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Third Wheel

Comments ( 125 )

Alright just because of that comment at the bottom well that and the fact I've seen to dang many of these male dom routes fail spectacularly I'm going to suggest a futa with pussy yes to tits (d cup) and ass and a softer rounder face with blue eyes and green eyes
Name: Chroma
Boost intelligence and shape shifting magic
Disguise: Unicorn female same size body and eyes and face hiding dick cutie mark something like a rainbow mist
Disguise Name: Chromatic Spotter or Chroma for short
Disguise Talent: best hide and seek player by changing color of coat and mane to blend in with surroundings also allows her to spot others in hiding spots real well
Ponyville intent seduce mane 6 into lovers with slight hint of submission

How about adding in Changelings by sex transformation starting with mane six.

I dont know how you would respond to multiple different responses so ill keep it simple and agree with whats below with one exception:
intent:locate easily accessible source of energy while observing ponyville inhabitants for info
secondary intent:locate safe haven(I vote Spa for some aloe and lotus action but other places work depending on circumstances)

Boost intelligence and mind altering magic
Disguise name:Dax
Ponyville intent seduce mane six and friends into lovers with submissive qualites.

Find nonreformed Changelings and create sub-hive from the main hive establish brothel to spread corruption, turn citizens into spies through either mind control or capture and replace key assets with changelings. Then we have the war of Disguise eliminating reformed Changelings by reassimilation or purge.

My 2c:
-Futa, no pussy, yes to, balls, breasts and ass. Softer, feminine face with blue eyes.
-Changeling Name: Elytra (Short: Elly)
-Boost Intelligence
-Boost Mind-altering magic.
-Disguise Name: Lunar Breeze
-Disguise: Unicorn, navy fur, slate mane & tail, Crescent Moon CM
-Ponyville Intent: one by one, seduce HVTs and make them into submissive sex slaves. Probably target trixie or starlight to start.

Double boost intelligence while weakening physical attributes to compensate.

Double boost mind-altering magic while weakening shapeshifting

Disguise yourself as a 'new species' by turning into adolescent 'flutter pony.' This form would work with weakened shapeshifting due to not needing to change a lot of the base form. Changing a few colors and smoothing out a few rough edges is all that would be needed. For what limitations might exist, conventional disguise supplies could be used, such as makeup. Magic potions may also be used as an external magic source.

The character would stay with Twilight due to being a new species and could make up facts about their biology because of that.

Something I just remembered that we all should take into account pinkie pie is not the only local reality warper who likes to be in ponyville we need to be wary of her and discord cause he can just straight up nullify us in a second if he so chose to and I am willing to bet that he would not be too nice to a changeling after the event that lead to chyrsalis losing her throne

For the sake of giving the protagonist a fair chance at actually winning, one of the changes implemented in this AU is the absence of Discord as an ally of the mane six. It was going to be mentioned in the next chapter, but I'm putting it here because you brought it up. No need to worry about him.

Boost: Intelligence and Mind Magic

Appearance: Average build that subtly stand's out

Gender: Female, B cup breast

Changeling Name: Chitter

Disguise: Earth Pony or Minotaur

Disguise Name: Supple Hooves

Cutiemark if Pony: A Tiger Lilly

Disguise Appearance: Light brown fur and red-orange mane and tail, if Minotaur same with small cute horns

Goals in Ponyville: Get a cover job at the spa, subtly manipulate Aloe, Lotis, Rarity, and all other spa patrons. Proceed to work manipulation up to government officials and slowly take control of the town. Spread from there, and have "fun" while doing so.

Edit: Will use carefully placed words in order to manipulate others with as little magic as possible and only resorting to magic when necessary

Gender female
Boost intelligence and mind altering magic
Futa' yes for pussy yes to balls breast and ass feminine face and with blue eyes
Start with twilight and starlight glimmer
Disguise Pegasus female with dick
Mane blonde blond coat
Challenging name ivy
Disguise Name selina
Disguise cute mark Tornado

Double Boost: Mind Magic at the cost of Physical

Appearance: Attractive female Pony (attractive people have an easier time getting people to trust them)

Gender: Female, D cup breast (Maybe Hermaphrodite for the best of both worlds?)

Changeling Name: Doppel (Short for Doppelgänger)

Disguise: Earth Pony (makes it harder for others to realize mind magic is being used), White coat with two tone golden mane and tail (Dark gold and light gold) and a Peace Lily for Cutiemark.

Disguise Name: Peace Lily

Goals in Ponyville:
Starting Goal: Get a job at the Spa and get Aloe, Lotus, and all other spa workers under magical control
Main Goal: Put the Main 6 under magical control
Secondary Goal: Put all government officials under magical control
Tertiary Goal: Get everyone in Ponyville under magical control

Goals after:
Use Rarity's connections to begin controlling prominent ponies.
Use Twilight to get close to Luna, then Celestia afterward.
STAY AWAY FROM CADENCE until all other Alicorns are under control, she should be last as her experience will allow her to realize if others are being controlled.

