• Published 15th Jul 2019
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The Centurion Project - TheEighthDayofNight

Elias "Rubrum Aquilae" Bright, the former leader of the Legio I Americana, on the run from his past, finds himself thrown into the conflicts of Equestria.

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The Crystal Empire Interlude: Part 2

Night Flash smiled as he stood among the group of ponies looking themselves up and down. He and Twilight had managed to successfully find the Crystal Heart, and while he had gotten momentarily trapped while trying to grab it, Twilight had helped him escape. With the help of a few legionaries from the ground, they had managed to get the Crystal Heart to its proper resting place, where the crystal ponies charged it up to full strength. Then, as the Heart charged, they had withdrawn to the balcony where Cadence had been supporting her protective barrier. When the Empire’s protective barrier had passed through them all, it had made everything crystalline, and surprisingly the treatment actually complimented their legionary armor quite nicely. Night Flash gave his wings a good flap, eyeing them up and down to make sure there were no left-over black crystals. The Heart had been kind however, and had fully stripped away all of Sombra’s left over traps.

Book Binder rolled her eyes as Rarity squealed, and Night Flash nuzzled her neck with a knowing smile.

“Have to give the civilians their little fun,” he whispered. “Are you telling me you don’t like looking so beautiful?”

Book Binder put on a fake pout.

“Aw Flashie, are you saying that I’m not normally beautiful?”

The blue pegasus blushed as he recognized his unintended insult, but Book Binder giggled and kissed his cheek.

“Don’t worry love, you can apologize properly when we get home.” Her kiss quickly changed to a lick that ran up to his ear, where she breathed hotly. “And believe me stud, there’s going to be a lot of apologizing.”

Night Flash blushed harder and nuzzled her while she continued to giggle. Letting his teasing wife be, Night Flash looked around, making sure everything was in order. The Elements were busy complimenting each other, while Princess Cadence and Prince Armor leaned against each other, swaying in place with closed eyes.

His eyes turned down, and he found most of the legionaries still manning their posts, staying as stone faced as they could while the crystal ponies celebrated around them. Looking upward found cheery blue skies and brilliant sunshine that felt just fantastic as it warmed his fur. Night Flash smiled and looked toward Snowball, who looked to be in a daze.

“Are you alright Adiutor?” Night Flash asked.

Snowball nodded and staggered over, leaning against Book Binder as his legs wobbled.

“S-so much love. C-can’t really….”

The loveling burped and plopped onto his rump. Book Binder gave Night Flash a wink, then levitated Snowball onto her back.

“Careful Adiutor,” she said. “if General Bright catches you napping on the job, you’ll be running laps for days.”

Snowball burped again, and his ears flicked.

“N-not my fault. W-work related sleepiness.”

Book Binder continued to giggle, but her words had brought something back to the forefront of Night Flash’s mind. His smile disappeared as he looked toward the entrance to the Empire. He could just barely see the crystal arches, and he could have sworn he saw a flash of silver…

His ears flicked as a long scream pierced the air. The ponies on the ground didn’t seem to notice the sound, but those on the balcony certainly did. It cut the air like a knife, and any sense of giddiness quickly died. It was an unnatural sound, so guttural and filled with pain. What little mirth Night Flash had left faded as he propped himself up on the balcony railing, staring hard out into the green surrounding the city.

One of the scouts that had helped bring Twilight down trotted up next to him.

“First Centurion?”

“Shhh,” Flash replied, straining his ears.

A second scream ripped through the air just as Night Flash spotted a small piece of red.

“There!” he shouted, jabbing a hoof at the spot of red. “Fly to whatever that is as fast as possible! I think General Bright is in trouble.”

The scout blinked and a bit of panic entered his eyes.

“Trouble? But-“

“Go!” Night Flash screamed.

The scout flapped upward on instinct, taking to the sky in a fast spiral before shooting off toward the red blob. Night Flash spun away from the balcony and began going inside, only for Prince Armor to stop him just before he could reach the doors.

“What’s wrong First Centurion? Do you know what that sound was?”

Night Flash pushed past the unicorn and made his way through the palace. Book Binder quickly fell in beside him, and after a moment of shaking off his daze, Snowball did as well. Shining Armor trotted backwards in front of Night Flash, a frown still on his face. The unicorn was silently demanding an answer, so Night Flash decided to give him one.

“I think General Bright is in trouble,” he admitted. “But I’m sure it’s nothing.”

Something about his diplomatic smile must have been off because Princess Cadence immediately sprinted back to the balcony and took to the sky. Shining Armor briefly eyed his wife, then met Night Flash’s eyes.

“I’m coming with you. Twilight, you and your friends stay here and keep everypony occupied.”

Night Flash’s group quickly left the Elements behind, and they broke into a run. As he entered the main plaza, Night Flash began bellowing out orders.

“First Cohort on me! Second Cohort, collect all of our gear and stand ready for further orders!”

The ponies of First Cohort fell in behind Night Flash as he sprinted ahead of the pack, running headlong toward the edge of the Empire. A sinking feeling had started filling his gut, and he wouldn’t rest until he was sure that Red was safe.

They quickly approached the crystal archway, and Night Flash detected the scent of iron in the air. As he cast about for Red, he noticed a crimson substance spilling into a wide puddle in the grass. A look of horror spread across his muzzle as his eyes settled on the bleeding human.

Red was splayed out in a steadily growing puddle of blood. Open wounds crisscrossed his body, and what made the scene even worse was the human’s open eyes. Those beautiful blues told a story of pain indescribable, and Red’s mouth was curled in obvious agony. Arcs of blue energy raced up and down Red’s body. Cadence merely sat over him, her horn not glowing as she stared down at him.

“What happened?” Night Flash demanded as he ran to Red’s side.

He pressed his hooves over a cut on Red’s leg and looked up to Cadence, who had a haunted look in her eyes. Night Flash resisted the urge to shove the princess just to provoke a reaction.

“Did Sombra do this? Princess, please answer me!”

Cadence shook her head and looked away.

“No, Sombra didn’t do this to General Bright. His magic doesn’t work like this.”

“Then what did?” Night Flash asked.

He looked at his hooves to find them soaked in blood. With a snarl he turned and ripped his saddlebags off, scattering his belongings in the grass. He quickly located what he needed, snatching up a thick roll of bandages. Night Flash did his best to ignore the tears beginning to build in his eyes as he unwrapped the bandages and began applying them to the worst of Red’s wounds.

“What did?” Night Flash bellowed at Cadence. “What did this to my baby boy?”

The pink alicorn met his eyes.

“I think it’s the Crystal Heart.”

Night Flash stared at her as his brain misfired. The Crystal Heart. The artifact he had helped retrieve. The very same artifact he had thought would help protect Red was killing him. And it was all his fault. Night Flash swallowed roughly and looked back down at his hooves as he bound the first wound tight. Biting the bandage in two, he picked out another target at random and went to work.

“No, you’re wrong. Red’s a good pony. The Crystal Heart is only supposed to target bad ponies, like Sombra.”

Cadence let out a slight sigh.

“Well… maybe that isn’t true First Centurion. Twilight’s book was very clear. The Crystal Heart targets evil and destroys it, keeping the Crystal Empire safe. Maybe… Maybe General Bright came up short when the Crystal Heart looked him over.”

Flash felt his blood run cold, but he didn’t stop wrapping wounds. He tied off the second wound and moved to a third.

“Not my Red,” he growled. “My Red is a good pony, and yeah, maybe he does some bad things, but it’s always for the right reason.”

He sniffled and tried to rub the tears from his eyes, but only succeeded in smearing blood on his face. Night Flash ignored it and went to work on a fourth wound. He mentally began to panic as he realized that he was running out of bandages.

“Look, I don’t care what the Crystal Heart thinks, we have to help him. Can you heal him? Shield him maybe?”

“I don’t think we should.”

That caused Night Flash to freeze again, and he looked up to Cadence with his jaw agape.


Cadence gently reached out and held his hooves.

“Night Flash, I know you love General Bright deeply, but he can’t be what you think he is. The Crystal Heart reads a lifetime of actions, it reads a pony’s very soul! If it decided he was evil, then don’t you think that it’s in everyone’s best interest if he just… died?”

Night Flash felt his face twitch with disbelief. That disbelief quickly turned into rage as he yanked his hooves away from Cadence’s.

“No, I don’t think that’s best,” he spat. “And you’re an idiot if you think differently! Red is a kind, wonderful pony with a heart of absolute gold that suffers and sacrifices at every opportunity simply because he believes it will help us!”

Night Flash pulled the last of the bandages tight around another wound. With it gone however, there wasn’t much more he could do. That left him with nothing else to focus on other than the mare who would take away his Red.

“He didn’t have to come here!” Night Flash continued. “He didn’t have to say yes when Princess Celestia asked him to be a general! But he did. He did because he loves us so bucking much that he’ll do anything, including repeating his worst nightmares just to do it! If you believe a stupid rock more than his actions, and since you’re too stupid and blind and… and heartless to see that, then you can buck off! I’ll make him better all by myself!”

Night Flash pushed Cadence away from his human and grabbed the collar of Red’s armor in his teeth, then began trying to drag him toward the edge of the Empire. If he could get Red to the train station, then he could get him back to Canterlot. Scalpel was a good pony and would help him there.

The dark blue pegasus pulled with all his might, yanking the heavy human across the grass. As he pulled and struggled however, his hooves slipped in the pool of blood, causing him to fall. The sticky red substance clung to his fur and filled his nose with the stench of iron. There was just so much of it everywhere, and he could practically feel the warmth leaving Red’s body. His tears mixed with the blood on his face as he tried to get back to his feet.

Night Flash felt a hoof on his shoulder and he looked up to find his wife smiling gently at him.

“Let me help,” Book Binder said softly. “I’ll take care of Red, you get his legion moving.”

Night Flash swallowed his tears and nodded, smiling brightly back at her. Book Binder levitated Red onto a waiting stretcher, where a trio of healers set to work, their horns aglow with magic as they set about binding every cut and wound. Snowball seemed to appear before Night Flash, and the loveling saluted sharply.

“What’s the plan First Centurion?”

Night Flash sniffled and wiped away the last of his tears as he let focus fill his mind. Red wouldn’t be happy if his legion was left behind, and he had to take command; it was his duty. Night Flash put a scowl on his muzzle as he looked toward the shocked looking legionaries.

“Get First Cohort to escort General Bright to the train station. If the Crystal Heart is hurting him, then maybe taking him out of the Empire will help. Next, get me all of the scouts. I have to send messages to Second Cohort.”

Snowball nodded and began shouting his orders. A trio of pegasi flapped out of the formation and slammed down next to Night Flash. The dark blue pegasus began gathering his discarded belongings as he spoke.

“Get the word out. All legionaries need to be back on the train in the next thirty minutes. If they’re not, they’ll have to wait for it to make a return trip. Gather as much of our equipment as we can. If we can, I’d like the full strength of the legion packed up and returning to Canterlot with us.”

Two of the scouts took off, and as the third one began to, Night Flash stopped him as an idea popped into his head.

“Blankets!” he blurted at the pony. “Get as many blankets as we can. General Bright doesn’t have fur to keep him warm, and outside the barrier it’s still cold! Get a message to all the healers to start drawing blood from ponies! General Bright needs as much as we can spare!”

