• Published 30th Apr 2019
  • 3,964 Views, 46 Comments

(Im)Mortality - Knight of Crows

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Chapter 2

Cain POV

After trying and failing to make sense of recent events I continued towards wherever this road leads. While I was doing so I was inspecting the Mortal Blades, Japanese writing was on the blades unsurprisingly, but I at least knew the translation (no I am not bilingual), "Open Gate" was on the black blade and "Gracious Gift of Tears" was on the red blade. I had hoped there would be DLC for Sekiro involving these weapons, aside from only being usable by the very people they're designed to kill and Gate's connection to the underworld there was practically no lore to them that I could find. Finding nothing else on the blades I slid them back in their sheaths and kept walking with one in hand.

Thankfully nothing bothered me for a while longer, birds and other animals were making their presence known so I had some confirmation I was going the right way. I'll admit to being startled a few times because of things jumping out of bushes, and seeing a giant ass spider which I did not almost piss myself upon seeing the 8 legged abomination consuming a manticore. Nightmare fuel long behind me I reached a river, feeling dehydrated I knelt down to drink from it after making sure there wasn't anything nearby. Immediately after I did so the water splashed far to my right. I wasted no time drawing the blade only to regret not running after the first sign of danger. A giant purple serpent rose from the water, it almost looked like a Chinese dragon upon further inspection. All I could do was just stand there like an idiot as it turned to my direction and... Stretched?

"*Yawn* OH! Sorry, I wasn't expecting company *yawn* excuse me. As I was saying had I known I would be having company I would have made myself more presentable." The dragon said.

"Uuuuuuuuummmm hi?" I said slowly backing up keeping my sword ready to strike.

"Oh no need to- I'm sorry, I forgot to introduce myself, my name is Steven Magnet, no need to be afraid. And you are?" He asked.

"Cain, just Cain." I answered now reverse gripping the sword in an attempt to show just enough trust that I won't be attacked.

"So not that I mind the company, but what brings you here to the Everfree? Normally you ponies steer clear from the forest." He said as he continued stretching.

'Ponies? The fuck is he going on about? Do I look like a small 4 legged horse?' I thought.

"Everfree?" I asked.

"You know, the forest you all claim is cursed, unnatural, you all avoid it like the plague? Just where did you come from?" He asked after he finished stretching.

"I woke up in a destroyed castle with 2 swords by me and barely survived an encounter with a manticore like halfway here. I don't exactly know where I am or how I got here." I answered.

"You didn't get pierced by the tail did you?" He asked concerned.

"It grazed me hand so I wrapped some vines around my arm and been sucking the venom out since in an attempt to slow the process." I lied, don't exactly want people learning of me being immortal, or at least the kind that can't stay dead.

"Then you'd better hurry to the hospital, there's a town not far from here, less than an hour. I'd take you myself, but you ponies tend to be skittish when you want to be. OH! One last thing, you might want to keep those swords away. I don't know what it is, but something other than that sword's crimson aura is unsettling. " He said.

"Alright. I guess I'll be going." As I was about to swim across he lifted body to act as a bridge, I thanked him and picked up the pace.

Princess Celestia POV

These Ascensions or whatever they are haven't happened in hours which might be a good thing. The guards have been scouting for almost as long so they should have found something by now, hopefully they remembered to not engage. Just what was happening here and why?

"Your highness, the scouts have returned." Captain Shining Armor informed me.

"Their findings?" I asked.

"Not far from here they spotted an armed pony or something of similar appearance, they were too far to get an accurate description of the target. The target wore mostly black and was armed with 2 long swords that one of the scouts identified as nodachis." He continued.

"How far would you say?" I asked.

"If we were to take our time and walk, about 20 minutes." He answered.

"Then let's get a move on." I ordered, the captain and the rest of the guards following close behind.

The forest left us alone as we made our way to whoever this is. Eventually we heard howling and followed the sounds, we saw a pack of timberwolves surrounding one pony. Black, two swords, the same thing we were after. He sighed and drew one of his swords, a crimson mist covering the blade. He flipped the blade into a reverse grip and held the scabbard as a weapon before getting ready.

One wolf attempted to attack him from behind, but he just stepped to the side and cleaved it in two. After seeing one of their own die so easily the rest grew more cautious. He sheathed his sword and turned to walk away. Seeing this as their prey trying to escape 2 more went after him, he jumped onto a tree, jumped off the tree, launched the sheath at one and dropped on the other. He retrieved the sheath and finished off the wolf while it was down.

Cain POV

I am still very confused at recent events. I've never exercised a day in my life and now I somehow feel healthy as a horse, insane reflexes, and now I can pull off stunts you'd see on something like Ninja Warrior. Don't get me wrong, these changes aren't unwelcome, but I still have to ask how. I looked at the rest of these wolves before speaking.

"I don't care if you're mindless beasts, golems of some kind, or actual hunters. If you want to live then leave now." I said as I used the sword to try something. Sekiro when he used Mortal Draw looked like he would have been cutting his other arm if he wasn't using the prosthetic, since the game didn't exactly say how it's used I figured this might work as well given all the other changes I'm experiencing. The sword started glowing brighter so it looks like I was doing something right. The wolves chose to stay and fight instead of run, all of them started running at me, but I carried through with Mortal Draw and killed them, all of them dead before they got within the sword's actual reach.

So that happened. An entire pack of wolves gone in under a minute. I sheathed the sword and spent a few seconds trying to remember what direction I was going, I would have used the sun as a reference, but the forest canopy was so thick I couldn't see anything past it. I sheathed the sword and continued searching for an exit from this forest.

