• Published 5th Apr 2019
  • 6,685 Views, 118 Comments

For Want of a Horseshoe - PingZing

What do you do when you discover that a mistake you'd thought long fixed is still at large? If you're Twilight Sparkle, you bend time and space to fix it. With friendship, of course.

  • ...

Epilogue: Give Way to Growth


Give Way to Growth

She opened her eyes upon a dimly lit room colored by the deep blues and soft violets that heralded a fading twilight. Crowded bookshelves lined the room. The desk groaned under the weight of still more books, stacks of paperwork interspersed chaotically with scribblings of arcane formulae, and densely-packed notes. By contrast, the kitchen area of the small apartment was positively spotless, as was the entry area around the front door. Presumably, her host's bedroom was similar; it was only the living area that displayed any clutter that she could see. She did note that there was exactly one flat surface in the room—the desk—and exactly one chair, save for the sofa she was currently draped across. That was probably for the best, as the bookshelves took up most of the available floorspace, but it was clear that this was not the home of a pony who entertained many guests.

A tentative knock sounded from the front door. "It's me!" came her host's voice.

"Enter!" Luna called, brow furrowing.

Sounds of a key scrabbling in a lock came from the door, shortly followed by the door opening and revealing a young, purple unicorn. Trailing the unicorn in a field of magenta magic, was a paper bag smelling of hot pastry, and a pair of paper cups that gave off the rich smell of fresh coffee. "Um, sorry! I know it's my apartment, but I knocked so I wouldn't surprise you, or startle you, because I know I was gone for a while, and I thought you might have started to worry! Well, not to worry, you don't even know me, why would you worry, ha ha!" She actually pronounced each individual 'ha'. "But after I left I thought, 'Well this is already such an inconvenience'—not that you're an inconvenience, I meant it's an inconvenience for you!—that I'd better get something good to make up for it and—"

Luna silenced the unicorn with a raised hoof. "I am well acquainted with the practice of a good host. In my youth, the world was wild and untamed; we took hospitality very seriously indeed."

The unicorn stood there, eyes wide, blinking too fast. She adjusted her thick, black-framed glasses with a wisp of telekinesis. "Yes! That! That." A strand of her mane sprung up and away from her tightly-wound bun, seemingly of its own volition. "Um. Coffee?" she said, thrusting one of the cups in Luna's direction.

Luna took the cup into her own magic and inhaled deeply. She savored the scent of the freshly-brewed beverage before taking her first sip. Her eyes widened and she immediately took another, deeper sip. Then, she sighed contentedly and breathed in the aroma again. "Twilight Sparkle, you are a mare of discerning taste."

Twilight Sparkle grinned nervously and trotted over to her desk, where she set down the pastry bag and sat in the desk chair. She retrieved a doughnut and a napkin from the bag and passed them to Luna, while taking a doughnut for herself. Set sat in silence, fidgeting, and nibbling her pastry occasionally. Luna suffered from no such discomfort, and began tucking into her doughnut with enthusiasm.

Once Luna's first sugary treat had been summarily demolished, Twilight finally found the courage to speak up. "So! I. Um. Don't mean to seem rude. But why are you here, exactly? And um, how do you know who I am?"

Luna paused in the act of wiping crumbs from her muzzle. She dabbed at one last spot of icing at the corner of her mouth. "I fear I must make a poor conversationalist, and answer your question with one of my own: when I appeared so suddenly in your home, why did you react as you did?"

Twilight looked away and tapped her hooves together and adjusted her glasses again. "Well. You popped in here with no warning, right after that uh, dramatic speech from that blue pegasus. And you were having a panic attack. And I guess I just sort of... reacted?" she said frowning. "I've had enough of them to recognize them. And to know that they're awful. I didn't even realize who you were at first! I just had a pony in my home having a panic attack! So I just... dealt with it. Then after that, I realized who you were, and freaked out a little bit myself, and I guess that sort of answers your question?"

Luna hummed. "A 'panic attack?' Is that what that was? Most unpleasant."

Twilight nodded. "It was." She stood and began pacing, adopting a matter-of-fact tone. "Panic attacks are characterized by sudden inexplicable fear, followed by a heightened flight-or-fight response, which then results in a variety of related, cascading symptoms, such as nausea, dizziness, hyperventilation, and paresthesia. They can be chronic in those with an anxiety disorder, or appear unprompted after an individual has experienced sufficient stress. Stimulants, such as caffeine can cause, or exacerbate the onset of a panic attack." She paused. "Which is why your coffee is decaf."

