AJ added sarcastically

“Why not. 'The Awesomeness Guitar' has a nice ring to it; don’t you think,” Dash said

“That does not sound pleasing to the ear at all,” Rarity corrected

“I have to agree with Rarity,” Fluttershy chimed in “A nickname should be pleasant to repeat.”

“Oh no. I forgot Mr. Doodle gave us that essay on history,” Sunset said, putting her head down on the desk “I completely spaced out.”

“You're lucky that it's a choose your own topic. All you need to do is find something that interests you,” Pinkie said cheerfully

“And why you're at it; you could think of a name for your MP3 player,” Dash added

“I don’t think that should be high on Sunset’s priority list,” Rarity chastised

“I might take a look at names when I get done; but I can't make any guarantees.”

Once at home; Sunset had her laptop set up as a movie was turned on just for the noise. Looking over at the title; she decided to look up disasters at sea.

“Well; this seems promising,” she mused “Glad that never happened back in Equestria.”

Checking online for wrecks brought up one that was popular with plenty of information to use. The ship was a massive ocean liner deemed to be ‘unsinkable’; although that was obviously proven false.

“Well; the movie is long and somewhat entertaining. How much of the story was made just for the movie?”

Ignoring the contents of the movie; Sunset was able to write nearly an eight page report on the topic; citing all sources of information. All that was needed was to print the final paper at school the next day to turn it.

“Hi Sunset,” Pinkie started

“Can’t talk. Need to print essay,” Sunset replied hastily running to the library

“Can…I…print…my…essay,” she asked through breaths

“You didn't have to run all the way here,” the librarian Dusty Pages argued “I would have gladly waited for you to walk.”

“Sorry. I just wanted it done so it was off my mind.”

“I can understand. It'll just take a moment to print,” Dusty said “Enough time for you to catch your breath. What exactly did you write about?”

“A ship that crashed. I thought it was interesting to learn about; especially when so many corrections have been made nowadays.”

“You know; I had a great great aunt on that ship. Hearing that has kept me from ever wanting to be on any ship that big,” Dusty mused

“I don't blame you. I am afraid of flying and don’t want to be on a ship. Fear of the unknown; I guess.”

“Good luck with your essay,” Dusty said, handing over the complete and stapled paper

During lunch; Sunset found time to relax as her assignment was finally done and off her mind. While she was listening to music; the others joined her at the table.

“Congrats on your essay. Cranky said it was the best he'd ever seen,” Dash said, slapping Sunset on the back

“I'm just glad I'm done.”

“So; did you ever name your MP3 player,” Pinkie asked

“I actually just decided on it before you girls showed up.”

“Don't keep us in suspense. What'd you name it; darling,” Rarity pressed

“The Titanic,” Sunset answered confidently

“I don’t get it,” AJ commented

“It's historical,” Sunset argued

“It's boring,” Dash chimed in “So why would you call it that?”

“One reason. Every time I want to add music to my player; my computer will read ‘THE TITANIC IS SYNCING’.”

Comments ( 15 )

I wholeheartedly approve of that S-Class Pun. 10

Thank you very much

Heh, nicely done.

“I usually just name my devices as ‘The Awesome’,” Dash bragged

Rainbow dash is related to Clarkson, confirmed.

I don't understand the reference

the link doesn't load for me

Author Interviewer

I got to the final line and literally shouted "Oh my fuck."

Author Interviewer

That was a tremendous pun.

In the legendary words of the King Elvis Presley; "Thank you very much"



I am certainly not Lord Death

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