• Member Since 6th Mar, 2014
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I wrote hoers (Ko-Fi/Patreon)


Fluttershy doesn't have much left to give. Most of her friends understand. One doesn't.

Marked Dark for Dark subthemes such as antidepressants And references to attempts at suicide.

Reading by FireRain

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 33 )

Oh no

Great, really liked it!

Are these sorts of stories getting old yet?

...A little, to be honest.

Here's an analogy:

Do you know that one song called "Wonderwall" ("Today is gonna be the day...")? The first time you hear it, it's a freaking masterpiece.

And of course, there will be those people who will gladly listen to the song over and over and never get tired of it (like me :twilightsheepish:). But to others, it starts to lose its luster after a few more listenings.

And then a bajillion people do vastly inferior takes on the song and by the end of the day you're just so freaking sick of it.

Am I making sense, or...?

Congratulations Rainbow! you just won gold, silver and bronze in the A*****e Olympics

Makes total sense. I know people have done this way better than I have. Hell. I've done it way better than I have. But I suppose it is what it is.

There are definitely depression stories that work really well, and I do think your story fits into that category.

But at the same time, there are a lot of stories that seem to think all they need to do to be good is end with <Character Name Here> killing themselves.

Eventually, I'd gotten so much of the latter that my opinion of the subgenre as a whole got tarnished. I can appreciate that this story appears to have a lot of honest effort put into it... but I can't bring myself to appreciate that effort.


As someone who actually survived suicide, I think the worst thing that someone can do for a genre of "suicide/mental health" stories as far as prevention goes, is show the suicide. It's a pretty critical flaw in the subgenre as far as actually making progress in this part of the world.

Source: https://www.nm.org/healthbeat/healthy-tips/emotional-health/what-tv-gets-wrong-about-mental-illness

The last thing you want to do is actually validate the action. I won't claim I fully 100% agree with the article but that said, I find that by showing folks that they aren't alone. that people think the way that the characters in my stories do, they feel less alone and have the strength to go on. The whole goal for me is to make people feel less alone, not to say depression is bad. Depression is livable. And it never should be apparent that it can't be.

I'm also not saying that stories shouldn't have suicide portrayed in them or included. I just think it has the potential to make some vulnerable people think that it's more okay to do it. I've written suicide in stories. So it's not like i'm a saint over here.

Your opinion is very valid and I want to make sure you feel heard, my friend :)

Hello depression my old friend.

The spoons is a good analogy. I’m enough of a nerd that my analogy is the Mega Man weapons bars. You only have so much “energy” to accomplish things in a given day. If you overexert yourself, you’ll find yourself without the “energy” to do anything at all. Hell, some days instead of waking up with a full energy bar, you’re at 30% and you’re like “wtf?” Oh, and saying “wtf” costs you energy.

good job, dude. good story.

I feel so called out by this story.

And no, I don't think they're getting old. I feel like they're getting old when they're written badly, don't adhere to how illness (even the same one) impacts a character differently because everyone is different and only ever lead to the exact same endings. There's also bits of Shy's internal dialogue that don't quite feel like hers.

For story critique: I think the choice of Rainbow was wrong for the friend who didn't understand. She's known Fluttershy since they were young, and even when she is brash, something as big as chronic illness and suicide attempts in the past aren't really something that she'd likely to brush off, especially with her obvious soft spot for Fluttershy. I get her initial disappointment, but as the story goes on, it makes much less sense for her to keep reacting the way she does. Discord would probably be a better example of someone who wouldn't grasp mental health, depression, and this kind of situation well. While Dash is one to disregard something more like symptoms (getting fed up with Flutters being shy, reluctant, sometimes being insensitive) Discord doesn't get a lot of behaviors across pretty much everypony, and I think he'd have a hard time understanding what Fluttershy is going through because a) she doesn't look sick and b) even if he understood some of it, he'd probably only get it from the perspective of an ex-manipulator who doesn't want to manipulate his friend, but can't think of anything more than to try and 'snap' Fluttershy happy.

(Also, there's a warning tag for this kind of content?)

I dunno have you seen The Mlp Movie...making careless and thoughtless actions seems to becoming a norm for her. It's hurtful to think that she'd do that...but not out of the question.

I think it's out of the question in this specific situation, especially when the illness in question is chronic. She's not completely careless and reckless, and Fluttershy is one of her more well-established soft spots, who at times Dash is willing to do a lot for. Dash also has very extreme reactions to loss, like when Tank was going to go through hibernation. Something related to a time when one of her friends nearly took their own life really comes across as the kind of situation where she would sober up a bit and be more serious.

She's proven to apathetic to the concerns of her friends before, during both the wedding invasion by the changelings and during the Storm Kings invasion, in fact more often that not it seems like she only cares about others feelings when it suits her.

She's also willing to go out of her way to speak to her in episodes like "Hurricane Fluttershy" and put up with characters like Zephyr Breeze, so she's not entirely like that. As a lifelong friend of Fluttershy's having her neglect something like this in the story just doesn't feel very fitting.

If these stories do it a little different from the last, then no, I don't think it is old.

Yeah kind of. I was honestly expecting there to be a ton of empty virtue-signalling "Are you okay author? Don't do it!" comments because that seems to be the reaction to any story involving depression. The fact that there wasn't suggests to me that the genre is pretty saturated and the readers feel like they've "done their part to make a difference/save a life" already.

Well glad you're alive and doing better! Hopefully, you don't want to try suicide again. :heart:

I mean, the story isn't about suicide, so I don't see why there would be.

Because any time it gets mentioned with a character that is depressed, people like to "read between the lines" and 'discover' that it's really a hidden desperate plea for help by the author, and not just a story.

That's exceedingly frustrating. But I suppose it's the truth. I'm just trying to make people feel a little less alone in how they feel.

Hey, there was nothing wrong with the story itself it's just the meta about it really.

We all hav those days where life just refuses to pull it's punches and to each of us it's something different work all day and no warm food on the table. Hours of yard work and no lukewarm water to soothe your aching burning skin yeah I get it it sucks but what can you do

As someone who lives everyday with depression and the struggles that come with it, I have to say this is spot on. It's actually thanks in part to Fluttershy, who struck me as the character most likely to have depression among the Mane Six, that I was able to last long enough to get medicated at one of the lowest points in my life.

This story hit home. It cut deep. Especially with the intrusive thoughts. I loved every word. Bravo!

Comment posted by Golden Fang Ryu Shenron deleted Aug 23rd, 2019

This resonated with me, too.

"Ready for girl's night?-- Woah!" she exclaimed stopping short of seeing Fluttershy. "What happened to you?"

"girls" is plural, the apostrophe should be AFTER the S
This is in MANY places
Should be capitalized. This is ALSO in several places

I fixed the "girls' night" apostrophe problem.

Are you saying I should also capitalize it?

According to Wikipedia, specific dates are capitalized. So Girls' Night Out should be capitalized the same as Easter, or Christmas.

So are event titles if used as a proper name

So, you would say "we're having a girls' night out."
BUT, this specific girls' night WOULD be capitalized
"You ready for Our Girls' Night Out?"

English grammar rules suck

Ah!!! Then I'll fix it. Thank you. I'm always receptive to the comments. Sorry it took so long

No problem, I completely understand not letting some random stranger tell you how to punctuate your story & should have explained in the first place :pinkiehappy:

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