Luna stuck her tongue out at her beverage. "Decaffeinated coffee? Hmph. Taste and fury signifying nothing," she muttered.

"It's still good though, isn't it?"

Luna slurped at her coffee and said nothing.

"According to Pleasant Diversion's Small Talk and You: How to Survive a Conversation, I'm pretty sure you're dodging my question," Twilight began hesitantly. "But she also says that if somepony does that, then you should respect their desire for privacy. Unless it's something important. Since I think a former queen of Equestria teleporting into my apartment and having a panic attack is kind of important, I'm going to ask again. But! I'm going to respect your desire for privacy by telling you that you don't have to answer. Um. Why are you in my apartment?" Twilight Sparkle asked, smiling uncertainly and fidgeting with her hooves.

Luna sighed, and set her coffee down, and stared at the bookshelf opposite the sofa. "When I emerged from my connection to the moon—when I ceased to appear as Nightmare Moon—I... there is..." She huffed in frustration. "Transference. The moon is a cold thing, and I became cold to match it. And that chill insulated me from seeing... the obvious. Suddenly emerging from that insulation was..." Luna's eyes clouded over momentarily, then she shuddered. "Difficult. Then came the attempt on my life, and... I had to get away. Somewhere safe."

"Okay, but why here? I don't even know you, except by reputation!" Twilight said, an edge of frustration creeping into her voice.

Luna shrugged. "In my panic, I reached out for the first thing that I could find that felt safe and unthreatening. I suppose that was you."

"But why?" Twilight asked, nearly whining now. "Why me?"

Luna winced. "Harmony works in mysterious ways, perhaps," she lied.

"That doesn't make any sense!"

"Perhaps not," Luna admitted. She turned to Twilight. "But it put me in the home of one of—perhaps even the only—pony who would lend me succor with no thought to turning the situation to her own advantage. True, it was at first because you did not recognize me. But what of afterward, once you realized my identity? Once you had left your home, I was entirely at your mercy. You could have called the guard, or members of the rebellion, or even simply abandoned me. And yet, you did not. Why?"

Her question drew Twilight up short. The younger mare frowned slightly. "Why would I have done that?"

Luna drew back, and turned to look sharply at Twilight Sparkle. "You have ample reason! In a few short years, my rule reduced Equestria to a starving, scorched wasteland. I stole the sun from you! I stole Celestia, most beloved of the kingdom, from you!"

Twilight's expression darkened. "You did, that's true. But..." She softened. "Then you gave her back. She's vouched for you. She says you're trying to change. Trying to make amends. If we can't trust her word, whose can we trust?"

Luna peered at this incarnation of Twilight Sparkle. Reclusive and uncertain, but so painfully earnest and eager. Untested and unrefined in comparison to the fierce young alicorn from that other future, but Luna could see the echoes of one in the other as plainly as the stars in the sky.

"You hold my sister in very high regard," she said eventually. "The criers should have made it clear that she was to make an appearance at the speech earlier today. While I imagine that some might have suspected trickery, you do not seem the sort. Why were you not in attendance?"

"Oh. Um," Twilight said, adjusting her glasses again. "Crowds make me nervous. And my brother and his wife both told me it was probably better to stay inside, 'just in case.'"

"Your brother?" Luna raised an eyebrow.

"He's the captain of the guard. Oh. And I guess he's married to Princess Cadance too."

Luna's eyes bulged, and she was glad she had set her coffee down. "Oh," she said faintly, "Dear."

On cue, there came a heavy knocking at the door. "Open up! We know you're in there!"

"Why would you phrase it like that?!" Twilight Sparkle hissed.

"Habit, okay?! Today has been just the tiniest bit stressful!" Rainbow Dash hissed back.

They were waiting anxiously in front of a nondescript apartment door on the third floor of a cheap, but well-maintained apartment building in Canterlot's Lower District.

"Are you sure she's in here?" whispered Rainbow Dash.

"Well, her signature's in—wait. Shhh, I hear something!"