Thoughts on Mind Magic:
Mind Magic to me has two separate abilities:
Indoctrination - Long term control. This is a very slow process but when successful it is near impossible to break free. This takes weeks to months of 'discussions' to complete.
Hypnosis - Short term control, this is what Chrysalis used on Shining Armor. Get's the job done fast but is easy to see through and requires constant re-applying. Length of time depends on how strong the victim's will power is and how drastically different the command is to their normal personality. (The more extreme the command under hypnosis the faster they can break free)

Going on this I believe it would be best to use both, hypnosis in the beginning but a very subtle command, (such as having them want to meet up with us one on one more often), then indoctrinating them over a period of time for the bigger changes to their personalities.

Gender: male
Body type: Average height slightly toned body with a bubble butt Closer looking into a femboy If grew out hair , slightly above average cock and balls his cock has a knot on it his face is decent looking is eye colors are pearl he also has some thicc thighs
Abilities : intelligence , Boosted a body transformation
Changeling name : Monarch
Disguise race : minotaur
Disguise name : Achilles
Disguise description : Body type similar to his TruForm usually acts more bolder in this form dark black coat but has a beautiful shine in the sunlight that has a chestnut colored hair Small curve Horns

( not enough stories with the Femboy is the bad guy )


Changeling name: Shell

Boost intelligence

Boost shape-shifting

Dragon ( smooth face, blue eyes, color template white and blue)

Dragon name: Clo

Ponyville: First get an idea of the area by asking the ponies questions to make sure that the information you have is revelant. However, act different each time and say you want to be an actor so if anything conflicts with your behavior it will be taking lightly. Also ask about spike and make a persona for him to like. The changeling will would use him to infiltrate the six. NO MIND MAGIC for twilight will know what it will look like. This time will be use to get everyone’s trust.

Also the backstory is that Clor is raised by ponies which will explian why she is different from the dragons. However, her family passed away to old age and now she has been traveling eversense. That was a couple of years back. It will explian on why she knows many different places if it gets leak. In addition, she is short-sighted in the fact she realizes that she run out of bits or low on bits that she stays in Ponyville.

Description: a hornless changeling male with 2 dicks arranged to double penetrate a full female, but at a cost of wearing a unremovable 'dunce' hat placed where a unicorn horn would be but can still do magic but on a scale of only fooling 10-year-olds 100% of the time, while every extra year added on to said recipient decreases by one percent, until it is at one percent which it stays there. (in short, my changeling is only a slim chance to fooling anyone older than 109+ years.) his name is AnThrax, his goal is to one day fool 'the great Celestia'. But mostly he is just a Pegasus with ghostly red fur, and instead of a mane full of hair he has a black goatee. His cutie mark is 'XII' the X is blood red but the I's are black.

starting off as a slightly petite hermaphrodite changeling. full female hermaphrodite with feminine body structure as well as both breasts and ass, (starting off small with how chrysalis described it but growing as love becomes available.) no balls (or more correct, internal.) end goal is to become short stacked changeling queen with larger assets.

list]Create the character physically. This comes down to picking whether they should be male, female, or anything in between like futa with or without a pussy and with or without balls and what their face should look like and whether they should have tits or ass or a slightly toned chest or whatever.
changeling name: Tympa (short for Tympanum)
boosted intelligence.
boosted shape shifting
disguise is Tympa, a light green reformed changeling with rose colored eye's. by becoming one of there reformed kin well allow for full use of abilities without gathering suspicion. later form upgrades can also be attributed to gathering and using love without needing to have a clever excuse, form is genuinely perfect cover as long as thorax is avoided.

goals for ponyville: arrive unobtrusively as possible, if possible convince pinkie pie i am a recovering agoraphobic and any welcome party should be small so i won't be overwhelmed. identify lonelier mares and stallions and begin to farm affection and lust to refine into love. (partitioned from chrysalis: only allow former queen a quarter to half of total energy if possible) begin building power base to alter self in more fitting ways, larger breasts and ass, face and body more attributed to pony beauty, etc etc. slowly work into the targets innercirlces through there outliers and then slowly work to them. identify ways to gather secrets including possibly bedding them if necessary. (partitioned from chrysalis: attempt to find out if side alliance is possible in order to have defense in place for final stages) prepare small hive for personal use where excess energy can be stored and more considerable self alterations can happen. (PFC: collect energy and self evolve from drone to princess and then queen stages and establish personal hive, if need arises, offer princesses of equestria all information on queen chrysalis to ensure allowance of hive to exist, begin work on expanding personal hive, end goal re-aquire reformed changeling hive through potential marriage alliance with thorax, attempt to guide species adaptation optimaly.)Sketch out some ideas for what you want to do when you reach Ponyville. I don't know whether or not the next chapter will get there, so don't worry too much about this one.

