• Published 6th Jul 2019
  • 3,852 Views, 275 Comments

CRISIS: Equestria - GanonFLCL

The Elements of Harmony find themselves transported to a world full of evil and darkness. On the journey home they make new friends, as well as new enemies in the form of evil counterparts to themselves.

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CRISIS: Equestria - Chapter Forty

CRISIS: Equestria

Chapter Forty: Inevitable

Discord sipped his cup of morning coffee - the cup itself, not the coffee - and let out an elated sigh. “The best part of waking up, wouldn’t you agree everypony?”

He sat at the head of a large dining table that floated several feet, upside down, above Canterlot Square. The table was piled high with all manners of breakfast foods: pancakes and waffles, donuts, hash browns, toast and jam, orange juice, coffee, milk, the works. None of it fell from the table to the ground. The rest of Canterlot Square was perfectly normal, minus the table of course. Ponies walked below it going about their daily routines, some ignoring Discord and some not.

Seated at the table with him were the six mares who’d been caged up just moments ago. They were in strangely high spirits, laughing and talking amongst themselves like old friends despite everything. At the other end of the table sat Time Turner, no longer trapped in whatever song-and-dance routine he’d been subjected to, though he was distant and quiet.

“I usually don’t get the time to have morning coffee, Mister Discord,” said Derpy Hooves, sipping from her own cup - the actual coffee, in her case. “Rain or shine, a mailpony’s job is never done.” She then took a bite of a rather large blueberry muffin.

“It’s a good blend,” added Cherilee, sniffing her cup. She took a sip, then licked her lips. “We have the cheap stuff at the schoolhouse, nothing like this. What brand is it?”

“One of those fancier blends from Marebucks, quite expensive,” Discord boasted, nose in the air.

Lyra Heartstrings, who sat in her chair in the most awkward sitting position a pony could possibly be sitting in, took another sip. She used her magic to handle the cup, the glow taking the odd shape of a hand, rather than a simple glow. She shrugged. “I mean, it’s okay. Bon Bon makes it the way I like it - extra sugar, plus her special flavored creamer. No offense, Discord.”

“None taken, everypony likes their coffee differently. Me, I like mine covered in bees,” Discord said with a grin, a distinct buzzing sound flowing from his coffee, which now was covered in dozens of bees. “Say, have you tried the blueberry pancakes yet? They’re simply divine.”

Carrot Top gave a loud “Mmmm” as she took a bite. “They really are, holy smokes. These blueberries are amazing, I’ve never had them this juicy before.” She offered some to Raindrops, sitting next to her. “Go on, try!”

Raindrops put up her hoof and pushed the plate back. “No thanks. Allergic.”

“The Great and Powerful Trixie will gladly take some, Carrot Top,” said the Great and Powerful Trixie, passing her empty plate over. “With extra syrup, if you would, please.”

“Sure thing!” Carrot Top passed a few pancakes onto Trixie’s plate, carefully poured some extra syrup on top, and added a dollop of whipped cream. “Plus a little treat, for a friend.”

“Splendid, thank you.” Trixie took her plate and dug in. “Mmph, delicious. You’ve really outdone yourself, Discord.”

“Thank you, Trixie, always a pleasure to host a meal for close friends. I’m glad everypony was quick to believe me when I said I was sorry.” Discord glanced across the table at Time Turner, who sat with his head on the table buried in his hooves. “Everything okay over there, Mister Turner? You haven’t touched your hash browns.”

Doctor Turner,” Time Turner mumbled, muffled by his hooves. “And I’m just going through a bit of a mental breakdown at the moment, if you’ll excuse me. Not quite existential, but it’s bloody well getting there.”

“Are you alright, Doc?” Derpy asked through a mouthful of waffle. “I thought you’d be happy things turned out the way they did. Discord said he was sorry, and now we’re all friends! Isn’t that great?!”

“Oh, I am. Just… having a difficult time adjusting to how it all happened, and how quickly it did. This was not at all how I expected this to go. Especially the whole ‘we’re all friends now’ angle, that was definitely not on my list of possibilities.”

“How exactly did you expect it to go?” Raindrops asked. “You never actually told us why were being asked to help, other than some generic ‘the world is ending and you’re the only ones that can stop it’ spiel. I mean, yeah, that got us all on board but--”

“It’s a… long story.”

Discord shrugged. “I think we’ve got… hee hee, time.” He snickered at his own pun, paw to mouth.

Time Turner groaned. “The puns just write themselves.” He took a deep breath. “Short version: there are multiple alternate versions of the Elements of Harmony out there, and you six filled the requirements as one of many possible complete sets. According to the rules of alternate selves, wielding the Elements of Harmony would be easy. It was getting you all together that was the difficult part, considering said history is, indeed, alternate, and thus in this version of history none of you really knew each other that well, Trixie most of all since the other five at least all lived in Ponyville.”

“Alternate selves? Trixie doesn’t understand what you mean,” said Trixie, taking a sip of coffee. “Trixie is Trixie - there are no ‘alternates’ out there. If there are, they are simply imposters. Charlatans. Why, the Great and Powerful Trixie should be honored that another pony would dare mimic her talents, but you’re suggesting they’d be copying… what? Trixie’s identity?”

Time Turner ran a hoof through his mane. “I’m breaking protocol just by saying anything more detailed, so let’s just say that… if our world’s history had been different, you six could have possibly been the original wielders of the Elements of Harmony, and that quality was enough of a link to make the transition work in our current history. It’s a complicated conundrum but it is, in all manner of speaking, the way it works.”

Carrot Top just stared at him. “I am so lost.”

“It’s not that complicated,” Discord said, wolfing down an entire stack of pancakes in one bite. “They dealt with that kind of talk on the Enterprise all the time. I think they visited an alternate dimension or got invaded by one at least once a season. Even the Original Series. Maybe your alternate selves have goatees? No, wait, that wouldn’t work either, the goatees were evil alternate selves.”

“Goatees? We’re all mares, here,” Raindrops noted.

“Or maybe this is just an alternate timeline, seeing how things would play out in some sort of ‘for want of a nail’ scenario? I mean, it’s no ‘Kerrigan died so the universe is going to end’ schtick, but hey, there aren’t many who thought the sequel’s writing ended up being that stellar. I was the best thing about it, no question.”