Muffled hoofsteps approached from behind the door. There was a pause as the apartment's occupant considered their next action. The door had no peephole, so they had no choice but to open it to see what was on the other side. Rainbow Dash schooled her expression into one of professional nonchalance.

The door opened to reveal a second, smaller Twilight Sparkle. This one was wearing glasses, had no wings, and lacked the flowing mane and elegant stature of the one standing at Rainbow Dash's side.

Their expressions were identical, though. Wide-eyed and flabbergasted, mouths working silently.

"Ponyfeathers," the alicorn whispered explosively.

"Wh... wh... huh?" the unicorn stammered.

"Not again," the alicorn muttered, massaging her nose with a hoof. "Once in a day should be enough for anypony..."

Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes. "Is Queen N—uh, Princess Luna—inside?" She asked, voice flat.

Luna's voice came drifting from within. "Captain Rainbow Dash? Is that you?"

"That's a yep," Rainbow Dash muttered. "One side, Glasses." She pushed her way past the unresisting unicorn. "And go easy on the big one, she already met your brother earlier."

Luna held her gaze on Rainbow Dash as the pegasus pushed her way into the increasingly-crowded apartment. The still-armored guard's helmet was missing, she held one of her wings gingerly, and she was favoring her rear left leg. She made her way to the sofa, stood before Luna, then settled onto her haunches. She made no effort to hide the way her gaze swept over the alicorn, looking for injuries or any sign of mistreatment. Once satisfied, she snapped off a salute. "Captain Rainbow Dash, reporting for duty ma'am. Are you okay?"

Luna was unable to suppress a smile. "Faithful Rainbow Dash," she murmured. "Yes, captain, I am unhurt," she said.

"That's not what I asked, ma'am. Are you okay?"

Luna's smiled faded by degrees. She looked up, staring at something beyond the bookshelves, at something only she could see. "I fear that is a question that I cannot answer at present," she said slowly. She continued, stare unwavering, "I have restored Equestria to itself. I have returned to myself, and in doing so, have been laid bare. I am..." She paused. "Defenseless." Her gaze returned to the confines of the apartment, and she turned to Rainbow Dash. "Which brings to mind a question. Why have you sought me out, Rainbow Dash?"

Rainbow Dash had maintained her salute throughout the discussion so far and showed no signs of stopping. "That's the job, ma'am. Keeping you safe. Can't do that unless I know where you are."

"Captain, your duty ended the second my sister took this kingdom back. I am no longer your queen, and you owe me nothing."

"With respect ma'am, I swore an oath to you. Not to your position."

Luna looked at Rainbow Dash sadly. "Captain Rainbow Dash. Most loyal of my Night Guard," she said softly, "I release you from my service."

Rainbow Dash's foreleg trembled slightly. She closed her eyes, took a deep breath, and returned to all fours. After spending a moment composing herself, she sighed. "Okay. All right." She opened her eyes and gazed fiercely at Luna. "But don't think you're getting rid of me that easily."

Luna blinked. "I... am sorry?"

Rainbow Dash jabbed a forehoof under the alicorn's nose. Luna found herself focusing on it, going slightly cross-eyed in the process. "When I gave my oath," she growled, "I meant it. I don't care if you're not my queen. I don't even care if you're a princess or not. Just because I don't have to keep you safe, doesn't mean I plan on stopping."

Luna still stared at the intruding forehoof, hypnotized. "But... why?"

Rainbow Dash withdrew her hoof and replaced it with her face, and glared fiercely into Luna's eyes. "Because I don't just abandon my friends. So," she growled, "Unless you can look me in the eye and tell me to get lost, you're stuck with me."

Luna drew back slightly, unable to look away from Rainbow Dash. "I... I..." she stammered. "I do not... deserve such loyalty, Rainbow Dash."

Rainbow Dash pulled away, and crossed her forelegs, sitting back on her haunches to do so. "Well, sometimes, you don't get what you deserve."

"No," whispered Luna, "You get something better."

Rainbow Dash blushed fiercely but smirked down at her once-sovereign. "Exactly!"

Twilight Sparkle and Luna walked side-by-side across the cobblestone streets away from the apartment building. Without needing to be prompted, Rainbow Dash trailed at a discreet distance. Claiming weariness, Luna had made her excuses to the younger Twilight Sparkle and departed, followed by Rainbow Dash. Before her departure, Luna had left the unicorn with both an apology, and a promise of aid should ever it be required.

