• Member Since 26th Oct, 2011
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'It's not about if you win or lose. Sometimes it's about how many pages you add to the rulebook.'


A confused, and hopelessly lost bandanna clad martial artist finally gives up on his unrequited love and decides to leave the chaos surrounding her and his oldest rival. he had gotten lost lots of times before and wound up in odd places, but pastel colored talking equines were a new one.

[ Perhaps the most obvious set up for a character displaced fic I've ever come up with.
A Ranma 1/2 MLP crossover.]

[ Just another idea that popped into my head i need to get rid of before working on something else.]

Chapters (6)
Comments ( 95 )

This'll be absolutely hilarious, I can tell :rainbowlaugh:

Wanderer D

I'll definitely be looking at this one!

...Rather surprising someone with 663 followers to be doing a Displaced, usually the popular writers make fun of it.


It's not really a displaced story as in a brony gets transformed into a character by some merchant and shanghaied to Equestria. It's a genuine crossover, granted with just a single character. But no knowledge of memes nor ponies, nor even normalcy because it's Ryoga Hibiki, the eternally lost boy who powers his attacks with depression and despair of his lot in life.

Expect him to out-emo Nightmare Moon and even out-rant her with his perceived slights.

Ryoga always gets lost, but this is extra lost.

Also, I pity the idiot who crosses paths with his fists.

Oh this will be fun. Watched.

I caught some reference in there. A song and some Star wars stormtroopers patrolling on Tatooine I think.

However, the merchant is not a requirement, but it is a cliche people need to break from. For example, I didn't use the merchant nor the comicon, instead, he got displaced just by putting on a powerglove he had in his closest for many years.

Now, cross-overs is a very delicate subject to approach, it can make or break a story if it is done too much and/or too soon. It needs to be planned ahead, it needs to have a reason for the cross-over, not meet, greet, then derail the main plot. Thestory needs to keep flowing even after the second displaced is summoned. Afterall, they are merely a passenger going along for the ride, they may suggest of where to go, but they can't directly control the driver where to do.

Character growth, world building, and plot progression must come first, perhaps ten or twenty chapters before accepting cross-overs. However, if the author desires to not have any cross-overs, it will be a wise move to choose.


I wasn't referring to any displaced crossovers between other displaced stories, and I hope there are none since I've never seen them work well. I'm not a fan of most displaced stories for that reason, and I think the author used the term Displaced incorrectly in the description instead of just saying a crossover between Ranma 1/2 and MLP.

Like I said, cross-overs are delicate. It is only bad if it is not handled correctly. Now, as for the term. Displaced means Dimensionally Misplaced. As long as it contains Character A being sent into AU Equestria B while being changed into a character C, then it is a Displaced. No need for merchant/tokens/cross-overs/conic/void or any of the lore they've made.

He recalled stopping to eat occasionally, the food tasting like ash in his mouth. He recalled it rained from time to time and that he walked with his umbrella out. He recalled camping sleeping occasionally. He recalled more cites and towns, seeing the ocean, seeing what looked like the earth spinning in a dark void as he walked some gray desert some where startling some guys in bulky white suits.

Wait what was that last one ? :twilightoops:

“WHERE ON EARTH AM I NOW!?!”Ryoga Hibiki cried out, the sound echoing off the chambers around him as he screamed to the heavens.

Ah but you are mistaken my good sir, you are no longer on the Earth :pinkiecrazy:

The five left the purple unicorn heading deeper into the castle of the two sisters.

That part still confuses me a little (from the show), why did they leave her alone in the room when she just asked them to give her some space no leave her alone in the creepy castle :trixieshiftleft:

He has hooves now :moustache:

This isn't a Displaced story.

This is a story about a character from from the manga Ranma 1/2 who, somehow, got so lost that he ended up in Equestria... and probably changed into a pony but that hasn't been confirmed yet.

The author wishes for it to be called one as long as it says it is in the description. Feel free to change his mind if you can. On side note, who in the world is giving dislikes to me and Canary's comments?


The end of the prologue says:

TDR Presents.

A story about neither puppies , nor stone.

Not all who wander...

A Ranma ½ cross over.

No mention of Displaced, so I don't think it's actually a Displaced genre fanfic, merely used the term to describe the scenario of a crossover with a displaced character from one setting into another.

Oh, forgive me. I misunderstood.

Poor Ryoga, seems that the chance with the Sumo Pig farmer girl wasn't too attractive to him...:fluttercry:

Loving the premise so far - I'll wait with bated breath for the next chapter!:pinkiehappy:

Not all who wonder are lost

At least he can speak to Fluttershy in pig form...


I didn't even know i was popular.
This is also end of series Ryoga, with his full skill set.
he was on the moon, with astronauts.

9714292 Actually i was curious as to what to call this myself. It is displaced but with a cross over and i don't hit any of the tropes usually associated with a displaced story. that doesn't mean meme's and references won't be in here... that's my basic style but it won't be ryoga bringing them up.

Given Akari was ALL about the pigs and only the pigs and Ryoga hates his cursed form.

Also let's not forget Ukyo was voiced by the same girl who voices Starlight Glimmer

The term "Displaced" became its own generea at this point. So even if this fic has a displaced character, you shouldnt call it a "Displaced" fic as it doesnt comply with the genera and will create false expectations.

You can simply call it a "crossover fic" or a "transported fic", and by that avoid any misunderstandings or false expectations.

Nah, just having it being a Human in Equestria or Human turned into Pony is enough.:rainbowlaugh:

The variety is astounding within the whole HiE though.:pinkiegasp::rainbowlaugh:

She was kinda cute though.:trollestia::moustache:


Also let's not forget Ukyo was voiced by the same girl who voices Starlight Glimmer

Wait is that true?

