• Published 18th May 2019
  • 2,884 Views, 23 Comments

Among the Kitsune - Crisis Novastar

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Chapter Five: Remnants of the Past

Chapter Five

Remnants of the Past

“Are you sure we’re at the right place?” Takao asked while looking around at the ruins of an old castle forgotten in time. The stones, as well as the walls were covered in dust. The roof with some parts had cave-in over the years, allowing the rays of the sun pass into the ruined room. Because of the cave-ins some of the castle pathways were blocked and the only way to access them was to find alternate routes. In the middle of what is the throne room lay two seats. The left was a yellow and golden chair with the symbol of the sun, and the other was a midnight blue with a crescent moon on the top. “I highly doubt Seer and his guard would stay in a castle like this.”

“This is the castle of the royal pony sisters,” Katrina explained. “And to answer your question, yes we’re in Equestria.” The feline then places her hand on the cold cobblestone ground. “Falsum stratum vitae,” she chanted and a magic circle appeared around her. The lines glowed a bright greenish color before disappearing completely. “There... now neither he nor anyone else can sense my presence.” The sorceress then closed her eyes, her hand shifting counterclockwise. She could feel the life roaming the forest, from the smallest insects like spiders to the largest which at this time were manticores. Katrina also felt the presence of a zebra, which confused her greatly, but neither of less she found what she was looking for.

Three foxes, one pony, and two dragons? “Seer and three of his guards are in the forest...along with one of the locals and another dragon? Just south from where we’re at.”

“Another dragon huh?”

“Yes, now remember, don’t try to fight them head-on. Just lure them into the forest and leave. Don’t gloat them, don’t even try to use any spells. Just avoid their attacks,” Katrina clarified hoping the fox would remember not to do anything rash, and get himself killed.

“Yes, milady.” Takao bowed and then leaped out from one of the many holes. The sorceress sighed and waited for her subordinate to return.

Seer stopped on the dirt road and looked back into the forest that he had just left along with his guard, Fluttershy, and a now taller Spike. The purple drake was debating with Yajirushi and Gale whether or not if The Power Ponies From Night Horse Comics could beat the Star Squad a neighponese manga with a group of five ponies with special powers fighting the forces of evil all while maintaining a normal school life.

“Is there something wrong, milord?” asked Manto, who stopped and looked at his emperor.

“I felt something just now, however its presence seemly disappeared suddenly.” The nine tail fox respond. Seer then looks over at the four ahead of him and said. “And The Power Ponies would win against the Star Squad since the series is new and we don’t fully know all of the groups' abilities and power. Yet.”

“What!” Both Yajirushi and Gale had there mouth agape with the purple-scaled dragon fist bumping the sky. “You can’t be...wait since when were you into manga? Or Comics for that matter.” This question made the fox rolled his eyes.

“About when the first issue of Kami no ryū no negai was released, then the first issue of Weird tales issue 1.” The Emperor chuckled, only for the two guards to stop and comprehend on what he told them.

“B-B-But that was like 50 years ago,” Gale stated, only for Seer to smirk.

“Even an emperor needs a good story to read,” he retorted.

“That’s something Twilight would say,” Spike chuckled.

“Indeed.” As if deciding it was time to change the subject, Seer took out his bow and aimed at the forest. Pulling the string back, an arrow of red energy is formed and before the others could react, Seer let go of the string. The crimson energy arrow collided with a barrier, which shattered upon impact, causing the user to fly a few feet from where he was and land on his side. Deeming the stranger a threat, Manto and Gale slide in front of their emperor, kunai knives in hand, ready to take on the sudden intruder. Yajirushi pulls out his bow and stood in front of both Fluttershy and Spike, who looked at each other, surprised.

“It has been a while milord,” the stranger said, slowly getting up. It was none other than Takao. “And here I thought I might get the jump on you.”

“And how did that work out for you?” Yajirushi asked with venom in his voice.