As the elder Twilight Sparkle had trotted toward the door, she pulled the younger unicorn aside. "Though, really," she had said pitching her voice low, "You can probably just call her up for coffee and doughnuts again. She'd probably like that." She had then winked, and trotted out of the apartment.

Night proper had begun to fall, with only a faint tinge of gold visible at the horizon, the sky otherwise dominated by deep blues and violets. Arcane streetlights had begun to hum to life and cast a slowly-brightening warm glow across the aged stones of Canterlot.

"A thousand years ago, this was scarcely more than a mining outpost," Luna said, gazing up the gables and domes and arches of buildings in the Upper District above them.

Twilight followed her gaze. "I've been down in those mines, actually." After a moment's musing, "Never for anything pleasant, now that I think about it." After a moment, she turned to Luna. "So, why teleport there? You haven't met local-me before, have you?"

Luna hummed thoughtfully. "I reached blindly for something that felt safe. In our dealings together, you have been a fair and neutral party—for the most part," she said, glancing at the still-healing wound on Twilight's chest. "So, I found something familiar and unthreatening and... leaped." She shrugged, and said no more.

The sounds of cheering and singing ponies drifted down from somewhere above. The streets down in the Lower District were nearly deserted; most of the city had turned out for the earlier speech. Upon the revelation that their Princess of the Sun had indeed returned, the various gatherings across the city had rapidly morphed into ecstatic, improvised parties. The few stragglers that the three encountered were intoxicated enough on exultation, relief, and simple intoxicants that a pair of slightly larger-than-normal ponies with extra appendages hardly warranted notice, let alone comment.

"My sister has transformed it into a beautiful city." Luna said, looking into the distance. "To be graced with an opportunity to see it return to life gladdens me."

Twilight peered closely at Luna. "You really mean that, don't you?" Luna's only response was to smile sadly. The pair continued their walk down the cobbles, the steady clip-clop of three sets of hooves the only other sounds. Eventually, Twilight broke the silence. "You'll have to sit down and talk to her. Really talk. About everything."

Luna said nothing in response, merely continued walking.

Twilight continued, speaking gently, "Even my Luna struggled with guilt after she returned, and she spent less than a day as Nightmare Moon. She still struggled with feelings of resentment. Still felt unappreciated for her work."

Luna shivered. "What hope have I, then?"

Twilight treated this question with the respect it deserved, and visibly spent several moments considering it. "My Luna," she said slowly, "made the mistake of trying to bear her burdens alone. She suffered in silence, believing that she deserved that suffering. Even when she was finally able to forgive herself, she still felt unappreciated. Forgotten." She stopped, and turned to look at Luna directly. "Talk to your sister, Luna. She loves you, and will support you, but she has a blind spot a mile wide."

Luna began to tremble, and her ears folded back as she looked down in shame. "And when the burdens are too painful? Too personal? My sister and I have shared much, Twilight Sparkle. We know how to hurt each other."

Twilight just smiled, and gently lifted Luna's chin with her hoof. "That's okay too. Sometimes, you have to lean on a friend instead. I can think of at least one who'd be glad to help," she said, looking at Rainbow Dash.

Rainbow had drawn closer to the pair of alicorns. She nodded confidently at Luna's inquiring look. "I'm not so great with words ma'am, but I can definitely listen."

Luna drew in a deep breath and let it out slowly. "I am no stranger to walking the long path toward a distant goal. I must remind myself that this is not over, and every day is a step closer."

"It's a process," Twilight said, nodding. "It'll get harder. I recall that you and your sister agreed to have you stand trial."

Luna shivered, and shook her head. "Enough. I am weary enough to sleep and never wake. I will ask you for what I hope is the final time: Twilight Sparkle, why are you here?"

"Are you asking why I came looking for you? Or are you asking why I'm still here, period?"

"Something of the latter, and something in addition. You have succeeded in removing the primary threat to this particular permutation of Equestria—myself—so why remain? And furthermore, why this permutation? By your own admission, there are multiple possible timelines you had to choose from." Luna sighed. "I suppose, ultimately, my question is a very humble one: why me?"