Kind Heart glanced up from Elias’ body.

“Do we know if a transfusion will work? I don’t want to kill him by giving him bad blood.”

“He’s on death’s door anyway,” Night Flash replied. “We have to try, unless you have a way to make sure he can run entirely on saline.”

The healer frowned, then shook her head.

“We don’t. Blood it is. Adiutor Binder, do you have his…?”

Book Binder dropped a file onto Elias’ body, with the front page open. The healer scanned the sheet, then grunted.

“Then it looks like we’re in business ladies and gentlecolts. I need volunteers with O- or A+. If you have that, your orders are coming only from me.”

Four ponies peeled away from the gathered ponies and stood beside Red’s stretcher where one of the healers used a piece of chalk to put a mark on their helmets with their blood type. Kind Heart looked to Night Flash for permission, and he gave it with a nod.

“Get going, make sure he stays safe.”

Kind Heart bowed her head slightly.

“We will.”

She bellowed out for the cohort to move, and the ponies fell into a loose block around her as they sprinted out of the Empire, moving toward the train station. Night Flash watched them go for a moment, then looked to Cadence.

“Without your permission Princess, I will be withdrawing the entirety of General Bright’s legion from the Empire. Since he’s so evil in your eyes, you certainly wouldn't want the ponies trained by him standing guard, now would you?”

The pink alicorn sighed and shook her head.

“I’m sorry that you can’t see it Night Flash. He’s not good. If the Crystal Heart-“

“I wish the Crystal Heart had remained buried,” Night Flash spat. “It’s a stupid rock that has no idea what it’s talking about, and I can see perfectly Princess. I see a man who gives and gives time and time again to do better for wrongs that he refuses to tell anypony about. I see a man who may have been evil at one point, but who is now doing his very best to be good and keep ponies safe. I see a man who has crawled back to good, and who has suffered the whole way, and he is a sight better than a “good” princess who just watches as that man suffers more.”

He flared his wings as he prepared to take off to grab the rest of the legion.

“And I’d follow the good man who fought past his evil any day, because I at least know who he is at face value. You Princess? I’m afraid I don’t know anything about you.”

He gave a single mighty flap, then he was high in the air, and moving back toward the Empire.


“No, no, no,” Loyalty said as she sprinted away from the observation image.

It was all so wrong, so twisted and broken. She had thought the test so simple, so perfect! When her sisters had told her their idea, she had thought it to be what it was. Yes, the human had issues with the other ponies, but his exit from Canterlot had been a perfect excuse for Moon to clear house, and she had! The ponies under her command were once again willing to cooperate with the human, and the human was even triumphant over Shadow! Yes, his methods had been blunt and a bit nerve wracking, but he had been victorious!

But then the Crystal Heart had eradicated Shadow and sent him to Tartarus, and then the magic of the Heart had twisted inside the human, causing the creature immense injury. It was only then that Loyalty realized she had been duped. It was rare for her sisters to lie, especially Honesty, but the truth-telling Keeper had always been slippery, had learned that by not speaking, she could honor her element, as well as keep secrets.

Now though, now their plan was laid bare, and Loyalty had to act directly to fix it. She finally found what she was looking for on the mortal plane, and she poured herself into the human’s head, sifting through his memories. She winced as his immense pain lashed out, but she was a goddess. Pain was a thing mortal forms had, with their blood and their nerves. Looking at his body, Loyalty noticed the quick actions of the ponies around him, and she smiled in satisfaction. Her element had always been strong with the human, and he had passed his loyalty on to his ponies well. They would solve his physical injuries, leaving her free to solve his magical and mental ones.

As she sifted through his thoughts, she realized that her task was mightier than she had initially thought. Shadow had shown him horrifying images, and combined with the human’s past traumas, his very psyche was shattering, fragmenting into embattled sections that ripped and tore at each other. His otherworldly soul was in tatters, and his emotional state was decaying. She need to stabilize him first, then act to return him to his norm. Fixing him was unfortunately not an option. Honesty and Generosity had tried that, and the results were appalling.

Loyalty parked herself at the center of the hu-… No. If she was to heal him, she had to address him as more than a mere mortal. The human was Elias Bright, son to Night Flash and Book Binder, would-be lover of Moon. He was a mighty warrior, a great friend, and a staunch protector. He was capable of great harmonious acts, as well as acts of immense violence and chaos. Loyalty felt a memory of his flash through her brain, and she briefly considered looking at the image, what Elias’ mind told her was a “nuke”. A warning about the image whispered in her ears, and she followed the memory to its core storage. It sat firmly in Elias’ protected memories, and so, Loyalty ignored it. If the human wanted to share his knowledge, he would, and when he did, she would listen. She would not violate him like her sisters had. She would only help.

“Please think happy thoughts Elias,” she whispered. “It will ease your pain so much quicker.”

Loyalty focused once more at the center of Elias’ mind, then located his consciousness. Grabbing as much of the battered consciousness as she could, she carefully constructed the perfect dream, then merely plopped the human inside. She felt his thoughts awaken, and as he began moving through the dream, she set to work reconstructing his mind.


Elias walked lazily down the Canterlot streets, doing nothing in particular. His mind felt surprisingly blank, a rare sensation that he took great pleasure in. Instead of the ever-present floods of thoughts and analyzations that filled his mind, for once Elias was allowed to choose his thoughts, and he decided to walk back on a few recent memories.

The day’s training was done, and he was off duty for the night. In truth, he had no idea why that was. Nightshade had been rather coy when he asked, and after a few wasted minutes of trying to force an answer out of her, he had given up and had accepted his sudden leave.

That left him to walk home with his armor strung together over his shoulder. He passed by a bakery, giving a small wave to Baked Loaf. She had scolded him for ducking her invitation to visit, but now they talked every day when Elias walked to the castle. She would tell him about how well her business was doing, and Elias would talk about how well training was going. She would then give him a bagel, and he would be on his way. It was a simple pleasure, but a pleasure nonetheless.

It paled in comparison to home though. Book Binder and Night Flash had secured their new house, and as soon as they had moved themselves in, they had come for him with a wagon, a dozen cardboard boxes, and an alicorn princess with an eviction notice on hoof if he refused to go with them. He had taken it all with the good intentions the action had, but had gotten in his own little blow. After the kiss he and Luna had shared on the night of the wedding, Elias had asked her for a small break to think. In reality, he had used the time to finally withdraw his guard pay to buy the alicorn a special gift. She “happened” to pack the portion of the room with a friendship ring in it, and upon finding it, he had asked her to be his marefriend.

The panic that ensued was anything but small as Luna tried to start unpacking his belongings. When Book Binder had protested, she and Luna had gotten into an argument that grew heated. The “tiff” Night Flash had called it, had resulted with Luna backed into a corner by a growling and hissing Book Binder. Once the alicorn had bowed her head in submission, Book Binder had gone after Elias, threatening him with a family bath if he didn’t get the rest of his things together.

It was then that Night Flash had stepped in, and with Elias’ help, they managed to convince both mares that nobody was being left behind. The talk had switched to the future, about plans to be made, and dates to be set. When the ‘W’ word had come up, Luna had pounced Elias, pressing her lips against his. Like a switch was flipped, Book Binder turned from over-protective mom to loving mother in-law. She took Luna by the wing aside to “talk”, leaving Elias and Night Flash to finish packing.

It didn’t take the pair long to do so, he didn’t have much in the way of personal belongings, but Night Flash assured him that that would change once they got him settled. Once his remaining belongings were outside and tied to the wagon, Book Binder and Luna had popped back up, talking and giggling as if they had been best friends forever. Their smiles had grown wider when they had found Elias packed and ready to go. Luna had wished them all a farewell, then she had given Elias a kiss on the cheek and a rump wiggle before trotting away, leaving the man with his jaw agape and his cheeks flushed red.

Book Binder took the opportunity his stunned silence had brought and hopped onto his shoulders, clinging to his head, and pointing in the direction of their house with a cry of joy. The house looked small from the outside; it was two stories tall, and was fairly slim. The door was shorter than Elias was, resulting in him having to duck. More assurances came about how a carpenter was supposed to come by within the week to fix the door, but Elias didn’t really notice the short doorway. He could walk through the rest of the house without issue, and after a short tour of the downstairs space, Night Flash and Book Binder led him upstairs.

The entire floor was designated as his room. It had a full bathroom, and clear signs that it had once been split into three bedrooms. The paint was slightly uneven where the previous walls had been ripped out, but Elias wasn’t one to complain. The new room was at least twice the size of his room in the castle, if not more, and it already had a few pieces of furniture, as well as some other homey decorations.

The floor was largely hardwood, but a massive blue rug covered the floor next to his bed. Night Flash joked about having to get an “alicorn sized” mattress for it. The curtains for his windows matched the rug, as did his bed spread. When asked about the color choice, Book Binder had giggled and said;

“I think you’re marefriend will like it.”

Elias had rolled his eyes, but in truth, there was nothing he could do but smile. His belongings were simple to put away, and his unofficial parents had left him to unpack. By the time he had finished, the sun had begun to set, and his stomach had started to rumble. When he had gone downstairs, he had been surprised to find the house packed with ponies and food, all of which were inviting. To his surprise, Luna attended the housewarming party in the gown she had worn to Book Binder and Night Flash’s wedding, making him feel woefully underdressed.

She had used that fact to great advantage, and by the end of the evening, they found themselves in his bedroom, revisiting their kiss in detail. After that had come talk about the future, and then further kissing when the talk had gotten stale.

By the time midnight rolled around, they had a bare bones plan laid out, and they simply cuddled, holding each other loosely as they savored each other’s presence.

Elias smiled at the memory of Book Binder storming up the stairs with a broom. Apparently, he and Luna had been “making a ruckus”, which earned him a scolding. She had then shooed the “fluff brained harlot” from his bed. The game was obvious as the two went in circles around his room, with Luna diving in to snatch the occasional kiss from Elias. What swipes Book Binder did manage to land were gentle, and both mares grinned as the chase continued.

It had come to end with Luna giving him a wink and a rump wiggle before departing to the castle. The days that followed were a blur. The alicorn’s primary sat openly on his chest, and the whispers of a second royal wedding began circling in the castle rumor mill. Elias’ night shifts were largely spent with his marefriend, either standing as her personal guard, or taking on an assistant role in getting things sorted out for the Saddle Arabian march.

But tonight he had free time, and he had no idea what he was going to do with it. Elias slipped his keys from their pouch on his sword belt.

As soon as he opened the door to the house, Elias had his answer.


Night Flash paced back and forth as he tried to get glimpses of Red past the trio of healers working on him. They had made it back to the train without incident, and Night Flash had secured a car specifically for the human. Since the Elements were staying in the Empire, one had been free, and it now functioned as Red’s personal medical ward.

The train was chugging along back toward Canterlot, but it would be hours before they reached the city. The scouts had gotten word to Second Cohort in record time, and the ponies had moved like lightning. No legionnaire had been left behind, nor had any of their equipment. As soon as everyone was loaded, the train had departed. The motion had caused Red to groan, which Night Flash had taken as a good sign. At least it meant he was still alive.