“Oh, you must be a newbie? Let me guess... Bow and arrow, captain level mana, and young?” the grey fox chuckled. Yajirushi made the move to shoot at him, but Seer held up his hand.

“What do you want Takao? I doubt you came all this way to fight me again,” he demanded, lowering his own bow.

“Oh, you know... I was in the neighborhood and I felt a very interesting presence.” Takao then pointed to Spike. “I know this is a land filled to the brim with ponies, but why is there a dragon beside Gale here?”

“I live here!” Spike loudly spoke up. “I was hatched and raised by ponies. Who are you anyway?”

“A traitor, that’s who he is. Former 2nd lieutenant of the Imperial Guards 2nd division black ops unit, Phantom Blade swordsman, Takao Kit,” Yajirushi answered. Even though Seer told him to hold his fire, Yajirushi was still pulling on his bow’s string, to where an arrow made out of greenish energy formed.

“I see I’m famous amongst the fellow guards. But I noticed you’re one guard short. Tell me, where is that sexy vixen of yours. Frostbite?” Takao asked, snickering once more. “I thought she of all vixens would be by your side, Seer.”

“More like you’re infamous, and Frostbite’s whereabouts are none of your concern.” Manto and Gale clenched the handle of their knives closer, ready to attack if needed.

“Oh, the ninjas think there can take me on, huh?” Takao asked, arrogantly.

“Yajirushi, take Spike and Fluttershy back to Ponyville,” Seer ordered, to which the silver fox nodded.

“If you two would come with me,” he said, motioning for Spike and Fluttershy to follow. Both of them look back only for the silver fox to smile. “They’ll be fine, this isn’t the first time this has happened,” he assured. Without another word, the three begin to run back to the quiet town.

With Spike and Fluttershy out of danger and earshot, Seer resumed his conversation with the former guard. “I’ll repeat my question, why have you come here? Is it to ruin this diplomacy mission? Or perhaps to assassinate one of the princesses of this land and blame it on Vulpus Terra?”

“Oh please milord, I wouldn’t do anything as to tarnish the name my homeland by slaughtering the princesses. Besides, you would have seen it coming and do anything in your power to prevent the outcome.” The grey fox took a step back. “I’ll have you know, I’m here on a different reason.”

“I’ve had enough of this bullshit!” A dragon of her word, Gale opens her maw, and a bolt of lightning came out, moving with the intent to kill the grey fox. Before the bolt could hit, Takoa moved out of the way and ran into the forest.

“After him!” Seer commanded and both he and his ninja took chase for their former accomplice.

The feline sorceress, Katrina was standing in the throne room waiting for her time to move, granted she could just teleport near the edge of the forest to save time. Sadly, she didn’t know the layout of the forest let alone the town. The spell she cast would help in concealing her presence. There was no need for Seer and his guard to sniff her out immediately after she teleported here.

All she had to do now was wait for the right moment to strike.

Back in the forest, Takoa was avoiding everything, from blasts of lightning to shuriken that came out of his shadow. “Woah! It’s like you’re trying to kill me,” the grey fox grins, avoiding another shuriken, however, this one was spinning at such a rapid speed and that it was creating winds so strong that it slices the upper part of a tree, causing it to fall with a loud turd “Woah! Can’t we talk?”

“Not after what you have done,” Gale snarled before doing some hand signs. Once she was done, blue lightning discharged from her hand and reaching her forward, the lightning was reshaped into a small ball of electricity and shot towards Takao. “Denki sāji!” Upon saying that, the ball discharged, and anything within a 30-foot area was electrocuted. Luckily for Takao, he managed to find enough time to leap beyond the reach of lightning and smirked once again.

“Have it your way.” Landing on the ground, Takoa places his hands together, making it look like he was holding a ball of his own. Once the energy took the form of a sphere, air gathered around the ball, increasing in speed the longer Takao held onto it. “Kaze no uzu!” He unleashes the whirlwind ball, which begins to expand and unleashing the pressure. Fortunately, Gale had anticipated his spell and canceled it out by performing the same thing.

