• Published 22nd May 2019
  • 1,260 Views, 34 Comments

Alterverse: Welcome to Ponyville - Lord King Cocoon

What if 1000 years ago, it was Celestia who became corrupted and Luna banished her and took over leadership? Trixie has been tasked to find the new wielders of the Elements of Harmony.

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Ch 3: Foalnapped

Though Trixie wasn’t crazy about having to deal with Rarity’s inspiration manifestation, she was able to take advantage of it. She struck a deal with the fashionista that would allow anypony sent there from the magic shop would have a voucher to get a custom made magician’s suits.

Though she was planning on just wearing her usual magician’s garb, Rarity insisted on designing a dress for the gala. Trixie had agreed that because she would be doing a magic show, that the dress be functional as a magician’s garb. Though Trixie wasn’t fond of frilly dresses, seeing what Rarity had in mind was appealing to her. Though she still thought it was slightly too frilly.

But after an hour, Trixie finally got out of the boutique, getting Surprise, who had fallen asleep waiting.

“So, you think I could get her to make gala suits for the Lunarbolts?” Surprise asked.

“Are you sure you and the other Lunarbolts would even be interested?” Trixie asked, “I mean, I’m not sure how functional a gala dress would be for flying.”

“Well, you were able to custom make a dress to be functional, right?” Surprise pointed out, “So if you can request customs, why not me?”

“You can ask her yourself when you get the chance,” Trixie said, “Right now, I’d like to get to know this town a little better.”

“Would you like a guide to help you around?”

“That would be very helpfu-” Trixie turned around to see the origin of the of the voice to see a gray, wall-eyed pegasus mare carrying a mailbag, “Oh, uh… Hi?”

“Hi!” the mailmare chirped, “I still need to get back to the post office to end my shift. But if you want to come, I can show you around afterwards!”

“Who better to show us around town that somepony who works at the post office?” Surprise asked Trixie.

“Well, there’s not much else for us to do at the moment,” Trixie said, before turning back to the pegasus, “My name is-”

“The Grrreat and Powerful Trrrixie!!!” the mailmare said, imitating the showmare’s usual introduction, “My daughter loves your shows! And so do I, even though I’m not as big into magic as she is.”

“It seems my reputation truly does precede me,” Trixie said to herself in fascination.

“I’m Ditzy Doo, the local mailmare!” the pegasus explained as they started walking, Ditzy’s attention purely on Trixie.

“You probably should watch-”

“My daughter, Dinky, loves to try to analyze magic tricks to figure out how they’re done,” This get’s Trixie’s attention, “My husband just says that all magic tricks can be explained scientifically. But it’s so much more than just science!”

“Well, you’re both right,” Trixie explained, getting caught up in the topic, “It is a science if you take into account the trick itself. But it’s also a demonstration of skill, with slight-of-hoof tricks and knowing how to, or being able to perform the tricks. It’s also a performance. You have to make sure to capture the attention of the audience with-”

“Ditzy!” Surprise said urgently, “Watch out for that-”


“-tree,” Surprise said, warning the pegasus too late about the tree in her way.

“Don’t worry,” Ditzy said in a slight daze, “It happens all the time.”

“As long as you’re okay, I suppose,” Surprise said, “So since you know so much about Trixie Lunamoon, I’m sure you know alot about who I am too?”

Ditzy just looks at Surprise cluelessly, “Uh… who are you?”

“You don’t recognize me?” Surprise said in shock, “You know, a member of the Lunarbolts?”

Ditzy took a moment to think about it, “Fleetfoot?”

Surprise sighed in defeat, “I’m Surprise,” she said, “I guess I’m not that recognizable without my Lunarbolts outfit.”

“Oh… yeah…” Ditzy said, trying and failing to sound convincing, “Sorry. I’m just that much of a fan of the Lunarbolts.”

Surprise noticed that Ditzy’s expression went sour at that mention. Ditzy was not as okay about this as she tried to let on.

“Sorry about my mood,” Ditzy said apologetically, “I’ve just had a… bad experience. But that’s in the past. Oh look, we’re here!” The trio walk up to the post office building.

Ditzy entered the building, followed by the other two. She then took out a punch card and clocked out before getting ready to act as tour guide. She checked the time before offering the two a couple of muffins. Trixie asked if she had a peanut butter muffin. Though the answer was no, Ditzy did spread some peanut butter on a blueberry muffin. Trixie found the combination of flavors quite pleasant.

After their little lunch, Ditzy lead the others out for their guided tour.

Ditzy showed the two around, showing all the eateries, theaters, shops, parks, etc. Trixie was fascinated at just how well Ditzy could navigate around town without a map… save for bumping into things once in awhile. But she assumed it had to do with the fact that she’s a mailmare and has to hand out mail all around. It came with the job.

