• Published 9th Jun 2019
  • 718 Views, 1 Comments

Rock Paper Siren - BlackWater

It’s a pleasant night for the sirens, who are currently off work at a resort. Aria starts acting up. That’s not a bad thing, though.

  • ...

Rock Paper Siren

But, Dagi, we shouldn't leave her behind...she would be so lonely...”

“Nata, please. Give her ten minutes and she'll be back at our heels. More likely my dessert plate. You know how she is,” seeing Sonata still fidget, Adagio continued to assure her. “I’ll get her in ten if she doesn’t.”

Sonata gave a pleased squee in response.

“Now,” Adagio continued from earlier. “Do I need to move next to you or will you relax and enjoy the meal?”

“I'm relaxed,” Sonata insisted with her returned aloofness. “But I wouldn’t mind if you scooted on over.”

“As long as you don't try hiding in my hair again,” Adagio warned even as she got up and moved her chair to Sonata’s side.

The blue haired girl managed to withhold herself on that temptation when Adagio sat back down beside her. But as the elder girl slid her plate across the table, she leaned in to give her a peck on her cheek.

“That'll be ten dollars,” Adagio joked light-heartedly.

“How much for the full body?” Sonata inquired with a grin.

“You got that one from Aria,” Adagio commented back. “Now are you going to eat or do I get your fries?”

At that, Sonata began shoveling the crisp things into her mouth, a happy hum emitting from her enjoyment. “Theesh are sho ‘ood!”

“Talking with your mouth full comes natural to you doesn't it?”

“Hey!” Sonata objected after swallowing.

“Then again, you also are a natural at swallowing. I'm not complaining on either account,” Adagio winked.

After a full minute that it took for Sonata to process that remark, she faked a worried shock. “Where did Dagi go and what did you do with her?”

Adagio rolled her eyes. “I can try being nice you know. I don't have to call you and Aria idiots all the time. Even if you are.”

“I'm not complaining, though,” Sonata said, attempting to parrot the other girl.

“So what dessert would you like? I'm asking now because I know you don't need to recover between this meal and 500 calories of pure sugar.”

There was a momentary pause as Sonata swallowed her next mouthful, this time not attempting to speak around the food being consumed. In place of her jumbled words was a mixture of other sounds that had otherwise faded to the background of their minds.

The crackle of the nearby firepits scattered about the open-air boardwalk section of resort restaurants. Sounds of other patrons conversing about the dozen or more tables around their own. The ins and outs of the waves upon the beach, crickets chirping into the night, and the unpredictable breeze that swept through whenever it cared to. The more distant sounds of the arcade and amusement park were less audible but enough to add to the chaos of auditory sensation.

“Banana Split Taco!” Sonata pumped her fist and cheered joyfully after properly swallowing. “The special this month is a banana split with a waffle shell done up like a taco!”

“How’d I miss that one?” Adagio mumbled to herself as she leafed through the dessert menu again. Sure enough, there it was. It wasn’t even that pricey, being advertised as the “monthly steal.” Well, at least that meant Sonata would knock out on the bed tonight in a banana split taco fueled stupor. Probably after some highly likely late night adult fun. If only Aria were so easy to manage.

Adagio ignored the slight desire to chase after her purple “sister” and waved over the waitress instead. She listed off the preferred treats and let the seasonal hire go to the next part of her work with a sly wink. The poor waitress looked troubled by all the customers this particular place was getting. The blush she had showed in response to the wink assured that the double looks Adagio had been getting from her hadn’t been purely innocent in nature. If a wink and a generous tip at the end could make the girl’s day then Adagio would gladly oblige.

The lead siren was clever, cunning, and perhaps even a tad ruthless. Okay, maybe more than a tad ruthless. But that had been before the Rainbooms. Before the fall. No longer did she have the hope of power. All she had were these two.

A pair of idiots.

A pair she had known since they were mere siren pups in Equestria.

Was that sentimental? Damn, she was getting old. Their human forms had thankfully not shown it, given the hundreds of years they had before their banishment to this world.

“You’re the best, Dag-dag,” Sonata sighed happily, leaning her face on her hands after propping her elbows against the table. She was practically swooning and, if it were Aria, it would have been mere mockery. Sonata, however, was the embodiment of sincerity amongst them.

“Ugh,” Adagio groaned. “I told you not to call me that. And be careful your dessert taco doesn’t give you a sugar overload. You seem to have enough of it already.”

“Aww,” Sonata pretended to pout but kept her pose. “I might believe what I’m hearing if it weren’t for how sweet and loving you were the night before last.”

