• Member Since 31st Jul, 2018
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My name is Clan. Gomamon, musician, happens to like writing once in a while. Also doesn't bite.


After his ordeal with Mind Fission and his mind free of his control, Shining Armor returns to the Crystal Empire to investigate a tip given to him about his wife. Princess Cadance had been hiding her biggest secret from Shining Armor for years; never working up the courage to tell him, and now caught in a seemingly awkward position.

Warning: Contains mild ABDL themes and diapers

I wanted to explore relationship dynamics and self-acceptance barriers with this one; something one can relate to despite what kind of secrets are kept in relationships, or even friendships for that matter.

In this series, other ponies will undergo various issues of said variety.

Cover art by the lovely Plinkie Poi

Chapters (5)
Comments ( 42 )

Really good I like how Cadence acting all shy :pinkiehappy: and how accepting Shining is.

Nice story so far, I like the idea that Mind 'Evil' in it I wonder what he did to Cadance and Shining's mind? keep it up.

Very nice beginning, looking forward to seeing where it goes.

Very nice. There aren't a whole lot of padded fics involving these two, and even fewer where Cadence is the foal. :rainbowkiss:

After his ordeal with Mind Fission and his mind free of his control?
I need more constant?

This stuff about Mind Fission interests me and I wish to know more.

Is that something that's going to come up in later chapters?



Thanks very much, I'm glad you guys liked it. Cadance is most certainly neglected in these stories. <3



I plan to show more of Mind Fission in future works, most certainly. I'm glad you guys have shown interest in him. I actually have a story about him here.


For future reference, fetish content like this, even if it's not explicitly sexual, really needs to be rated Teen.

Oh my... Huge oversight on my part. My apologies.

The content isn't your cup of tea, and that's perfectly fine. One can't control his/her dislikes any more than one can control his/her likes. I'm sorry the moral of the story was lost on you because of this, but hey, what can you do? :twilightsheepish:

9628642 I was really surprised that this was rated Everyone despite its content.

This was certainly a great yarn about the outcome in which all of us who enjoy feeling 'little' hope for.

I can personally attest to what happens with the fear. Especially when it leads to the most feared outcome.

Long-to-short, it played a part in ending my marriage as my wife couldn't feel comfortable with someone who likes to wear diapers to soothe himself from anxiety and life stress.

Admitting the truth many years ago was, hopefully, a way to set me free and ensure we could move forward positively. However it truly is a shot-in-the-dark on how the other will react when such a part of yourself becomes known.

The important thing I've learned is 'self-acceptance' along with how I'm far from alone in finding diapers soothing to help relax when life stress is too much and you need to 'get away'. I personally don't understand why anyone would be so against them when they, unless you really try, don't hurt nobody. More socially accepted 'coping mechanisms', like opiods, alcohol, and bath salts, seem to gather more of a care response than someone who copes with trauma through pamps.

However, despite this part of me being the catalyst that started my wife down the road to leaving me, I have no regrets. You can't change who you are. You can change your diapers but not who you are.

I went into therapy sessions to talk about how diapers help me cope with trauma and, well, I was given a full lesson in how "As long as it doesn't hurt you or anyone else.". This also came with "You can't control how others feel.".

What got me to be an AF / DL? Being born with an ocular condition that, two years ago, took the last of my physical eyesight. I went through over 50 surgeries in my life and even more appointments to try and hold on to sight that was constantly dwindling despite every effort made.

Diapers are 'tactile' and need not be seen to get in the relaxed headspace. So, as a result of being outcast for my disability and bullied for it over a lifetime, diapers stuck with me as a go to for relaxation when no other means was available.

It's good to have stories like this. This is because it 'IS' possible to have a positive outcome. You can get a Cadence and Shining Armor moment. However you gain nothing by keeping it locked away except for more stress, anxiety, and that great concern of 'what if...?'. It truly is better to have it out there ASAP.

Mine was out there to my wife for 14 years. She would every-now-and-then remark on how "What if I can't live with you knowing of your affinity to diapers?". Well, I have the answer now. However, again, no regrets as to regret would be to self-destruct and, for those of us seeking acceptance and understanding, it is horrific to allow the mind to go into such dire places.

This is chapter 1 no rush but when do you think chapter 2 will be out

That full bladder came a little out of nowhere. It might help feel more natural if you made a few passive references leading up to it. Cadance feeling it but constantly putting it off for one reason or another.