Night Flash stopped mid-step as the human moaned something again. The blue pegasus stuck his head between two healers, eager to see if his human was awake, but Kind Heart pushed him back. Night Flash whined slightly, but didn't protest. He instead immediately set back to pacing, casting the occasional glance at Red.

“Come on buddy,” he whispered. “Pull through. I’ll do anything to have you back.”



Every light in the house suddenly flipped on with the sound of dozens of voices filling his ears. Out of shock, he took a step back. His direction was immediately reversed by a green aura surrounding his body and yanking him into the house. Elias quickly found himself buried in a pile of his fluffiest friends and family, all of whom either laughed at his flushed expression, or wished him a happy birthday. Usually both.

One pair of ponies in particular found their way to the center of the pile, and both snuggled against him with happy smiles on their faces. Book Binder kissed his cheek.

“Happy birthday baby boy, did we surprise you?”

Elias tried to nod, but found that he couldn’t with Scarlet’s rump pressed against his head.

“You did, mostly because I’m fairly certain I never told you my birthday.”

Book Binder giggled as Night Flash wriggled his way into Elias’ arms.

“Maybe not, but you did tell that marefriend of yours.” She clicked her tongue and sighed. “Some filly trying to take my baby away and she knows his birthday before I do. What’s the world coming to Flashie?”

The pegasus chuckled and nuzzled Elias’ chin.

“Mmm, something good I bet. Red’s gonna have foals before us at this rate.”

“Woah hold on now,” Elias protested. “That’s a bit….”

The pile seemed to vanish, and Elias locked eyes with Luna. She seemed to glow, and everything about her seemed to attract him. Even the coy grin on her muzzle as she sauntered forward invited him in.

“A bit what lover?” she asked. “Don’t tell me you want to go back on our plan….”

“N-no never,” Elias stuttered.

Luna grinned, then with a flap, she leaped onto his chest and pressed her lips against his. Elias melted into her kiss, and Luna had no trouble taking the offered space. Her tongue invaded his mouth, combing over every inch, dominating him completely.

Only when their breath was running short did she pull away. Her eyes shined at him as she stared down at him with a wide smile.

“Happy birthday lover,” she said. “Get what you wished for?”

Elias braced her cheeks and smiled.

“I think I….”

He felt something in his mind halt, and when Luna tried to lean in again, he ever so gently pushed her away. The blue alicorn tilted her head slightly, her smile never diminishing.

“What’s wrong love? Did I not do a good enough job?”

Elias shook his head.

“No, it’s… something isn’t right. This…”

He looked around to find the party in full swing. Scarlet was blindfolded and being led around by Night Flash. The crimson pegasus swung blindly at a piñata, causing laughter as he missed time and time again. Book Binder was chatting with Nightshade and Midnight Chaser. Her parents stood near the punch table, while Night Flash’s family chatted with guests near the stairs. What struck him the most was that they were all smiling, all laughing. They were all happy, happy for him. And he was happy. Or at least, he had been. Elias felt something creep down his cheek, and after a moment he realized it was a tear, but for the life of him, he couldn’t understand why he was crying.

But then he suddenly knew. It struck him like a bolt of lightning, and he felt a numbness creep through his body.

“This isn’t real,” he whispered.

Luna sighed and nuzzled his chin.

“Of course not love. You are a brave, strong leader, but in your bravery, you have become isolated. In reality you have nobody to turn to, but what is so wrong with enjoying a fantasy, just for a little while? Are you not allowed to be happy for one night?”

Elias smiled slightly at the alicorns words. He rubbed her cheeks and met her eyes again.

“Well, maybe just for one…”

The bright lights vanished in a blink. Elias’ arms were extended into a dark, cold room. Nobody was there. He was alone. There was no house, no party. There was no family, no friends, and certainly no Luna. Elias felt completely numb as he let his arm drop to his covers. He sat in the dark for a while, simply staring into the darkness. His mind was alight with thoughts of the choices he had made, and he couldn’t help but wonder what could have been.


Luna shot awake at her desk, her heart pounding. Keepers that dream…

She had been with Elias; they had been together. He had been so filled with love and happiness and she had the pleasure of being part of that. He had been happy. Everything had gone so well, and had seemed so real. She was a master at creating dreams, but even she couldn’t quite believe that at least some of it hadn’t happened.

It was only when they were at the birthday celebration that Elias had seen through the illusion, had been able to penetrate the dream enough that she could also see it for what it was. But as suddenly as he had noticed, she had been cut off, no doubt a sign that the dream had ended.

Luna blearily rubbed at her eyes as she looked toward the curtained window behind her desk. Cracking the curtains open, she swore as blinding sunlight stabbed right into her tired eyes. Daytime. That meant Elias should have been awake. Ever since he had left the Lunar Guard he had shifted back to a daytime work schedule, nighttime sleep schedule. Had she been able to use her dream magic, she would have spent many an evening trying to soothe his dreams, but alas, she was unable to.

But that begged the question, why had he been asleep? It was far too early in the day for him to be dozing off from exhaustion, and the General Bright she knew didn’t take naps. The only logical conclusion she could draw from that information was that somebody was keeping asleep, somebody at least as good at dreamcraft as she was. If he was being kept asleep, that meant he was in trouble, and if he was in trouble…

She blinked as a scroll popped into existence and fell onto her desk. She unrolled it, and just as she read its content, a shrill whistle sounded from the Canterlot Train Station.


Loyalty frowned as Elias’ mind rebelled and shook off her dream. She had thought the creation perfect, an excellent blend of his greatest wishes, merged together into one happy, blissful situation, including the slightest ounce of realism by including Moon. It was the best one could do outside of the Verdant Fields, yet the human had found a way to reject it, to claw his way into a different dream. Thankfully his mind was still asleep, still believed that he was not in agonizing pain as the Crystal Heart’s magic continued to try and rend his physical form from existence.

She was making steady progress, and with the help of the mortal ponies, his body was stable, but she still had a great deal left to do. His body was not designed to redirect any amount of magic, and she was forced to go cell by cell, stealing the Heart’s magic away before the cells could die from overload. The only luck she was having was that healing magic didn’t actually flow into his cells, it merely mended them. Had the opposite been true, the unicorns at his bedside would have been steadily helping kill the poor human.

Loyalty rubbed at her horn as she finished purging his heart of magic, and she moved on to his lungs, leaving behind a simple spell to clean any remaining blood cells of magic. She hated how thorough the Heart had been, and she knew exactly who was responsible. Honesty was watching her, trying to contact her, but Loyalty ignored her errant sister’s pleas. She could stew on her guilt for a time. Only when Elias was well again would she deal with Honesty.

“May I help?”

Loyalty felt her meld with the human’s body slip as she regarded Laughter. The white alicorn smiled lightly as Loyalty regained her bearings, compartmentalizing a portion of her consciousness to hold conversation, while the rest of her mind focused on the task at hoof.

“Why would you want to?” Loyalty asked. “You have made clear your wish for non-involvement with the human. You even called him a foreign invader on our realm.”

“True,” Laughter said, “but just because I detest his presence, doesn’t mean I fail to recognize his potential. Besides, there is very little joy surrounding him right now, now is there? That means his well-being falls within my purview, and I would like to help. To selfishly see the ponies around him smile of course.”

She flashed a wide grin, which Loyalty did her best to ignore.

“Alright, no need to rub it in,” Loyalty grumbled. “If you could begin working from his legs up, I will finish ensuring his internals don’t rupture.”

Laughter bowed her head slightly, then she joined Loyalty in her meld. The white alicorn frowned slightly as she focused on the cells in the human’s feet.

“Hmm, there are many faults in these horrid legs of his. Maybe if we just cha-…”

“That is neither our place, nor our right,” Loyalty interrupted. “I am merely restoring the human to his natural state before the Crystal Heart’s interaction with him. Anymore is no better than what Honesty and Generosity tried to do, and if you have come here as their agent to see me fail-“

“I have not,” Laughter snapped, showing a rare breath of white hot anger. The white alicorn immediately calmed and focused on her task. “I was merely noting that there may be more we can do. These toes of his are ugly little things. A hoof would work so much better and would be far more durable. Make him like a minotaur perhaps.”

“He is human,” Loyalty reiterated. “His ugly little toes are his, and they shall remain that way.”

She momentarily shifted her focus to Elias’ feet.

“Though I do wonder, are there supposed to be more of them?”

Laughter shrugged.

“We’re all powerful, not all-knowing. Diamond Dogs only have eight toes.”

“Then Elias has the same,” Loyalty said with a smile. “Excellent, the damage isn’t as severe as I thought. He hasn’t lost any parts, which is more than I can say for Shadow.”

Laughter rolled her eyes.

“I swear, that pony is going to get himself fully obliterated one of these days. First, he antagonizes Sun and Moon, then he goes after Candidate Sparkle and the Crystal Heart. I share the human’s pleasure in seeing Shadow blown asunder. Of everything that happened this day, that was by far my favorite part.”

Working with one of her sisters made the job so much more enjoyable. Loyalty smiled as she re-centered herself and went back to work.

“Ah, but what about when Candidate Sparkle returned the Heart? Had it not had this adverse effect; it would have been wonderful!”


Night Flash paced at the foot of Red’s bed, eyeing the human as Book Binder snuggled up against his head. The human had survived the train ride in silence, and they had immediately rushed him to the castle. Scalpel had met them halfway, with a worried alicorn and a dozen Royal Guards in tow. With the bolstered escort, their run to the castle infirmary had been quick, and as soon as they had gotten in, a fresh team of healers had taken over, powering magic through Elias’ body, replacing bandages, and keeping his wounds closed.

It had been nearly two hours, but the human’s body had finally begun to accept the treatment, and though the occasional bolt of blue energy rippled down his body, they were becoming fewer and fewer. As the energy lessened, his wounds stopped reopening, and they started making progress.

After the most harrowing part of the trial had ended, Night Flash and the legion healers had gotten a scolding over transfusing Red with pony blood, but ultimately, Night Flash had only felt joy that the risky method had worked. They had pumped pints into the human, and now that he was more stable, a single blood bag sat on his IV stand, surrounded by saline drips to keep him hydrated.

Scalpel was the pony on duty at Red’s bedside, his horn pouring more healing magic into the human’s body. There was still a great deal of healing left to do, but he was stable, and if they gave him around the clock care, he would recover. That was what was important to Night Flash. Red would recover.

Now he was struggling with what his place was. As soon as she had been able, Book Binder had snuggled up with Red, brushing his hair lightly with her hooves, while she held a Daring Doo book in her magic. She read at a whisper, occasionally pausing to smile down at Red, pretending almost as if he was listening. If he was, he didn’t show it. His eyes had drifted closed some time ago, but he showed no other signs of consciousness.

Night Flash ached to join the human in his bed. He wanted to throw his armor off like Book Binder and snuggle up to his human, keeping him warm while he healed, but he also had duties to take care of. Luna was absorbing Book Binder’s duties with Scarlet’s help, and the pair were making a healthy dent in Red’s stacks of paperwork, but there was no other First Centurion. Red trusted him to keep the legion safe, and unfortunately, the ponies needed him. They were shaken, and most were waiting on word that Red was in the clear. Waiting meant they weren’t working, and if Red was able to speak, Night Flash imagined he would have yelled at them for worrying. He would want them training and drilling. He would want business to resume as usual.

