• Published 16th Apr 2019
  • 1,406 Views, 66 Comments

Taking Back Canterlot - Coyote de La Mancha

Three years after the Sirens' gang war, Twilight wakes from her coma and begins retaking her city from the new gangs infesting Canterlot.

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Episode 3. Rainbooms: Evening News.


The bottom right of the screen showed a name being written in cursive script: Graceful Poise.

Twilight frowned. She recognized that name. Graceful Poise had been an investigative reporter, years ago. Her exposés had been directly responsible for massive prison and mental hospital reform when Twilight had been a little girl. But the studio set distinctly lacked the trappings of anything resembling journalism.

Seated on an overstuffed couch, a woman - obviously Graceful herself - addressed the camera.

“Hello, and welcome to the show. Joining me today is a young lady who has done some amazing things for our community and our city. Please give a warm welcome to Ms. Starlight Glimmer.”

The audience applauded as Starlight waved with a tolerating smile.

“Now, Starlight,” Graceful began, “a lot of liberals out there...”

Graceful was interrupted by a mass of boos from the audience, which she good-naturedly waved down.

“...a lot of liberals out there have been saying that corporations like Carousel have been part of the problem. That they’re destroying Equestria with their attitude of, ‘To hell with the community, the bottom line is all that matters.’”

Starlight’s concerned frown was perfectly placed as she replied, “Actually, I’m glad you brought that up. I have some pictures I would like to show your audience, if you don’t mind.”

While the TV screen scrolled across a blasted wreckage, she went on, “Now, what you’re seeing here is the remains of what was once Canterlot High School, just a few short years ago. After its destruction during that terrible upswing in gang violence, it became a home to the destitute, depraved, and predatory. It was from this wreckage that emerged the notorious Rainbooms, including such violent criminals as Sunset Shimmer, Rainbow Dash, and, of course, Twilight Sparkle.

“Now, Alderman Rich Hues--”

“A great man,” Graceful broke in, “Who was taken from us far too soon--”

Starlight’s eyes narrowed dangerously as she spoke over the hostess’ interruption. ”Alderman Hues had a vision for the city of Canterlot, starting with Canterlot County. A vision in which all of Canterlot was pulled up and away from the depravity of drugs and crime, and into a better future. And we at Carousel couldn’t agree more.

“And that’s why we have spent considerable resources turning this... into this.”

Now the image shifted, showing a massive office building, surrounded by high-rise apartments. They all gleamed in the light, massive monoliths of steel and glass, sterile and perfect. Atop the office building was a sunburst crest, and the word, CAROUSEL.

“Where once there were crack houses, now we have corporate parks,” Starlight smiled contentedly. “Where we once had criminals, now we have police on patrol. This is our vision, inspired not only by Rich Hues, but by everyone who died at Canterlot High as well... especially Principle Celestia, who as we all know heroically defended her students against the criminal element--”


“The kids who are buying this hip-hop, they’re from good families but they hear this over and over again... popular culture becomes a cesspool and the music corporations profit off of it...”


“…and the ones who know about the programs are the ones who get the money…!”


Now the television displayed some kind of news program. At least, Twilight guessed it was supposed to be. Two men who obviously knew one another - one probably a guest on the other’s show - arguing about whatever they thought would be sensationalist enough to attract viewers.

It had all the hallmarks of a comfortable disagreement carried from one subject to another, depending on what was topical. For an instant, Twilight’s hand twitched over the remote as if to change the channel again. But then her eyes focused on the image of Shining Armor in the background.

Below the studio image, a banner read, Gangster Chief of Police. And under it, in smaller letters, Cop or Criminal?

“But he’s a hero!” one of them exclaimed.

Twilight frowned, and turned the volume up slightly.

The younger of the two shook his head. “I’m not saying he’s not. But he was running with the Rainbooms a long time—”

“Do you not understand what ‘undercover cop’ even means? His evidence was instrumental in bringing down the gang once and for all!”