Twilight gave a rueful smile. "It's a little silly, and a little selfish, actually." Luna raised a curious eyebrow, and Twilight continued, "All of the alternate timelines were somehow unpleasant, but this was the only one that was... stable. There was no active conflict, and things seemed to function, more or less. I thought it might be... easier, I guess, as a place to start. And," she said, turning to Luna and still smiling, "an important factor was that someone I counted as a friend might be lonely and hurting."

There was an anxious fluttering in Luna's belly, and she looked away. "I am fortunate my counterpart is close to you, then. Whatever your reasons, you have my gratitude, Twilight Sparkle."

Luna shifted nervously as Twilight regarded her, then stiffened as Twilight leaned forward and gave her a gentle hug. Undeterred by Luna's discomfort, Twilight held it until, slowly, the tension drained away from Luna, and the elder alicorn tentatively returned the hug.

"You're very welcome," Twilight said, and pulled away. "I don't want to keep you any longer, you do look tired."

Twilight concentrated for a moment, and with a small pop! of teleportation, a hoof-sized golden oblong was summoned into existence. Thickly inscribed with runic symbols, it resembled a large pocket watch, right down to the glass window on its front. Instead of a clock face, it was home to a small, ever-burning flame of neon green.

"A way to stay in touch," Twilight explained, passing the device into Luna's telekinetic grip. "Just press the button on top to open the glass cover, and touch the flame to any paper. It'll be transported over to my universe, and I can send messages back through it as well. The fire shouldn't run out, but try not to get it wet."

Luna spent a moment examining it, opening and closing the glass cover, before levitating it to the side, then visibly pausing as she realized she had nowhere to put it. Rainbow Dash appeared at her side, and popped open one of the padded pockets attached to her armor's flanks. Luna nodded her thanks, and tucked the device into the pocket, and Rainbow Dash carefully buckled the pocket shut again. "You have my appreciation. I will be certain to make use of it."

Twilight smiled. "Well, only if you want to." She trotted two steps backward and lit her horn. "Okay, I really should get going. Good luck. And talk to your sister! I mean it!" She said with a mock glare.

Luna responded with a tired glare of her own, and Twilight merely giggled. Motes of purple began to coalesce around the younger alicorn, and swirled into a familiar vortex-like shape above her. "I really would love to know how things turn out," she said earnestly. "Good luck! You'll do great!"

And with a final flash of violet, she was gone.

Luna stared thoughtfully after the vanishing violet vortex. Then, she turned to her pegasus companion. "Rainbow Dash, it has been a trying day, and I find myself in need of something restful. Would you accompany me on a flight back to the castle?"

"Your sister?" Rainbow Dash asked with a frown.

"Can wait."

"Then yeah, I've got a flight back to the Everfree in me."

Luna smiled and spread her wings.

"Hah! I love it! The Princess of Prose, the Bearer of Books, the Arbiter of Order herself causes enough chaos to make me proud! And she starts by placing herself in the local queen's bed. My my, how scandalous!"

"That's hardly what I—"

"Oooh, did you ask her to paint you like one of her Prench girls?"

"Oh, that's a lovely set of petticoats, Discord."

"I knew you would appreciate it, dear Fluttershy. More tea?"

"Of course."

"For your information, she didn't have any Prench girls. ...that I saw, anyway. Though I suppose she did have a small painting kit in her bedchambers. Anyway, don't you want to know what she sent me?"

"Oh, yes please."

"If you must, but I will absolutely spice things up if your story doesn't live up to my expectations."

"Well, just yesterday I got a letter from her. I'm glad the device works as intended, but what's more important is what she said..."

To Her Royal Highness Twilight Sparkle, Bearer of Magic, and Princess of Friendship

It is with some uncertainty that I pen this letter to you. Nevertheless, I feel I must try.

My dispatched Shadowbolts finally returned. While there was significant confusion when they learned of the changes in their absence, they left my service amicably. Of more interest was their findings—notably, nothing. They did report an abandoned cavern complex that seems to match your description of a changeling hive, but there were no signs of habitation. By their estimates, it had been abandoned for months, if not longer. Inconclusive, but troubling.

As for Equestria, it has begun to heal with remarkable speed and energy. The starving days look to be behind us now. Though it fills me with shame to be able to refer to any period in Equestria's history, much less one in which I ruled, as 'the starving days.' Nevertheless, the populace heals. My sister informs me that Princess Cadenza is mostly recovered, and her foal with her. I have not been able to bring myself to speak with her directly.