The door to the infirmary opened to reveal Snowball, and Night Flash regarded the loveling for a moment before he sighed and slipped his helmet on.

“I’m glad you’re here Adiutor,” he said. “Keep Red company. Bindey, please give Red my love. I’ll go check in on everypony, make sure they’re gear is being taken care of, then I might take them for a jog around the city. General Bright would want the legion to keep moving, so that’s what we’ll do.”

He began moving toward the door, only for Snowball to stand in his way with a fanged smile.

“Apologies First Centurion, but you’re not going anywhere.”

“Excuse you?” Night Flash said.

“As Elias’ official best friend right now, I get the final say on who looks after him, and that’s you and Adiutor Book Binder,” Snowball said. “You’re already right where you belong.”

Night Flash frowned.

“Adiutor Binder has ponies picking up her slack, and I made an agreement with Red. Even if I didn’t, I have duties Red trusts me with. He wouldn’t be happy if I shirked them.” He nudged Snowball to the side. “I’m going to check on the legion.”

Night Flash’s ear flicked as he heard his voice again.

“I’m going to check on the legion,” Snowball mimicked, his voice slightly garbled.

Night Flash stopped and stared at the loveling.

“What are you doing?”

“I’m going to check on the legion,” Snowball said again.

His voice sounded exactly like Night Flash’s, and the loveling grinned as he cleared his throat. His horn lit up, and Night Flash watched as the snow white loveling was replaced by an exact copy of himself, armor and all, save for a helmet.

“Night Flash” smiled and plucked the helmet from Night Flash’s head.

“I have fully researched and studied all of your duties as First Centurion, and I will conduct them,” Not-Flash said as he plopped the helmet onto his head. “You stay here and make sure General Bright gets nice and healthy again. There’s nothing better than a family cuddle to heal wounds.”

Night Flash frowned at the loveling.

“Or you could stay here disguised as me. Red wouldn’t notice, and-“

“He’d know,” Not-Flash cut in, “and then he’d lose trust in me. I will make regular reports on the legions status, and when he wakes up and questions why you’re here helping him heal, you can answer truthfully; medical science proves that having ponies you care about nearby when healing speeds up the process. You wanted him back on his feet as soon as possible, and this was the way to do it. You can then present him with my reports on how standards were maintained, and then everything is perfect. He’ll resume his place as General as healthy as can be, and absolutely filled to the bursting with love.”

Not-Flash shrugged.

“Besides, I could always just put you in a half-cocoon right next to him and do this anyway. You’re staying here First Centurion. I’m not asking.”

Night Flash’s frown turned into a scowl.

“This is blatant manipulation.”

Not-Flash grinned.

“It sure is. I’m a loveling First Centurion, I’m practiced at manipulation. The difference between me and a changeling is that I try to spread as much love around as possible, while they try to hoard it like the greedy little bugs they are.”

Not-Flash nodded toward Red’s bedside.

“Now get in there and make sure he gets better. Nopony will know I’m not you. My Night Flash impression is pretty good.”

He puffed out his chest so that his fluff poked out of the gaps in his armor.

“I’m First Centurion Night Flash, and I love snuggling ponies and making them run laps when they make fun of my snuggling.”

Before Night Flash could protest, Book Binder giggled.

“Wow, just like the real thing.”

She winked as Night Flash turned around.

“Not nearly as attractive though.”

Night Flash sighed, then looked back to Not-Flash.

“Fine, you might do a good impression, but no lax standards! Tell everything to Centurion Granite and Centurion Ice Blossom. They’ll help you make sure everything is exactly how Red wants it to be.”

Not-Flash saluted, grinning the whole while.

“Yes sir First Centurion Fluffy!”

Night Flash’s eyes narrowed.

“That’s five laps of the city. You may have convinced me to go along with your plan, but the moment you step out that door, this stops being a game. It shouldn’t be considered a game now.”

Not-Flash drooped slightly.

“Of course First Centurion, apologies. I’ll get to work immediately.”

Night Flash gave him a short nod.

“See that you do. I’ll await your report.”

Not-Flash gave him a sharper salute, then he turned and left the infirmary. Night Flash looked back to Red’s bedside, then with a slight smile, began to remove his armor.


Elias frowned as he tapped on the line of shields before him with his gladius. Each prod was met with stiff resistance, and Elias had to fight to keep a smile from his face. He found no weakness, not so much as a budge from the shield wall. The only things keep him from smiling like an idiot was the steady downpour that made the ground muddy. His sandals squished and squelched with every step, and Elias used the uncomfortable feeling to remain stiff and aloof, forcefully dampening his mood.

He made his way back down the line until he stopped before Night Flash.

“Good work First Centurion. If we keep at this pace, we might have a fighting force worth all the time we put into it.”

The dark blue pegasus grinned.

“I should hope so. We’re all really excited to die for you.”

Elias had begun to walk away at the first sentence, but the second stopped him in his tracks. He cast an eye toward Night Flash.

“What did you just say?”

Elias felt his stomach curl as he looked at the pegasus again. Night Flash’s face… A nasty, bleeding cut split Night Flash’s face in tow, but it was like he didn’t notice. He just smiled on, completely unaware that half of his lip simply didn’t exist. Elias felt his bad eye twitch as the pegasus gave him an unnatural smile.

“We’re ready to die for you General! I can’t wait!”

A round of cheers came from the ponies around Night Flash, and only on a second glance did Elias’ realize that they were all wounded horrifically. Pools of blood and gore mixed with the mud at their feet as their wounds dripped and oozed. Missing eyes, ears, jaws, limbs, and so many different cuts and wounds. Elias’ stomach rebelled, but for a moment, he almost saw the image for what it was.


Elias flinched back as a bony hoof touched his bare arm. He whirled on his heel to find a unicorn skeleton wearing Book Binder’s armor. The sight drew a fear filled yelp from Elias, and he tried to draw back, but the mud stole his balance, and he fell, splashing himself in mud and blood that slipped between the cracks in his armor.

The skeleton tilted its head and grinned at him.

“What’s wrong General? Isn’t this what you wanted? We did this for you Elias, what’s wrong?”

Elias felt another hoof on his arm, followed by another. The cheers became screams and wails of agony and the ground sank as dead and dying ponies stacked on top of him. As more bodies fell, the stench filled his nose, and Elias did everything he could to fight free, but they were everywhere. Their hooves grabbed him, dragging him deeper into the mud, and their screams filled his head. His vision went black, but at the same time filled with images of his friends and family. A flash of ponies in silver ripping other ponies apart. Book Binder screaming in his ear, telling him how much he hated her. The feeling of Night Flash’s fur, dead and cold in his hands.

A blue alicorn rose through the muck and wrapped herself around his chest with an evil grin on her face. Her horn was shattered, and patches of fur and flesh began dripping off her muzzle as she giggled.

“What’s wrong lover? Aren’t you proud to see your work completed? Aren’t you happy to see what your actions brought about?”

Her hooves clutched at his face, and she tried to pull him closer, to drag him down into the pile of bodies and death.

It was all too much.

Elias let out a terrified scream as he finally managed to break free, and he left everything behind as he felt one thought in his mind.



Night Flash sat up right just in time to catch a fist in the muzzle as Red let out a bloodcurdling scream. The pegasus fell to the ground, clutching at his muzzle as Red lashed out at Scalpel. The unicorn took the hit in between the eyes, and he fell without a sound, completely knocked out. Book Binder’s voice rose in the air, trying to calm the human down, but the wild animal they were facing wouldn’t be calmed. Red swung at Book Binder, forcing the unicorn to dive away. She lit her horn, slamming the infirmary doors open.

“We need some help in here!” she screamed.

Red ripped out his IV lines, and began to try to get out of the bed, but Night Flash wiped the blood from his muzzle and pounced, holding the human’s arm down.

“It’s okay Red, we’re here! Everything is okay!”

Night Flash grunted as a fist slammed into his ribs, but he didn’t loosen his grip. He saw the fist raise again, but it was pinned under green magic, then a green body.

“Please baby boy, it’s us!” Book Binder pleaded. “We’re here, we both are! Just calm down and talk to us!”

Two Royal Guards rushed into the room, and they latched onto Red’s legs, but the human still writhed and fought, trying to break free. Unfortunately, the human was very strong, and Night Flash was slowly losing his grip. Worse yet was another terrified scream that emanated from the human’s throat. It was the single most heartbreaking sound he had ever heard, and Night Flash felt tears fill his eyes as he held onto Red’s arm.

“Please Red, I’m here,” he begged. “It’s going to be alright.”


Loyalty ran as fast as she could after Elias’ conscious being. She and Laughter had only a moment’s warning that the human had entered a night terror, and as soon as he had, his mind had gone wild. A mixture of nightmares, old and new, mixed to form a maelstrom of pain in the human, and when confronted with such a situation, mortals only had one reaction; they either fought, or they ran. After so long fighting, for control, for peace, Elias’ mind had finally snapped, and he had run. Now she had to pursue him on his ground, had to offer comfort to his psyche before it ripped itself apart.

She had her work cut out for her. His foreign, otherworldly mind dulled her power, so she had to run like a mortal would. She was unused to the sensation, but she kept up the pursuit regardless. Elias wove through blank corridors and black walls to escape, and after a while, he succeeded.

Loyalty slowed her pace and lit her horn, listening carefully for steps in the ever-shifting labyrinth of the human’s mind. She felt a bit of calm enter the human’s mind, and she cast about with her magic, searching for the source. She felt surprise as her magic brushed against Kindness’ magic. The yellow goddess had also sworn off the human, primarily because of his cruelty, but she could feel some calm spreading within the human’s mind.

She also knew it wouldn’t last. He was fighting, them, himself, his friends in the mortal realm. He ached for release, escape. His mind and his heart were twisting, becoming darker and uglier as the Crystal Heart’s magic mixed with… Shadow.

Loyalty snarled as she felt the evil pony’s presence. Dark tendrils poisoned Elias’ emotions and his thoughts. She summoned a memory door and peered inside, watching as a good memory of Elias sleeping with Moon turned into her attacking the human. He stood his ground for only a moment, then he turned heel and fled. Loyalty shut the door and opened another, powering as much magic as she could into making sure the memory remained pure.

She opened the door and watched Shadow and the human battle once more. She watched the black tendrils of dark magic enter the human’s head, and then she watched the human shake each attack off in turn. She had assumed he had fully broken the attacks, dispersing their affect, but as the fight wore on, she noticed that he didn’t ignore the visions, he simply powered through. By doing so, the magic still stirred in his mind, and with every good memory they poisoned, they gave the Crystal Heart more to attack and destroy. It was the good memories keeping Elias strong, but as they faded, he simply grew weaker and weaker.

Loyalty sent a message to her sisters, and she immediately felt their magic target Shadow’s lingering presence. Satisfied that they could make real headway in purging the human of the pony’s evil, she set off into the maze of the human’s mind.