Gender: hermaphrodite (full-package futa)
Specializations: intelligence and shape-shifting
Bodily Enhancement: Breasts (EE-cup)
Changeling Name: Elytra
Disguise: feminine hermaphrodite unicorn, silver mane and tail with cobalt highlights and cornflower blue coat.
Cutie-Mark: midnight purple orchid on top of a stylized lily pad with cat-tail reeds on either side.
Talent: providing a relaxing atmosphere and ability to find out what a target needs to get the best relaxation/stress relieving experience available.
Disguise Name: Blissful Pond
Backstory and chosen occupation: Just graduated from Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns specializing in stress counseling, hypno-therapy, muscle-therapy and relaxation treatments using magic and is looking to get away from the snobbish atmosphere of Canterlot, seeking gainful employment with the spa as a masseuse or at the hospital as a therapeutist. Has a calm and happy personality, likes to joke around when not on the job and likes to cook for fun.
1. Make aquaintences and friends within the workplace.
2. Gain intelligence on key targets in Ponyville (Elements and Co., C.M.C., Mayor, head nurse/doctor, teachers etc.) and use it to advantage.
3. After enough energy is gained enhance bodily strength and sexual attributes first then if there is enough energy leftover enhance mind-altering magic.
4. Establish romantic relationship with high profile target.
5. After romantic interest is secured, encourage partner to invite others into relationship.
6. Once enough bits are obtained (legally or otherwise) purchase land outside of town and build own practice to act as base of operations for further intrusion.
7. Enhance magical ability and physical durability, then focus on expanding numbers to gain better foothold.
8. Carefully gain mental (indoctrination) hold over key individuals in town and use this to gain various connection outside Ponyville.

That's all I got for now.

Gender: Male
Changeling Name: Exodio
Disguise Form: black Unicorn with yellow eyes and red mane
Disguise Name: Fang Hoof
Disguise Cutiemark: skorpion stinger
Boost intelligence and mind altering magic
Goals in Ponyville: Make as cover a job as Veterinarian, but you only care about snakes, spiders and scorpions, so nopoby will suspect you with that name.
You should get closer to Fluttershy so quickly, and at the same time you could contact Trixie as an assistant for their shows where you could do tricks with animals.
So you would later have the opportunity to come to Starlight and the other Main 6.

You could also use you intelligence to drain some poison from the wild animals to have something for your advantage, to rig and sabotage the ponies in Ponyvile. And maybe alter Fluttershy to be your lovely (dominant) wife and make a assembly point in the Everfree near her house for future Changelings.

Name is stinger

Male with tight chest very slender yet a little chubby with balls

Increase intelligence and mind control

Peguses Stallion silver with blue eyes with amber speckles average height and sautéing pan as cutie mark

Pony name hot pad

Talent: making good food that secretly gives a bit of mind control magic depending on magic level (like snails would have a big amount but twilight would get almost microscpic amount) also if somepony would eat there once the next time they get hungry they will have a impolse to eat his food

Intent to seduce each mare over time also when he moves on to other places to concor to be a little bit richer each time becoming the richest stallion in equestria having mass influence

Considering the premise, I think it'd be best for us to have modest to under-developed endowments to draw less attention to ourself and have a backstory that gives us an excuse to have no real evidence to our claims.For our backstory, I'm think a Manehattanite orphan that survived by doing odd jobs and some street performances. The only thing that can be followed up on with that story is an orphanage. It would give us an in with Trixie, Rarity, Apple Bloom, and Twilight if we add on a long desire to study magic that we were never able to pursue. By going for an under developed body we might be able to use that energy to further develop our starting skills. As for the disguise, I'd prefer a fully equipped hermaphrodite unicorn while boosting intelligence and physical abilities. If it's acceptable, I'd like to sacrifice how well endowed we are to enhance mind-altering magic to make it easier to manipulate others. We can use training body altering magic with Twilight as a cover for improving our shape-shifting abilities later. As for name, cutiemark, talent, and details about the appearance, I'll leave it up to others since I suck at that stuff.

(Notes: in-character because that's how the choice is being framed)
Name: Imago
Body: Male, as generic as possible. Standing out is suicide for an infiltrator, and your inability to avoid doing so is the only reason I exist. *openly ogles Chrysalis, to make it clear that this isn't an insult*
Boosts: Both boosts in shapeshifting; it can substitute for both physical capabilities (Earth Pony ho!) and most of the things you'd use mind-altering magic for ("I can be anything you desire... and anywhere you have secrets," or just being a unicorn and using their equivalents). Dock the psychomancy if you have to; as mentioned, it's the easiest weakness to work around.
Cover Identity: Myself as a reformed changeling. I've gone all in on changing, and layering deception upon deception would have been the best survival tactic regardless. Plus, it'll hedge my bets if I reform for real; they'll never know I was anything other than what I appeared to be
Basic Plan: Start with those nobody pays attention to. The flower mares, the town drunkard. That donkey couple also seems promising; they were changeling sympathizers before it was cool anybody had heard of Thorax.

Work has begun on the next chapter, so consider the voting officially closed. Huge thanks to everyone who commented with their suggestions, it was a ton of fun reading through them and I appreciate that I don't need to be creative because you guys will come up with stuff instead found them very inspiring.

Gender: Male Tall yet muscular like a young teenager with a decent cock
Changeling Name: Flik
Boost Intelligence and Shapeshifting Ability
Disguise: Pony (Unicorn)
Disguise Name: Bug Net
Plan: Start my way with Fluttershy by impressing/making friends with her by showing off my knowledge and friendliness of insects and arachnids a like, and then use her to begin work on manipulating either Rarity or Twilight.


