• Published 17th Jul 2019
  • 4,359 Views, 26 Comments

The Griffon Who Came to Mount Aris - SuperPinkBrony12

(Sequel to "A Tale of Two Lovebirds".) Silverstream decides to bring Gallus to Mount Aris so he can meet her family. But Gallus is worried about messing up, especially in front of Silvestream's aunt, Queen Novo.

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Bonus Chapter: Gallus Meets the Queen

As much as Gallus enjoyed the experience of being a seapony, he was incredibly relieved when he and Silverstream went back up to Mount Aris and he turned back into being a griffon.

Of course, there was still the matter of the visit from Silverstream's aunt, the queen. The young griffon knew that sooner or later their paths would cross, and the conversation would surely turn to Silverstream. Gallus didn't know how protective Queen Novo was and dreaded finding out first claw.

The air of inevitably hung over him as he spent the rest of his day on Mount Aris, touring all the sights and sounds as Silverstream pointed them out. Not even the tranquility of the Harmonizing Heights could fully quell Gallus' quaking nerves.

It was of little surprise that he slept poorly that night, constantly waking up after suffering nightmare after nightmare related to Queen Novo and her disapproving of him dating her niece.

All too soon, the next day came for the young griffon and with it came the news he had been dreading to hear. "Aunt Novo wants to see us, you specifically." Silverstream told Gallus over a breakfast of freshly caught fish.

Gallus gulped. "Great, I can hardly wait to find out what she thinks about us being together." He sarcastically remarked.

"Oh Gallus, you big silly griff, don't be like that!" Silverstream protested. "Aunt Novo's nice. Most of the time, anyway."

"Yeah, around you she is, because you're her niece," Gallus pointed out. "Who knows what she'll be like around me? She could practically drill into every aspect of me, and I wouldn't blame her."

Silverstream frowned. "You've got Aunt Novo all wrong. Trust me, when you meet her for yourself, you'll see."

After breakfast, Gallus had only about half an hour to compose himself before he was brought before the royal court of Queen Novo. Several armored hippogriffs stood at attention on either side, spears at the ready.

And there, perched atop a throne that seemed to rest at the very top of Mount Aris, was a hippogriff with a coat of light purplish-gray. She had a brilliant light purple mane with some strong purple shades poking through. Her eyes were a strong magenta in color, which seemed to be staring straight into Gallus' soul and casting daggers.

Even though he had Silverstream by his side, Gallus was anything but confident. Queen Novo wasn't even all that tall, but she made him feel incredibly small.

Naturally, it was Queen Novo herself who broke the silence. "Silverstream, so lovely to see you again. How's my favorite niece doing?"

Silverstream either didn't notice the growing tension in the court, or if she did she chose to ignore it. She just smiled and waved a paw. "Doing great, Aunt Novo," Then she gestured to Gallus. "This is Gallus, my boyfriend. But you probably already knew that."

"Indeed I did, Silverstream," Novo commented in a tone that made it difficult to guess how she was feeling. "I must say, Gallus is certainly an... unusual choice for a boyfriend. You two have just been dating, right? You haven't gone and secretly gotten engaged behind my back, have you?"

Gallus gulped and swallowed hard. "N-no, your majesty! We're not looking to move that fast! Just dating is enough for now."

Novo nodded her head. "Good, that's just the sort of thing I like to hear. I know love young is precious, but that doesn't mean rushing into things before you're ready is a good idea," She looked back at Gallus. "Is it true what my niece has been writing? You helped her get over her fear of the Storm King?"

The griffon nodded very slowly. "Well, I can't take all the credit. It was actually because of the Tree of Harmony, I just kind of gave her a little nudge in the right direction."

"Gallus, you don't have to be so modest," Silverstream happily replied. "Even after that test, I kept having nightmares and you kept comforting me. It was such a sweet thing for you to do. And don't forget how we got partnered up for that spellvenger hunt Headmare Twilight organized. It's just too bad we never got to find if we won."

"Eh, Ocellus probably would've carried her team to victory. She's the smart one." Gallus massaged the back of his neck with a claw.