As the shadow magic was peeled away, the corridors became lighter, and memory doors began appearing by themselves, slowly falling into organized sections. Loyalty strained her ears, listening carefully for any sounds the human might make. Logically speaking she was a magical construct within his mind, but mortals always parsed things by their senses, even within their own minds. So, she listened, and after a few moments, she heard something. It was incredibly faint, but it gave her a direction.

At the next intersection, she took a right and found the walls around her shifting to look like those in Canterlot castle. The sounds grew louder in her ears, and Loyalty pressed on. She continued until she hit a pair of double doors, through which she found a large library, as well as the source of the noise. She stepped lightly as she got closer to her target, and when she stepped around a bookshelf, she found him.

Elias Bright was in a sorry state. His body was a mess of open, bleeding wounds, almost as if he had just been attacked by the Crystal Heart. Curled into a ball, the human cried, rocking back and forth as he wept. Loyalty slowly crept forward, eyeing him up carefully in case he tried to run again, but Elias didn’t seem to notice, he merely rocked, and as she stood above him, Loyalty realized that he was whispering something.

“They’re going to die because of me. They’re going to die because of me. They’re going to die-“

Loyalty let out a small sigh as she sat slowly before him. Using her wings, she dragged him slowly into a hug, then let her horn glow as she penetrated the deepest layers of his mind.

“Show me.”

Loyalty closed her eyes and saw the world through Elias’ eyes. She lived through the images Shadow had shown him, then she lived through the night terror he had found himself in. Then it kept going, showing more faces, more blood. It was a never-ending loop, and figures, human and pony alike filled her mind, showing her his every suffering and worry. His every fear. They were innumerable, and Loyalty finally understood. She understood Elias completely, but she also understood what she had to do to save him. If he ever found out what she was about to do, his heart would twist and the love he contained would die, but she would ensure that he would never find out.

“You poor creature,” she whispered. “I am so sorry Elias Bright. You have fought and suffered so much, and now your fear is trying to poison your heart. I am sorry for what you have suffered, and for what you have yet to suffer.”

She closed her eyes, and her muzzle curled as she began to cry. The hypocrite she was, judging her sisters harshly. Yes, had they not meddled with the Crystal Heart, none of this would have happened, but she was about to make their meddling look positively saint-like. Her horn charged with magic, and she lowered it to Elias’ forehead.

“Sleep little one,” she said, “Sleep, and be happy. You won’t remember an ounce of this suffering.”

She plunged into Elias’ mind, cutting away every vision Shadow had shown him. Unfortunately, his tendrils had reached far, and she had to cut away further memories to make sure the corruption was purified. Ultimately the damage was negligible, with only a few good memories being cut away, but the sheer disgust she felt for directly altering the human’s mind was more than she could bear without her emotions turning dark. She felt an emotion she had trouble keeping in check flare up, and she sent a message to Laughter, asking the goddess for her help in remaining calm and on task.

Laughter responded by sending harmonious energy into her form, as well as some news that once she was finished with her work, she was to report to the judgement chamber. Keeper was calling. Loyalty focused, and with a few more adjustments, she felt Elias’ mind finally beginning to calm. She had erased all the dreams he had experienced since the Crystal Heart had touched him, and had erased all of the visions Shadow had shown him. His mind would be fuzzy when it came to his short visit to the Crystal Empire, but ultimately, he would still be sane and as whole as he could be.

Scanning over Elias’ mind, the thought to alter things, to change him for the better again flowed to the forefront of her mind. She squashed the thought once more, though this time took a noticeable amount of willpower. She withdrew herself from the human’s mind, and she made sure to drag Laughter and Kindness with her.

She brought them to their viewing room, sending a brief message to Keeper that they would attend him shortly. Beside their viewing ball sat an image of Elias’ mind, slowly cooling from a polluted black and red to a cool blue, alive with flickers of gold and red. Loyalty prodded each color in turn, taking samples to taste his emotional state. The cool blue once more held firm resolve, bolstered by the removal of the polluted memories, as well as Kindness’s soft touch. The red was as burning hot as ever, remaining untamed, and chaotic. Though it clashed with her very being, Loyalty recognized the wild heat as Elias’. Until he tamed it himself, it was to be left be.

Finally came the flickers of gold, and upon tasting them, Loyalty felt a swell of joy. The human’s harmonious element, the part of him that loved, the happy part, but also his responsible core. It was his intelligence, his curiosity, his studious spirit, it was what Loyalty wanted to fortify beyond recognition. It was his pure potential for good, and immersed in it, she once again was challenged not to make him better, not to make him into a pure, harmonious pony. The temptation grew as she danced in the feelings, in his inquisitive spirit. Perhaps she could make him a gryphon, or a minotaur. Surely the change wouldn’t be so bad if he still kept his hands. Then again, a horn had the same utility as hands, and if she…

“Sister, enough.”

Loyalty opened her eyes to find Kindness gently pulling her free of Elias’ mind. Her horn was awash with golden light, and when she glanced toward the human’s brain, she found it in a similar state. She felt a rush of dread, but Laughter gave her a giggle and a nuzzle.

“Don’t worry sister, I recognized that look in your eyes.”

With a small push of magic, the golden glow surrounding Elias’ brain pushed away, revealing a pinkish sphere protecting the human’s brain. The magic remained in place for a moment, then seeped deep into his brain. Loyalty let out a small gasp.

“What did you do?”

Laughter giggled again.

“Nothing negative. Merely a permanent, advanced level spell against mental intrusions. Something to make it harder for Shadow to corrupt his thoughts if they meet again.”

She began to dismiss the image of the human’s brain.

“And it is a small alarm spell. If any of us attempt to alter Elias Bright again without permission, Keeper will know.”

Kindness scoffed.

“He is all-knowing and all-powerful. An alarm spell is hardly necessary.”

Laughter grinned.

“Perhaps, but go ahead, try a little alteration. Try to make the human nicer. Try to make him like bunnies.”

Kindness frowned, then sent a little jolt of magic at the human’s mind.

She immediately let out a shriek of alarm as her horn charged with power, and she vanished with a pop. Laughter grinned broadly at Loyalty.

“Just because He sees everything doesn’t mean we can’t make it easier to find those responsible.”

Loyalty felt a smile spread on her muzzle.

“Clever. You have my thanks sister, both for the protection of the human… and for pulling me away from a mistake.”

Laughter gave her a small bow.

“We all have our moments of weakness Loyalty. As much as we strive to be like Keeper, that feat will take a supreme effort that we haven’t quite exerted yet. Go on, I have one thing left to do before we attend Him.”

Loyalty gave her a nod and a curious look before disappearing with a flash of magic. Laughter dismissed the image of the human’s brain without a look, and instead focused on the viewing sphere. In it was Elias, sleeping once more on a pristine white bed. Straps covered his wrists and his ankles, holding him in place, while a pair of guards stood opposition the bed, watching him intently. In the bed beside him was a unicorn, sleeping off a mild concussion.

Laughter’s smile dimmed when she saw two ponies sleeping beside the human’s bed, a slight nervousness in their forms. The pegasus bore bandages around his muzzle, while the unicorn, unscathed physically, was clearly in great emotional pain due to the human’s unconscious actions. Further away in the castle, a restless alicorn tossed and turned in worry, trying to sleep but only just barely succeeding. That wouldn’t do. That wouldn’t do at all.

Laughter’s horn glowed and her smile returned as she set things right. The two guards watching Elias’ bed drifted off to sleep, cuddling against one another on the floor. The straps holding the human down vanished, replaced by an extra layer of blankets to keep him warm while his injuries healed. Moon appeared in the room with a silent pop, and suspending her into the air along with the green unicorn and the blue pegasus, Laughter began to settle them around the human.

The unicorn sighed happily as Laughter placed her against the human’s hair. As her hooves began sleepily stroking the human’s cheek, Laughter prodded awake a forgotten idea in the mare’s head, giving her the inspiration for a small idea that might yield joy-filled fruit. The pegasus she settled in the crook of the human’s arm, and Elias did the rest, pulling the pony tight to his chest. The blue pegasus giggled and nuzzled the human, squeaking in slight pain as his muzzle bumped against the human’s ribs. The jolt of his battered muzzle didn’t wake the pony, however, so Laughter let him be.

She regarded Moon for a moment, briefly wondering if she should involve the alicorn so directly, or if she should simply bear witness to the scene to achieve piece of mind. Fortunately for her, Elias answered the question as his mind began a simple, yet elegant and happy dream. She let the human’s mind wind it’s path through, but she skipped ahead, finding what she needed.

She let Moon drift down, and as soon as the alicorn touched the human, he dragged her to rest under his other arm. The nervous, worried twitching vanished from Moon’s body, and she sighed happily as she rested against Elias.

Content that her job was finished, Laughter charged her horn to appear before Keeper. The god stopped her magic with a gentle nudge, and he assured her that her presence was not needed, that he was meting out punishment well enough without her. Instead, he whispered in her mind.

Watch my child, watch the human’s dream. You will be inspired, and you will have a decision before you. I trust you to make it.

Laughter frowned at his words for a moment, then looked toward the human. A smile decorated his face, and so, she decided to watch. She lit her horn, and slowly melded with the human. It didn’t take long for the dream to run its course, and when it had, Laughter was amazed.

Laughter couldn’t help herself as the dream ended. She laughed. She laughed and jumped for joy as she squealed and giggled. The human’s dream was something she could have never thought up. It was so simple, so in-tune with his very being. Of course he would use such an excuse to relax, of course that was what he required! She had never truly understood the rigidness with which he carried himself, but now it made sense. It made the peaceful moments, the love-filled moments all the more potent. If it had really happened, then it would be a memory forever sealed in both Elias’, as well as his family and friends’, minds.

But it was only a dream…

Laughter frowned for a moment, then widened the view of the orb. All of the necessary ponies were asleep, save for a pair guarding the legion’s standard. She instantly made them tired beyond comprehension, and they settled in beside each other, snoozing away by the standard. Laughter compartmentalized her mind twice; once to maintain the standard’s guard, and the second to prop up and awaken the guards once she was finished. For them, it would feel like a drowsy blink of the eyes, not the restful sleep it was.

Doing another scan of the ponies she needed, Laughter felt her muzzle twitch into a smile of satisfaction. She closed her eyes and centered herself, preparing for the largest direct action she had taken in millennia. She melded with Elias’ brain first, simply taking the dream he had created and perfecting it, inserting in all the necessary faces where there were once amorphous blurs. Then, one by one, she melded the dreams of every sleeping legionary into one. She included ponies from Ponyville as well, spent moments gathering all of the ponies in Canterlot who had the slightest bit of care about the legion, and she put them all together in the temporary realm. Then, with a smile, Laughter simply let the dream replay from the beginning, letting Elias and his friends live out the wonderful day all on their own.


Elias kept a hard scowl on his face as the photographer arranged the legion to Book Binder’s specifications. The picture had been the green unicorn’s idea. It had taken some convincing, but he had eventually agreed to it, on the condition that she took the lion’s share of the work, and that it took place on the legion’s one light day. Book Binder took to the extra work with enthusiasm and no small amount of secrecy. The legionaries didn’t even know it was happening until the morning of, with some still distrustful of their schedules until they had seen the massive bleachers the photographer had erected. Once in sight of the bleachers, Book Binder had announced the afternoon’s itinerary; first, the legionaries would take a series of pictures at her direction, then, they would have the option to stay in Ponyville for a day off, or take the train back to Canterlot for the same. She gave out a warning not to party too hard or to stay out too long, as the next day would hold the same training as usual. Still, after the photos were taken, the day was there’s. They had earned it.