“Sure, sure, but his sister’s their leader. And now she’s escaped, current whereabouts unknown, and we’re supposed to believe that’s just a coincidence? There are a lot of people who are very skeptical of Armor’s credentials, and I for one don’t blame them! Just what are the cops even doing about this?”

“What do you expect them to do? They’re not miracle workers! The city is huge, and they’ve got their hands full just dealing with today’s gang violence--!”

“Gang violence which he once helped encourage--!”

“He was under cover! But what your side will never understand is--!”

“And now things are worse than ever! Bad enough we’ve got three new gangs warring across the city, that same violence is also being committed by our own police force--!”

Leaning forward, the elder of the two demanded, “Are you saying you want Rainbow Dash back on the street?!?”

Twilight blinked.

Rainbow Dash?

Unfortunately, the program chose that moment for a commercial break. By the time the debate resumed, they showed no interest in returning to Twilight’s friend and former lieutenant, instead arguing about the viability of her brother’s future in politics. Twilight absently turned off the TV, lost in her own thoughts.

Apparently, Shining had never been a cop who was on their side, but rather a cop who had been playing them all along. And apparently he had managed to wrangle his work as a police informant into a promotion, not just to sergeant or detective but to police commissioner.

It was hard to believe. Or, if she was being honest with herself, she just didn’t want to believe it.

But... it made too much sense not to be true. In fact, hadn’t she assumed upon awakening that he would be helping the cops against her...?

She shook the unpleasant thought away. Of far more immediate concern, Rainbow Dash was obviously still alive. Almost certainly incarcerated, the way they were talking, and for a while now.

But a program like that relied upon topical debates to keep viewers engaged. So why would she be enough of a current event to warrant mention, even in passing?

There were a variety of possible reasons, and none of them were good.

The door opened softly. A moment later Apple Bloom entered the motel room, struggling under the weight of several large boxes, an array of plastic bags hanging from her wrists.

“Twilight, far be it for me t’criticize your expertise… but, um,” with a grunt, she closed the door with her foot, “are you sure y’need all this? I mean, this one’s a computer already…”

“That’s just the foundation,” Twilight answered. “The real computer’s what I’m going to build from them all.”

“An’ the extra monitors? Th’ back seat’s full.”

“Absolutely necessary.”

The yellow girl nodded, skootching the boxes around. “Fair ‘nuff. Gonna need help with that?”

Twilight sighed, already feeling exhausted. “I shouldn’t use my telekinesis yet, not after straining myself like I did in our break out. I might do permanent damage, if I haven’t already.”

She looked at her friend apologetically. “I’ll need you to keep being my hands for a while. Sorry.”

“Aw, heck, Twilight. It ain’t nuthin’.”

Smiling her gratitude, Twilight contemplated the array of boxes and bags.

“It looks like you were able to get everything on my list,” she observed. “I’ll admit I’m surprised; I thought the cards would have been cancelled by now.”

Apple Bloom shrugged as she sat on the other bed and started unlacing her sneakers. “Well, I basically did, yeah. You were right, tech’s moved on while you’ve been down. But I told ‘em we were buildin’ the ultimate gamin’ rig, an’ they were happy to help. Everythin’ should be cuttin’ edge.

“As for the cards?” She peeled off her socks. “That kinda thing moves pretty slow these days, an’ really, nobody checks anymore anyway.”

Glancing at Twilight, she added, “You still need me to hit the drugstore?”

Feebly, Twilight shook her head. “That will have to wait. We’ll have to use a compounding pharmacy anyway, maybe a few warehouses. Which means breaking and entering. But there’s been a new development.”

“What kind?”

“Probably nothing good, but I’ll need my computer set up to be certain. Help me to the bathroom, and then we’ll get the assembly started.”

Author's Note:

Ending Credits: Evening News, by Chamillionaire. (Audio = NSFW)