“Now I’m more lost!” Carrot Top blurted. “What are you talking about? Who’s Kerrigan? What sequel?”

“Well we were having a conversation about alternate selves, and I’ve got three well-known fan-favorite characters out there, and that’s not even getting into alternate versions of those characters. Fanfiction’s a thing no matter what piece of work you’re talking about.”

Time Turner pulled out his Timekeeper, which glowed a dim green. “Oh, thank goodness. Maybe now we’ll have some semblance of sense.”

The sound of thunder tore through the square, and a portal tore open just beneath the dining table. Thirteen mares strode out of it, confident and relaxed, twelve of whom were decked out with jewelry.

“Discord!” called Twilight, looking about. “We’re back! Are you behaving yourself?!”

“Yoohoo! Twilight!” Discord cooed from above.

The new arrivals turned to gawk at Discord and his guests. “Care to join us at my upside-down airborne breakfast buffet? It’s like a regular airborne breakfast buffet, but upside-down. I think it adds a touch of class.”

“Are those blueberry pancakes?!” Pinkie shouted.


Pinkie turned upside-down and floated up into an empty seat, grabbing a plate. “Pancake me!”

Carrot Top was quick to serve Pinkie a plate. “Here you go!”

“Yay!” Pinkie devoured half the plate’s worth in seconds. “Oh woooow, these are sooo goood. Mmm mmm mmm!”

“Now that they’re all, uh… back ta normal,” Applejack interjected, nudging Twilight, “don’t them other mares look familiar?”

“They certainly do,” Twilight said, raising an eyebrow. “I thought it was Discord playing a trick on us before, but I guess it wasn’t,” She stepped forward and called up, “Trixie? Is that really you? What are you doing here?”

Trixie glanced down from her plate at Twilight, and gave a little wave. “Twilight Sparkle, good to see you. It’s been a while.”

“Last time I saw you, you were leaving Ponyville after that whole Alicorn Amulet business, vowing to become a better mare. How’s that going?”

“Well, Trixie did agree to help save the world when it was believed that Discord was a danger.” She turned to Discord. “I’m glad that was not the case.”

“She only agreed after Doc told her that if she proved herself as Element of Magic, she’d be on par with you,” Raindrops noted.”

“Raindrops!” Trixie hissed.

“What? Element of Honesty,” Raindrops said with a shrug.

Twilight took a breath. “Well, whatever the circumstances, Trixie, I guess things have gotten kind of weird for you since then, what with all… this.”

Trixie scoffed. “That would be an understatement.” She gestured to the table. “Care to join the Great and Powerful Trixie and her friends for breakfast? You must try the blueberry pancakes.”

Twilight glanced nervously at Tick Tock. “Are… are you sure we’re in the right universe? I know we’ve been gone for a month but this is way too different.”

Tick Tock double-checked her Timekeeper. “That we are, Twilight. Looks like my colleague’s plan worked after all. Speaking of which.” She looked up at Time Turner and smiled. “Oy! Time Turner! You alright up there, mate?”

Time Turner grumbled and looked at his comrade in arms. “Please tell me this is all over, Tick Tock. I am in desperate need of a vacation.”

She scoffed. “You? Vacation? Mate, I’ve spent the last six years trying to save bleedin’ everything, you can stuff your vacation right up your--”

“Ah ah, kids’ show,” Discord chided. “I don’t want to have to wash your mouth out with… hmm. Why do I feel like I already did that joke?”

Time Turner raised an eyebrow. “Six years, Tick Tock? Oh no… Emergency Measure Zero?” Tick Tock nodded. He shook his head. “Six years? Wait, what reason would you have had to go through that many loops? The Discord ‘issue’ wasn’t that critical of a threat.”

Discord huffed. “Well, I could be if I wanted to.”

Tick Tock nodded. “Ah, that’s right, I never had the opportunity to update you on things since our last discussion. There was a Prime-level threat from my sector.”

Time Turner’s eyes widened. “Prime level? No way. How did that… no, we’ll discuss it later. The Magisters are going to want to hear this.”

“Don’t remind me.”

“Well… you look good. Nice mane, it looks good longer.” He took a deep breath and buried his head in his hooves again. “This has been a really weird month...”

“So, uh… I guess you’re behaving yourself then, Discord?” Twilight asked cautiously.

“Absolutely. And why not?” Discord nodded sagely, gesturing to the mares originally seated with him. “I’ve made some good friends in the past hour, and they’re a lot more accepting of some fun and games that you lot were when we first met. Isn’t that right, girls?”

Derpy threw her hooves in the air. “New friends!”

Rarity tilted her head to speak to Starlight quietly. “Can you tell if they’re under some sort of spell? Discord’s done it before.”

Starlight shook her head. “There are no magical manipulation spells are present that I can detect.”

Twilight stared at Discord in disbelief. “But… I… you…”

“I think it’s best not to ask questions anymore, Twi,” Rainbow muttered. “I’m just as weirded out as you, but this is, like, a win, right? Discord’s not threatening Equestria, and that’s what we set out to stop. Mission complete, I say.”

“Right…” Twilight shook her head. “Let’s… let’s just back to Zeb’ra’den. We need to check on the others. Queen Blackburn and Sir Zircon were badly injured when we left.”

“I suppose if Discord’s turned over a new leaf then there’s less need to rush things there, hmm?” asked Rarity. “We can take our time making sure we leave things the best we can.

“What about Princess Celestia and Luna?” Fluttershy asked. “Um… shouldn’t we check if they’re okay?”

“That’s right, good idea Fluttershy,” Twilight agreed. “With all this insanity I kinda lost track of everything. I’m worried about Spike, too.”

Discord overheard. “Oh, no need to worry about them! I sent a nice fruit basket with an apology note while preparing breakfast, I’m sure they’ll be fine. Probably just trying to figure out what to make of all this. Doubt it was on Celestia’s list of outcomes. Never try to plan against chaos, kids, it just doesn’t work.”

“And Spike?”

Discord shrugged. “I have no idea idea how he’s doing, but last I heard he’s in the Crystal Empire.”