Elias squinted against the bright sunlight as Book Binder trotted up to him with a slight smile.

“Alright General, we’re all set. If you will follow me, we are at the bottom center.”

Elias gave her a silent nod, and followed the unicorn as she led him to their position. Night Flash danced on the tips of his hooves as they approached, and he positively beamed as Elias fell in beside him. The human rolled his eyes as he tucked his helmet under his left arm and face the camera with his normal, stern expression. Book Binder took a few steps back, then smiled and nodded.

“Everything looks great!” Addressing the legionaries, she said; “Alright everyone, serious one first! No smiles or I’ll make you run back to Canterlot with a timberwolf tied to your tail.”

Elias heard small shifts and shuffles behind him, but they all quickly fell silent. Once they had, Book Binder smiled again, and looked back to the photographer.

“We’re all ready when you are.”

The pony behind the camera waved a hoof in a thumbs up gesture and smiled, ducking behind the camera . Book Binder’s smiled dropped, and Elias watched both her, and Night Flash puff out their chests slightly, making themselves look taller. His eyes flicked up when the photographer raised a hoof and then began counting down as if she had fingers.

“3… 2…. 1…”

The camera went off with a bright flash, and after a moment of blinking, Book Binder darted forward. She and the photographer checked the photograph as it came out, and a grin spread on Book Binder’s face.

“That one came out great everyone!” she shouted. “Just stay in place for a moment.”

Whispering something to the photographer, Book Binder glanced at Elias with a grin, provoking a frown from the man. The unicorn trotted up, her tail swinging happily.

“So General, since we have a camera all set up and ready, and since the photo package I paid for has a minimum two photo requirement…”

Elias sighed and shook his head.

“You want a funny one.”

It was a statement of the obvious, made even more so when Book Binder bobbed her head.

“Just a quick one! And one without armor, so we can make it easier for everyone to find themselves in the pictures!”

Elias sighed again and pinched the bridge of his nose.

“Fine, just get it done quick, and make sure they know what happens if they lose or damage their armor.”

Book Binder squealed loudly and bounced into the air. Her mouth began to open, no doubt to spill out more joy, but Elias raised a hand to stop her.

“And I decide what we’re doing for the funny picture.”

Book Binder stopped her bouncing to tilt her head.

“Planned ahead for this did you General?” She giggled and shrugged, then bounced again. “Aw who care, we still get to take one!”

She looked to the stands of legionaries.

“Funny picture first everyone!”

A cheer went up among the legion, and Book Binder trotted back up to Elias with a grin on her face.

“Now, what did you have in mi-“

She eeped as Elias scooped her up. Night Flash was grabbed next, and with both ponies tucked under his arms, Elias located Snowball, Gray Granite, and Scarlet Shield, telling them to balance on his shoulders and back. Snowball lifted away his helmet first, then his bug-like buzzed as he alighted onto the center of Elias’ back. He rested his head overtop Elias’, while his hooves wrapped gently around Elias’ neck, giving the loveling balance. Granite came up next with a hop, settling on Elias’ right shoulder. He balanced by holding onto Snowball with one forehoof, while the other used Elias’ arm as a balance point. Finally, Scarlet flapped up to Elias’ left shoulder, using his wings to balance the whole effort, as well as to lighten the load.

While extremely heavy, Elias felt fine, just so long as he didn’t try to move too much. He looked to the camera with a slight smile, and the photographer began the count down again.

“Everypony say cheese! 3… 2… 1…”

“CHEESE!” the ponies behind him bellowed.

Though the photographer jumped at the sudden volume of the shout, the camera went off without a hitch. The legionaries let out another cheer, and Elias set down his heavy prizes. Granite and Scarlet both hopped down while Book Binder crossed her hooves and fake pouted.

“Now I look silly,” she grumbled.

Elias winked at her and grinned as Snowball hopped off his back.

“It’s under the arms or no picture. Your choice Adiutor.”

She stuck her tongue out at him.

“You’re just lucky I’m getting copies for my scrapbook General, and I’m about to get back at you like you wouldn’t believe.”

Elias cocked an eyebrow at her.

“What was that?”

The unicorn smiled sweetly.

“Nothing at all General.”

She turned to the legionaries and shouted again.

“Alright everyone, last picture! Make sure to organize your equipment by cohort!”

The legion trampled down the bleachers quickly. Moving off to the side, away from everyone else, Elias carefully took his armor off, including the sword belt, and set it in a pile, making sure that each piece was pristine in placement. He also ensured that nothing was at immediate risk of dirtying the armor. No sense in giving himself more work.

Elias got to his feet and turned around to find everyone already back in position and waiting for him. A few chuckled, and all of the ponies smiled as a light blush of embarrassment rose to his face. Night Flash and Book Binder said nothing as Elias moved back to his spot, falling in between them, though he did notice an odd waggle in the former’s hips. He ignored the slight movement as a twitch, and looked to the camera with a half-smile, a smile that dropped when he noticed a mischievous look on the photographer’s face.

“Alright everypony, 3…2…”

The camera flashed on two, then Book Binder shouted;


She pounced into his side, then Night Flash tackled him from the opposite. Then, a tidal wave of thousands of ponies came crashing down on his back, burying him in a tall pile of fuzzy, laughing ponies. Elias grunted as he hit the dirt, but he found that as the ponies pressed in, he could breathe with relative comfort. Moving, however, was a different story.

Book Binder nuzzled his face and grinned.

“Sorry General, it’s been months and I was getting antsy. It’s just a one time thing, I promise. You’ve just been so stressed lately, and doctors say that a snuggle a day lowers blood pressure by seven percent!”

“Which doctor?” Elias grumbled as Night Flash wiggled his way between the human’s smushed arms. “I’ll kill them.”

Book Binder chuckled.

“A little birdy told me that Scalpel published a report about the subject. Whatever vendettas you may have against the good doctor, this was our way of saying thank you, and to show you how much we care about you, just like you care about all of us.”

Elias’ scowl didn’t diminish.

“I could have you all court martialed for this.”

Scarlet nuzzled the back of his neck, wrapping his forelegs around Elias’ chest.

“You could try General, but we could also just hold you here forever and ever. Imagine; we’d just eat and snuggle, and talk about history all day long, every single day.” He snickered. “Besides, you can’t court martial us if you can’t get paper, now can you?”

Night Flash wriggled, drawing Elias’ eyes.

“How about it General, do you wanna be our permanent snuggle buddy?”

A string of giggles passed through the mass of ponies pinning him to the ground, and Elias felt almost as if they all pressed closer. He let out a sigh and looked to Book Binder and Night Flash, who both stared smiling back.

“You only get leniency for this little stunt because it’s the legion’s light day. Pull something like this again, and you’re all fired.”

The mass of ponies giggled and wriggled about some more. Remaining in place for a few precious moments more, the ponies slowly began peeling away, laughing and talking as they eased their fuzzy weight off of Elias; save for two. The pair seemed far more reluctant, and their eyes pleaded with him as Book Binder spoke.

“General… I know it’s a complete breach of all the effort we’ve put in the last few months, but can the three of us have a nice afternoon together? We’ve never gone out together, and this is the perfect time. I’ve heard wonderful things about Ponyville!”

Elias opened his mouth to tell her no, and to say that he had paperwork that needed doing, but as he looked between them, the human felt a spark of immaturity. Maybe it was stupid, and a dumb risk, but they were worth a little bit of risk. Elias let out a sigh and nodded.

“Alright Book Binder, but only this once, and we need to be back in Canterlot before nightfall. I have a meeting I need to plan for, and I-…”

He grunted as she crushed him in a hug. Book Binder sniffled and smiled up at him with shining eyes.

“Thank you Elias. We’re so close now, and this will be just the moment of fresh air we all need to focus and finish strong.”

Elias smiled at her and booped her nose, causing her to sneeze. She put on a pout as he and Night Flash laughed, but that expression disappeared when the human scooped her up, offering her a place on his shoulders. Book Binder hummed happily as she stroked his hair, then she pointed him to their armor.

With Night Flash’s help, Elias carried the armor to one of the waiting wagons, and he stacked most of his gear on-board. He kept only his sword belt, content to let the rest be flown back to Canterlot.

Once all the gear was secured, Book Binder pointed them to the town proper with a cheer. As the trio began their walk, a quartet of mares trotted up to Elias with broad grins on their faces. Elias paused.

“Yes legionaries?”

The mares giggled amongst themselves as their leader spoke.

“General, this is a rule free rest day, yes?”

Elias nodded.

“Within reason.”

“Then would it be considered a punishable offense to say… foalnap Centurion Granite and snuggle him till the sun sets?”

Elias noticed the earth pony in question out of the corner of his eye, watching him carefully for his answer. Elias looked back to the mares, who seemed on the verge of pouncing. Frowning slightly in thought, Elias shrugged. Love amongst his soldiers was a bit risky, but they knew that.

Elias scratched his nose and looked away from Granite, making it so the earth pony couldn’t see his mouth.

“I wouldn’t waste the day asking questions when you could be catching him. Make sure my Centurion stays in one piece ladies.”

The mares vanished from his sight, and Elias heard a loud cry as they tackled Granite. Glancing his way, Elias watched as the lashing tails smothered the stallion, then within seconds, they had him up and on their backs, carrying him toward Ponyville with a cheer. A look of thankful betrayal decorated Granite’s eyes as he shot a playful glare that promised revenge Elias’ way. The human gave him a two-finger salute in return.

He looked to Book Binder.

“So, what’s the plan?”

Book Binder hugged his head.

“You and I are going to the library to pick out a book, while Night Flash goes to the market to get our dinner. I’ve heard of this lovely little pond just outside of town that is perfect to have a little snuggle next to.”

Elias snorted.

“That seems tame for you.”

Book Binder flashed a grin.

“Am I hearing a no to my plan?”

Elias shook his head and he started toward Ponyville with Night Flash at his side.

“No you did not.”

The afternoon became a blur for Elias. They moved into town with the legion, with their reception being far greater than the last time. Legionaries mixed with their friends and families, and those without milled about the town, sightseeing, or stopping in one of the numerous shops and restaurants. Near the center of town, Night Flash took off in one direction, while Elias and Book Binder moved in the opposite. All Elias could really remember of the library was that it was a tree, but their visit wasn’t long.

After catching up with Night Flash, who bore a fully stocked picnic basket, Book Binder pointed to the edge of town. The walk wasn’t overly long, and throughout, Elias savored the feeling of the sun on his pale skin. He couldn’t quite place it, but everything just simply felt… right.

Elias paused as they crested the hill, below which rested a pond with a single tree beside it. Night Flash stopped as well, and gave him a curious glance.

“What’s wrong Red?”

Elias shook his head slowly.

“It’s nothing, it’s just… this was the first place I saw in Equestria.”

He motioned to the tree.

