• Published 14th Jul 2019
  • 2,889 Views, 360 Comments

Reflections in Black and Pink - Krixwell

When a group of changelings infiltrating Manehattan mistake a rogue Pinkie Pie clone for one of their own, nopony will know what hit them.

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Chapter 3 - Surfing Stormy Seas

Some days, nothing went as expected. Whether good or bad, those days were Labrum's favorite.

So when a nameless changeling stuck in the form of the Element Bearer of Laughter showed up instead of Clypeus, and then immediately got the squad chased by the Manehattan street guards, he knew it was going to be a fun day.

The chase itself was relatively short, thanks to the ease of most changelings to blend into crowds. Proboscis (Mandible had clearly come up with that name on the spot – as far as changeling names went, Proboscis was only a little more dignified than Valvula, and the last Valvula Labrum had met had been bullied out of the hive for it) was something of an issue, though, since she couldn't shift to a form the guards hadn't seen and stuck out like a sore thumb with her constant bouncing.

Mandible tried at one point to stop the latter, but he just ended up holding onto her as she bounced. He didn't even seem to weigh her down at all, and the landing after he lost his grip… Labrum thought he heard a crack, but at least Mandible got back up quickly. Changelings were tougher than their true forms looked. Mandible grumbled at Proboscis as they ran, but didn't try to stop the bouncing again.

Frons, ever the leader, had taken the charge in deciding where to run, but to Labrum his choices seemed almost random. He led them every which way, as long as it was away from the street guards. He seemed almost as angry as Mandible did, but if Labrum wasn't mistaken, it was directed more at Mandible than Proboscis.

Gena had disappeared somewhere along the way, but Labrum wasn't worried about her. She always did that in situations like this – she'd be somewhere above, disguised as a pegasus, tracking the rest of the squad's movements. That way, she could join back up with them if they successfully shook the guards off, or leave them to their fates if they got caught. She would be in a heap of trouble if the Queen found out she actually did that, of course, but Gena never made a secret of the fact that she would.

So when a blue pegasus filly with a yellow, frizzy mane came down and joined the squad in an alleyway half a dozen blocks from where they started, everypony else finally let their tension fall away. Except Proboscis, of course, who had seemed thoroughly unconcerned throughout the chase. In fact, it seemed like she–

"That was fun!" Proboscis said with a grin. She had finally stopped bouncing, but somehow looked no less excited. "Do you all do this often?"

"Only when we can't avoid it," Frons said. There was a harsh tone in his voice, befitting of a disappointed squad leader. Labrum knew that both Mandible and Gena had wanted the position more than Frons had, but Frons really was the best one for the job. Not that they had a choice; squad leaders were personally appointed by the Queen.

"Why is she still here?" Gena asked, pointing an accusing hoof at Proboscis, "She almost got us all captured, maybe even on purpose, and we're no closer to finding Clypeus. I say we leave them both behind and get the buzz out of this city before the street guards start a full-blown city-wide search for us!"

Proboscis seemed oblivious to the accusation. Frons looked like he was about to respond, but it was Mandible who spoke. "You know we can't do that, Gena. Clypeus is our squad mate and might be in trouble, Proboscis needs to see the Queen to get unstuck, and if we leave either of them behind, the Queen will have our exoskeletons!"

"I–" Frons began, but Gena rounded on Mandible.

"The Queen can buzz off for all I care! I'm not getting my tail caught for that pink maggot!" The changeling swears sounded odd coming from the little pegasus filly.


"I don't like the situation either, Gena, but we have no choice! We have to stick up for the hive, and right now that means Clypeus and Proboscis!"

Frons looked like he was about to blow up. "SHUT UP!" he shouted. Mandible and Gena obeyed immediately. Even Proboscis looked taken aback. Satisfied with the shocked silence, Frons schooled his voice back to his usual level but decisive tone. "Mandible is right."

Labrum was sure the smug satisfaction that lit up in Mandible's face would be there for the rest of the day. Gena, meanwhile, was wearing a pout befitting of her young face.

Frons continued, "We do have to get out of the city as soon as we can, but the first priority has to be finding Clypeus. But to do that, we need to figure out where he is."

As Frons left that statement hanging in the air, it seemed safe to speak. Labrum piped up, "Maybe he just got held up and is on his way to the original meeting point?"

"That'll be crawling with street guards by now," Mandible pointed out. Apparently he didn't remember the local name for them any more than Labrum did, or he simply refused to use it.

"Police officers," Gena corrected meekly. She avoided looking at Mandible or Frons.


Frons sighed. "We may not have any other choice. Who knows where else we'd be able to find him?"

"Maybe they know where he is?" Proboscis said from behind Labrum. He turned around and saw her pointing out of the alleyway and across the street, at a pair of stallions who were arguing loudly.

"So help me the Queen," Mandible began, storming over towards Proboscis, "Don't you buzzing dare do the same thing all o..." he trailed off, ears twitching.

"Mandible?" Labrum prompted.

"Shh. Listen."

The arguing stallions were loud enough to reach across the street now, but neither seemed to notice there were other "ponies" around. One of them, a brown pegasus, was pointing accusingly at a yellow earth pony. The pegasus looked angry, the earth pony apologetic. Any changeling could identify it on sight as a lover's spat.

"...please, Gassy!" the earth pony pleaded. "You know I wouldn't do that kind of thing, ever!"

Gassy? Jeez, Labrum knew pony names were silly, but that was a very unfortunate nickname.

"I thought I knew that, but what do you expect me to believe? The police came knocking last night to tell me you've been arrested, and for breaking into a jewelry store of all things?!"

"I didn't, I swear! I… don't think I did, anyway!"

"Then where were you last night, huh, Golden Carrot? Not at home in my bed, that's for sure!"

"I told you already! Somepony who looked just like you came into my house and knocked me out, and I woke up this morning in my basement! I haven't been anywhere near that store in weeks!"

"Likely story! Who'd even want to do something like that?"

Labrum had heard enough. He looked at the others, and their expressions – except Proboscis' neutral smile – told him they had all reached the same conclusion.

It was Frons who finally broke the silence between them. His tone was level as usual, but there was a touch of resignation in it. "Well, everypony. It sounds like we have a jail break to plan."

Labrum couldn't help but grin. This was turning into an excellent day.

Author's Note:

Gassy's full name is Noble Gas.