Sorry it took me a bit to get back to this one; there's actually a valid explanation for this, and it warrants me to provide a brief explanation on the body's sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems, which governs certain functions dependent on if the body is at rest or not. In stressful situations, the sympathetic system will basically put certain functions on pause, such as hunger and in this story's case, the need to relieve, for the sake of preparing the body to deal with these stressful situations. The parasympathetic system will govern the need to relieve while the body is at rest. The more you know~ :twilightsmile:

So you're saying she was too distracted to notice?

I guess you could say that. It's more like the brain straight-up won't receive the signals to relieve in that state.

Interesting, albeit unrelated to what Cadence went through.

Comment posted by Late_Night deleted Nov 7th, 2019

nice read but I wonder what will be the actual plot of the story?

Very nice. There are a number of very inspiring / motivational moments in this chapter alone. The 'owning' of her condition was certainly a big one along with realizing how those closest will always be there to help.

There really is a solution for just about everything. It may not be the 'perfect' solution but it is still something that creates a strong outcome.

The suggestion of robes and learning to change herself was super for Flurry to have. This meant, as we noticed in Sugar Cube Corner, she could properly handle herself by doing what needed to be done when it didn't come off too awkward, prompted, or anything else that would cause unnecessary stares, drama, etc.

I liked her proud stance towards her parents to go to a real school. It reminds me of how, in a reverse way, my parents fought for me to stay in a public school. This is because, by 2nd grade, the school district had underestimated my abilities and believed my lack of strong physical sight was also a measure of intelligence. Fortunately my parents fought back to actually have the teachers teach me as if I was 'normal' and, surprise, I now hold an MBA! I lost the rest of my sight but still have gained a lot and all thanks to learning, as Flurry has, to believe in myself through proper support.

Nice read. Thanks for reminding me what I strive to help share with others every day. :)

There's a strong core to the story with how she doesn't let herself be defined by her disabilities, and you let it shine through several distinct scenarios. Overall, a solid chapter.

The writing is good, but it didn't quite flow for me. Have you tried reading it out loud during revisions and edits? It could help you find a more natural rhythm.

I really hope we get to see more of flurry heart. There is so much you could do with that premise, I know she is changing herself but I am sure her parents still help from time to time and what about during school when she has an accident. Maybe her parents could hire a royal changer and she would have to deal with that? Ideas. Would love a spin off.

This is cute, though I think if this fic is going to be comprised of chapters like this it should have an anthology tag to convey that it's a series of self contained stories.

I didn't even know there was a tag for that. Thanks~

The way in which you presented Rainbow's interests in being AF were very solid with enough proper repetition to help get the message through.

Starting out with the fear / shameand talking with Twilight was perfect. It gave the initial tension to lead into meeting up with Mind who gave the straight truth on what it is like to be an AF. However this would not make 'accepting' it easy on Dash. So Mind played a 'mind game' through using the tennis match to allow Dash to see how her AF side did not take away, nor diminish, who she is.

Twilight arriving to provide some caretaking fun with Dashie was the perfect finish as Twilight, always eager to learn, would want to take this opportunity to better understand Rainbow's AF side. How can Twilight rule Equestria if she can't understand all in which could come up during court, or amidst a moment of council with a creature desperate to find their way in a world built around the magic of friendship.

Having 3 points of acceptance discussions allowed the whole 'ready to accept herself' become more real. You have to face that fear of shame, ensure shame can't be used as a tool against you, and most importantly how being an AF doesn't 100% definie who you are. It is but a small part of a far greater whole.

Loved this with the first chapter, and still quite enjoying myself. Keep up the awesome work ^-^

Now we're getting into some heavy stuff, maybe enough to warrant a drama tag even. :twilightoops:

I'm glad to have found this series still going. I missed this chapter during my 'stress hiatus'. Now I am reading it and, soon after, the next chapter. :)

The way you presented Mind Fission and Rainbow Dash was incredible. It wasn't like RD just suddenly decided her liking of being an AFDL was okay. Rather, like most who are AFDLs, she fought it without knowing she was fighting it. Quite amazing how the fear of 'shame' and 'judgment' can keep you shackled even when you may believe you are not. (Speaking from first-hoof experience)

The tennis match was a fantastic way to get dash to understand what Mind fission had been working towards helping her understand within herself. Each of his serves and returns were calculated in a way that would cause Rainbow to have to think in a way that opened her up to how she was still not being true to herself. This all resulted in how Twilight came to help RD have a 'special day' to know she was in a very judge-free zone.