Sex: Female (Hermphidite: Dick and balls (smaller than average)

Name: Second Will (Short: Will)

Changeling Characteristics: Smaller than average (Changeling), physically average, Due to lack of love, and purpose for creations causes the body to be second to mental facilities and magical abilities. (Low B-cup bust)

Changeling Personality: Logical in thinking, seeks best for the Hive, without becoming 'weak' like the Traitors (reformed Changelings), Hatred of Reformed Changelings, Dislike for Starlight Glimmer, high-level Curiosity, comes off as cold and passionless (though holds a great deal of affection for the Hive.)

Changeling purpose: Main Objectives, to follow the will of Queen Chrysalis, Infiltrate, and ensure Hive victory. Secondary Objectives: To fill gaps in Hive production should it prove necessary, to offer sound and reasonable advise to Queen Chrysalis, to provide plans or ideas for the Queen Chrysalis.

Desires *(Hidden Desire)*: Service to the Hive above all, The capture and reformation of traitors (Reformed Changelings), *(To see alternative perceptions to events involving their species, for perceptive. Fearful of Queen's thoughts on the desire.)*



Name: Gladius

Race: Griffon

Physical Attributes: feathers black with silver linings, icy blue eyes, dark gray fur, Smaller than average griffons, Looks weak by Griffon standards, long wings. Low-B cup bust (Still possess the male anatomy, still smaller than average.)

Disguise Story (Will's crafted tale and based the personality on): Born to a Town (Glendendale) that is declining into a village, Gladius was born to a mother and father who fought always, the mother wanted a daughter, and the father a son, just one of their many arguments. In the end, they both got their wish in a complicated way their child was a true Hermaphrodite, so the parents in a strange turn combined their name ideas, father had wished his boy's name to after a weapon, Garrt, and the mother a traditional name, Gladys, thus making Gladius her name. As time went on her father had tried to train her as a son, and while flexible Gladius showed poor growth from his harsh methods, and from her mother she gained love and a fondness for knowledge of any sort, but most noted she learned how to speak to others in an 'effective' manner, often convincing other griffons on matters.

Personality Generalization: Calm and pathological, though becomes heated when it turns to matters of personal details beyond the basics, often hinting to harsh parents (worried about having others seek out holes in her story). Seems to put effort to physical training, though allows distraction easily. Has difficulty with younglings (colts/fillies), pretends to be annoyed about being questioned about her duel sex.

Purpose Of Disguise: Primary: To gather information, love, and other resources to increase the efficacy of infiltration of further agents and/or seizure of assets. Secondary: Gain more detailed lay of the land and ponies of the land, namely Ponyville.

I had fun making this, mainly wanted to give a good fun challenge. I look forward to what is to come. (editted) -Sad am to late, but I had fun eitherway making this, haha! *cries* - :pinkiesad2:

(Didn't realize how long ago this was, all well, I jsut saw "Character Creation! WOO~!!!!", all well hope you have fun reading this regardless.)

It's my fault for not having finished the next chapter yet, really. Though I appreciate the effort, and more input is always welcome if at least to make me feel more confident in the way I interpreted the public's will. And don't worry too much, you'll have many more chances to write things on time in the coming chapters.

Pretend you're writing to your parents or something, stupid ponies and their stupid relationships, they'll fall for it.

"That's... actually genius. You're literally my mother, so it's not even a lie. I can rebuff any further questions about the contents by telling them that I'm not comfortable sharing what was intended to be a private communication, and that won't be a lie either."

Onto the choices:

  • Definitely stick around. You're clearly not framing this as a real choice, so I'm not going to treat it as one.
  • Roseluck. As tempting as it is to have a priority target fall into our lap this early, we can't afford the risk just yet. Go for the one who's weak-willed enough to faint in the streets at what wasn't a sign of trouble by any sane definition.
  • Again, she's famously skittish. We're a new hire specializing in "relaxation spells" so all we have to do is let her realize how exhausting being herself really is, by way of showing her the alternative.
  • Aloe and Lotus can pretty much keep doing what they've been doing and be just as effective for us as anything else they could possibly have done. We can't afford to draw too much attention, after all.
  • We're going to want another upgrade or two before we start on our true targets; "measure twice, cut once" is all the more applicable when a bad cut wastes months of effort.

1. Stay to work the morning shift, if possible lay some enchantments into the equipment you work on to ease the relaxation and contentment of the client.

2. Work with Roseluck. Start off business-like and after awhile ease into a friendly, easy-to -talk-to manner and start to gossip and talk about things because as the saying goes 'if you want the best information, talk to the lunch-staff they always know whats going on'.

3. During the afternoon, get to know your co-workers/bosses more. Get details on any others workers there wether they be full or part-time. If not agreeable to living together further, look around for lodging.

4. Become friends with the spa twins while slowly manipulating them into loving you that way you have a steady income of love, affection, and lust to support a stronger body. Once enough love is collected enhance physical attributes(strength, agility, reflexes/dexterity) and sexual appeal(curves, bust, feminine appearance) this should'nt take as much love as enhancing your magical abilities. Act protective of the sisters, after all they gave you a job, their friendship(and maybe love and a home).

