• Member Since 11th Dec, 2011
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Matthais Unidostres

I am Matthais Unidostres, I'm a Christian and I love FanFiction!


(A retelling of the episode "She's All Yak")

"This is the story of a young creature who believed that in order to win the approval of another, she had to change what, and therefore, who she was. This is a belief that has been held by many a creature throughout time. However, no creature that held to this believe ever found happiness. Why? Because to hide or change one's own identity just to please someone else is foolishness, as that other creature clearly doesn't have the first creature's best interests at heart. At the same time, those who truly do care would be turned away by the sight of their friend twisting and corrupting their identity, and thus would their friendship die."

"This is the tale of a young creature who learned this lesson the hard way. . . It is a tale of love."

Chapters (3)
Comments ( 42 )

You have my attention. Keep this coming!


This seems interesting so far. I admit that the episode showed that Sandbar and Yona are cute together, but I personally still prefer Sandbar and Ocellus.

Would recomend removing the lyrics to the song. They just seem to interupt the story.

The fine print is how they get you every single time!

See, this is why you always read the contract before you sign, Yona. I know it's all boring legalese and three-fourths of it is stuff you already know and doesn't even need restating, but read it all anyway! Let this be a lesson as to why. :raritywink:

So far I am loving this story.

I like how their friends reacted to the blossoming relationship.

Surprisingly Discord makes a pretty good Fairy Godmother.

Yona was the only one who was entirely sure that Sandbar hadn't truly betrayed them to join Chancellor Neighsay.

Darn right she was, 'but Silverstream' but nothing, it was obvious Silverstream didn't believe in her theory. Silverstream had a bit of little hope (which was better than most of them), but Yona had faith in their friend.

Well that was certainly interesting.

This is easily the best Yonabar fic I've read. Amazing work. Phenomenal.

I found the episode somewhat bland, but this route would have been a lot more fun (and romantic).

Who and what you are are separate truths.

I greatly appreciate a compliment such as this. Thank you!

No problem! The pace and characterization were on point for this one!

Discord then put a tall, thin, black tap hat on his head, and then he held out his eagle claw as it became shrouded in blue fire. "And if any of you crazy kids need to make any other deals , you let me know. But for now, I know we'll meet again, some sunny day! "

Discord, don't imitate Bill Cipher you creep

This is the best Yonabar fic I've read so far, I hope there will be more Yonabar fics of this quality.

Of course the Dragon Lands' music of choice would be Imagine Dragons. :rainbowlaugh:


Also, I understood that reference.

"Will you please keep it down. You're scaring the fish," Discord warned softly as he reeled in the line with his eagle claw. Discord then pulled the pole up, revealing a white fish, two green fish, a red fish, and a blue fish all on his line.

I understood that reference.

I really love this story:)amazing job

This was interesting alternate take on the She's All Yak episode. I thought it was engaging and had some pretty creative bits in it that contributed nicely towards making this story one all its own.

"Just a token really, a trifle! What I want from you is. . ." Discord leaned in close to Yona and said with a wicked smile, ". . .Your voice."

Yona's eyes widened with alarm. "Yona's voice! But why-!"

Discord suddenly burst out laughing as the golden trident exploded into confetti. "Oh-hahahahaha! The look on your face! Priceless!" he said as he wiped a tear of mirth from his eye. "Of course I'm not gonna take away your voice! Hahahaha!"

That actually made me laugh out loud! :rainbowlaugh: References, everybody. :raritywink:

Sandbar smiled back in return and said, "Heh. That's a neat way to 'yes'."

D'awww! :twilightsmile:

Overall, I thought you put a pretty neat twist on this tale, and I thank you for the read. :pinkiehappy:

Song sounds kind of dumb.

Maybe it just me , I just me but I find lyrics in stories don’t work all that well for me. Good story overall though

Very good Yonabar.
I like a cute story with a good emotional impact and this was right on.

Fitting that Discord is the one narrating this.

Interesting use of both the Little Mermaid Bargain and stock of midnight from Cinderella for the escape clause

What a hearthwarming romantic tale. Glad I read this!

"I'm not asking much," Discord said as he leaned on a golden trident he was suddenly holding, "Just a token really, a trifle! What I want from you is. . ." Discord leaned in close to Yona and said with a wicked smile, ". . . Your voice ."

Oh wow trying to pull on Ursula trick Discord really come on man :facehoof:

Discord suddenly burst out laughing as the golden trident exploded into confetti. "Oh-hahahahaha! The look on your face! Priceless!" he said as he wiped a tear of mirth from his eye, "Of course I'm not gonna take away your voice! Hahahaha!"