“Twilight Sparkle was there with some of her friends. In hindsight, Prince Armor was as well. His report about that day mentioned seeing something strange,” he pointed to the tree line not far from the pond, “in those woods. That’s where I was. Half dead, dehydrated beyond measure.” He snorted. “I thought I was hallucinating, not when I saw rainbow colored ponies, but when I saw how blue the sky was, how green the grass and the trees were.

He smiled faintly and looked down to Night Flash.

“I could have never imagined it would all lead to something insane as leading a new, freshly trained legion of ponies.”

The pegasus smiled back.

“Nopony can predict the future Red, but for today, let’s ignore all the craziness and just be a little group of friends. No legion, no responsibilities, no nothing. Just the three of us, relaxing as ponies do.”

His tail waggled, causing Elias to snort and shake his head.

“Ponies are too clingy. Always wanting to hug and snuggle.”

Book Binder chuckled and hopped off his shoulders. Using her magic, she spread out the picnic blanket and began laying out the food.

“It’s our charm Elias. Besides, I seem to remember a certain somepony staying in the cuddle pile for longer than he was supposed to.”

Elias gave her a false glare as he took a seat before a plate of turkey.

“That was the results of days of brutal torture at the tufts of my pony wardens. I was a prisoner.”

Book Binder rolled her eyes.

“Indeed, you truly were suffering a terrible sentence. Surrounded by all your friends, warm and comfortable, well fed, not to mention-“

Her muzzle curled as a piece of bread thumped into it. Her eyes took on a vengeful gleam and she grinned at Elias.

“Fine, want to play it that way? Night Flash, get him.”

Elias stood no chance as the pegasus rammed into his side and began trying to snuggle his face.


Laughter hummed in satisfaction as happiness spread across Equestria. She made minor adjustments, making the dream feel like a slightly distant memory, rather than a fresh one. She put a set date when it had “occurred” in everyone’s minds, then made small additions to the world. Newspapers from Ponyville the day after the visit suddenly included a bonus page about the visit of the legion, the worn trail the legion always took on their afternoon marches looked slightly more trampled, and the lakeshore still had the faintest traces of compression from the ponies and the human who had rested upon it, but far more important were the pictures. The photographer she had included in the dream was very real, and had actually hijacked her position. The pictures she took were also very real, and so it was simplicity to create copies for everyone. The pictures found their way into bags and onto nightstands. Frames appeared, and some of the more careless ponies even “misplaced” their pictures in ways that seemed obvious. No doubt laughs would be had when the images were again found.

The most important members were in the infirmary. Laughter made sure Book Binder had the lion’s share of the pictures, but she let the mare take all of the joy of their use. The pictures remained in her saddlebags, awaiting scrapbooking. For Night Flash, Laughter merely brought to the forefront of his memory a small gift he had not yet given Elias. A simple silvery locket, in which now rested miniaturized versions of the pictures. She prodded the pegasus’ mind, and without much instigation, he resolved to give the human his gift, consequences be damned.

Finally, Laughter looked to the human himself, but was surprised to find that he had already logically worked out where his pictures were resting. A hidden place, close to his heart. Laughter looked to his sword, and gently unscrewed the hilt, gasping lightly as a bundle of older pictures fell out. She briefly considered unrolling them for a look, but decided against it. Loyalty was right, his privacy was his own. It was not her place to violate it more than necessary. She cast a minor enchantment on the blade’s hilt, extending its storage capacity enough to fit his new pictures in safely. Then, she slid in small copies of the legion’s official photograph, as well as the one he had taken with his family at the lakeside.

Returning the sword to its proper place, Laughter looked to the human, sleeping happily, snuggled amongst ponies. She smiled wistfully, knew that she couldn’t preserve the moment any further. Despite all of their work, he was going to suffer more. It was the way of mortals, especially the more chaotic ones. She felt the same temptation Loyalty had, but she was easily able to ignore it. She had had her fun, had made a joy filled memory from a dream. That was enough. It had to be enough.

She pulled away from the viewing ball and departed to her duties, leaving the sleeping human to lie.


Elias awoke with a wide yawn. His mind felt fuzzy, but he felt alive, so that was a good sign. Not wanting to open his eyes just yet, he blindly felt about for the fuzzy bodies that he knew had been resting against him. Unfortunately, the spots they had occupied were empty, and somewhat cold; a sign that they had been gone for some time. Elias let out a small sigh and reached a hand up to his eyes, scraping away the crust that had formed. He felt a slight pull as he moved his arm, no doubt the IV lines jabbed into his veins. A sign that he had been injured, thrown to his death bed yet again. For some reason however, he couldn’t quite remember how.

Elias blinked the remaining crust from his eyes and opened them to find Book Binder sleeping in a chair opposite his bed, a book hugged tightly in her hooves. She snorted softly in her sleep, provoking a small smile on his face. He decided to let her sleep as he looked to the windows. The sun was setting, its orange rays lighting the sky on fire with color. He didn’t have his watch on him, but he imagined that the legion would be pausing the day’s training for dinner soon. He briefly wondered if he could sneak out to view it.

The infirmary doors opened, and a dark blue poked its way inside. Elias regarded Luna with an even smile, and pressed a finger to his lips, nodding toward Book Binder. The alicorn smiled and slipped into the infirmary, closing the door softly behind her. She moved with the utmost care, staying silent as she made her way to his bedside.

As she moved to occupy one of the chairs by his bed, Elias scooted over and patted the empty space beside him.

“Come up if you want to,” he whispered.

Luna stared at him for a moment, frowning slightly.

“Are you feeling alright Elias?” she asked. “Any strange new sensations or cravings?”

Elias crossed his arms and looked away.

“Fine, don’t.”

Luna put a hoof on his arm, drawing his eyes back.

“That isn’t what I meant,” she whispered. “I need to make sure you are of whole, and sound mind. You were gravely injured, and at some particularly risky points, your brain wasn’t getting enough blood. Combined with the magic Sombra put in you…”

Elias frowned.

“Sombra? Who’s that?”

Luna’s muzzle curled in worry, and she hopped into the bed. Elias vaguely noticed that she was much smaller than he remembered, and that her mane was far shorter. Her hooves held his cheeks as she stared into his eyes, and she clicked her tongue.

“Definitely not a poor practical joke,” she muttered.

She cleared her throat loudly; jolting Book Binder awake. The unicorn’s eyes shot to Elias, who stared back in confusion. Book Binder then looked to Luna, who gave her a soft smile.

“Do fetch Doctor Scalpel, as well as Adiutor Snowball. He has some expertise when it comes to the workings of the mind.”

Book Binder nodded silently and sprinted from the infirmary, a grim expression on her face. Elias stared after her for a long moment, then looked back to Luna.

“What’s wrong? Did something big happen?”

Alarm flashed in his mind.

“Did I miss the march? How long have I been out?”

Luna smiled and withdrew her hooves. She settled next to his legs, fluttering out her wings to act as an additional warm layer.

“You have not missed the Saddle Arabian march General,” she reassured, “but you have been unconscious for just shy of two weeks. We will be leaving in approximately eight weeks.”

Elias let out the breath he had been holding.

“That’s… enough time to get back to full strength.”

He laid back and stared at the ceiling, then let out a loud sigh.

“So what happened? How did I end up out for two weeks?”

Luna seemed to ignore his question, asking her own instead.

“Tell me, what do you remember last?”

Elias’ brow furrowed in concentration, and he felt a mild headache begin its pounding in his forehead.

“The last thing was… Book Binder and Night Flash’s wedding. We… we were dancing, and then…”

His eyes fell.

“Oh. That’s why you…”

He felt a hoof rub his leg.

“It’s alright Elias,” Luna said. “I have found that my worrying for your health was quite the remedy for my heartache. My suffering is no longer, and is replaced only be eagerness for what you promised.”

She smiled sweetly.

“You do remember your promise, yes?”

Elias nodded slowly, blushing slightly.

“Yup. After this is all over, I’ll give us a chance. A real one, without the emotional baggage.”

Luna chuckled.

“Not completely without my friend. Once I have you warming my bed one way or another, we’re going to make those night terrors of yours a thing of the past. That is my promise to you.”

Elias smiled faintly.

“So… we are friends?”

Luna rested her head on his thigh.

“You’ve tried your best General, but I’m afraid I won’t be driven away anymore. My resolve is firm in this. Your willingness to even discuss this subject in this capacity is enough to firm it further.”

Elias’ smile widened, then vanished completely.

“We still have to keep professional distance Princess.”

“Of course General, and this time I shall respect it.”

He nodded slowly, then his even expression molded into a frown.

“The wedding was some time ago… and I certainly didn’t end up in this bed because of it. So what happened?”

The infirmary doors opened, revealing Book Binder, Steel Scalpel, and Snowball. As they trotted over, Luna spoke.

“Now that the experts are here, we are going to try and see how much memory you have. You were very badly injured Elias, and as such, the memories you have lost may be permanent.”

She looked to Scalpel, who also hopped into the bed. The unicorn shined a light in Elias’ good eye first, then his bad one. Frowning, he let out a dissatisfied hum and sat back.

“I don’t believe there is any physical damage to his skull, as much as I wish this was something easy to fix, but I can’t imagine losing that much blood was healthy. What was your last concrete memory?”

Snowball popped up on Elias’ other side, and he settled next to the human, his horn charging with magic. When Elias regarded him with a suspicious frown, the loveling regarded him with a smile.

“I’m just going to do a little surface level melding with you Elias, to absorb any pain, and to encourage your brain along. Answer Doctor Scalpel’s question.”

Elias felt a strange prickling in the back of his head, then felt as if Snowball was suddenly much closer. His bad eye twitched, but he almost immediately felt calmer as the loveling let out a happy sigh.

“You have such a pretty mind Elias,” he mumbled. “Too bad you didn’t appear in our corner of the world. The things we could have done. The love you could have made.”

He nudged Elias’ leg, prodding the human to answer Scalpel. Doing his best to ignore the sensation of someone sharing his head, he looked to the unicorn.

“The last thing I remember clearly is the wedding, when Luna and I separated.”

His eyes flicked to the alicorn for a moment.

“Though for what it’s worth, that appears to be behind us.”

Scalpel smiled faintly.

“At least there is some good news to be had.”

He settled in an upright seat position, holding Elias’ eyes with his own.

“Now, I’m going to tell you all the events I know about, and you’re going to tell me if they sound familiar, or if anything comes back, alright?”

After a nod from Elias, Scalpel continued.

“After the wedding, you spent two weeks training with the legion. It was fairly normal, routine behavior, but you had clashes with the other generals.”

Elias frowned.

“They… Celestia. She decided to play defensive, to meddle where she didn’t belong.”

His gaze hardened.

“She needs to stop doing that.”

Luna hummed.

“She will butt out from now on Elias. Like my Generals, she too has been brought to heel.” She sighed and rubbed her forehead. “But now she’s gotten a bit clingy. No doubt due to my smaller stature. It’s a fight to get a bath to myself these days.”

Scalpel cleared his throat, throwing a slight glare at the alicorn, who flushed and looked away.

“Of course, off topic. Do continue.”

Scalpel looked back to Elias.

“So you remember running into troubles with the other generals?”

Elias nodded.

“Can you give me a specific example?”