“So you’re a pegasus, your daughter’s a unicorn, and your husband is an earth pony?” Surprise asked, “How does that work?”

“Well, you see, when a mommy and a daddy love each other very much,” Ditzy began.

“I don’t think that’s what she meant,” Trixie corrected.

“Oh. good,” Ditzy said in a relieved tone, “I’d hate to have had ‘The Talk’ with an adult before I had ‘The Talk’ with my own daughter.”

“One time in my life is one too many,” Surprise groaned, “What I meant was, how can an earth pony and a pegasus have a unicorn daughter?”

“It’s complicated,” Ditzy said, “Anyway, you don’t mind if we go by the school, do you? I want to pick up my daughter from school.”

“Well, this is a tour of Ponyville,” Surprise said, “Wouldn’t be a proper tour if we didn’t see the school.”

“That, and I’d love to meet your daughter in person,” Trixie added, “I’m fond of children. Do you think Ponyville Elementary would allow me to come in as a guest teacher once in awhile? I always did that at Luna’s Academy for the Gifted.”

“I’m sure you’d have to set it up ahead of time. But I don’t see why they wouldn’t,” Ditzy said, “What would you do? Teach magic?”

“I’ll actually be doing that at the magic shop,” Trixie said, “I find a way to add a magical flair to any classes I do, often being history classes.”

“If you don’t mind the fact that she does take a few creative liberties,” Surprise said.

“I do not!” Trixie countered, “I mean, not enough for it to impact the actual history. I just make it interesting enough so that the children are interested in the story.”

The three of them head towards the school, where it was just about time for school to get out for the day.

“-And that’s why one of Princess Luna’s nicknames is ‘The Empress of the Night’,” a mulberry earth pony said to her class, “So can anypony tell me-”


The teacher was interrupted by the school bell, indicating the end of the day, “That’s it for today, class,” she said as the class began packing up, “And don’t forget, the report on the history of the Lunarbolts is due at the end of the week.”

The teacher watched as the students exited the classroom. Once the room was empty of students, the mulberry pony began packing things up herself. Before she left however, a good ten minutes later, three ponies came through the door. Two of them she didn’t recognize, but the third was a friend of hers, and looked worried.

“Hi, Cheerilee,” Ditzy said, “Have you seen Dinky? I came to pick her up from school, but I didn’t see her come out.”

“In all honesty, I was hoping I could’ve asked you that question,” Cheerilee replied, “She didn’t come to school today. I assumed she was sick or something. But apparently not. There are two other students who didn’t come to school today, one of them being my own little sister.”

“Skipping school?” Surprise suggested.

“My little sister isn’t the best influence on others,” Cheerilee said, “But she’s not a school skipper.”

“And if anything, my daughter is a good influence on her’s,” Ditzy added with a frown, “She would never skip school. She’d come home and complain about having a bad day. But not once has she considered skipping.”

“I can vouch for Dinky myself,” Cheerilee added, “She is a good influence, and wouldn’t skip.”

“I can figure there are a couple of possibilities,” Trixie said, “Either there’s a side of them that neither of you have seen. Though that is unlikely. Or they’re growing fillies and are growing into that rebellious phase. I don’t know them well enough to know how rebellious they could be. But often, it’s the quiet ones you need to watch out for.”

“My sister is far from quiet,” Cheerilee said.

“The third option is one that I hope is not the case,” Trixie said, “They are in potential danger.”

“DANGER?!” Ditzy shouted in worry, “What kind of danger?!”

“It depends,” Trixie said, “It could be as simply as a petty criminal or something small, or it could be as serious as an act of terrorism. They are the extremes though.”

“You mean Solaris could be attacking Ponyville again?!” Trixie asked, her worried tone getting more intense.

“Unlikely,” Surprise said, “Solaris is more flashy when they attack. Though it’s not an impossibility. But as Trixie said, it’s more of an extreme possibility.”

“Surprise, you take to the skies and get a bird’s eye view of anything suspicious,” Trixie commanded, “Ditzy, Cheerilee, can you give a description of the children?”

“Dinky basically looks like a younger unicorn version of myself,” Ditzy explained.

“Enough said,” Surprise said as she headed out.

“Wait, what about my sister?” Cheerilee called out. But it was too late.

“Don’t mind Surprise. She tends to act before she thinks,” Trixie explained.

“Also, why should we follow your orders?” Cheerilee asked.

“My name is Trixie Lulamoon, personal protege of Princess Luna,” Trixie said, “And considering the situation, does it really matter who’s making the plans as long as somepony’s making plans?”

“I suppose that makes sense,” Cheerilee said, “So what should we do?”