"Seems like there's never a dull moment with you two lovebirds," Novo spoke up, appearing to suppress a giggle. "You almost remind me of myself when I was your age, before I was Queen Novo if you know what I mean," She coughed into a paw and recovered. "But I'm getting ahead of myself," She motioned a paw to Gallus. "Boy, you mind coming closer? There's something we need to discuss, alone if you wouldn't mind."

Silverstream flew in front of Gallus and puffed up her wings! "Don't be too hard on him, Aunt Novo! I assure you, whatever you think he's done wrong, he hasn't! Stop trying to scare my boyfriend."

Novo shook her head. "I ain't hopin' to scare him, Silverstream. But if he's gonna be dating you, there's a few things I need to make sure he knows. I promise, I won't be too hard on him."

"Aunt Novo, please, why can't you just let us be happy together?!" Silverstream complained. "I love him and he loves me, and that's all there is to it! Nothing else should matter!"

But to the surprise of everyone in the court, Gallus raised up a claw and tapped the hippogriff on her shoulder. "It's okay, Silverstream. I don't need you to fight my battles for me. If your aunt's got a problem with me, well she can say it to my face." He declared as a look of determination crossed his eyes and he puffed out his chest.

"Settle down, boy," Novo cautioned as she raised up a claw. "I ain't lookin' to start something here."

"Well, what was it you're so determined to talk to me about?" Gallus inquired. "Sounds like you think I can't be trusted."

The elder hippogriff was silent for but a second or two before she answered. "Well, what I was hoping to say in private, is that you better treat my niece right. You hear me? If you're even so much as thinking about settling down with her, you'd better be willing to put a ring around her paw first."

"Trust me, if we ever do get married, you'll be the first to know." The young griffon nervously replied.

"That's good," Novo declared with a smile, which faded as she added in a serious tone of voice. "And if you dare break my niece's heart, you'll answer to me. And you don't wanna what I'll do to you," What looked like a sinister grin crossed her face as she delivered the last line. "Though I'm thinking turning you into a newt for the rest of your days would suffice."

Somehow, Gallus managed to keep his composure as he told Novo. "Well, when you put it like that, I most definitely will watch my step around your niece. And be extra sure I treat her with the respect and care she deserves."

Novo put her paws together. "I'd expect nothing less, Gallus," And then she sat back down on her throne. "That's all I wanted to say. I've seen enough to know that you'll keep that promise you just made. Please enjoy the rest of your stay on Mount Aris."

"Will do, Queen Novo." Gallus saluted.

"Honey, just Novo will do," Novo insisted to Gallus. "We're pretty much family now as far as I'm concerned. So there's no need for such formalities."

Author's Note:

Considering what we saw of Novo in the movie, I think it's safe to say she would be the most protective of Silverstream. But since she lets Silverstream attend Twilight's School of Friendship, she probably at least trusts Silverstream to make some of her own decisions.

Comments ( 14 )

This looks cute.

I am sorry, I merely saw the title and immediately though "Who is Aris and why is that gryphon mounting her?"

I'll see myself out. And maybe read this story as repayment for this joke.

Now that those monsters at Hasbro killed our Sandbar/Gallus ship, it seems this one is becoming more popular. I don't mind that at all.

9735709 I think he was just eager for a fight.

No Skystar... oh well

So their friends know but now the lovebirds must tell their teachers and counselor and give their approval.

If Novo actually did turn him into a Newt, she'd be in so much trouble from at least 2 nations.

Eh he'd get better

A royal figure like Novo wouldn't talk like that... :applejackconfused::derpyderp1::pinkiegasp::rainbowhuh::raritydespair::trixieshiftleft::twilightoops::unsuresweetie:

Good story.
You described well emotions and behaviours of all characters.

Well then it looks like they finally made it to the throne room where Queen Novo is waiting I'm surprised we didn't see skystar where did she go but anyway Gallus was pretty nervous around her and silverstream wanted her and to trust her that gallus really love her and care for her which that was pretty sweet that she defended him and queen Novo agrees but of course do not cross with her when you break silverstream's heart she will get even I would not blame her but she can trust him he's a good one but anyway this was a pretty good story I was kind of hoping that skystar be there but this was good keep up the good work

Beautiful story about romance and acceptance from the girl's side of the family; so cute!

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