One Google search later

Well I'll be damned

Boy, none of that sounds like a one-sided view of the situation in Nerima, Ryoga...
Ranma ain't an angel, but he always did legit consider Ryoga a friend and often went out of his way to help him.

I'd just call in a crossover. Human in Equestria (HiE) if you want to be specific. Plus, congrats on really capturing Ryoga's character here.


He also went out of his way to screw with him too the Checkers episode comes readily to mind where Ranma posed as Ryoga's sister. It is colored of course cause it's Ryoga's viewpoint, but Ranma is a dick.

I mean, he was basically trying to steal Ranma's gf and didn't that story start off with him waking up Ranma with an attack and demanding that he take him home, then after getting his ass kicked he lied and told Ranma he wanted to get home because he was worried about his dog's health? Ranma's definitely a dick as he proves on many occasions, but he treats Ryoga better than the dude deserves most of the time.
Edit: I dunno if things are different in the anime, but in the manga that's definitely the case.


true, but lets face it, there's not a single one of that cast save Kasumi who's innocent

Lol, that's absolute truth.


Well, to be fair, Kasumi DID do some evil. I mean, she was slightly less courteous when the oni possessed her.

I know, absolutely heinous!

Also, because it was pointed out that Ukyo's English VA and Starlight Glimmer's VA are the same person, I can't help but now imagine Starlight wandering around with a combat spatula strapped to her back and a strange affinity for cooking pizza.

Humm. So you made him a pony. I would have thought you would leave him stuck as a piglet or something. Automatic transformation upon landing in Equestria? And I guess the Jusenkyo curse trump all of this.

And there seems to be some kind of auto-translation going on and it gives funky result with Japanese.

I spotted two error:
"The last few parties he had been to had been the Saltome Christmas party,"


"The yellow and pink one; and the blue and rainbow haired one had wings."

Pinky doesn't have wings.


yellow and pink one means fluttershy with her pink hair, but thanks for the catch. and no he just thinks he fell in another spring some where and this is the new cursed form.

The plot thickens.:moustache:

I'll be waiting for the next release.:raritywink:

In any event it sounded like some sort of crazy nonsense like what happened in Nerima all the time, something he had wanted to get away from. It wasn't any of his business what was going on here. He should pack up and leave and try to keep out of any adventures for a while. It wasn't his Princess and who ever this Twilight was had five others coming to help, they didn't need him sticking his nose into this.


Before they had managed to make it to the end of the hall however, Ryoga was running after them, his umbrella resting on his back.


InB4 LunaXRyoga shipping, by the way.

Now, what's the most interesting way for him to defeat Nimmy?

I wanna' say that he's still got his curse, just that he hasn't been splashed with cold water yet to turn him into a piglet. At which point the adorable black piglet roflstom- er... Terrorizes the night terror that is Nightmare Moon.



The eternal lost boy ending up in Equestria... I'm not sure about his ponification (tho I can see that wouldn't phase him too much knowing his curse), but I'm curious as to where you're going with this.


I'm rather curious where i'm going with this too. It was a random idea that came up one day and i had a few things of note to do, but beyond that it's all pretty open. i'm not doing a every episode thing with him. Like in Ranma 1/2 he's gonna wander off a bit before popping back up again.

Haven't read any of this fic yet; but my first thought on seeing the cover pic was that Ryoga got so lost that he ended up in Equestria

The anime makes Ranma more of a dick, however his actions and reactions are usually justified especially when you take into consideration his previous encounters with any of the other characters.

While I wouldn't say Ranma is innocent I wouldn't say he's at fault either. Just about everything involving him is a misconception (usually by the other parties involved) or the fault of his old man the frikkin' panda. There's more reasons for him being the main protagonist beyond his curse and combat abilities.

I forgot all about this story

From what I understand, Ryoga's attitude is not all that uncommon among wild hogs.

I can't help but wonder if the Fluttershy in this story is also a manga fan. I say this mostly because of the Nightmare Night episode where she had drawings of 90's anime characters as ponies, one of which was Ranma.


I say this mostly because of the Nightmare Night episode where she had drawings of 90's anime characters as ponies, one of which was Ranma.

You can see pony-Ranma cardboard cutout on Daring Do con.

Nice banter from Ryoga in that fight. Nice to see a new chapter after so long! Just imagining the aftermath of this chapter from the pony side...

- Luna after transforming back from Nightmare Moon: Sister, my face really hurt...

- Twilight and the others are all depressed at the sacrifice that stranger did. They collect his effects so that they maybe give it to some next of kins when they find out who he was but Applejack got a nasty surprise when she pulled a muscle trying to lift that umbrella. It took all of Twilight magical might to move it back to Ponyville.

- Fluttershy swear she almost heard a pig crying some very rude words in the distance.

- Celestia is struck that someone unrelated died in her machinations to get her sister back. One more regret in the pile that is her long life.

True but Fluttershy wasn't there for that wereas in the Nightmare Night episode they were decorations she used that looked as if she had drawn them herself.

My point that Fluttershy back then doesn't just break the fourth wall or something. And that "Ranma" in some form exist in Equestria :).

“Where on earth am I this time?” Ryoga muttered.

Nowhere :pinkiecrazy:

She was familiar with the language, but what did 'Explosive breaking point hole ' even mean and why scream it.

Because it's cool :trollestia:

The mare was not amused.

Clearly, I am not Black Snooty in this scene :moustache:

Well, this update brightened my day.:rainbowlaugh:

Thank you sir, I was laughing out at the exchange - it was pure Ranma style.:pinkiehappy:

I see a lot of "what", but where is the "is love?"?

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