• Member Since 15th Feb, 2012
  • offline last seen 34 minutes ago


Comments ( 33 )

"I think I'll be fine. You can do anything with spreadsheets. [..]"

"There's the old saying, 'would you rather be happy or correct?' I made my choice."


"Solar power corrupts heliocentrically. What's your point?"


I can believe that it was easier to kill God than to get 6 people together on a regular basis to play D&D.

This is Sci-Twi we're talking about.

I don't understand. I know that this is Sci-Twi. I can only guess that you misread "I can believe" as "I can't believe". I have tried to assemble groups of people for D&D. I agree that killing God would be easier.

When I saw the title, all I could here was this in my head.

I just read the story after posting my comment on square hammer from ghost and realized that the author made a story based on it.

I read the story after I posted the first comment just because of the title. After reading the story and realizing it is the said reference..... AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!!!!!!!111
1000/10 APPROVED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You really underestimate how hard it is to get a stable, frequent group :rainbowwild:

Well, at least in your thirties :twilightsheepish:

Are you on the square?
Are you on the level?
Are you ready to swear right here, right now
Before the devil
That you're on the square
That you're on the level
That you're ready to stand right here, right now
Right here, right now:twilightsmile:

Good fic.

I know Matt Parker through Numberphile. I’m ashamed to say I never thought about why his channel is called Stand Up Maths until now. :rainbowderp:

Where is Sunset?

Great story! Also, I have never heard any song from Ghost until now. :twilightblush: But now I have found another band to listen too! :pinkiehappy:

I'm an agnostic myself, but the notion of being able to unmake a theoretically omnipotent being with one of Microsoft's bug-prone products doesn't entirely work for me even as humor. :rainbowhuh:

I eventually gave up and waited for the daughter to be old enough for me to run a Pathfinder campaign for her and her friends. That’s right, I missed tabletop gaming so much I willingly volunteered to GM for a group of thirteen year old girls. It was worth it to see the shy, mousy kid get super stoked when her paly took out a barghest single handed.

I killed God with Microsoft Excel

The only thing better than that line is when you realize she wasn't speaking figuratively.


"Looks like you're trying to eradicate The Divine. Microsoft Office Assistant can help!"

I think you misread my comment. I can
believe that it's easier to kill God...

That's absurdly heartwarming and awesome. Please, do tell more, that must be a table with plenty stories to tell, from cute to epic :twilightsmile:

I did indeed, sorry for that.

This was refreshingly ute & fun. Have a :moustache:

You had me at square hammer.

I think you could probably cause global fan headsplosions if they managed to sneak a few riffs from Popestar into the next EqG short.

Also, consider "Solar power corrupts heliocentrically" stolen like, last Tuesday.

It's okay, I stole it too.

I sometimes wonder if people even know what agnosticism is.

I'm a soft agnostic.

Forget introversion, Twilight's social apathety levels are through the roof.


I don't know if that's a criticism of me, a criticism of other people, or a non sequitur. :rainbowhuh:

Oh, t'was an offhand remark. You probably read into it too deeply. :moustache:

I thought the EXACT same thing. Hail Papa Emeritus III.

It's the only one where you feel good about worshipping bad! :pinkiehappy:

You know how in South Park they were making Christian music by taking regular pop and replacing the word "baby" with "Jesus" ? That's kind of how Ghost operates, except it's Satan.

I kid, but I do think of it as kinder, gentler devil worship.

I believe that was the last honest episode of south part I watched. Christian converted lyrics :pinkiehappy:
And you are right in two songs that do that. Believe it or not, ghost did purposely take Christian based songs(with small tone and instrumental changes) and made it for Satan.
1st one is called HE IS.... watch the video and that is literally what he is doing
2nd one I believe is Deus In Absentia

And they are kinder version of devil worshiping. Actually, the lead singer papa emeritus, is a very nice guy. He talks about enjoying life, not committing evil or discriminating acts. In one of the concerts I went to, he actually went out to the shops, bought a bunch of stuff from there and gave it to the children whom attended the shows.

"Solar power corrupts heliocentrically.

I died laughing at that point. Made a deal with the devil to finish reading.

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