Meanwhile, Manto rose from Takao’s cast shadow and stuck his knife against his fur, but he said grey fox faded like a ghost.

“Ha! You’re supposed to be Seer’s royal guard and you can’t tell from real to fake!” Before Takao could make another witty remark, let alone move, an arrow made out of red energy hit him. However, instead of blowing him up, the energy wrapped around, bonding him, resulting in him falling from a tree and landing on the ground with a soft thud.

Seer walked from the bushes that he was hiding the whole time. “Now you’re going to answer me.”

“D-Damn it...”

Katrina moved throughout the crowd of ponies. Luckily, she used a spell that makes her invisible to others, and thanks to her early spell, neither Seer not any of his guard were able to sense her, especially since they were busy dealing with Takao. Since it was 10:15 in the morning, the citizens of Ponyville were out and about during their daily routines, shopping, having present conversations. Typical since Ponyville was said to be the friendliest place in Equestria.

Being invisible had its disadvantages, which was proven when a couple of ponies had stepped on Katrina’s tail without realizing it. This caused her to scream out in pain and ran towards the nearest building. Upon hearing the scream, ponies looked around, wondering who caused it.

Damn it, it took hours to groom my fur.’ Katrina thought, scoffing at the work she’d have to do to get her tail back to the perfect condition. Despite the harsh training she went through as a kitten, all those drills, excuses, magical and combat training, she always kept her fur in perfect condition in case she had to attend a meeting or party. Putting the grooming on hold for now, the sorceress begins to scan the area. ‘This place... seems friendly... and nice... wait is that pink pony looking at me?’ Katrina’s green eyes met the light blue ones of the pink mare staring at her from the distant. The mare’s mane and tail begin to twitch and her tongue slips out of her lips, before putting back in.

“Um... Auntie Pinkie, what are you looking at?” asked a young pegasus colt. No older than the age of 10, his coat was cream color with a brown mane and tail. He wore a tan short sleeve shirt and green shorts. Next to him was his unicorn twin sister, whose coat was a light orange color. Her split fluffy pumpkin mane had a blue ribbon at the end of the mane and tail. Pinkie who was wearing a white t-shirt with a cupcake on it and blue shorts, looked back at the twins. It was her day off and she made a promise to take the twins out to see their friends at the park.

“Something is out there,” she said, pointing to some random building. However, when Pound and Pumpkin looked to where she was pointing, the feline sorceress was nowhere to be found.

“No one is out there, Auntie Pinkie,” Pound argued, while his twin sister shook her head.

“It’s Pinkie being Pinkie, brother,” Pumpkin responded.

“I’ll think about the party later, come on you two,” Pinkie Pie said cheerfully.

Sighing in relief that she hadn’t been exposed, Katrina hopped from one building to another until she spotted one of Seer’s guards walking alongside a butterscotch pegasus, and a purple and green dragon. ‘I thought I told him to keep them busy!’ she mentally screamed but snapped her fingers as she got the idea to simply follow him.

“I do hope Seer and the others are okay,” Fluttershy said while glancing back at the direction they came from.

“Oh, I wouldn’t worry about them. Besides, having trained guards with years of experience, we also have someone who can not only see the upcoming future but controls luck as well,” Yajirushi stated as he looked around, thinking that Takao didn’t come alone.

“This other fox... what did he do?” Spike asked.

“To make a long story short, Takao, along with several others foxes traded secrets about us having powerful artifacts to some shady individuals,” the silver fox explained. “Sady, we caught wind of their plans in starting a coup and arrested them along with the creatures they made their deal with. However, before we could sentence him, the bastard challenged Seer to the throne.”

“Wait, if he’s arrested, then what right does he have to demand a fight?” questioned Spike, seeing a flaw in this story.