Princess Celestia POV

How did he... What was that magic he just used? No... What is wrong with that sword?

"Intercept, but do not engage." I ordered the captain, keeping my voice down.

"Yes ma'am." He responded. He signalled the rest and they moved ahead to surround the target undetected. After everypony got into position they moved into the target's field of vision.

"Ugh, what now? I've already had a pretty shitty day so far so can we just skip this and forget we ever saw each other?" He asked.

"Our orders are to take you in for questioning and that's what we're going to do. So hand over your weapons and come along quietly." Shining demanded.

"I can't hand over the weapons, you wouldn't live long enough to regret handling them, and w-" He started.

"You do know threatening a guard is illegal right? Come along and we'll pretend you didn't." Shining demanded again.

"I didn't threaten you, I warned you. A threat would imply I said I would hurt you which I didn't. Now as I was saying, why should I come with you? Especially after threatening to charge me with a crime that never happened so I would do so?" He asked.

"Last chance, come with us, hand over your weapons, or we'll make you!" Shining threatened. He responded by drawing his other sword, it felt just as wrong as the other one, actually it felt worse.

"I'd like to see you try. Just know that I gave you an out." He flipped the sword so he blade was facing him instead. I stepped in to stop this before it got out of hand.

"THAT'S ENOUGH!" I shouted in the RCV causing the target to drop his weapon and cover his ears. Shining took this opportunity to knock him away from the sword. The rest of the guards took the opportunity presented as well and restrained him after snaching the other sword still in it's sheath from him. After he was restrained he looked to where his other sword was and looked on with dread as one of the guards moved to retrieve it.

"NO! STOP! DON'T TRY TO PICK IT UP!" He shouted. The guard looked at him, but didn't respond and continued what he was doing as the rest tried to silence him. I did nothing to stop him as I'm certain he can be restrained and if necessary purified quickly.

"YOU'LL DIE IF YOU DO! THE ONLY PEOPLE THAT CAN SAFELY USE THOSE SWORDS ARE- OOF!" He tried shouting as he was cut off with a blow to his gut. I'll have to say something to these guards later about the amount of force they're using. The guard picked up the sword and dropped it 2 seconds later, falling almost as fast. The captain ran to his side and checked for any damage magical or otherwise.

"That FUCKING idiot. NOOOO don't listen to the guy whose only crime before trying to save him was simply trying to find civilization and live, no instead that dumbass wants to ignore my warnings and die! Can we add stupidity to the Deadly Sins yet?" The target said after Shining started checking for signs of life.

"What did you do?" One of the guards growled.

"I didn't do anything other than- AAAAGGHH!" He started only to be punched in the face and knocked over.

"DON'T LIE TO ME BASTARD!" The guard shouted. I chose this moment to step in before this escalated any further.

"That's enough! I've seen more excessive force and guard brutality in the past 2 minutes than I have in the past hundred years." The guard reluctantly backed off and made more room. I knelt down to eye level with the stallion before questioning him.

"What is your name?" I asked.

"Give me your name and I'll give you mine, after you call off your dogs and release me of course." He responded. The same guard from earlier took offense to that and moved closer ready to assault him again. I motioned for everypony to back away and loosened the bindings.

"I am Princess Celestia, and you are?" I asked again.

"Cain." He answered.

"Would you care to explain what happened moments ago?"

"Not much to explain really, your guards interrupted me when I tried to warn them about the swords and one of them died as a result."

"Why did he die to the sword when you are unaffected?"

"The only people that can use either of these swords are the very beings these swords were made to kill. Anyone else won't live to tell anyone about how they drew them from their sheathes. With that said I would like my swords back please."

"Why? So you can kill the rest of us like you killed our friend??!!" The same guard from earlier shouted.

"I didn't kill anyone, you did when you stopped me from warning him. You're the one who interrupted me which prevented me from finishing my warning. Really it should be you getting charged with murder." Cain said. This angered the guard who started charging at him with a spear. Shining tried to stop him, but I wanted to see how this played out.

"BUCK IT! DIE!" He shouted. Cain dashed forward into the spear, but stopped himself and turned at the last second to step on his spear, embedding it into the ground. With the guard thrown off balance Cain used the same leg he used to stop the spear to kick the guard in the face and knock him into the ground. Cain picked up the spear and stabbed it into the ground just inches away from his head faster than we could react.

"You know back where I'm from I'm pretty sure I would have been allowed to hurt you a lot more, maybe even kill you. Otherwise you would be losing your job at the very least." Cain turned to face me.

"The swords?" He asked again.

"Keep them sheathed." I answered as I handed him the sword we took as he reclaimed the other one.

"Princess, are you certain of this?" Shining asked.

"As long as he doesn't try anything all will be fine." I said.

"NO! That's complete hor-" The guard started before being knocked unconscious by Cain launching one of his sheathes at the guar's head.

"For the love of whatever God or Goddess you worship, SHUT UP!" Cain said as he went to retrieve the sheathe.

"Princess-" Shining started.

"Leave it. So Sir Cain, will you come with us please?" I asked. He thought about it for a while before answering.

"Fuck it, not like I have anything better to do and not like you're going to leave me alone. Fair warning, I'm not parting from these blades and if anyone tries to take them I'm not responsible for them dying to them. Just know I still don't trust any of you, don't make me regret this." Cain answered as he started moving ahead.

Perhaps I'll have the chance to ask him a few questions before Twilight does, he doesn't seem like the type that tolerates foals.