5. Study in the library about different social customs and societal norms(including pony) and if Twilight Twiggle asks about it, it's for ensuring no social faux pas or misunderstandings occur while working with a client.

6. Once sufficient supply of love or affection is secured, enhance mental/magical abilities and entrench yourself into the twins minds where they could not imagine their lives without you, and do not care what you do or say(or even show them) and will never spill your secrets.

7. Entrench yourself slowly in the minds of your clients, placing yourself as a great friend they can trust with their deepest secrets and concerns because after all you are alone nopony else can hear them and you'd never tell their secrets to anyone.

These can be done in any particular order besides the first three as they are the asked requirements. I think that's enough for now.

An interesting idea. You now have my attention.

Go in the morning, we could use bits later on and this is a fantastic place to start working over ponies with hypnosis.
Also go for Thunderlane, having him under our hoof would be useful we might be able to have him spread word of our massages to ponies who don't normally go for them.

Go for a double shift if we can. Proving we're a hard worker right off the bat only stands to improve our situation. If not try find someone we can 'practice' on outside of work.

Try to use our session to try learn massaging better and improve our skills, only using a little magic to try and guarantee we'll have a repeat customer.

I can see why your previous votes had priority. As such, I'm casting my vote for everything you just said.

In Summery
Stay and help
charm him, have him become attracted, this adds cover, and a reliable informant for weather and its movement for the area.
Spend any additional time trying to garner more control/trust of our lovely hosts, Aloe and Lotus.

It is good to help in the morning, build your base, before branching out. It is likely Rarity will have someone with her, such as Fluttershy, and Roseluck is panicky and sensitive, she may scutter and bug out, heck there may be one of the sisters nearby incase you need help with someone so insanely afraid, and that leaves Thunderlane who is a proper balance, and may lead to better possibilities, he'll also be a good informant for coming weather, and maybe a good "colt friend" should we need to deepen our hidden nature.
Aloe and Lotus must be fully under our sway before we can get our base strong, so that must be the work of the spare time we get.

  • Assuming you don't make the stupid choice and actually work instead of fucking around town, which client will you work on of the three?
  • How will you approach your session with them?
  • In general, how will you try to develop your control over Aloe and Lotus, and how will you act towards them?
  • Any other thing in particular that you feel should be relevant to your future actions, it's never to early to start planning ahead if you account for how future event might derail those plans.

I would choose to work with rarity. While not the most creative choice, it is useful to built up a rapor with Rarity. That is useful for a multitude of reasons, from our main objective, to the fact that we need underwear and better looking clothes.

I would aproch it as a nervice new staff member, with very minor hypnosis so to make rarity like it. Nothing to enact even mild control yet as it would be a bit too suspicious, specially if Twilight ever does a magic scan at any point for any reason.

For the twins I would then, after the work day, offer the other twin a massage so to switch between each twin, taking over both at equal rates.

Finally we should start to lay the foundations for our plans and make a home base, fortify it in some way, and plan either it be a eventual userp of Chrysalis, or be a loyal drone.

  • Will you stay and help out during the morning or will you go out in town? In case you pick the latter, how will you spend the morning? Note that not showing up on your first day on the job might make you lose the trust you have gained so far, the two of them are nowhere near as under your control as Shining was under Chrysalis's during the wedding.

Stay and Help of course. Our position is too precarious atm to fuck around.

Similarly, what will you do in the afternoon?

Again, work. Double shift will do wonders for showing the sisters how "invested and responsible" we are.

Assuming you don't make the stupid choice and actually work instead of fucking around town, which client will you work on of the three?

Rarity. It's a good idea to begin sowing the seeds so to speak.

How will you approach your session with them?

Don't rush it. Too risky to fully target the Element Bearers at this point. Just do subtle applications of magic and suggestions to make her feel at ease, make her believe this was the best massage she's had in ages, and plant the suggestion to ask for us in the future.

In general, how will you try to develop your control over Aloe and Lotus, and how will you act towards them?

Make slow but steady progress on them. Act helpful and friendly to them to earn their trust, while doing subtle applications of magic to convince them to trust and confide in us. Eventually get them to "fall" for us and get carnal in the relationship once they're sufficiently enthralled, and begin training them as the sex slaves they're meant to be. Eventually they could aid in taking down/training further targets once our control is secured over them.

Any other thing in particular that you feel should be relevant to your future actions, it's never to early to start planning ahead if you account for how future event might derail those plans.

First we should secure out position/residence, focusing our magic on enslaving the Spa sisters. Meanwhile lay small, subtle suggestions on our clients about how much they enjoyed their sessions and to look upon us favorably. As our energy reserves rise invest some of it in enhancing our body (chiefly breast and ass, maybe cock a bit) and our mind-control magic. Physical enhancement can come later but we should try and avoid the more physical ponies (particularly Applejack) until we're more secure. Eventually either look to set up our own base of operations, or, once our control of the Spa ponies is secure and we've become the owners of the spa in all but name, do some "remodelling" and start building a basement dungeon, both to have fun and train our new slaves.

Go to work and familiarise your self with the work place.

Showing your employers you dedication to the job. Also allows you nodes any particulars of the work place with out rasing alarms.

How my I help you, and my I help, is more pliable and more acceptable then, a stand off attitude.