“Well my scaly friend, in my land, foxes and only foxes have the right to challenge the current leader in Kōtei kettō. It’s kind of a rule Lady Inari placed when foxes became greedy for her spot on the throne. And unless the party is guilty, the current leaders have to accept the challenge.”

“And judging from the result this fox lose.” Spike guess only for the silver fox to nods.

“Oh, he got his ass handed too like no other!” Yajirushi chuckled, remembering the fight, and how Seer dispatched the bastard with nothing but his sword. “The rules were simple, no magic. Back then, Takao made the mistake of forgetting that Seer mastered several fighting styles in his youth, including kenjutsu.”

“The Art of the Sword?” Fluttershy asked.

“Right again. Seer-dono put that scar on him on his eye as a reminder. Anyway, after he beat the hell out of that traitor, he put a curse on him and banished him from the island.” As he explains this, the three arrived in front of the castle. Yajirushi then opens the door and they all walked inside. Unbeknownst to the three, however, they were being followed.

Of course he would stay there at a castle? And here I thought only whitetails would make a castle from a tree... could this be the Tree of Harmony doing?’ Katrina thought and then moved towards the castle being as quiet as possible. When she was near, she placed her paw on the trunk. ‘Here goes nothing.’ Closing her eyes, she began to chant. “Qui habitare velle tua intumuerunt. Ad nimium calorem transeat ne nova et anima, et quod usque vectigal campanis.” As she chants, a small rune appeared on the castle trunk. “Qui ingredimini per calorem qui non pulsant. Tepidum qui sentitur tactu libidine sua peribunt. Usque ad ruinam lunae et solis, quod moritur, cum execratione maledicta congessit.” The rune then disappears. ‘Alright, now to get out of here and wait.’ And in a flash of green, the sorceress disappeared.

“Okay now answer me, who sent you?!” Gale demanded, pressing her knife hand against Takao’s neck. Seer was leaning against a tree, his eyes fixed on the trapped fox while Manto was on a tree, watching to see if any more of Takao’s ‘friends’ would show up.

“Oh, sweetie...” the grey fox started, only for Gale to growl and push her knife closer to the skin, slowly drawing blood. “You know I can’t tell you...” Reaching into his pocket, he pulled out the gate stone, and pour a bit of his mana into it. Seer knowing what he was about to do, grabbed Gale and threw her off of the fox before he disappeared.

“Well, we now know he isn’t working alone,” Seer commented, standing straight from the tree. “Let’s go back and inform Frostbite when she comes.”

“You know who that bastard is working for?” Manto asked as he landed back on the ground.

“I do, and we need to inform the princesses about the possibility of someone attempting to steal my stones or claim one of their lives.” Seer closed his eyes. “Damn it Kat...” he spoke in a whisper, regretting the things that will happen.

“SPIKE, WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU!? YOU’RE SO BIG?” Starlight yelled the moment she saw how tall the drake was now.

“Oh, um...”

“We kind of made him eat meat,” Yajirushi answered for him, looking back on the outside before he wasn’t followed. The news on Spike eating meat wasn’t new since Twilight had told both Starlight and Sunburst that they went out early, and wouldn’t be back for a while. “Stunted growth and all.” Letting out a soft sigh in relief from the feeling that there was no other presence besides the residents, Yajirushi slumps to the door. “Anyway, is Princess Sparkle still here?”

“Yes... um... we were trying to figure out that clairvoyant spell. You know, the emperor, seem to have mastered.”

“Oh if anything, you’re not going to figure it out. Anyway, Seer-dono would like to speak to her when he comes back... alone.” The silver fox moved away from the door, then looked around.

“Why’s that?” Starlight asked with a raised eyebrow.

“Believe me, it’s best for you not to know...” Yajirushi replied, quietly. “And before you say anything, this is highly classified.” Anything to further this little discussion was cut off when the door opened, revealing Seer and his clan.