My sister and I have agreed upon a date for my trial. Until then, I remain in Canterlot, under watch. As I imagine you are aware, there are challenges in imprisoning a powerful alicorn via means both mundane and merciful. Given the circumstances, it seems quite probable that my sentence will amount to something like glorified community service.

I can only hope that this is enough to appease those that I have wronged. If not, perhaps the labor I contribute to the recovery effort will serve.

Finally, and most importantly, I write to offer you my thanks. In recent weeks, I have had the dubious gift of time, which I have used to reflect upon my actions. Is it ironic, that as mistress of dreams, I still suffer from nightmares? Scorched wastelands, endless fields of the sick and the starving, worlds empty save for myself... all elements of my slumber now. Rainbow Dash and the Twilight Sparkle of my world have been instrumental in keeping my spirits high.

Rainbow Dash has insisted upon daily exercise with me in order to, as she puts it, 'stay in awesome shape'. I find myself marveling that a mare once so devoted to following where I lead is now so ardent—and persuasive—in commanding me. And I am well-acquainted with the improvement in mood that a good gallop or a brisk flight brings, so I can hardly gainsay her suggestions.

I have also been meeting with your younger counterpart at least weekly. Following our introduction, she sought me out, ostensibly for my assistance in a research project of a magical nature. As soon as I brought up my firsthand acquaintance of Star Swirl the Bearded however, she dispensed with the pretense, and we spent the next several hours trading tales. She is a fount of knowledge—though hers tends toward the academic—in nearly all things, and a rapt audience for any tale of my past I care to spin.

And so, I thank you.

Before your arrival, I stood upon the precipice of ruin—my own, and Equestria's.

And now? I am reunited with my sister, not in enmity, but in love. I have one companion more loyal than I deserve, and another wiser and more compassionate than she knows.

I have lost a kingdom, but gained a future.

Your friend,

Author's Note:

And that's all, folks. Thanks for sticking with me, it's been a fun ride, and a lot more involved than I expected when I brain-dumped one-and-a-half kilowords into a Word doc a few months ago.

Huge thanks to my lovely girlfriend for her help in editing and pre-reading. This story would be significantly worse without her input and ideas.
Also thanks to Lysander for help with the epilogue, and especially Luna's letter. Gave me the right advice to jolt me out of writer's paralysis!

I plan to write up a blog post (EDIT: It's up! Check it out.) with some more coherent thoughts later, but for now, I'm just excited to be able to draw this story to a close. I still have some more stories to tell, so maybe we'll see each other around.

Comments ( 46 )

This was a great read. Definitely going into my favorites! :twilightsmile:

For cryin' out loud, why don't they have Luna emojis?!

A great end to a brilliant story. Thank you for sharing it with us. I would love to see how Twilight fixes the other timelines atm some point.

This might be my own experience showing through, but what did we really end up with here?

If anything, Twilight demonstrated that Nightmare couldn't defend herself or Equestria from major threats, and was an inept ruler hated by just about everyone.
So she's forced to bring her sister back, and hide?
If she has a public future at all, it's in her sister's shadow, yet again?
This Equestria clearly does not need nor want her, except for her sister who'd keep her in a gilded cage to coo over if she stays.
So why not leave instead, forge something new in her own image, This nation her sister built is a thousand years removed from her own, there is hardly anything tying Luna to it.

Sad it ended but great story faved

This was beautiful! Thank you so much for sharing it with us.

Good ending! Thx for fic!

I'm just going to say, I really liked this.You did a fantastic job. When I read the first chapter, I was hooked and looked forward to each chapter. I'd like to read more of Luna's adventures in this alternate timeline because Luna has a lot of potential for growth and adventures and I'd like to know how her trial goes, too.

9832607 9832762 9832767 9832784 9832810
Thank you all for reading and commenting! Glad that a thing I made brought enjoyment!

I'm not sure if I have anything interesting to say about the other timelines, to be honest. Still, won't rule it out. Maybe I'll come up with something fun.