Roseluck would be an ideal first target. Cautiousness will still need to be a top priority for now, until your back round and documentation can be verified.

Additional Information will be needed for the area.

Magical traits: suddal mine manipulation.

Level: basic

Changelings are taught this spell at a early age of development do to the low cost it's a entry level spell and a early foot step to more complex spells.

Affects: worm happy feelings to out right fear. The caster is able to move the positive an negative emotions for a more beneficial out come.

Positives: Able to cast in front of another pony with out being detected. Not as strong as the normal mind altering spell but fare less detectable from none unicorns an even some unicorns. Leaves now magical trace low cost to the caster but it's not perfect.

Floss: abel to be detected by any magically gifted unicorn, all Alicorn, other changelings, some dragons, discord, pinky sense, and any mage of the none pony family.

Note: may cause growing suspicion with unicorn, and some earth pony's with excessive you's. If Kasted correctly the target will never be the wiser.

Onistly I would use part of the first two suggestions. You also need to billed a net work. That involves money, intelligents, contacts, secrecy, and to deliver seed information safely.

If dun correctly, that one changeling alone can be more devastating to a country then a entire army. Just reed up on double agent's, spies, D-day, and The Tet Offensive.

Like this story and can't wait for more. Good things take time, all be right here for the next chapter.

Fill free to that this spell and change it how ever you won't. Give it a new name. You do you. :)

These four are the ones that I agree with the most, the one thing I would change is what MosAnted suggested with Rarity.

While she is a high priority target going for her this soon would not be to safe. And like Rozen Knight said

It is likely Rarity will have someone with her, such as Fluttershy,

Which would make manipulating her harder to do, but could lead us to having access to two high priority targets right off the bat.

And while Rose luck is a safer target the way her and her sisters are(panicky and easily scarred), Thunder Lane may be the safest option.(see Rozen Knight's comment for explanation)

Aside from this I have nothing to add except, Make sure that you have fun writing.


The spa is our cover. If we blow it with Aloe and Lotus, we're putting our name out there as being unreliable and suspicious - we don't want that. So, we faithfully show up to work, on time. Maybe a little early so we can give Aloe a "friendly" massage - mask it as needing a little practice.

I think Roseluck should be our first target outside of the Spa Duo. She's kind of a "canary in the coal mine" - one of the flower-trio, who famously panic at a lot of incidents. Getting to her in a friendly, not-very-suspicious manner (say, with a massage, kind words and a subtle spell) would ultimately give us an "in" with the rest of the Flower Trio, which knocks out a potential source of trouble.

We *can* swing the Rarity angle if we get Aloe or Lotus (whomever takes care of Rarity) to vouch for us a few times, but we do need to be cautious and bide our time with it.

With Thunderlane, I'm too wary of Rainbow Dash becoming suspicious. Being that they're both in the weather team, Rainbow Dash would likely notice if he acted oddly at all. He is a tempting target, but I figure we should wait until later.

"Trying to imitate perfection, I see," she says, noticing how your build mirrors hers. She presses herself against you, staring down at you, her heavier breasts and longer cock pushing against your smaller assets. "But there is only one Queen," she hisses, almost hysterically, a glimpse of emotion in her eyes you can't quite make out the meaning of. "Don't forget that," she snaps as she walks away from you.

Elytra: "At least for now, my Queen..."
Chrysalis: "What was that?"
Elytra: *eeep* "Nothing!"

We can't communicate telepathically while you're there, so you'll have to write if some important developments arise, I taught you how to magically send letters to me already. Pretend you're writing to your parents or something, stupid ponies and their stupid relationships, they'll fall for it.

Technically that wouldn't even be a lie.

Oh, you would force the pathetic thing to start choking on your cock right here and now if you could. But that would break her out of her trance, you sadly cannot go too far just yet.

Talking about cock, did Elytra tell them about having one?
And how common are mares with cocks in this universe?

About the choices:

She should stay in the spa, both morning and afternoon, for obvious reasons: making an reliable impression and don't draw attention by others who you might met outside. The less ponies are aware of her the less possible problems, at least for now.

As for the client, she should go with Roseluck.
Rarity is out, because her connection with the elements and knowledge about changelings may make her more attentive torwards changeling magic. Also influencing her too early might draw even more attention.
Thunderlane is an better choice, but he is part of the wonderbolts who are also probably more attentive for changelings; he is also quite popular, so sudden changes in behavior would be noticed quicker. Also he is male and Elytra doesn't have experience yet with those. Better play it safe.
Roseluck is the best target, because she is more of an background pony without direct ties to goverment or mythical artifacts. If she enjoys the show she might even tell her friends, the other flower mares (is that an official term?); this might attract more customers.

During the session sshe shouldn't do anything funny (yet).
Do an good job and make the customers happy, but for the moment not more. Doing too much magic too quickly will draw attention; the one thing she doesn't want at all.

About Aloe and Lotus, she should try to get an magical grip on them, but without changing the outwards behavior. Again, don't draw attention, but ensure to keep the job. Make also sure they don't have suspicious feelings about her.

Regarding the future actions, not many ideas here beyond establishing an stable base (supply on food, money and influence).
Also try to get additional intel and grow your abilities.