“I need to speak with Princess Sparkle,” the nine-tailed fox demanded and made his way into the castle library where Twilight was. Within the library, there were books on the floor, couch, and even a couple on the ceiling. Seer wasn’t even going to ask how that happened. Looking around, he saw that the princess of friendship wasn’t alone, as the sun orange unicorn was right beside, reading a few books about transfiguration magic, and from the looks of it, they were here since they left.

Picking up the book he looks at the title; Seeing the Future for Dummies 101. “You know, perfecting clairvoyant isn’t written in any text,” Seer said using his magic to float the book back on the shelf. “And again, it’s best to figure it out on your own.”

Twilight looked up, only to see the red nine-tailed fox smirking. “O-Oh!” she exclaimed, sheepishly hiding one of the books behind her back. A small blush form on her cheek. “W-What can I do for you then? Maybe help in testing out some spells?”

“As lovely as that sounds, I need to speak with you.” Seer then stared at Sunburst. “Alone.”

“S-Sunburst, could we... um, have a moment... please?” Twilight asked with a huge smile.

“Oh um of course, j-just um... yell if you need anything...” Having said that, the stallion picked up his book and walked out of the library like he was asked to. Once the door closed, Seer snapped his fingers, making a soundproof barrier.

“Now, before I tell you what happened...” He looked over at the door, “...I just need to say just because you’re using an invisible spell doesn't mean I can’t sense your presence... Ms. Glimmer.” He then looked over to where the mare was standing by the door after reluctantly dispelling her own magic. Now exposed, the light purplish unicorn, smiled sheepishly, much to Twilight and Seer’s disapproval.

“Umm...” was all she could say before the fox rolled his eyes.

“Starlight!” Twilight said in an ‘I’m disappointed in you’ tone.

“It’s fine,” Seer sighed, waving his hand. Hoping to keep this a secret, and the reason why he was even here in the first place. “Your friends would have eventually found out one way or another. Starlight, do you know the reason why I’m here?”

The light purple unicorn placed her fingers under her chin, thinking. “Is it because you need a break from ruling a country?”

“Yes, but there are a few more reasons.” Seer walked over to a couch and sat there. The two mares follow suit sitting on the sofa. “Three actually. The first is a legend. Tell me, are you familiar with the legend of the dark days? Or when the sun and moon were eaten?”

“That’s an old pony-tale,” Starlight recollected the old story. “It was a story that parents tell their foals. Apparently, even though nopony knows where they came from, there are two wolves that chased the sun and moon. If they stop moving, then the wolves will eat them and rob us of light. Because of this, Celestia and Luna would move them so the wolves could never catch the celestial bodies. And this prophet named... well, Prophet said that the two wolves would arrive in Equestria and eat Celestia and Luna, thus bringing the end of ponykind.” When Starlight finished telling the story as best as she could, Seer just nodded.

“Well, that’s one of the reasons Seer is here,” Twilight began to explain. “When the sun and moon disappear, the two wolves will appear in Equestria. I do not know where, but when they do, they ponies will either chase them out or kill them. Because of their death, their father who doesn’t like the ponykind to begin with, will be enraged and will order the eradication of the equine race,” Twilight said grimly, her eyes forced on the fox. “Seer is here to warn us so we can prevent that from happening.”

“As scary as that sounds, we have the tree of harmony, along with several very powerful ponies. I mean we have magic, what do the one wolf have, fangs and claws?” Starlight stiff a giggle, only for her to have the blue eyes of the fox stare her down. In addition to his tails swaying from side to side, Seer’s eyes told how serious he was. Truth be told, it took all his willpower and mental training not to slap the unicorn for her arrogance.

“The last creature to say that ended up with a horn in the wrong hole. That creature... was a alicorn.” The emperor began, his voice as cold as the top of a mountain in the middle of winter. “The reason those two were in the cosmos is because of the alicorn race.”