Elias frowned, and he felt the pressure increase in his forehead. Snowball’s horn charged slightly brighter, and the sensation vanished, followed instantly by a vibrant example.

“Yes,” Elias said slowly. “Lionheart always changed the schedules, but I was never informed.” A small grin spread on his lips. “I laced his morning coffee with crushed null-stone.”

Scalpel groaned.

“So that’s why his magic kept sputtering out! I never did figure that out.”

He glared at Elias.

“Also, don’t do that again. If he didn’t drink so much tea, and use the coltsroom so often that would have crippled his magic.”

Elias shrugged and grinned.

“He deserves a little adversity in his life. It builds character.”

Scalpel let out an exasperated snort, but he returned to a state of even calm.

“Alright, then something happened, a mission given to you by the princesses. Can you tell me what it was?”

Elias frowned in thought again, and again his headache began to grow in intensity. Snowball let out a small sigh as he charged his horn brighter.

“The memory is fractured. Elias may not have the full picture.”

“That’s alright,” Scalpel said, not looking away from the human, “Just tell me what you remember, if anything.”

Elias closed his eyes and rubbed at his forehead.

“It… was a test of some kind. We were to go…”

He snapped his fingers and smiled.

“North! We were to head to the north, to… help… someone.”

His smile diminished.

“It feels like something else happened, but I don’t know what.”

Scalpel looked back to Luna, who met Elias’ gaze.

“We spoke of our regrets Elias,” she said. “We talked a little of the wedding night, and how despite feeling terrible, you were firm on your position. I accepted that, and made clear that I was going to ensure that you would meet no more hostility from my generals, and from my sister. Then you departed.”

They all sat in silence for a moment, and when it passed with Elias remembering nothing else, Scalpel nodded and summoned a notepad.

“Alright, that gap is noted. Next, you left on a train to go north, do you remember anything at all about your destination?”

“It was something to do with rocks,” Elias offered weakly. “The Quartz Kingdom maybe?”

Snowball chuckled.

“Honestly, that’s better than the actual name.”

Scalpel also smiled faintly as he shook his head.

“It was in the same vicinity as the correct answer, but you went to the Crystal Empire Elias. Do you know why?”

All of a sudden, Elias’ mind went completely blank. He stared at Scalpel as he tried to remember anything at all, but he found nothing. He shook his head and frowned.

“I’m afraid not.”

Scalpel looked to Snowball, who also frowned. The loveling scooted closer to Elias’ head, asking;

“Would you mind if I took a little deeper of a dive? Nothing personal, just looking specifically for memories related even slightly to the Crystal Empire.”

Elias shrugged.

“Go ahead, just don’t go poking around where you don’t belong.”

Snowball nodded seriously and closed his eyes. His horn charged with magic and he remained silent as he worked. The pressure in the back of his skull increased. Throughout the process, Elias felt as if his surface level thoughts were being squashed against the side of his skull, making it hard to think. The one decision he could make was that he wanted to lean back, and he wanted something fuzzy to occupy his hands. His speech was a bit garbled when he spoke, but the message came across clearly. With a mischievous grin, Luna shoved Scalpel into Elias’ open arms, which immediately closed and began petting the soft pony. With his solitary need met, Elias relaxed and stared blankly at the wall, keeping a mental eye on Snowball as the loveling sifted through his brain.

It was nearly ten minutes later when Snowball let out a sigh and left Elias’ brain completely, giving the human his faculties back. He blinked slowly, then let out a breath and sat up slightly. Looking to Snowball he said;

“Let’s never do that again.”

The loveling smiled.

“I can only promise that I won’t do it again if it’s not an emergency.”

His smile diminished and his ears drooped as he looked away.

“But I didn’t find anything. No scraps, nothing. It was like you never went to the Crystal Empire.”

Elias looked down to Scalpel, who was dozing under his fingers. Elias poked the stallion’s belly, jolting him awake. Wide eyes stared up at Elias, who stared back with a frown.

“What does that mean? Are the memories gone for good?”

Scalpel sat up, wriggling free of Elias hands. He blushed as he coughed and cleared his throat into a hoof.

“Well, I um…” Coughing again, he regained his calm and sat up straight. “If your words and Snowball’s evidence is to be believed, I think the memories are gone. We can schedule an appointment with a licensed mind-reader, but otherwise, I suggest simply waiting to see if the memories return. Brain damage isn’t an exact science, and while I’m very well-read, I am just a surgeon. This is hardly my area of expertise.”

He glanced at Elias.

“That being said, you seem to be in your normal mental state, though you are far calmer and more centered than usual. More like you were before the changeling invasion. I’ll keep an eye on your emotions and your responsiveness over the next couple days to be safe, but largely I think you’re alright mentally. You just need a day or two more of bed rest, then you can begin light duties again.”

Elias grunted and stared down in thought for a moment, then shrugged.

“If that’s your prognosis, that’s good enough for me. The memories I lost moment don’t matter, ability to perform does. Just give me the report from the trip. That’s all I need to know.”

He looked to the windows to find the sun nearly gone. Thoughts of the weeks of training he had missed flashed in his head, and he briefly wondered;

“How has training been progressing?”


Night Flash cracked open the infirmary door and stuck his head inside. Book Binder had told him that Red had finally woken up, and while there was some memory loss, she also told him that the human was mostly okay. He still needed to rest and get a few more healing treatments, but ultimately, he would be okay.

Sniffing the air, and flicking his ear carefully, Night Flash was able to figure out that not only was Red asleep, but he was alone. He knew that Book Binder had gone to their home to clean up and prepare for the next day’s training, but he briefly wondered where Snowball had run off to. As Night Flash slipped into the infirmary, he theorized, coming upon an idea he liked rather quickly. Snowball was likely off gathering love from somepony else while Red gathered his strength. That was probably it.

Like a ghost, Night Flash managed to reach Red’s bed silently, and he carefully poked his muzzle above the mattress, staring intently at the human’s sleeping face. He looked happier than normal, though his lip would occasionally curl in discomfort. His arms were empty, and Night Flash could tell with a glance that the human was cold. Little bumps covered his pale arms, and the occasional shiver would run down Red’s body.

Night Flash grinned and fluttered his wings. Perfect.

With a silent hop, Night Flash let his wings soften his fall, going so far as to make sure the mattress didn’t bow under his weight. Then, with great care, Night Flash crept up to Red’s chest and settled in, laying on his back in the crook of Red’s arm. A wing extended, offering warmth to his human, and he sighed happily as he closed his eyes to let sleep take him. He felt an arm wrap around his barrel, hugging him tightly, and he began to drift away, only for his blood to run cold as Red spoke.

“I knew it.”

With the human’s arm around him, Night Flash knew he was finished. Red knew he had been sneaking cuddles while he was out, and now it would all fall apart. He screwed his eyes tighter and did his best not to tear up as nasty thoughts rippled through his mind.

Then he felt another arm around him, and he felt his body shift as Red dragged him onto his chest. Night Flash cracked open a teary eye to find the human smiling at him, his teeth shining in the dark. Night Flash rubbed at his eye and stared hard at Red, looking for any trace of anger.

“Y-you’re not mad?”

Red chuckled and scratched Night Flash’s ears, drawing a purr from the pegasus.

“No, I’m not mad. I spent the day reading reports First Centurion, and all accounts tell me that you’ve been keeping my legion to standard, even going so far as to drill them harder just so I wouldn’t be disappointed.”

He sighed and stroked Night Flash’s back.

“You missed the point of why I push everyone so hard, but as long as it’s done the right way, the reason doesn’t really matter.”

Red let out a chuckle.

“Besides, technically speaking, you’re the general of Legio I Equus. That means you can implement any policies you like during your free time, just so long as the quality of training doesn’t diminish.”

Night Flash’s ear twitched.

“Policies such as… midnight cuddles for relaxation?”

Red rolled his eyes and sighed again, this time in exasperation.

“Yes, Night Flash.”

The pegasus perked up.

“And dragging you home to your new bed?”

Red frowned at him.

“Don’t push your luck. I’m still officially General, and our agreement still stands.”

Night Flash shrank.


His tail lashed back and forth in nervousness, but when Red didn’t push him away, he began to relax. An idea flashed in his mind, and he figured that if there was any time to ask, now would be it. Clearing his throat, Night Flash sat up slightly. Red regarded him with a tired look.


Night Flash withdrew a small box from beneath his wing and offered it to the human.

“I know we kind of overshot the day, but happy birthday Red.”

Red stared at the package for a moment, then looked to Night Flash.

“You’re going to need to get off my chest if you want me to open it.”

Night Flash slid off, sitting just beside the human as he sat up. Red took the box in his hand for a moment, gauging its weight. Night Flash felt a smile on his muzzle as the human removed the ribbon, then opened the box. A look of confusion spread on Red’s face as he regarded the small silver locket, and he looked to Night Flash.

“I would think you of all ponies would know I don’t wear jewelry.”

Night Flash chuckled.

“Maybe not, but your journals mentioned something about you hiding pictures of your old family. I thought you’d like a nice safe place to store photos of your new family as well!”

He reached up and pressed the small button on the locket. The silvery face opened, revealing a pair of miniaturized pictures. Red squinted at the pictures, and a small smile spread on his face.

“Oh, that’s pretty interesting.”

Night Flash’s smile didn’t diminish at the careful praise.

“I would like to see my friends,” he spoke aloud.

Red blinked in surprise as the pictures glowed, then expanded, growing until they were about the size of a book page. Red stared with wide eyes at the pictures for a moment, then gasped slightly as he leaned in.

“They’re… they’re moving.

Night Flash chuckled and nodded.

“Just like those Wonderbolts cards I showed you. It was a bit pricey to get the enchantment on the locket, but I like to think it was worth it.”

His smile diminished slightly.

“I had no idea why I bought it without having some pictures in mind, but then we had that day off in Ponyville, and it all… clicked.”

Red nodded silently, a smile spreading slowly on his face.

“Night Flash…”

The pegasus jolted as the human’s arms were suddenly wrapped around him. He felt tears wet this fur, and his smile softened as he nuzzled Red’s face.

“It’s alright buddy, no need for tears.”

The human sniffled and laughed.

“I know, it’s so stupid that I’m crying, it’s just-“

Night Flash pressed a hoof to his lips.

“You don’t need to explain yourself to me Red. I’m just glad you like it.”

Red looked back to the locket, analyzing every detail in the pictures. Night Flash watched the human’s face carefully, could tell the instant that Red began to grow tired again. He smiled at the human and nuzzled his chest, listening for that powerful heartbeat.

“Go to sleep Red,” he whispered. “Rest as much as you can so you can get back to work. I for one miss getting yelled at.”

He waited for the human to make some kind of joke, likely a self-deprecating one, but all he heard was gradually slower breaths. Night Flash glanced up to find the human asleep once more, a small snore emanating from his open mouth. Night Flash chuckled and nuzzled the human’s chest, then reached up to the locket, closing it. He took a moment to slip the locket over Red’s head, so that it dangled safely from the human’s neck, then Night Flash settled back down, guarding Red’s sleeping form with his wings. Closing his eyes, he said;

“Good night Red. I’ll see you when this is all over.

Author's Note:

Up next; The March begins!

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