I took away a lot in this chapter in regard to my AFDL side. Most notably how I failed to really see how much I let the shame and fear of judgment hold me back on so many levels. It wasn't until late last year / early this year I finally 'got it' and see how I was not in control of this side of me and, sadly, others were able to, knowing or not knowingly, use it to ensure I was compliant.

Now that I'm free, I relate with how you painted Rainbow dash. The beginning really set the tone for how, like I feel, Rainbow doesn't want to always have to be the 'superstar' the whole of Equestria expects her to be. She would like to have some pony allow her to put down all her defenses and dominate her the way she dominates the skies. Not in a BDSM way but in a way where she is not the one in control and the caretaker does, well, take care of her. :)

Lots of good messages here. What's most impressive is how Mind Fission didn't even make an appearance despite being brought up quite a bit in working towards the resolution between Apple Bloom and Applejack.

It's interesting how you had Twilight show a fondness for Dash. I think, from what I gathered, it is Twilight just going 'Twilinanas' over how she feels she needs to do certain things just like Starlight, Pinkie, and Fluttershy. It is really an adjustment when relationships start building between your friends and others. The one's they fall for gradually taking more-and-more time away from time that was once shared without that extra some creature butting in.

I thought for awhile on Scoot and Sweetie trying a relationship. It didn't feel right, at first. However I then realized they are, like Apple Bloom, in that prime age of self-discovery. You then throw in how Scoot has largely seen a relationship as one between her Aunt and Auntie and it only makes sense that she would gravitate in that direction for herself. You then throw in how Sweetie Belle is more the 'complimentary' piece to Scootaloo's tomboy recklessness and, well, you have something that could genuinely work.

Applejack reminded me of how my, sad-to-say, ex-wife thought of me when I told her about being an AFDL. She was the first person I told and she took it very badly. We stayed together for nearly 16 years but she could not get over how "Socially Unacceptable" I was. She even had a twilight moment when she asked me what my therapist thinks of my liking of diapers and, well, she sees no trouble at all. So, right now, this story's AJ is an echo of my ex-wife. Bittersweet but definitely reminds me of how I allowed the 'shame' and 'judgment' she shot my way put me in numerous compromising situations.

Quite an interesting conclusion, but I was kind of hoping there'd be more installments.

Honestly, this story went on longer than normally intended, and then even longer than revised intentions. :P I had a groove with this story, I followed it, and I'm glad to see where it went, and I'm glad to have shown it. I hope you enjoyed it for what it's worth.

These stories have really been extremely insightful to the struggle it is to have such desires, not understand why, and even more have to know that society frowns upon such behavior.


Twilight's time with Mantra speaks many volumes for me and my AFDL feelings. There is an ongoing battle between 'relaxing' and maintaining what is expected of you. It is hard to surrender control when you are used to always having to be 'responsible'.

Overthinking is definitely a common part of it all as, personally, you worry about having to abruptly return to 'adult mode'. This keeps 'little space' more in the 'middle space' Mantra mentioned.

One day, I really would like to be able to surrender all my responsibility to someone else who I trust. I wish so deeply to be held and cuddled. It would also be really nice to have someone else diaper me over me diapering myself.


Thanks for continuing this series. It's been very helpful in helping to know that others see AFDL in a similar light. Knowing you are not alone in how you've come to understand it being a part of who you are is very nice. :)

I appreciate all your kind words throughout the entire run of this. I'm sorry I never responded before; I had to limit my responses to the story while it was still ongoing. I'm glad you were able to take so much from my writing. If it's anyone who could translate the struggle of overthinking one's little side, it's Twilight's character, or anyone I've written about in this story for that matter, and I'm glad I was able to get all this across. Thank you very much~

my question why if u use cover with candane and shing armor why does don't stay with it?

This story originally was not going to have multiple chapters.

However, I feel the cover immediately sets up an interesting precedent; the idea that even the princess of love didn't know how to approach her loved one about being a foal-at-heart. The idea that everyone has their own journey and that it's not a simple one, even to somepony one might think would have it figured out.

only come here cadence get baby which is rare story

I’m trying to find where Fission tried to harm them

First story I read when I figured out I was into AFDL. Wanted to explore, came out a little shocked from how it honestly did resonate, but did not disappoint!

Well done on that one. Loved it!

(I only got around to commenting on this months after I initially read. But still, even from the first time I read it around a year ago, fabulous work!)

Read this once again, effectively spartan-kicked me into little space. Holy hell…

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