• Published 1st Jul 2019
  • 624 Views, 5 Comments

Hope In Rainbow - Lonely Fanboy48

Bon Bon and Lyra take a weekend in Hope Hollow while experience the joy of the Rainbow Festival.

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The Color Of Love

After they left Pickle and Barley’s treehouse, it was almost noon where lunch is beginning. There is only one restaurant where most of the citizens go to and it’s the Rainbow Cafe and Bakery.

Lyra and Bon Bon enter the restaurant where they saw most of the tables being filled with the citizens of Hope Hollow. “This place looks really nice.” Bon Bon commented.

“And it smells good too.” Lyra added. And if things couldn’t get any better, they saw Petunia Petals sitting with Sunny Skies, waiting for their order to come.

Lyra! Bon Bon!” Petunia standing up from her chair. “Come and sit with us.”

“Petunia, Sunny Skies.” Bon Bon responded. “I didn’t know you two are taking a break from the Rainbow Festival.”

“We’re just having lunch, even mayors need a lunch break in the middle of the day.” Sunny Skies smiled as Bon Bon and Lyra took a seat by the other side of the table.

“You don’t say.” Lyra repiled. “So what’s on the menu?”

“Mostly deserts.” Petunia answered. “The two meals they have available are dagwood sandwiches and peanut butter-filled celery.”

Bon Bon and Lyra couldn’t understand that there’s less food in the restaurant. “Isn’t there supposed to be more then two meals?” Bon Bon asked.

“Yes but most of the chefs are at the Rainbow Festival.” Sunny explained. “That’s why there’s only two chefs in the back making the meals that are available today.”

“Ohhhh, that explains everything.” Lyra turned to her right as she saw the waiter talking to one of the chefs.

“I wonder what the other foods they make?” Bon Bon wondered.

“Maybe we shouldn’t continue on. We don’t want the festival be overshadowed, if you know what I mean.” Sunny being a bit rhetorical. Petunia and the guests of honor agreed as they continue on the topic.

“Anyway, There’s only two deserts available here. A slice of strawberry cake and a slice of cherry pie.” Petunia showed Bon Bon and Lyra two plastic containers on the countertop where the strawberry cake and cherry pie are located.

“They look really delicious.” Lyra being mesmerized at the cake.

“I’m definitely having a slice of cherry pie after I’m done eating my meal.” Bon Bon staring at the pie.

“Well then go make your order. Those deserts won’t eat themselves.” Sunny laughed. Both Bon Bon and Lyra stand up as they made their way to talk to the waiter.

After Bon Bon and Lyra made their order, the waiter head to the back and gave them their meals since their guests of honor in the Rainbow Festival. Bon Bon had a dagwood sandwich while Lyra has four medium size slices of peanut butter celeres. They returned back to where they sat as Sunny Skies and Petunia are happy that Bon Bon and Lyra are enjoying themselves.

“It’s a good thing you don’t have any complaints in the Rainbow Festival.” Sunny replied.

“To be honest, Twilight never jokes about any of this.” Lyra eating a slice of her celery. “This place looks really promising.”

“You’re right and I’m actually sad that we’re close to wrapping it up.” Bon Bon added as she looked at the festival outside from the window. “That fact that Twilight convinced you to do another festival three months after the last one-”

“Makes us more happy?” Petunia giggled.

“Yes, bet the Princess Of Friendship is proud of herself for giving us this offer.”

The four ponies couldn’t agree more on what they saw what happened less than twenty four hours earlier. Bon Bon and Lyra coming to Hope Hollow, while Sunny Skies was having a conversation with Twilight, made everything today better than they thought. Nothing will ruin what they enjoyed the most.

After Bon Bon and Lyra finished their lunch, they left their table to get a slice of the deserts. With Bon Bon taking a slice of cherry pie and her friend Lyra taking a slice of strawberry cake. When they returned back to their table, a question came to Lyra about the colors of the Rainbow Festival. She understands there are six main colors but it’s obvious that there's more colors than red, green or blue, just to name a few.

“Mayor Skies.” She asked which caught his attention.

“Yes Lyra?” The mayor asked.

“There are other colors you’re aware of right?”

“Yes. I’m aware of it.”

“What do you think of pink?”

When her friend by her side heart the word pink, she stopped eating her piece. She knew what she was talking about after all the times they’ve went together. Sunny Skies on the other hand is speechless while Petunia catch on when she heard the word pink.

“Ohhh…” Petunia making a smirk. “I can tell you what I think of it.”

“Petunia, not in the restaurant!” Sunny Skies beginning to blush while smiling.

“Come on, you know what I’m going to say. Why don’t you just say it? It starts with an L, and it ends with an E.”

Sunny Skies refuse to delay the inevitable as he opened his mouth and said: “Love.”

Bon Bon and Lyra didn’t expect a word they’ve know when they got closer to each other. “Love?” Bon Bon blinked.

“After Twilight and her friends helped us, I proposed to Petunia which brought back our village’s colors. We haven’t got married yet but in the next month or two, we’re about to.”

“When we have the same feelings of love, we automatically think of the color pink.” Petunia expresses her words. “I always think of Sunny being red when it comes to pass, and for me, I’m orange, since orange is one of my favorite colors.”

The guests of honor didn’t know that the mayor and their motel manager are going to be husband and wife soon. One of the weddings they’ve went together is Cranky and Matilda’s wedding and it was heartwarming to them. They admire the two donkeys getting married in Ponyville because they have a passion when it comes to their relationship.

“Really?” Lyra smiled. “That’s really sweet to hear that.”

“Speaking of that, me and Lyra had that in mind.” Bon Bon added.

“Really?” Both the mayor and Petunia reacted in surprise.

“We’ve been friends for so long, our relationship has grown bigger than before. When there’s weddings, we knew we shouldn’t miss it because love is always there no matter what.” Lyra smiled.

“Even if there aren’t weddings, we still go one dates together to have love stay with us.” Bon Bon added. “Anywhere we go, love leaves us as long as we have each other. The activities we do isn’t where we get the love, ourselves is the love we always get.”

The two ponies looked at each other as they’re not embarrassed to express their feelings. They’re proud of it no matter what they encountered. As for Petunia and Sunny Skies, they always thought that Lyra and Bon Bon we’re just friends but after what they heard from them, their not friends, their more than best friends, which gave Sunny Skies an offer of what he wants in his and his future wife’s wedding.

“Do you two want to be in our wedding?” The mayor asked. “It will be nice to see you two again.”

“Why not, we can go to your wedding.” Lyra happily accepted.

“We’re promise you won’t regret it.” Bon Bon added.

“Why would you say that. Anyone who believes in love is welcome to any wedding.” Petunia said “All because of one color.”

“Pink!” The four ponies cheered. As Bon Bon and Lyra finished their desert, they thanked Sunny Skies and Petunia for inviting them for their future wedding. As for Skies and Petunia, they’re more than proud to have two of their guests of honor to be so respective and honest when it comes to their powerful friendship. With only a few activities still available, the best has yet to come tonight at the Rainbow Festival.