Twilight breathed a sigh of relief. “Oh, good. Cadence and my brother will make sure he’s taken care of.”

“Oh, Cadence and Shining Armor are here in Canterlot, actually,” Discord said matter-of-factly. “While Celestia and Luna tried to keep me sealed as long as possible, the two of them were holding court to keep the populace calm and quiet. Smart move, kept the chaos down to a minimum.”

Twilight balked. “Wait, my brother and Cadence are here? In Canterlot? Are they okay? Wait, Spike’s still in the Crystal Empire by himself?”

“They’re all fine, Twilight, just fine. Relax,” Discord said, waving a hoof. “I sent them a fruit basket too, just to let everypony know there’s no hard feelings. It’s only right, I gave your brother a pretty hard time while I was still sealed.”

“If I don’t get out of here right now so I can process all of this, I’m going to go crazy,” Twilight said matter-of-factly.

“A moment, Sparkle,” Starlight said. She called up to Discord, “Discord, your Elements of Pandemonium served their intended purpose splendidly. My sisters and I are immensely grateful. We have concluded that you should be made aware that we owe our triumph to you and your contribution.”

“Well, duh,” Discord scoffed. “If they hadn’t worked you wouldn’t all be here, would you? And look at you!” He beamed as he snapped himself down to gawk at the sisters. He fiddled with Starlight’s diadem. “Fancy schmancy stuff. Looks expensive. So, lay ‘em on me: what’d you all get? What do your Elements represent?”

“I represent ‘Pride’,” Starlight explained.

Her sisters all chimed in as well with theirs in turn.

Discord stroked his goat beard. “Yes, yes, an excellent selection, if I do say so myself. I’m sure it’s not what anypony expected, but that’s kind of the point of chaos and Pandemonium, isn’t it?”

“I still don’t get how those things represent chaos, or whatever,” Rainbow interjected. “I mean, the Elements of Harmony are all pretty clear, right? What gives with yours?”

“You want an explanation, do you?” Discord said, paws on hips. After a moment, he shrugged. “Well it worked in season one for yours, so why not?” He donned a pair of glasses and a lab coat, and snapped his fingers to make a chalkboard appear at his side. It already had drawings of the new Elements on it in colored chalk. “To be clear, these Elements of Pandemonium aren’t precisely representations of chaos, at least not from a strictly antithetical standpoint, and contrary to belief they’re not necessarily evil either. Follow along, please.”

“Ya just had ta open yer big mouth, Rainbow,” Applejack chided. “We were ‘bout ta get outta here.”

“Hey, don’t blame me,” Rainbow defended. “It was a perfect innocent question.”

Discord sharply rapped a wooden stick that was suddenly in his paw onto the board to draw their attention, then pointed at the Element of Pride drawing. Starlight Shadow stood tall and proud. “Starlight Shadow’s Element is Pride because she relies on her confidence in herself to function at her best, much as Twilight Sparkle relies on her friends. Pride is a two-way street, though. ‘Good” pride is confidence, where ‘bad’ pride is egotism. That kind of mentality is the basis of all these Elements - a concept that could be either good or bad, depending on how you use it. With me so far?”

Rainbow shook her head. “Not really, but--”

“Good, moving on.” Next, the Element of Trickery. Curaçao smiled as her Element was displayed. “Curaçao’s Element is Trickery because she is a naturally tricky mare with a talent for performances and disguise. Trickery, when used for good, is like acting, or storytelling, or even pranks and mischief between friends. For bad, it’s used for deceit and manipulation of others for personal gain.”

Next, the Element of Desire. Insipid bounced in place. “Insipid’s Element is Desire, because her most outstanding quality is wanting for more in life. Desire, in good quantities, is simply a passionate enthusiasm for something, like a film buff for example, or a fan of a particular book series, or even a drive for self-improvement, while in bad quantities it manifests as greed or obsession.”

“Velvet’s primary quality is her vigorous Passion,” he continued as Velvet ogled a passing stallion. “Passion is similar the Desire in many ways - the good sort of passion represents enthusiasm and zeal for life and happiness, where the bad kind is vulgar and violent. The difference between love and lust, for example.”

Next, Objectivity. Grayscale yawned. “Grayscale is a naturally observant pony, and Objectivity is the ability to look at things from a neutral, unemotional standpoint - to be able to see all the angles of a given situation. When used for the purpose of being logical and cautious, it is a good quality, as opposed to the negativity of total apathy and non-committance.”

Last, Intensity. Havocwing struck a cool pose. “Havocwing’s entire personality is based on her Intensity - she does nothing in moderation. When somepony has an intense vigor and zeal for something no matter what happens, that is definitely a positive trait, as opposed to becoming violent and angry when things don’t go their way.”

“What does any o’ that have t’do wit’ ‘chaos’?” Applejack asked.

Discord pushed the chalkboard off to the side, where it sounded like it hit several trash cans and maybe a cat. He ditched the lab coat and glasses in the same instant. He shrugged. “Nothing. They weren’t meant to be opposites of the Elements of Harmony. They’re meant as opposites of you. I mean, that’s the point of this entire story, isn’t it?”


“We were created as your antithesis, in every manner of speaking,” Starlight explained. “Thus, while our Elements are only tangentially related to your Elements, they are more appropriately related to what defines us, just as your Elements do for you. Intensity, for example, is not the antithesis to Kindness, but Havocwing is an intense pony and she is the antithesis to Fluttershy, who is characterized by her kindness.”

“In other words… you define the Elements, the Elements don’t define you?” Twilight asked. “Hmm… I suppose that makes some sense. I mean, as much sense as anything coming from Discord can make, anyway.”

“If you really think about it,” Discord added, tapping Twilight’s Element of Magic. “This baby here is what doesn’t make a lick of sense. How is ‘Magic’ an Element of ‘Harmony’? Right? I mean, I always figured the sixth Element of Harmony would be ‘Friendship’ seeing as that is a quintessential trait to harmonious interaction. ‘Magic’ sounds preposterous, but it defines you, Twilight Sparkle. Plus it makes the whole ‘Friendship is Magic’ title into a sort of mathematical equation.”

