• Member Since 23rd May, 2013
  • offline last seen 3 hours ago


Gaze within the Holocron, and see what stories it has to tell. For every fable is but a thread in the weave of tales.


Comments ( 27 )

Author's Note:

By the power vested in myself as the writer, I hereby give Spike his much needed, much deserved revenge on those who have used him.

Amen :ajsleepy:

Don't know why but that was the first thing that came to mind when i read the authors note :pinkiecrazy:

Thank you, though I do not plan on any further sequels. While it would be fun to see him as a father, having him show off this savage assertiveness was more fun.

Author's Note:

By the power vested in myself as the writer, I hereby give Spike his much needed, much deserved revenge on those who have used him.

How is this revenge? If I was Spike, I wouldn't even bother impregnating the princesses. I would've cut every mare from the D by moving into a monastery and becoming a priest or a monk. I couldn't trust females anymore after this.

Got to say I loved this little trilogy, especially with that ending. With that being said the only thing I have to ask is that would you consider making one last story with all the villianess of Equestria?

Unfortunately not, as I can’t think of any plot that would not feel like a shoehorn.

nice work.


I been pondering.....
Since Spike and Gabby are close.....

Make the epilogue if you want for this.

I am a bit sad that there won't be a sequel but I do hope that there is an epilogue to the story. Either with Spike and his pregnant mares or him trying to explain they came to be.

One last one?

Revenge is a dish best served steamed.

Most excellent series.

I can’t be the only one that wants a brand new story, where Spike & his newly found harem go through the trials and struggles of pregnant life, right?

“Okay, what...the...fuck...happened?”

:moustache:: "Wait, let me guess: tea happened?"

I expected some ending like this:

:moustache:: "Okay, enough is enough. I'm moving to the dragon lands."
Ember: "Of course, you are welcome here."
:moustache:: "Thank you."
Ember: "Very welcome." *smirks with bedroom eyes*
:moustache:: "... Really?"
Ember: *turns serious* "Just joking. And don't worry, in the dragon lands we don't have any tea in the first place."
:trollestia:: "I can send you some..."
Ember: "... You disgust me."

That was a ride and a half.
Incidentally, I reckon all tea products in Equestria will have mysteriously vanished by the end of the week.

Kinda wish there was more comeuppance for Tia
...Huh. Tea Waterboarding.
I have much to consider...

I really hope there will be a epilogue to all this along with a what happened while he was drugged. Add two more to the herd. I also really hope Ember ,Smolder and the CMC to join too.

I know that story and its sisters are short due to being in the 1000 word challenges, but I would love to have them extended.

All my non commission stories can have sequels written if you're will to request a commission. :twilightsmile:

Spike, I’m not sure what Princess Celestia needed you for, but you need to come back home. We’re pregnant I need your help with something very, very important. See you soon, please hurry back. The girls and I need your thick cock in us right now! Twilight

I’m moving on the other side of equestria.

solo te diré cuatro palabras "XD XD XD XD"

me imagino que paso algo como asi...

-me promete que no volveré ser drogado?-pregunto al momento que bebió el te.

-te prometo que “yo” no soy la responsable de drogarte-dijo con una sonrisa, confundiendo al dragón.

Para su “mala suerte” una vez mas fue drogado, ya ni se molesto en luchar contra sus instintos. Cuando ve a las princesas, nota que las tres ya están desnudas y lista para la acción.

Spike estaba encima de celestia, flotando su polla entre sus tetas, al momento que chupaba las tetas de luna mientras estimulaba la vagina de Cadance.

Y una vez más Spike hizo una orgia con las tres princesas de equestria

I imagine something like this happened...

"Do you promise I won't be drugged again?" I ask when he drank the tea.

"I promise you that 'I' am not the one responsible for drugging you," he said with a smile, confusing the dragon.

For his "bad luck" once again he was drugged, he didn't even bother to fight his instincts anymore. When she sees the princesses, she notices that all three are already naked and ready for action.

Spike was on top of Celestia, floating his cock between her tits, as he sucked on Luna's tits while stimulating Cadance's vagina.

And once again Spike had an orgy with the three equestria princesses

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