• Published 25th Apr 2019
  • 1,662 Views, 12 Comments

Thingy's Halloween - chucklefarts

Thingpone finds Nightmare Night to be the perfect excuse to abuse her shapeshifting abilities to scare unsuspecting ponies. An exasperated Anon tries to keep her in check.

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Chapter 2

Anon was suspended in mid air by a very thick, meaty, muscular tentacle wrapped around his torso, keeping his arms at his sides. Countless stars twinkled above him and the directly below him was the roof of a two story house. From this point of view he could see a large swath of Ponyville laid out before him. The end of the tentacle was in his mouth keeping him from making much noise but annoyingly it seemed to be playfully feeling the inside of his mouth, tracing around his tongue and teeth. Anon struggled slightly against the tentacle keeping him in suspended in mid air but it might have been like struggling against bands of steel. In response to his struggling the muscles in the tentacle rippled against his body and the tip of the tentacle popped out of his mouth to pat him on the head in consolation. Anon only growled discontentedly.

The tentacle that was holding him was very long, thick, and strong, snaking downwards. Anon was a little disgruntled about being jostled and manhandled by a sea of tentacles. Thing had been ‘working’ on her costume by assimilating random animals in the Everfree and repurposing their biomass for her devices. She was quite large now. Anon was more than a little disturbed when he first saw her show off her ‘costume’ to him. He heard a rumbling voice come from below, jeez how much was she planning on scaring poor Rose? He knew that Thing was territorial but this might be taking it a bit too far.

“-you filthy fucking slut!”

Anon rolled his eyes, really? Man, Thingy was horribly petty. He looked down and saw multiple, long, thick trunks of tentacles snake their way onto the roof. They adhered to the thatched roof, growing and utilizing what anon knew were microscopic spider hair follicles to stick to the roof like Spiderman.

The muscles of the thick trunks contracted and heaved the rest of the organic mass up onto the roof. It was hard to describe. It was like a cross between an octopus and a daddy long leg spider but it looked nothing like either. A vaguely spherical main body had all of the thick tentacles originating from it. Most of the tentacles were gripping the roof except for the one holding Anon in the air. Another, smaller tentacle sprouted from the main mass. The end of the tentacle was bulbous on it’s tip and the bulb slowly and grotesquely resolved itself into the form of Thingpone’s head and face.

Anon wasted no time to start complaining. “What the hell was that, Thing? You didn’t have to scare her so-“

The end of the tentacle grabbing him popped itself back into Anon’s mouth.

“MMMMMHHHHH-MMMMHHHHMMM!!!” Anon angrily tried to talk with the tentacle in his mouth.

“Not so loud, Anon or she’ll hear you. We’ll talk when we get to the other roof. You gotta admit though, her reaction was priceless!” Thing looked at Anon smiling widely.

Anon could only stare at her crossly, giving her a withering glare.

“Party pooper.” Thing was still smiling.

One of her tentacles started snaking into the air and started becoming thinner, the organic mass moving away from the end and moving closer to the main body. It resembled more of a tendril now being much thinner than the hulking tentacle it was before. The tentacle turned tendril started to easily snake through the air like a feeler high above, moving across the street. The other house was quite far away maybe 40 yards or more. Its smaller mass allowed it to stretch through the air without support much more easily than its thicker cousins. The tentacles on this side of the roof held on to provide the support for the tendril as it stretched across the long distance. It stretched the length over the street and finally found support on the roof of the other house across the street. Now that it had support, the tendril was a bridge across the street. The tendril started to thicken as the mass in the main body started to shift into it, enlarging and engorging it. It started to look more like a tentacle again and more biomass was pulled from the main body to flow through the thick fleshy trunk bridging across the street.Tentacles on this side of the street shrank and retracted into the main body until they were gone. The tentacle holding Thing’s head shrank until Thing’s head was engulfed by the main body. Biomass pulled over the street pooled into a new main body that expanded and become engorged, new tentacles sprouted from this new main body. The tentacle holding anon was now rooted to the thick bridge of biomass. The root of the tentacle holding anon started to shift, moving along the bridge of flesh. Anon was held high, he looked down to see his feet dangling high above the street. Finally he reached the other side and the tentacle holding him deposited him on the roof, popping its tip out of his mouth. The bridge of flesh started to become thinner as its biomass came to this side of the bridge. Once it became thin enough it detached from the other side of the roof and started to rapidly retract into the main mass. It looked like along piece of spaghetti being slurped into someone’s mouth. Once done, Thing’s smiling face grotesquely emerged from the main mass supported by a tentacle.

“Cool Huh?”

Anon blinked rapidly, scarcely believing what had just happened. He was quite speechless and a bit disturbed.

“Yeeeahh.” Anon shivered slightly. “Did you really have to do that to Rose? That was really mean.”

Thingpone looked a little angry and defensive in her face but Anon knew her strange body language well enough to know that the awkwardly curling tentacles behind her face meant that she felt a little guilty.

“She was trying to seduce you, Anon! That little bitch deserved it!”

Anon sighed. “Yeah, she probably shouldn’t have wagged her plot at me and lifted her tail in just the right angle to blast me with that lewdness but that is still no reason to go all Cthulhu on her! Maybe you don’t know it because you are an alien but mares do that all the time to try and attract mates. It would have been much better if you talked to her as a pony instead of scaring her half to death. I mean, I saw a puddle of urine under her!”

Thingpone rolled her eyes but her tentacles curled around each other guiltily. “Alright, alright. I’ll be nicer to the bitch.”

Suddenly a spark appeared in her eyes and the grin that stretched across her face looked a little too wide for a normal pony to accomplish and a little too diabolical. Anon knew this face. It was never a good sign.

“I know how I can make it up to you Anooooon!” If she was texting a heart would have appeared after. Her tentacles started slithering and fusing into to each other excitedly.

Anon ran a hand through his hair nervously.

“We should toootally go around and scare ponies! I know how you love pranking!” She had a large grin plastered on her face.

Anon stared at her, deadpan. “No Thingy, you’ll just scare the poor ponies too badly.”

“Awwwwwww! Pulllleeeeeaaassse?” As she stretched out her please the tentacle rotated her head until her head was upside down and her eyes were shifted “up” towards her brow, looking at Anon.

Anon knew he could not deny her this, the spark in her eyes looked a little too bright and her toothy grin a little too pleading.

Anon sighed explosively. “Fine! But you have to promise me that you will not cause ponies to cry like you did to Rose!”

Her grin split her face in half and her tentacles became more excited, weaving though each other and fusing through each other more rapidly.

Thing snaked a tentacle around anon’s shoulder. “I think you and me are going to have a lot of fun tonight!”

What had Anon gotten himself into? He did not know, but he did know that Ponyville was in for a crazy night.