“But you said that they were filled with all manners of chaotic energy, didn’t you?” Rarity noted.

“And they were, and still are to a degree.” Discord pat Starlight’s head tenderly. “They’re very conflicted mares, aren’t they? Not quite sure what they are or where they belong, what their purpose is or what direction they should take in life. It’s all very sad and inspirational at the same time, considering all they’ve accomplished today.”

“I’m so lost,” Rainbow murmured, eyes glazed over. “Can we leave now?”

“That’s a wonderful idea,” added Twilight. “Come on, Pinkie! We’re going!”

Pinkie was already behind Twilight, her tongue stained blue. “Ready!”

“Yes, I think we should be going,” Tick Tock replied. She twisted some knobs on her Timekeeper and turned to Starlight. “Ready?”

“As ever,” Starlight answered. She lit her horn and a portal tore itself open behind them.

“Time Turner!” Tick Tock called. “I’ll bring your locals back in a moment. I think things have calmed down enough to let them say some goodbyes, eh? Oh, and I believe we are making arrangements for and Integration Procedure, if you want to get started on that process.”

Time Turner mumbled something into his hooves.

Tick Tock and the others walked through the portal, and it vanished with a pop.

Discord turned back to his breakfast companions as he retook his seat. “Fun bunch. Odd, but fun.”

There was a general murmur of agreement.


Flathoof paced back and forth in the snow of Zeb’ra’den’s Beacon Courtyard. A trench of white powder had formed beneath him; he’d been pacing for over an hour. Lockwood had long since stopped paying him much attention - he was a nervous wreck of no use to anypony, really - and instead kept his focus on Blackburn, who was being tended to by one of two zebra healers that had arrived. The other had already gotten Zircon to his hooves, though Zircon’s recovery did nothing to improve his mood.

Briarthorn came into the courtyard, followed by three zebra stewards that carried trays of zebra foods. “If anyone wants breakfast, I recommend the snowcakes,” he said as the stewards set up a makeshift picnic. Nobody replied. He came up to Lockwood, eyes on Blackburn. “How is she?”

“Still breathing, thank the stars,” Lockwood murmured. “Whatever that Shroud hit her with was pretty potent. Probably would’ve killed a lesser pony.”

“You know her better than anypony, and we all know there’s no way she would’ve let herself get killed that easy.”

“Hmm.” Lockwood turned to Briarthorn directly. “Has the prisoner said anything about why she did this? Why that Silvertongue guy seemed to know who she was?”

“She keeps telling us she has no idea what happened, or who that nut job was,” Briarthorn said with a shrug. “She says she came out here with you all and saw that silver guy, then blacked out for about a minute. When she came to, the Queen was injured, she was pinned in the snow, and Twilight and the others were gone.”

“Do you believe her?”

“Does it really matter what I think about it? Queenie here is gonna grill her when she recovers, so we’ll let her decide.”

“Still, what do you think of it?”

Briarthorn pondered it for a moment, then shook his head. “I hate to say it, but I believe her. That Silvertongue guy, he said something to her right before she attacked, even knew her name. Perhaps he’s put her under some kind of mind spell? Or maybe she was like a sleeper agent or something? I have no idea how or why.”

Lockwood nodded. “Maybe. Well, when she gets a chance, Blackburn will figure it out better than we ever could.”

Briarthorn glanced over at Flathoof. “Big guy hasn’t left that spot, has he?”

Lockwood glanced over too, then back to Blackburn. “I’d be doing the same in his place if Blackburn was with them. I’m just as nervous about Twilight and the others, don’t get me wrong, but at least Blackburn is still here for me to worry about. I know what it’s like to worry about the pony you love being far away, someplace completely beyond your help.”

“Makes sense.” Briarthorn nudged Lockwood, gesturing to the picnic. “You should eat something, pal. Queenie wouldn’t forgive me if I let you go hungry.”

“Thanks, Briarthorn, but it can wait. I’ll eat when I have some actual good news.”

Briarthorn sighed. “Well, hopefully--”

A clap of thunder resounded through the courtyard. With a fierce, stormlike force, a portal tore itself open at the base of the Beacon tower. From it stepped thirteen mares, alive and well, though no longer decked out with fancy jewelry. The portal closed behind them with a distant rumble.

“You’re back!” Flathoof exclaimed as he rushed to meet them. He was quick to embrace Applejack. “Thank the stars you’re back!”

Applejack turned beet red. “Whoa, sugar! Take it easy now. I’m alright.”

Lockwood and Briarthorn rushed forward as well. “You’re all okay!” Lockwood said with a bright smile.

“Twily!” Briarthorn cooed, coming up to Twilight and throwing himself at her hooves and kissing them with enthusiastic reverence. “You have no idea how happy it makes me to see you’re okay!”

“How about everypony here?” Twilight asked, red-faced, as she tried to ignore Briarthorn, which she found it difficult to do. “Is everything okay on this end? How’s Queen Blackburn?”

Lockwood glanced back at Blackburn. “She’s recovering, though it might be some time before she’s back at full strength. Knowing her… probably a few hours. She’s always been a tough cookie. It’ll take more than a little spell to take her down.”

Rarity searched the courtyard. “What about--” She spotted the injured zebra knight resting in the snow beneath one of the statues. “Sir Zircon!” She moved towards him quickly.

Zircon’s ears twitched at the sound of her voice.

“That voice! Are things as they would seem,

Or is this some nightmarish dream?”

He glanced over in her direction, and his eyes brightened.

“‘Tis not a dream! ‘Tis the white mare,

Who blesseth me with beauty fair.”

He weakly rose to his hooves as she approached.

“Sir Zircon, you’re okay! Thank the stars.” Rarity embraced him as Flathoof had done with Applejack, but took the next step beyond and locked lips with him, fiercely. Zircon, in his state, was practically bowled over by her enthusiasm.

“If anypony needed any clarification on how that relationship was going,” Rainbow said, rolling her eyes, “there you have it. A match made in heaven. Blech. Get a room, you two!”

Insipid teared up. “They’re so, like, beautiful together.” She wiped her eyes and nose. “Major fresh.”

