• Published 18th Jun 2019
  • 355 Views, 3 Comments

That's What Friends Are For - Sudrian Engineer

Just a short One-shot about a stallion having a rough day and a good friend helping him out

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That's What Friends Are For

The day started the same as many days in the past few months had... Rusty slowly rose from his bed and walked to the kitchen, reaching into the cabinet, he sighed as he pulled out a box of Hoofeeos and pour some out. As he at his breakfast, he looked outside and felt a few tears come to his eyes, thinking of things that had gone wrong recently.

It all started a few months prior, back then he was happier, doing his job with passion and emotion. Then, he got the letter from his mom... One of his aunts had had a heart attack and dies almost instantly. It was an aunt he knew well and loved very much. That, sadly, was only the tip of the iceberg however. A week later, his German Shepeard had been diagnosed with Bone Cancer and had to be but down. To add to his depression and sadness, his other favorite aunt died only 2 months after, one he was even closer to.

Ever since then, he had been in an almost constant state of sadness and had requested time off from his Railroading job, something he loved since he was a child. Something in the back of his mind told him today would be different somehow, but he didn't know if that was possible. However, despite better judgment, he decided to go out into town for a while.

At first he just looked around, ignoring most ponies and just wandering around the town. Soon, he realised he was being rude, and started to reply to greetings he was given. As he walked, he saw something in a Toy Shop's window that made him stop in his tracks. A rare Thomas the Tank Engine toy sat on display, causing Rusty to tear up slightly. As a kid, he always loved Thomas and both his aunts played with him and his toys whenever they could.

Something in his mind began to take shape and he had a very faint smile. Slowly standing, he put his hoof on the window for a moment before he turned and started to head to a certain building. As he approached it, he began to have second thoughts. 'Is this really the best idea? She is probably too busy to help, but maybe she will atleast let me in...'

He knocked on the large yellow door and waited worriedly, not sure if he should leave or stay and go through with his plan. Before he could leave, however, a soft magenta glow enveloped the door knob and turned it, causing said door to open. As soon as it was, he bowed gently, wanting to be polite in front of the princess. "Greetings Your Highness," he said with tepid softness.

Princess Twilight giggled and smiled at Rusty's bow, speaking happily, "How many times have I told you that you don't have to do that?"

Standing up again, the orange coated stallion replied, "I know, I just wanted to be polite... May I come in?" Twilight noticed his hesitant tone and smiled softly, letting him in and leading him to the library.

"So, Rusty, if it is okay, may I ask why you came to vist? Not that you are unwelcome of course, I am just curious."

The orange stallion had a sad sort of smile as he replied, "I just wanted to check for something in the library is all, nothing important." Twilight could tell that it was actually important, but she could also tell it seemed like a sore subject, so she just nodded and walked with him.

"So, Rusty," she started, "What book are you looking for?"

He seemed to gain a slight blush as he spoke, "Nothing special, Just looking for Authors with a last name starting with A, fiction area." He and Twilight, soon found the bookcases he needed, him going to the last shelf in the row, talking to himself. "Az, Ay, Ax... Here it is, Aw." Looking where it should be for a moment, he suddenly face hooved, mumbling a bit.

Twilight watched confused as Rusty mad his way to the Children's section, finding the 'AW' area again, smiling as he found the books. "Here we are, one of my Idols, Rev. W. Awdry."

Twilight thought for a few moments and then gasped, "Wasn't that the stallion who wrote all thoes children's books? The Railway Series?"

"Heh, heh, yes he is," Rusty answered, "May I check out a few of the books? I feel a bit nostalgic, wanting to remember better times." The princess nodded as Rusty filled out the forms he had to, officially checking out the first 2 books in the series The Three Railway Engines and Thomas The Tank Engine. "Hey Twilight, may I sit here and read a little bit?"

"Of course you can Rusty, enjoy."

Rusty sat on one of the library couches and began to read "Once upon a time, There was a little engine called Edward. He lived in a shed with 5 other engines. They were all bigger than Edward and boasted about it."

Some time passed as Twilight began to read her own book, soon however, she heard the sound of crying, almost sobbing and looked to Rusty. He indeed was crying hard, having set down his book and just sitting there. She immediatly got up and walked over, concerned. "Rusty?" she started with a soft tone, "Are you okay?"

"N-not really," he answered, "Both of my aunts used to read these stories to me and I would sometimes read them while cuddling with my dog..." He suddenly looked up at her desperately. "Twilight, does the pain ever go away?"

Twilight was obviously taken aback by the sudden question, but soon understood and gave a solem shake of her head. "No it doesn't," she said, "When you loved somepony or creature this much, the pain and longing for them to return will never stop. However, the good news is that with family and good friends, the pain can lessen and you can remember them for happy times instead of sad."

Rusty could tell by the emotion in her answer that she had gone though something similar. "Who did you loose Twilight?"

"My Grandfather, a year before you came to town, I was depressed for a while, but my friends helped me come out of it and remember him for the good, not bad."

"I know I have some friends like that, and I am with an amazing one right now." Twilight smiled and nodded happily. The rest of the day, the two books sat on the table by the couch, untouched and the pair spoke of memories of their loved ones. Some were happy, some were bad, some were funny, and some were even scary. Throught the whole talk however, Rusty began to feel better and better. Somehow, he knew, he just knew, that things were starting to look up again, and that fact alone, made him smile and even more greatful to be Twilight's friend.

Author's Note:

Two very important people are the main reason I have written this story: Nova Blaze and Sonadam9.

These 2 have helped me emmensly since my losses last you, and have gotten me though some very tough times.

That is not to say, however, others didn't help. If I tried to list all the people who helped, this note would be as long as the story itself... You know who you are, so, frok the bottom of my heart, THANK YOU FOR BEING THERE FOR ME!!!

Comments ( 3 )

Hey, just like the title says, that's what friends are for.

Sometimes a friend is all you need to make you smile.

Nice little story.

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