“Where are the desks of the missing ponies?” Trixie asked, “I can use a scrying spell to hopefully find them.”

“If you can use a scrying spell, then why send that pegasus out?”

“Because I don’t know what could’ve happened,” Trixie explained, “I need an extra set of eyes in the air just in case the scrying spell doesn’t work for some reason. And she is a Lunarbolt after all.”

Cheerilee nods, accepting the answer. She then showed Trixie the desks of the fillies in question. A blue glow ignites her horn as a beam-like spell scans the desks. After scanning, her eyes begin to glow blue. Trixie saw that the residual magic left behind was strong enough to endure a couple days of misuse.

Trixie looked around before spotting something, “I’ve picked up something! Follow me!”

Trixie guides the others out of the school and down the street, following a glowing aura that only she was seeing.

Meanwhile, Surprise was in the skies, observing the surroundings to look for a mini-Ditzy. Being a pegasus, she had advanced observational prowess, keeping her mind on every little detail as she flew.

Her search failed to provide results. She had circled Ponyville a few times already, finding nothing. Wherever mini-Ditzy was, it was either indoors away from any open doors or windows, or she wasn’t in town.

She realized that if the filly were indoors, it was pointless for her to continue. But if she were outside the borders of Ponyville, then searching could still be fruitful. And even if it weren’t fruitful, it would still be smart to cover that base.

With that in mind, she widened her search to outside of Ponyville. If there was anything to take note of, it would be a quicker search, seeing as it’s countryside. One thing she took note of was Trixie and the group. Figuring that she was using a scrying spell, she figured she’d go in that direction first.

Tapping into her inner Lunarbolt, Surprise kicked it into high gear, rocketing through the sky at top speed in a southwestern direction. Past the borders of Ponyville, across a large plain. Then in the distance, she noticed the details of the edge of Whitetail Woods. For the most part, it was what to be expected. But on the grass a few yards from the forest, it had been disturbed in a way that suggested a struggle.

I may not have been much. But it was something to take note of. She didn’t want to return to Trixie’s group just to say she found evidence of a scuffle, she wanted something more concrete. Considering the location and direction, it’s reasonable that their goal was getting to Whitetail Woods. So whoever she was looking for was most likely inside.

Flying over the forest, Surprise analized any detail she could. As she did so, she noticed a small patch of leaves that looked as if they’ve been disturbed. It was subtle, but there. She quietly went over, making sure that whoever may be in the area doesn’t notice her. The patch of leaves looks like they were slightly dryer. And they had a vague scent of smoke, indicating there was a campfire last night. Taking a glance through the leaves, her assumption was confirmed. There was a firepit from a somewhat recent campfire. Not only that, but there were tents, meaning if these ponies had foalnapped mini-Ditzy, then they had been here since at least last night.

Surprise was sure that nopony was foolish enough to leave a campsite like this if they were involved in criminal activity. So that could only mean that they must still be there.

Trixie running in this direction, signs of a struggle near the forest, a campsite, and all in a specific line that signified one after the other after the other? I’d say those are enough pieces of evidence to suggest that the culprit was found. Surprise then headed back to Ponyville at full speed, once again tapping into her inner Lunarbolt.

Trixie’s ground team manage to find the source of the scrying spell. Unfortunately, it wasn’t what they were hoping to find. Trixie walks up to a set of three saddlebags. A light lavender one, a gray one, and an orange one.

“Can I assume these belong to the missing fillies?” Trixie asked.

“Yes, that’s Dinky’s bag,” Ditzy said.

Cheerilee walks up to the orange bag and checks its contents, “I’d believe that my sister would skip school,” she said, “But she would never leave her lunch like this.” Cheerilee holds up a full lunch bag.

Surprise came back from her aerial investigation, landing near the group with a thud, “Hey, guys. I think I found them,” Surprise said, “I’m not sure if it’s them or not. But I found a campsite in Whitetail Woods and signs of a struggle near the entrance.”

Trixie attempts the scrying spell again, this time using the bags. A look of confusion spreads across her face, “Whoever these guys are, they were prepared for somepony using a scrying spell,” Trixie explained, “They must have a unicorn that can cut the connection that a scrying spell relies on. However…”

Trixie goes to the gray bag and takes out glasses and what appears to be a cape of some sort. She then does a scan on the items. Success!

“…It seems they didn’t take into account that each individual item has to be accounted for.”

Author's Note:

One of the problems I have in writing is that I tend to be dialogue heavy and have issues with visualizations sometimes. So Surprise's investigations scene was a test to make a full scene with no dialogue whatsoever. As you can see, I can do visualizations. It's just that I tend to have issues practicing the "Show, Don't Tell" policy. My mind just focuses primarily on the dialogue and sometimes don't know how to fill the word count.