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I feel the same way, to be honest. Even the Luna in the show suffers a little bit from living in her sister's shadow. We see it a teeny bit in A Royal Problem (where Starlight swaps their marks), but the show is pretty content to just let Luna remain as "the other sister". Hell, she didn't even get her own throne until the movie (and afterward).
So I think the fact that you came away from the story feeling that way is good and correct. This Luna has a lot of soul-searching to do, and it might be that Equestria isn't the place to do it.

I am sad that it's over. But I am happy to have read this.

Bravo, sir. Bravo indeed!


Can we have a decent _Nightmare Moon_ story without her turning into Luna? More than a bit aggravated to read about the similar incompetence, cheesy-ness and change to Luna at the end.

well only one thing for if find a pleasing story line that leaves her as nightmare moon and write it

Really good, I really like it,
cant wait for the next one, :twilightsmile:

Oh, it's up! I missed the debut by a few days while I was getting settled into a new apartment.

You've already heard most of my feedback on this particular chapter, of course, so to be succinct all I will say is that I like what you added. This is a fitting resolution to an intriguing story concept.

If I can ever be of assistance to you again, do not hesitate to ask.

That was an excellent story, and an impressive debut. Thank you for it.

A wonderful story with a wonderful end. Faving and hoping for more.

This is a good take on the alternate ending of the time travel saga. I can already see many friendship lessons to be learned from here more than the canon.

This was really good. Definitely in my favorites.

This is an absolute masterpiece, and one of the best stories I've seen that tackles the alternate timelines. Bravissimo.

That was a very interesting story, I really enjoyed it. Definitely looking forward to more in this series.

I don't normally comment on Fics, but hot damn. I loved this :D

Great work <3

Wow, this story. This story. This story was just to good for word’s. Really liked the drama. Well done my friend. Can’t wait for the next universe.

I still find it sad Luna decided to shed the dark coat. She is definitely way better looking as NMM. But that is just my conjecture.

Overall this was a nice interesting story of making a monster see the error of her way. Perhaps in time her friendship with :rainbowderp: could morph into a real ship. This version of Luna could really use the closeness.

so, what of the other timelines?
this story was good, but now you've got me curious

Yeah, that'll earn you a follow. Good stuff. :twilightsmile:

Well that was awesome. It also somehow fit what could have been a 100 k story, into a tight fitting and we'll oiled pair of mechanical pants of a story.

I binged this just now and I thoroughly enjoyed it. I especially enjoyed nightmares introspection in the story. It wasn't an evil entity that had taken her over, but rather a reflection of her deeper emotional trauma.

Suffice to say.

Very nice.

I tend to comment a lot, quoting a paragraph per chapter.

I didn't this time.

I was felt lazy, but that alone wouldn't stop me: I was too engrossed by the utterly amazing character growth of Nightmare Moon and Twilight's getting through to her to spend time writing comments, with one exception.

Thank you for this amazing story. I loved it. :twilightsmile:

P.S. Last chance to mention, I also liked Rainbow Dash taking it upon herself to be a loyal friend to Luna. That was lovely as well.

What a beautiful story! I really enjoyed it, wonderful job. A nice redemption arc that didn't feel too simple. I'd love to see you tackle the other universes, but this is a great standalone. Thank you for sharing!

Circumstances can lead to radical changes in a person, the position Equestria was in could have easily derailed Queen Chryasilis plans and forced to to reassess her priorities. The changelings will likely still reform in this time line but for sheer survival reasons rather that Thorax rebelling and Chryissy might join them this time.

This was an interesting take on the "Nightmare-verse" timeline. The idea of "Sun Days" is intriguing, although I was a little confused about the cycle during the "off" days. You made it plausible that NMM could devastate her country and its citizens without realizing it. I do have to wonder what she thought would happen during the Sun Days, though. Did she just think the ponies would feel a little hot and uncomfortable? There's only so much earth pony magic can do when the temperature and day/night cycle change so drastically. NMM was a shitty leader, but at least she wasn't maliciously shitty, and I do respect her for shouldering all the blame and not throwing Soft Whisper under the train. This version of Luna doesn't deserve to die, but she also shouldn't be in any position of power ever again, IMO.

One thing I thought was a little odd is that Rarity was never mentioned, even though she worked in the Everfree Castle.

Anyway, this was a good fanfic overall, and I'd be interested in reading about Twilight trying to fix the other timelines, like the Crystal War.