Ha ha very funny Discord 😄

Yona smashed the ink pad with her right forehoof, and then she smacked the ink coated hoof right onto the space marked X on the contract.

Oh boy Something tells me she did not read the fine print 😥

So apparently I dance is coming up and Yona was ask to be sandbars partner to the pony dance what she wanted to do all this for him but everything she's done was a complete failure so she kind of moan about this until Discord showed up he's even wondering what's up with her and she wanted to be the perfect pony partner for sandbar so Discord has an idea to give Yona that wish even though she has some thought about this whole thing but she really want this so she accept the deal and oh boy as I said before something tells me she did not read the fine print

Sandbar stomped his hooves in frustration and shot back, "You think I don't realize that? You think I don't feel wrong inside about doing this? I have no idea what's wrong with me! I wanted to dance with Yona, and I still want to dance with Yona. If anycreature else came up to me, I'd tell them that! But when I looked at that pony I got a whole bunch of weird, mixed up signals. She just looks so weirdly familiar and different at the same time and-."

Because little does he know that is Yona but I guess she didn't tell them yet although that it would be a bad idea not to say anything

Yona's jaw dropped as everything suddenly slid into place at once. "Sandbar. . . doesn't know it's Yona?" she thought to herself in amazement.

Yeah you know you could have just told him who you are you didn't thought of this didn't you

As Yona smiled up at Discord, the draconequus stroked his chin thoughtfully. "Hmm. . ." he said slowly, then he flicked his lion paw and the contract that Yona had stamped reappeared. Discord then put on a pair of monocles and read through the scroll. "Well, what a revolting development this is," he said, "For you see, according to this contract, the transformation you underwent is meant to be . . . permanent. "

Dang it Discord 😠

"FOREVER!" Pinkie Pie shouted as she suddenly surface from the lake while wearing a snorkel mask. She then silently sank back down under the water.

Where the heck did Pinkie Pie came from? ... why did I even ask of course it's Pinkie Pie :pinkiehappy:

Okay things kind of escalated pretty quickly so Amity Ball has finally come Sandbar and the others are waiting for Yona to show up they even called him out for having a crush on Yona there's a couple of times he denies it but deep down he really does care for her but then suddenly and unknown female Pony showed up and asking him to dance with her there was some conflict emotion in him but then a couple of Dance he's starting to realize that Yona was the one he wants to dance with then suddenly he got the idea that this unknown Pony did something bad to Yona and the other creatures chase her down but she made her Escape so she has Discord to change your back but unfortunately the fine print says the magic is permanent but the only way to break the spell is a true love's kiss pretty corny but I like it it's cute it's so she made the deal to use the Escape clause hopefully she'll make it in time

The moment between the two creatures was suddenly interrupted by Spike, who had returned to the turn tables with gusto. "Time to get back up on that dance floor, everycreature! Scales-n-Tail is back to send out a tune straight from the Dragon Lands! A ceremonial song that's finally been allowed to be recorded on vinyl, courtesy of Dragon Lord Ember. Get ready to hear Thunder !"

Very clever because of Imagine Dragons so it makes sense nice 👍

"SHE was that weird pony the whole time!" cried the voice of Smolder.

Yeah and you guys almost try to hurt her but I'm sure you didn't know that

Aww that was so cute story so the Mane 6 were disgusting about what just happened about that unknown Pony and then the young 6 was trying to find yona but suddenly she showed up but as a yak the others were pretty excited to see her especially Sandbar so now yona have to figure out how to get Sandbar to kiss her without forcing it but until now she's just enjoying with her friends especially sandbar they dance they eat then Sandbar and Yona we're by themself now talking to each other they even tell how they feel about each other and it was a cute moments but unfortunately time limit was up and she turned back into a pony not only that she was upset now she's back to her Pony form and she thinks that her friends will not like her anymore and she ran but now her friends knows the unknown Pony was yona but Sandbar found her no matter who she is will always love her no matter what and I'm sure her friends will like her no matter who she is as well so they kiss and somehow true love's kiss Yona is back as a yak so after a while they went back to the school and it looks like Sandbar and Yona won the pony dance everything turned out pretty well for them this was a very cute story of yona and Sandbar 😊

To sandbar and yona

The pony and yak ended up in a warm hug. Yona's hugs were infamous for being bone crushers, but this time, Yona was being a bit more gentle than she usually was. However, Sandbar was hugging the yak with all his might, which didn't quite match the full strength of one of Yona's infamous hugs, but no matter.

Awww I forgot to mention this part was pretty adorable

She's All Yak was one of my favorite episodes from the series in the first place so this was a nice revision of it. Still love Yona and Sandbar as a couple.

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