“I thought he was your boyfriend, Insipid?” Velvet asked, giving Insipid an accusatory glance. “Don’t tell me you were lying.”

“Cha? Like, I mean, yeah, but, like, I’ll find another boyfriend. A better one, that’s like, super popular and handsome and junk?”

Velvet pulled Insipid close in a hug. “Don’t worry sis, you’ve got the number one wingmare at your side. You’re right, we’ll find you a new boyfriend, with big, hunky muscles, and a huge--”

Starlight coughed to pull them out of the conversation. “Not an appropriate moment for this conversation, Velvet.”

“Well don’t that beat all.” Applejack stared at Rarity as she and Zircon displayed their affection, then looked sideways at Flathoof. He looked back at her, and she quickly averted her gaze. “Kinda unnecessary, if’n ya ask me. Keep that kinda stuff private. Like Rainbow said: get a room.”

“The mission was a success, then?” Lockwood asked Tick Tock. “You defeated-- wait… you seem different… ah! Your mane is much longer than when you left.”

“And I am digging it, Tickity,” Briarthorn added, waggling his eyebrows. “The long mane, I mean. Very exotic. Makes you look mysterious. Sexy. More than usual, even!”

Tick Tock rolled her eyes. “Long story. Literally. But yes, we beat Silvertongue. He’s dead, and everything’s safe.”

Lockwood turned to Starlight and her sisters. “So you all were of some help after all. I had my doubts at first, but I guess I was wrong about you. I can’t say I’m not surprised, but I will say I’m glad I was wrong.”

Starlight smirked. “I would estimate we accounted for at least fifty percent of the endeavor’s success, so yes, we were of ‘help’. I appreciate your candor - we certainly deserve skepticism after all the grievances we’ve inflicted upon yourself and others.”

Lockwood nodded. “Well, far be it from me to deny you the thanks you also deserve. You kept my friends alive, and apparently saved the world if I understand this whole complicated situation correctly.”

All the worlds, to be exact,” Havocwing chimed in, sliding up beside Starlight. “So yeah, you know, we’re a pretty big deal. So any sort of, y’know, reward there might be floating around that you wanna hand out, we’ll take it.” She winked at him. “Any reward.”

“Oh back off, Havoc, he’s so not into you,” Velvet chided.

Havocwing shot her sisters a glare and snorted smoke out of her nose. “Kiss my ass, Red.”

“Don’t get used to the high praise, though,” Lockwood continued. He turned back to Blackburn, who hadn’t risen yet but was clearly listening. “After what you six did in Hope’s Point, the Queen is going to want to see you punished, regardless of whatever good you’ve done elsewhere.”

“Punished?” Velvet blurted. “No way. We just saved all your sorry butts, and you’d want to punish us?”

“Just because you did what you did, and even if you seem repentant, you understand that you’ve killed dozens of ponies, right? Plus, you attempted to kill more - including me, her fiancé? Those actions don’t just disappear because you did some good someplace else, the world isn’t a balancing act.”

“Well… well yeah, but--”

Grayscale shoved her way to the front, towering over him. Lockwood, to his credit, didn’t back down. “When your Queen is ready to pass judgement, we’ll let her decide what she wants to do with us.”

“We will?” Havocwing asked, flaring up her wings. “Gray, since when were you the boss around here?”

“We don’t have a leader anymore, Havoc. Don’t need one,” Gray replied. “We’re all equal in this little band of ours now, and you know it. We did wrong, and we should answer for it.” She turned to Starlight and Curaçao. “Right, girls?”

Starlight nodded. “We arrived at a collective agreement that our goal should be to rediscover our purpose in the world, did we not? I would argue that being fugitives from justice is not a desirable inaugural event to our new lives.”

Curaçao gave a light smile. “I would argue ze same. It is ze only we can ‘ave a, ‘ow you say, ‘fresh slate’?”

Havocwing grumbled. “Yeah… yeah, okay.” She pointed a hoof at Lockwood. “But you put in a good word for us, yeah? I don’t want our heads on chopping blocks after we just saved all your asses.”

Twilight glanced about the courtyard, noticing something missing. “Wait, where’s Harmonia?”

“She was brought into the zebra healing center to recover. Her recovery was deemed most crucial, and I honestly couldn’t disagree,” Lockwood replied. “Last I heard she was stable, at least as much as they could tell was stable for the, uh… mortal form of a goddess. Weak, but stable. Drained immensely, too… though I don’t know by how much or what that might mean for all of us.”

Twilight let out a breath. “Well, that’s at least some relief. She should be able to help get your world back to normal, even if she’s not at full strength anymore.”

“As normal as it can get, anyway,” Rainbow added.

“According to our information, she’s your world’s equivalent to our Celestia, and she kept our world safe and stable for a thousand years after Luna became Nightmare Moon. I’ve got confidence Harmonia can do the same without Nihila to oppose her.”

“With the Beacons destroyed, that might become a complicated endeavor,” Starlight pointed out. “For what it is worth, my sisters and I would gladly offer our assistance in any matters that might arise due to this situation, particularly if it alleviates any doubt as to our intentions.”

“We’d love to help too, but… I don’t know how long that might take,” Twilight said somberly. “We have to get home. It’s been too long, and we have friends and family to get back to.”

“Well, how long can you stay?” Lockwood asked. “I know you all have to get back to your world proper, but we’d all like to say our goodbyes, seeing as that whole plan got rather rudely interrupted. And arrange some of the other agreements I understand were made,” he added, glancing at Briarthorn.

“Well, I think we have some time, right? For goodbyes, at least?” Twilight asked Tick Tock. Tick Tock nodded. “In that case, we’d love to stay for a little bit. Things seem to be… uh, ‘normal’ back at home, enough that we can spare a little time for the friends that helped us get back in the first place.”

Lockwood smiled. “Fantastic. I believe we can get some breakfast arranged for everyone, if you’d like?”

“That sounds… nice,” Fluttershy said.

Lockwood gave her a little smile, then turned to Briarthorn. “Briarthorn, be a pal and let the embassy know to get something prepared for a farewell celebration.”

Briarthorn leapt to his hooves and saluted. “Can do, King-to-be!” And he was off like a rocket.