This might be one of my new favorite stories. It takes a lot of talent to be able to so convincingly write from Nightmare Moon’s perspective this way, and I don’t think I’ve seen anyone manage it quite like this.

10290191 But, it's just... Luna! It's not like anyone needs her for anything!


Luna stuck her tongue out at her beverage. "Decaffeinated coffee? Hmph. Taste and fury signifying nothing," she muttered.

cute joke.

This was phenomenal, I absolutely loved it and if you plan of covering the other alternative timelines then I can't wait to see what you have in store.:twilightsmile:

Awww... very nice job. It makes me interested though, if twilight would go to the other timelines and try to fix them as well. Nightmare moon is the easy one, she's not evil, just very emotional. Discord or chrysalis timelines would be much harder to fix

A great read. You really captured how Twilight would approach this: not as a a big magical battle (although those are fun, and we did get to see one), but as a Friendship Problem. I've yet to read the sequels but I'm curious to see how this Luna approaches her new life. Thanks for writing!

Well, that was fun. And, well, nuts, now I really want a half-dozen stories reflecting on Twilight visiting the other timelines within the same continuity injected directly into my bloodstream.
I really liked the conversations back home at the start of each chapter.

Definitely worth my time and I would read again and again. Luna's gradual transition was a welcome one. One of my favorites, thank you for this treasure. 💖

This was a good shortie sortie.

Now, as someone who's had Nightmare scenarios of Surviving Mars before, I too well know the pain of seeing and hearing the death throes of a failing colony...


Blind loyalty for loyalty's sake isn't necessarily a good thing. Often it is just the result of someone's unwillingness (or intellectual inability) to think about what's right or wrong and to take responsibility for their actions. They're just the loyal friend stepping in -and therefore morally in the green by default- while the morality of the situation as a whole isn't their problem.
Dash doesn't like to use her head, so she'll reluctantly do it once, pick a side, and stay 'loyal' from then on.


This is but one climate simulation done, which shows some interesting things - such as the night side getting as cold as 20-30 below (doesn't matter much which unit at that temp), the day side being not as hot as you would think (and mainly stormy), and a lack of sea ice on the night side.


Other climate model research shows similar results - the day side is temperate and stormy, the night side is below freezing and dry, and it's all windy between.

Lovely story and very happy to have read it.

The prose is excellent, so are the characters. I both particularly enjoyed the razzle dazzle of the spellcraft and the intricate description of the moon prison and the Equestria tour Moon took and her impressions that fell like lead weights with every place she visited. Very good imagery there!

A line I smiled over is Twilight’s rational for picking NMM’s universe as the first to save. I had her say something similar in one of my own stories so I am happy to see the sentiment is felt across authors! (Though in either case, your first pony-story is leagues above my first, I am happy to say! You really have some talent!)

Usually I am a Twi-Luna shipper, but you started swaying me with Moon-Dash, Lunadash? Rainbowmoon? Whatever you’d call it. I love how RD x Luna’s relationship was in this. Though I have to wonder where Maid-Rarity was (Though maybe it was for the best she wasn’t, as she might have been put in Soft Whisper’s place if she were around).

I am almost glad to have gotten to this story when it was finished and posted, because the chapter when finding out about bad the Sun Days are made me go "How could RD not know?!" and I might have been sassy to smack your hand hoof with a ruler. But you tied that plot point it neatly just a chapter later, along with some great characterization for RD. Proof that its good to let an author work and to give them a bit of trust!


Rainbow Dash has insisted upon daily exercise with me in order to, as she puts it, 'stay in awesome shape'. I find myself marveling that a mare once so devoted to following where I lead is now so ardent—and persuasive—in commanding me. And I am well-acquainted with the improvement in mood that a good gallop or a brisk flight brings, so I can hardly gainsay her suggestions.

Mmm! You can’t see, but imagine me bouncing eyebrows at you.

In anycase, thank you again for the wonderful story. It’s going right to my favorites!

It's surprisingly hard to come across good stories about the alternate timelines but this is definitely the best one. I love seeing Luna's reaction to how badly she fucked everything up, even if it wasn't out of malice. Also this universe's Twilight being even more of a nerd than the actual Twilight.

Well this certainly has been a lovely and interesting concept of a story.

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