Adagio began to balk at being called out but then the waitress was back with the order. Had it already been that long? She glanced at her phone as the items were placed around their three-chair table. The screen was still lit since she had disabled the auto shut off. Dealing with Aria meant plenty of times where she might as well have the messages app open permanently for when the girl was ready to stop fuming and talk again.


Since Adagio’s own dessert was just a raspberry fruit popsicle and Sonata’s was in a recyclable carry bowl, she decided now was the time to start moving back to their room. The close proximity was a bonus of being admitted into the resort’s employee apartment block. It would take only a short diversion to grab Aria if it came down to it, but Adagio predicted the girl would be back at her beck and call before her dessert got melty. In particular, the dessert Adagio had ordered for Aria, knowing just what the stubborn punk wanted and when she would be back to get it.

A tip and slyly passed apartment number later saw both of the siren girls making their leisurely way back. As if they were filming some comedic routine, the seagulls sticking around for late evening boardwalk snacks began skipping along with Sonata. As soft as Adagio had reluctantly admitted to herself that she had become, this was too much. A deadly glare and bared teeth caused the birds to freeze in shock.

It would have only taken fifteen minutes to reach their apartment if they walked at a reasonable pace straight there, but Adagio figured it would take twenty before Aria caved. So they took a more scenic route back along the beach. The slosh of the waves was stronger once they were stepping across the sand – a more peaceful ambiance compared to the chaotic mashup of sounds on the boardwalk.

Twenty minutes was easy to tackle with Sonata at her side and sand beneath her sandals. Adagio merely mentioned the concept of a fudge-covered ice cream taco and Sonata droned on the full twenty minutes about how tasty that would be and all of the different filling ideas to make it even better.

“Strawberry, raspberry, orange, blueberry, banana – oh oh oh oh~! Pineapple~!” Sonata wiggled about in excitement as they kept walking, nearly spilling what remained of her banana split. Normally there would be nothing of it left now, but the aforementioned droning had spared some of the otherwise doomed treat.

Only Adagio’s sudden stop made the blue girl’s enthusiasm break for a moment. There was Aria walking up to them, obviously having walked the beach herself for a while. The punk girl’s hands remained in the pockets of her beach shorts even though the breeze had knocked the lapels of her open windbreaker askew.

“Hey,” was all she said at first.

Adagio rose a brow in return, waiting for the continuation Aria was obviously reluctant to give.

“What?” Aria glared back. “Are we going to stand out here and just stare at each other?”

“Depends on what you have in mind for the evening,” Adagio came back coolly with a hint of knowing in her eyes. She knew how Aria played this game.

“Che,” Aria made a simple sound of annoyance and started towards the stairs leading upwards off the sand and to the apartment. “If you want anything out of me, you’re going to have to force it.”

Adagio just rolled her eyes and glanced to Sonata, who was giggling and giving a “I’m thinking what you’re thinking” look. As they both jogged up to Aria on either side, Adagio practically shoved the softened fudge popsicle into Aria’s mouth. The girl had to finally abandon one of her pockets to grab the treat’s stick.

Force? Is that it?” Adagio’s smooth voice sang out. Her seductive tone was emphasized by Sonata hooking an arm around Aria’s on the opposite side. “If that’s what’s on your mind tonight then maybe I’ll have you suck on more than just that fudge pop.”

Aria almost spit out the treat in whatever the popsicle version of a spittake was. Sonata, meanwhile, was laughing hysterically and barely keeping a grip on Aria’s arm.

“Could you be more subtle?!” Aria glared at the orange-haired girl. The one she called a sister in spite of their lack of actual familial relation. Sonata was technically the same, but Aria knew Adagio was the only person that would lead Sonata into any “big girl” activities (as Sonata was prone to calling it).

“Oh please,” Adagio grinned back. “You were laying it on so thick. The only time you get this moody anymore is when you’re horny. You didn’t complain the last time I had Sonata take care of your ‘problem.’ Just ask and I’ll take care of it. We’re sisters, after all.”

Aria didn’t reply right away. She knew what Adagio meant and she was right. They shared a deep bond as the last of the sirens. Their powers were stripped but they still had each other. If only Starswirl knew how they had changed. Or rather, how they had been changed. Aria didn’t want to think about the girls of CHS right now, though. Her two “sisters” were enough.

More than enough.

Finally back in the apartment, door closed behind them, the varied sounds of the late night beach resort were silenced. Now just the low almost-quiet hum of the ventilation system circulating air within the rooms. Aria practically ran to the bathroom to claim it before the others could have a chance.