Lockwood trotted over to Blackburn and knelt down at her side. “Hon? Did you catch everything?”

Blackburn, though barely conscious, was lucid enough to nod, and to speak. “Yes. Breakfast… sounds nice…”


The Utopian embassy in Zeb’ra’den had spared no expense in setting up a grand gesture of a breakfast for a large gathering, perfect for a celebration. The dining table was big enough to seat eighteen, nine to a side, and was laden with delicious breakfast foods from both pony and zebra cuisines: Zeb’ra’den coffee, Utopian orange juice, various fruits as veggies, and patented zebra “snowcakes” - pancakes made using snow instead of batter, served chilled with maple syrup and honey.

The collection of ponies - and one zebra - sat and ate with a relaxed yet distinctly somber atmosphere hanging in the air. Everyone present knew this was the last time that Twilight and her friends would be in their company; they knew that Queen Blackburn had arranged Briarthorn’s retirement to their world as well. Soon, everything was supposed to go back to normal, or whatever counted as normal now that their entire world order had been shattered.

The Beacons were inactive, so while the hemispheres were once again connected with no Belt of Tranquility to divide them, the balance they imposed was gone. Nihila was essentially powerless, stuck in the Dreaming forever. Harmonia was reduced to a mortal form without a Warden, and nopony knew what power she might still possess. Hope’s Point was mostly ruined, and though its populace had survived, its fleet and military had not. Harmonia’s Warden was dead and several zebra warriors had been killed due to the schemes of one who was once a trusted hero, so political turmoil was surely coming to the south for the first time in centuries.

And yet, there was hope. Hope that things could be rebuilt, hope that the world was better off now that Silvertongue’s artificial balance was no more.

“A toast!” Briarthorn suddenly called out, a glass of orange juice - plain orange juice - held aloft. “To the fallen! To the souls that we lost and that got us to where we are today!” He tilted his glass up, and the rest of the table followed suit. “May they all rest in peace!”

Everypony drank from their glasses.

As Briarthorn took his seat, Lockwood gave him a small round of applause. “That was beautiful. You beat me to the punch, color me surprised.”

Briarthorn smirked. “This is my last day with you and Queenie. Figured I’d give you two something good to remember me by, instead of just being my usual drunken mania. I’ve got time to get drunk and crazy after I move.”

“Will always have something good to remember,” Blackburn said as she carefully set her glass down. She looked him straight in the eye. “You are… a good friend, Briar. Will miss you dearly. Things will be different without your company.”

Briarthorn smiled back. “I’ll miss you too… Blackburn. I’ll have to get used to thinking for myself for a while. Might have to get a job as a weather pony. They said they don’t have pilots in their world.”

“Beneath you, but could be relaxing. Alternative: organization that Rainbow Dash refers to as ‘Wonderbolts’. Descriptions match semblance of entertainment troupe, focus on flight maneuvers. Similar to stunt pilot. Could prove better fit, though more taxing. Again: your choice, merely suggestion.”

“I’ll take it under consideration,” Briarthorn agreed. “Than again, I could always become a gigolo…”

Flathoof leaned over to Lockwood. “Hey,” he whispered. “Can I pull you aside? Just for a minute?”

Lockwood scrutinized him for half a second, then smiled and nodded. “Sure. I think I know what this is about.” He turned to Blackburn. “BB--”

“Take your time,” Blackburn responded, patting his hoof. “Important conversation. Already considering options.”

“No surprise there.” Lockwood rose from his seat, and Flathoof did the same. They left the table and headed out the door.

Applejack, who’d been sitting near Flathoof but not close enough to hear the conversation, watched them go. She turned to Twilight. “What d'ya think that’s about?”

Twilight watched the two stallions leave, and shrugged. “I don’t know. Why? Do you think there’s something wrong?”

“I mean, I think it’s obvious,” Rainbow said, leaning back confidently in her seat. “Flathoof’s gonna ask--” Rarity nudged Rainbow in the ribs. “Hey! What gives, Rares?”

“Whatever do you mean, dear?” Rarity, with her eyes, discreetly indicated to Rainbow to keep quiet.

Rainbow glanced between Rarity and Applejack, then shrugged. “I mean, I dunno.”

Applejack stared at Rainbow. “You were just about ta say--”

“Nothing. Nope, I have no idea. I mean, I thought I did, but then, nope, I didn’t. Lost it. Gone.”

Applejack rolled her eyes. “Whatever.” She turned her attention to Rarity and Zircon, who were practically inseparable. “So… uh, I don’t mean ta pry, Rarity, but… how in the hay are you two gonna work this out?”

Rarity and Zircon shared a loving look, then Rarity looked Applejack straight in the eyes. “My dear Applejack, there is nothing to ‘work out’. Sir Zircon is staying here, naturally, and I am going home with all of you.”

“But… ain’t you two…?”

Rarity looked longingly into Zircon’s eyes, stroking his hoof. “Oh, darling, it would never work out permanently, and we knew that going into this. I need to return home, and Sir Zircon here has important duties ahead of him if he is to help his world recover. This was a brief moment of love and happiness between us, that’s all.” She smiled brightly. “It’s quite tragically romantic. We’re just a couple of star-crossed lovers, no matter how much we wish otherwise. Not everypony here gets to have a fairytale romance.”

Applejack snorted. “Ain’t nothin’ romantic about it.” As Rarity and Zircon bumped noses together, Applejack had to turn away to keep her stomach to herself. She saw Flathoof and Lockwood come back in and retake their seats. She turned to Flathoof. “What was that about? Everythin’ okay?”

Flathoof smiled and put his hoof on hers. “Absolutely.”


Back in the Beacon courtyard, the portal back to Equestria-IV was opened and stable. Everypony - and Zircon - had gathered to say final farewells.

Twilight and her friends said goodbye first to Starlight and her sisters - not as opposites, but as friends.

“This was… an interesting experience,” Twilight said to Starlight. “I wish circumstances could’ve been different.”

“As do I… Twilight,” Starlight replied with a slight smile. “We owe you our very existence, and yet… I feel as though, in some alternate world… we might have never needed to subject you through all the negativity that we did. Perhaps we could have actually achieved true friendship status. I hope you can forgive us.”