Elytra didn't tell them, and by the time it becomes relevant to them they'll hopefully already be under her control. Mares with both fully functioning male and female genitals (Elytra's are only debatably functioning in terms of reproduction with other ponies, but they would look as such under medical examination) are not a thing that happens naturally in this universe, if someone finds out Elytra will say that it's complicated, act a little embarrassed and hint at some magical accident in her past. Rarity will likely be the first to find out if you go get new clothes, since she needs to take measurements and you literally only have top layer clothes (Chrysalis doesn't really get clothes, she thinks it's something ponies need to wear because they are an inferior race who can't just magically alter themselves like changelings, to her there was no point in giving you underwear because she thinks the only situation in which you'll be taking off your clothes in front of someone is if you're about to fuck them).

I believe it is wise to build a reputation inside the spa first. Becoming familiar with all of it as well is a good thing too. We shouldn't rush things. Thats why doing chores inside the spa will be good as it allows you to wander around and maybe even find things you weren't supposed to about our twin employers.

The afternoon we have three targets. Thunderlane is strong, fast, and basically a great bodyguard. Rarity is... rarity. And roseluck basically has nothing going for her so she might have something hidden that could really help. We shouldn't rush things. Going to fast with our approach will get us killed. So no rarity right now. Not to mention rarity is a creature of renoun. Once we gain a reputation in the spa she might come ask specifically for us on her own without any need on intervention. That is when we strike. Roseluck is too much of a gamble at this early stage without anything to really fall back on. So thunderlane is the way to go. He may be even easier to control as he works himself to death and thus is very tense, allowing for a more relaxing and suggestible experience for him.

Aloe and lotus are top priority but inseparable. The best idea with dealing with them is supply runs. As one goes out for supplies than you can take the other. Until those times act like a nervous pony needing affirmation that you did a good job. They will want to see you grow because of that and know you already have the skills to do so meaning they are more invested in your wellbeing.

Finally future plans. Learn botany. Plants are very useful as incents and potions for a lack of a better word. They calm a person down and make it easier to manipulate them. Convince aloe and lotus to give you a room just to smoke up the place with these incents. In order to do this you probably need to ask around to see who is a good botanist and learn from them. Meeting zecora and learning from her is also a good idea but should come later down the road when you have atleast the basics down.

i would say going to work at the spa is the smartest choice by far.

the ultimate best move would be roseluck as a client as she is low key but getting her means taking her sisters in turn, they own a business with a large clientele but one that doesn't constantly interact with targets she's not ready for yet.

rarity is too high profile, best not to take one element until plans are in place for all six, once one falls the others well clue in quickly so thats a time sensitive one.

thunderlane is not as high profile a target but he is in constant contact with rainbow dash and the wonder bolts both of whom could be dangerous at this time.

as for aloe and lotus, the smart move seems to be continuing to manipulate them slowly, implanting the impulse to get a massage or possibly arranging the three of you to enjoy some other situation that leaves them open. it would be wise to also start adding infatuation and sexual attraction to the hypnotic suggestions over time to corrode there will faster.

future actions, begin working on a plan for false information to feed chrysalis.

I say we should focus on working and building our reputation with them so that we can work towards having more freedom in the future. We should find an opportunity to get some actual massage lessons from Aloe to strengthen our cover at some point. I'd vote for either option besides Rarity to start off with since going after the Mane 6 right off the bat is dangerous. We'll also have plenty of opportunities with her since she's a regular. Our approach should play off the fact that we're new here. For Aloe and Lotus, we should start by building a friendship with them while slowly corrupting them.

Really sound planning I like the botany idea.

Start with Roseluck, the trio are weak willed even among the ponies. I have no plans for how to conduct the “massage” but discussing relaxing/inhibition lowering plants with her may help. Adjusting the scent of the house + spa will weaken the inhibitions of even other clients in the future. The trio would also be useful in collecting ingredients while chrysalis may help in procuring special parts.

Although learning these recipes will be needed. Perhaps adjusting spike. Pent up, surrounded by females, and without any way to blow off steam. As an ally or informant he has use

Ps(using a low risk/medium/high risk variable like a certain story will add a factor of unpredictability to the story and increase the possibility of failures/setbacks due to foolish choices) Just a thought

I hope I am not late to the party for this but here is my advise for how to procede either way.

Firstly, I think it is already decided that we are going to work as there is dimply no reason to go and ruin our reputation the day we arrive in town.

Secondly our target at work, I think like some others that Rarity is too risky a target and should be avoided for now.
In regards to Thunderlane, he is mustle that we will probably not find particularly useful with pur current setup. I think most of us want to go a bit of a stealthy route where we van still use magic in the open. Given the fact that our disguise is a unicorn and we picked intellegence and mindcontrol abilities. Even if this gets us acces to his friends if we get him to recommend our services we can do that with any customer and he provides little else than that.
That leaves Roseluck as the one I want to target. She works in a shop with two close friends this gives multiple uses to us. Firstly, because she owns a store she can easely start idle chatter with just about anypony as long as they enter the store. Plus she has some loyal customers. This gives us a large network of potential targets we can work with. We aren't just looking at just a friend group but potentially everypony in town. At least we can easely start a good few useful roomers about the new unicorn in town that works at the spa and is realy good at her job. Another plus point is that we can get acces to her flowershop, don't know how useful that is but it might be.