Sonata began to complain but Adagio didn’t care much. If she wanted, she could just open the bathroom door and walk in whenever. Aria would complain but she did that with everything to begin with so it didn’t mean much. If she walked in on Sonata, the blue girl would just insist she join her bath.

In fact…

After putting up her purse and removing her heels, Adagio relaxed on the sofa with Sonata and enjoyed some random show on their TV until she heard the bath water cease pouring. She gave it just enough pause so that by the time she opened the door, Aria would be submerged in the bath. She was not disappointed to see the girl had gone for a bubble bath this time.

“Sonata~!” Adagio called back in a sing-song tone. “Ari got the bubble bath ready for us~!”

Aria’s eyes widened at Adagio’s entrance but her initial response of “what the hell” was quickly followed up by a “you bitch!” It was clear by the poofy-haired girl’s use of the name “Ari” that she was intentionally stirring up Sonata. As if that girl needed any more enthusiasm.

Adagio, however, caught the inflection of what would otherwise have been a nasty name thrown her way. Aria was just pretending to be enraged as a means of play. Same as before – same as usual. Had she been serious, Aria would have used a different tone. A more serious one that Adagio had not heard in a very long time. No, Aria had not started a bubble bath just for herself. She was in the mood and her sisters were happy to oblige.

The process of stripping was normally a pleasant one for Adagio. She liked the attention. Not to mention the release from the tight-fitting apparel she often chose to wear in order to emphasize her generous hips and enviable curves. A thought had struck her as she got to removing her bra, however.

How long had it been since she had gotten any release?

Their human forms had thankfully hidden their centuries of age. She had found the pleasures of the human body to be quite enjoyable but the last time she had…

No point in brooding on it. She was going to get it and in the best manner possible. A nice, long, and relaxing bath with her two “siblings.” It was a far more endearing term to use than “partners in crime” or “life-long tyrant pals.” And she did, after all, have a bond with them that was deeper than mere mastermind and tag-alongs.

Their apartment was bland and average in almost every way. Except one. The employee housing was merely a conversion of the older resort guest suites. The new ones had been built with improved luxuries but the older ones sported one particular feature that was pure gold as far as a siren was concerned.

Each one had a large bathroom equipped with an extra-large circular tub featuring interior underwater lighting and massage jets. It had been one of the resort’s claims to local fame back in the early days and, judging by its current success, the decadent gimmick had done its job well. The bathroom, like the rest of the apartment, was obviously aged though. Half of the tub’s lights and jets no longer worked. No matter. It was enough to fit the three of them comfortably.

Especially if there was going to be little room needed between them in the first place.

“Somebody gained a few pounds,” Aria smirked.

Adagio’s underwear quickly smacked the purple girl in the face. Before she could speak, though, Aria countered.

“Do I get to keep these?”

“Keep it up and it’ll be my foot on your face next,” Adagio grumbled, then realized Aria was masochist enough that it might not even bother her. Finally devoid of all clothes, she could step into the large warm bath. She was only one foot in as a blue blur zipped by her and the water splashed all over. Wiping bubbles from her eyes, she growled “Sonata!”

“Someone could have gotten hurt,” Aria scolded her sister and lightly knocked the girl’s head, which now hovered just above the water and bubbles. Like the periscope of a submarine seeking prey.

“Sowwy,” Sonata pouted her lips in apology before patting the water with her hands.

Adagio finished entering and sat back into the comforting warmth of the bubble bath. A content sigh escaped her before she could think of making any form of conversation or action. Fifteen seconds later, she felt a hand grip her thigh beneath the steaming surface of water. She looked over to her purple sister.

Sonata looked back and forth between them. Adagio. Aria. Adagio. Aria.

“Don’t make me say it,” Aria said in a decidedly less annoyed tone than usual.

Adagio picked up the meaning with ease. “You’re welcome,” she responded with her signature confidence. “We look after each other. It’s all we need.”

Sonata kept hovering her head just above the bubbles, a blank expression on her face. “So...uh...who am I doing first?”


Crickets chirping outside.

Then, suddenly, a heated look of competition between Adagio and Aria.

“Rock!” Adagio declared.

“Paper!” Aria joined.

“Scissors!” they both exclaimed and signaled their choice with their soaked hands.

A very disappointed Aria cried out in vain.

Adagio just smirked. “Scissors never disappoints~”

Comments ( 1 )

I don’t know, I kinda dig ‘Life-long tyrant pals’.

Dagi’s got a point there, Aria. Not sure what you thought paper was gonna do for you.

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