“Y’know, once we got to know you guys a little, you’re not really all that bad,” Rainbow said to Havocwing. With a grin, she added, “I mean, you’re still a scrawny punk, but nopony’s perfect.”

Havocwing smirked. “Whatever, dingus.” She held out her hoof. Rainbow met it with a hoofbump.

“With all the talk about alternate worlds and stuff, I’m sure there’s a world out there where we - or somepony like us - never had to be born the way we were,” Grayscale mused. “Instead of just antithetical creations, we’d be our own ponies.”

“And if that world doesn’t exist, then you’re going to find a way to achieve that for yourselves,” Twilight said. “After everything that’s happened, you all deserve it.”

“And hey, if we ever meet again, I’ll throw you guys a party!” Pinkie said, wrapping up Velvet in a hug. “I’ll make it the best party ever, you can count on it!”

“Will there be cupcakes?” Velvet asked.

“And how!”

Rarity approached Zircon. He took her hoof in his hand and kissed it tenderly. “Sir Zircon… I will miss you dearly.”

“And I, thee, my fair mare of white,

My heart acheth to see thy flight.

These past days hath been a great boon,

Pity that they must end so soon.

Mine eyes shalt gaze to stars above,

In remembrance of our deep love.”

Rarity melted. “Oh… I wish I didn’t have to go…”

Briarthorn gave Blackburn a big hug. “So long, Queenie. I promise I won’t get into any trouble. Much trouble. I’ll try not to break anything.”

“Don’t believe you,” Blackburn said as she returned it. “But wouldn’t have it another way. Goodbye, Briar…”

Briarthorn released the hug, then gave one to Lockwood. “You too, King-to-be. It’s been a wild ride.”

Lockwood returned it. “It has been, hasn’t it?”

“Never thought I’d see the day where anypony could make ol’ Queenie smile, but I’m glad somepony managed it, more glad that it was you.”

“Take care of yourself over there, Briarthorn.”

“You too, amigo, you too. And hey,” Briarthorn grabbed the side of Lockwood’s face and looked him dead in the eyes. “You get to work right away on making the next Prince or Princess, got it? Everything below the belt still works after your accident, right?”

Lockwood turned red. “Yes… everything still works.”

“Tactless, as usual,” Blackburn muttered, shaking her head.

Briarthorn released the hug and trotted over to Twilight and slid up alongside her. “I’m ready when you are, Twily.”

Applejack came over to Flathoof, removing her hat. “So, I guess this is it, huh? Time fer us ta go back ta our lives.”

Flathoof smirked. He looked to Lockwood, who gave him a small nod. “It doesn’t have to be the end of it, if you don’t want it to be.”

Applejack blinked. “Beg pardon?”

Flathoof took her hoof in his. “Applejack… I’ve never met any mare like you before, and I don’t think I will again. I can’t lose you, Applejack… and I’ve come so close to losing you on this journey that I’d be stupid to just let you go.”

“Flathoof, y’know I can’t stay…”

“I know. That’s why… I’m asking if I can go with you.”

Applejack’s eyes widened. “Ya… ya are? B-but… but yer family--”

Flathoof tilted his head towards Lockwood. “Lockwood’s already started arranging for my family to be moved out of Pandemonium to Hope’s Point. It might take some time, but they’re going to be living better than I could’ve ever provided for them in the city. I wish I could say goodbye… but there’s no time for that. You’re leaving now, and… I can’t just let you go. Ma would understand.”

“Flathoof, listen, ya don’t need ta abandon everythin’ just fer me. Ya have a life here. Friends, family, all o’ that.”

“And it wouldn’t be the same without you in it, Applejack.”

“Just say it already!” Rainbow shouted.

“Rainbow!” hushed Rarity and Pinkie.

Rainbow gave an unapologetic shrug. “Oh, what? Like you all don’t want them to just get on with it.”

Flathoof smirked, then looked at Applejack. “She’s right.”

Applejack turned red. “R-right about--”

“I love you, Applejack. If you’ll have me, I’d like to come with you. To your world. I’d like it very, very much.”

“If that’s what ya want…” Applejack hid her face behind her hat to keep everypony from seeing just how red she was getting. “That… that’d be mighty nice, sugar…”

Velvet rolled her eyes. “Well, another one down. Pretty soon there won’t be any eligible stallions left around here.” She glanced at Insipid. “You and me are gonna have our work cut out for us, sis.”

“Pshaw, we’ll find somepony,” Insipid said, waving her hoof. “I’ve got, like, the number one wingmare with me!”

Flathoof stepped over to Lockwood and clapped him on the shoulder. “I know we already said our goodbyes, but… thanks again for making this happen, little brother.”

Lockwood pulled Flathoof in for a hug. “You’re welcome, big brother. I’m going to miss you… but I’m glad you’re going to be somewhere with somepony that will make you happy. It’s been my honor to call you family.”

Flathoof hugged him tighter. “You too, little guy.” He broke the hug and turned to Blackburn next, offering his hoof. “Your Majesty.”

Blackburn smiled and without warning pulled him in for a hug. “No need for that. ‘Blackburn’ will do. Took care of Lockwood for me… can never repay you. Wish I’d gotten to know you better ‘brother-in-law’.”

Flathoof chuckled. “Well dang, never figured I’d have royalty for an in-law.”

“Take care of Briar for me.” She turned to Briarthorn. “And you, Briar. Take care of my brother-in-law.”

Briarthorn brushed her off with his wing. “Pshaw, Queenie, I don’t have to take orders from you anymore.” He winked. “But y’know what, just this once, just for you, I’ll be sure to keep an eye or two on ol’ Buff Drinks-none over here. I promise.”

“Okay everypony!” Tick Tock called, glancing at her Timekeeper. “Time to move out! I’ve kept you all long enough, we’ve got to get things back to normal.”

Twilight turned to Tick Tock. “Before we go… thank you, Tick Tock. For everything.”

Tick Tock shrugged. “Just doing my job, Twilight. All in a day’s work for a Chronomancer.”