Then in regards as to how to do the massage, regardless of the target. Just keep it simple. A good massage alone goes a long way. Then add some sugestions to her mind using magic to make the experiance as enjoyable as possible. With as the final nail a simple sugestion at the end 'I should do this again'. We can take our time right now so slowly adding sugestions and simply starting with a desire to go again should be more than enough. If posible I want nopony to know we are here untill it is far too late.

Lastly the spa twins, I think keeping things simple here should be best as well. No need to rush thing just get them to become friends. Maybe sugest practicing new massaging techniques on eachother both to actually learn how to massage and to get them in a position where we can add further sugestions. Just get them comfertable around us. We need them to trust us after all. As trust will get us closer to being able to make them ours.
Something that might be important to note is that we might now want to use our mental influence on every customer that comes to us. Focusing on specific is probably preferable as it will be easier to keep a low profile, we don't know exactly how our sugestions might influence ponies in the long term in more subtle ways. We also don't wamt to become suspect of the suden changes in the town. Something that would happen if all our customers show certain changes. Learning to properly do our new job without relying on our changeling abilities is thus imperitive if we want to not rouse suspicion too early.

I put this here as a seperate comment as this only concers musings for the long term and no immediate plans for the next chapter yet I still think it is important to give some thought.

Changelings have already been beaten a good few times and as such we can assume that we may need some form of backup plan. As such I came up with something people might find interesting.

What I want to do is plan for the possibility that our mind control is broken for whatever reason.

What I suggest we do is pick a few targets we deem suitable for this and make them actually fall in love with our changeling. Or at least convince them that what we do, we do because we want others to be happy.
The point here is to convince them with as little use of hypnosis and mind control as possible. Put symply I want a handful of ponies who will help us of their own free will even after we loose control over them. This would make it so that if we ever get discovered we can simply say 'I just wanted to make ponies happy' if possible with actual tears in our eyes if the situation calls for it and then also guarentee some support for our claim.

How I want do this is simple. We would take the standard steps of planting certain thoughts into their minds at first. When after a certain point we can start going further with them we will want to only use our abilities as far as needed to maintain control. Here we will need to do quite a bit of acting. We would need to make the target actually take the last few steps into our service. We need to reward any good behaviour with minor mental rewards at first. Mental conditioning such as, it feels good to be near me, it feels good to obey and it feels good to be touched. Can be used to push things along but the more it seems like the target made their own decisions ,even after control is broken, the better.
After we get the terget to fall for us and comes deeper under our thumb we need to start telling them a more rosy version of our plans. How we 'just want to make everypony happy' and 'can't do this in the open because they wouldn't understand'.
With as final nail in the coffin, showing them just how happy we make all our costomers with our magic. Even if we use mind control so we can stay hidden. After that they should be ours forever. Mind contol or not.

Maybe I am making plans we will never use here but I think it is not unreasonable to assume that as we move to high priority targets we will get into positions where mind control can and will be removed from our pets.
Worst case we will just be punnished for our methods in that case and will be forced to start over. Best case our pet will defend us like their live depends on it.

But either way I would like to hear how others feel about this particular topic and my plan in case the worst comes to pass.

I upvoted Herald of Opera and zoruatrainer66's comments as I agree with them most. Stay at the spa, go for Roseluck and consolidate control over the spa Twins.
One suggestion I'll add, I would love to see that futa cock put to use. Addictive cum and things like that should definitely become an upgrade in the future.

You might want to put some answers to questions like this in the chapter after the question was asked.
Not everyone reads all the comments or even if they do, keep up with new comments for a few days to weeks afterwards. Not to mention readers that come across the story at later points in time.

Even if right now the topic is just not wearing underwear. People will assume certain things to be true if not told otherwise. This might cause unpleasent surprises at later points in time.
I would certainly not have known our little changeling doesn't wear underwear if I hadn't ead this comment.

I get the point about how not everyone will read all the comments, but the lack of underwear is mentioned in the story too, I would expect people to at least read that.

Then I just read over that, to be fair I was a bit sleep deprived when I found this story yesterday so it may just not have registered. (I found it after re-reading the chapter)

Either way I am rather hyped about how things are going to progress. After another one of these stories was discontinued I found myself hungering for more. I realy missed this and already saw a few fomiliar faces who probably feel the same.

Honestly felt the clothing situation can wait a day, we'd need a full day I think to go into that as well as a bit of an income to be secure, as moving too quickly to that with no clear income is rather odd. Also to fully explain our 'situation' to Rarity namely our lower issues, and making sure our story is airtight before our advancement to that subject, is wise. That is what I'd suggest once we established ourselves. :twistnerd:

I like planning ahead, I won't mention much of it due to this being many peoples mashing ideas together, so I don't wish to push too far ahead, but like life, plans must change as soon as the situation changes. It's why I find these so enjoyable. :pinkiecrazy:
(Edit) I just felt the need clarify that since the issue was brought up.

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