“The alicorn race was wiped out by this single wolf who grieved over the loss of his wife and sons. All the cubs wanted were to befriend them...” Twilight added. “At least that what Seer told me and Princess Celestia.”

“The other reason as to why I’m here is because a few of my citizens went missing a couple of months ago. We later found them being used as slaves for those some shady treasure seekers looking for the entrance to the land of the dead. They were the same treasure seekers who defiled some of the sacred temples in my land...” Seer said placing his hands under his chin.

Starlight just stared at the fox. “Were they ponies?”

“Yes,” the nine-tailed fox confirmed. “Several to be exact. One goes by the name of Doctor Caballeron.”

“Caballeron, as in one of Daring Do arch-enemies?” Starlight asked, for the fox to nod. “You mean he’s real?”

“Is he that infamous among those lands?” Seer asked tilting his head.

“Oh um sorry... but there’s this series ongoing series about her adventures. I’m not a fan personally but...”

“Twilight and Rainbow Dash are?” Seer spoke to which there were a light pink tan coming from the princess’ cheeks. “Twilight told me, and currently I had him, along with this mare that goes by Daring Do in prison for a number of charges, as well. Daring Do was set free and all her charges were dropped.”

“So Daring Do is real too?” Starlight asked only for the two royals to nod. “And here I thought she was just some made up mare. If you don’t mind me asking, what were they after?” Starlight asked, only for the fox to remove the two gems attach on his choker.

“These,” he said with the two gems glowing and Starlight gasped at the sight.

“Are those...?”

“The gem of infinity,” Twilight answered.

“But I thought those were just something that would appear in the comic books, the one Spike reads.”

“Apparently someone in Seer’s guard was trading very sensitive secrets to them.” Twilight begin. “Those gems are extremely powerful and if one of them were in the wrong hands, it would be a catastrophe.”

“Okay, but we have the tree of Harmony's magic in case something were to happen, right?”

“In short, yes. The magic of harmony can undo two of the six gems magical powers,” Seer stated.

“So why have them with you?” Starlight questioned, only for the fox to chuckle.

“Luna asked the same thing when I showed them to her. And the reason is because by the off chance that somepony would discover the whereabouts of said gems, let’s say the Amber of Souls? And have the means to enter into the land of the dead and retrieve it, or if the princess of the moon wanders into the temple where the ruby of dreams lay,” the fox explained. “And before you say it, no because I have seen a bunch of timelines where creatures discover the gems and want them for themselves.” After stopping the thoughts of the light purple unicorn, Seer then explained how Takao and others’ planned a coup upon the throne, sharing sensitive information, creature trafficking for profit, as well as several other offenses. He and the court guard caught wind of this and arrested them after finding proof of the betrayal.

“So someone is after those gems?” Starlight asked, understandingly.

“Pretty much.”

“And he’s not working alone?” Twilight asked to which the fox nodded. “Any idea who is this Takao partner is?”

“Hmm... I have a hunch that it’s my former student, Katrina...” Seer placed the two gems back on his choker.

“Former student?” the two mares asked in unison.

“Yes, a powerful Abyssinian sorceress who I trained when she was a kitten.” Seer sighed, having clear memories of the ordeal. “But again, it was just a hunch and I pray that I’m wrong. But whoever Takao’s partner may have placed a spell on this castle. What spell it is, I don’t know. While we figure out what spell was placed, I suggest not touching anyone outside town.” The fox then snaps his fingers, undoing the barrier. Seer has a feeling things are going to get hot in the next couple of days.

“I told you to keep the guard busy!” Katrina screamed at Takao, only for the grey fox to nonchalantly rub his ears.

“Hey you of all creatures knows that foxes are clover.,” Takao replied. The sorceress just sighed.

“Whatever. I found out where Seer and his guards are staying. And since I already set the curse, all we need to do is wait.” Katrina then walked over to her desk and glazed at her crystal ball.