“No, Tick Tock… you did more than that,” Twilight stepped forward and gave her a hug. “You were a good friend to me and my friends. I’m going to miss you…”

Tick Tock blushed. “Heh, well… I mean, okay. I guess, uh… I’ll… I’ll miss you too…”

“Group hug!” Pinkie shouted. “Big group hug!”

She, and the other Equestria-IV natives, rushed to get around Tick Tock and hugged her as one. When they were done, they let her down easy. Tick Tock tried her best to hide the huge smile on her face, but wasn’t doing a great job.

“Just… just get through the portal before you make me cry, you bloody weirdos,” Tick Tock muttered, already losing that battle.

Twilight and her friends, and Flathoof and Briarthorn as well, waved their goodbyes to those who remained behind. Then, they stepped through the portal, one by one. When they were all through, Tick Tock twisted a knob on her Timekeeper and closed it behind them. She then turned to those who remained, wiping a tear from her eye.

“All in a day’s work…”

Starlight turned to Blackburn. “So then, I believe we have matters of our possible punishment to discuss?”

Blackburn didn’t even look at Starlight, keeping her eyes on Tick Tock. “Have nothing to discuss. Your family - father included - destroyed home. Ruined world, put everypony in danger, made it possible to disrupt natural order of entire multiverse.”

“C’mon, that’s not fair!” Havocwing interjected. “We… we were different ponies then. We’re trying to--”

“Make amends, yes, have heard.” Blackburn turned away from the courtyard. “Make them someplace else. Not Zeb’ra’den, not Utopia, not Hope’s Point, not Pandemonium. Leave this world, never come back.”

Havocwing made to argue, but Grayscale put a hoof on her shoulder and shook her head. Grayscale spoke instead. “That’s your judgement then. Exile.”

“Do not care to repeat self. If ever seen again, will find out about it, will not be so forgiving second time.” She turned to look at Tick Tock. “Argument, Chronomancer?”

Tick Tock looked to Starlight, then back to Blackburn. “I… was about to say that it’s not really your place to decide--”

“Unique situation. Mares are from our world, correct. However, based on genetic and psychological templates of those from another world. Do not belong here in first place. Anomalies. Abominations,” she added with a sneer.

Tick Tock wrinkled her nose at Blackburn’s use of terminology. “Technically. But still--”

“Have made judgement. Want them gone. You have the ability to make it happen - do so. Refusal not wise. Not threat,” she added when Tick Tock made to interrupt, “just statement. Would have to seek alternate solution, but would ensure justice is delivered. Your refusal merely ensure lack of assistance to you in further meetings.”

Tick Tock looked to Lockwood. “Do you agree with this decision, Lockwood? You don’t seem the type.”

Lockwood looked to Blackburn, then to Starlight and her sisters, then to Tick Tock. He sighed. “We… have discussed it. Blackburn wants them executed, naturally. I argued for leniency on account of the whole ‘saved everyone’s lives’ thing. Not forgiveness, of course… I can forgive them for putting my own life in danger, but not those of Twilight and her friends, and certainly not for the lives they did end.”

“Reports indicate slaughter,” Blackburn spat. “Ninety-seven dead, eighty-two injured.”

“I understand that what they did is… terrible, but they’re making an attempt to redeem themselves for that,” Tick Tock argued. “They saved the bloody multiverse.”

“I repeat: they can do that elsewhere.”

Lockwood sighed. “This is a... compromise. I even talked her down from lifelong imprisonment. And it’s not just me and Blackburn discussing this either. Sir Zircon agreed with the decision as well. His home has been ruined by Silvertongue’s actions, and most of his success was due to Starlight and her sisters’ contributions.”

Zircon cleared his throat.

“Discussed it with her majesty,

On these terms do we both agree.

Zeb’ra’den will be no haven,

For these six mares, who hath been craven.”

“But--” Havocwing started, but Grayscale put a hoof over her mouth.

“Done arguing.” Blackburn stated. She walked, weakly, out of the courtyard. “If judgement is ignored, so be it. Will make preparations to carry out punishment. Come, Lockwood, have city to rebuild, wedding to arrange, friends to mourn.”

“Right behind you, BB.” Lockwood watched her go, then turned back to Tick Tock. “I wish I could do more, Tick Tock. I do. But you understand--”

“We do,” Starlight interjected. “We are responsible for a multitude of deaths. We were misguided, and though we acted in self-defense at first… we went unnecessarily beyond that in our brazen attempt to take revenge on ponies that had never wronged us. And even prior, we attempted to murder or maim you and your companions a copious number of times. If this is to be our punishment, we accept it.” She turned to her sisters. “Are we in agreement, sisters?”

“No arguments here. Perfectly logical decision,” Grayscale added.

Havocwing snorted. “I guess not. Better than getting the firing squad, I suppose.”

Velvet shrugged. “I don’t have any real attachment to this place, do you? The stallions here suck anyway. And not in the good way.”

Curaçao nodded. “If we are to go on zis journey of self-discovery, zen per’aps ze best place to start would be a new landscape, non?”

All eyes turned to Insipid, who started to tear up. “B-but… I wanted to find a new boyfriend…” She saw the cross look Starlight was giving her, then wiped her nose. “Cha, yeah, whatever. Like, I’ll find a new boyfriend, like I said, but somewhere else. One that’s a major hottie and rich and--”

“Well, best of luck to you all, I suppose,” Lockwood interrupted. He gave Tick Tock a nod. “Come see us when you’re done here, Tick Tock.” Without another word, he left.

“So, Chronomancer? We accept this decision,” Starlight concluded. “If you would be courteous and provide a destination where we may begin anew? Preferably a world where we might ‘fit in’ more easily in our present states, that we might ease our way into the process.”

Tick Tock sighed and wound up her Timekeeper. “This is so against protocol…” With Starlight’s help, she opened a portal to another world. “I’m trusting you, Starlight, against my better judgement. Don’t make me regret this.”

“Thank you… Tick Tock,” Starlight said with a nod. “Come along, sisters. A new beginning awaits us.”

One by one, Starlight and her sisters entered the portal. Once they were all through, Tick Tock wound her Timekeeper again and closed it behind them. She let out a heavy sigh. “I need a bloody vacation…”

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