• Member Since 16th Dec, 2018
  • offline last seen 50 minutes ago


Just another pony who works with his hooves, never stops learning, and enjoys hanging out with the herd in the paddock.


Comments ( 254 )

Yoink! Stealing the first comment!

Over 100K words, and the only comment is mine that I added when cleaning up stories in the groups… Why does this not have more traction?

I am kind of wondering about that myself. I would welcome comments and responses.

First time that I have ever encountered a character explaining their look in the prologue, and first time as well that I have given up on a story in the prologue. Doing the whole "I am..." description/exposition dumb is something that rub me up the wrong way, I blame a certain middle school teacher who was pretty strict about how a character introduction like that only was meant for Elementary school and not middle school. In general does it also go against the whole "Show don't tell" philosophy, and the prologue should either be only an introduction to the main character, or an introduction to a setting, mixing the two up does not give room for either to breathe properly.

OK, Thank you for that bit of advice, I wish someone would have said that to me before. But it does make sense. I have made the suggested changes.

I have to admit the two do have several similarities. Makes things interesting it seems.

Now here's the question of the century, Borderlands 3 or Fallout 76?

Good question. While I like the world of the Fallout series, there seems to be to many problems with Fallout 76.

This is fantastic advice.

Holy shiiiiiitttt. 200k+ and 160 views? My man, you are dedicated.

Thank you. I am dedicated to it and will continue writing it. I hope you are enjoying it so far.

Is this near compleation? Been waiting for it to finish. forever. that last chapter title has me hopfull.

Actually, I am getting ready to start the final arc. SO it may be a bit still. Though to tell the truth, I have had the final chapter written for it since before I began publishing the story.

Oh, That means I should be able to start reading soon, and hopfully I wont catch up.... though I tend to let reading obsobe me, But I am happy to hear its near its end.

I completely understand. I get the same way with good stories. If you do catch up, I have kept my pace of a chapter a week, even with work and school, so I will keep it coming.

Just how badly was Magpie burned that one time?

Thank you for asking Silent, she was burned hard. Not only did the pony cheat on her, but he also brought the new mare into her workplace while she was working and basically threw it in her face in front of customers. I think she cared for that pony much more than is mentioned and was crushed pretty hard by it. To the point, she did not even catch the words two beautiful mares until after she had already lashed out. After that incident, she questioned her self worth and beauty even. I also believe that it was not the only failed relationship she had.

No Spoilers, but that shall be answered in a few chapters. I am glad that you are interested in her as she is an interesting character to me.

I will just have to keep reading then won't I?


I have not played New Vegas yet, I am really looking forward to trying it eventually.

They're called croakies George. Get some for your next pair.

So there are twin stables. They didn't use the wrong radio did they?

No, they did not use the wrong radio. Stable 4's sister stable was 4B which they were told was in Manesville. More will be revealed later in the story, but there will be a breadcrumb trail that gives hints until then.

Silly spirit, tricking others into talking to her. You'd think she would just walk into a bar and talk normal. What does she REALLY want though?

That is the real question.. what does it want and why?

Both are in the same caliber, .45, otherwise known as The Goddess own caliber.

There are a lot of myths regarding the .45 among some of the troopers, like these ones:

"Cause I can't carry a .46 ."

"Maybe because I am too lazy to shoot twice."

"Because a 9mm only kills your body. The .45? It kills your soul."

"Because over the course of her enormous life, only 45 ponies tried to steal her cakes. None have succeeded."

"Because the LT needed to show how much more of a badass she is vs the regular badasses we have in the CEF!" ~Some trooper from the Hell's Belles, maybe.

Honestly, that was a good surprise. Though the Major should've had more officers stay behind.

I am really glad you liked the surprise, and I would agree with you on the number of officers that should have been left behind. But it also shows how overconfident some of them had become.

I read your reply last night at work and it had me laughing. Thank you for the laughs and I hope I have given you some as well. I am still laughing about the 9mm killing the body but .45 killing the soul. I had never heard that one before.

Seriously Manesville? When you say to go somewhere and we will meet. Your supposed to MEET THEM. So slow in arriving.

All will be revealed soon, but will it be too little too late?

There's a few lingering threads I hope get addressed:
Dull Beak and the Follower mare, when will we see them do their tour of the Co-Op and see how things are going?
When will that displaced teacher and her class get integrated into the school system?
What's going to happen to Fancy and her group of hardened civvies?
Will we learn more about the newly minted 2nd Regiment? All these new pegasi interest me.


Most of these questions are answered in this upcoming arc.

Kinda surprised that no-one tried not giving her any. Then again, she is in charge.

I hope this came as a pleasant surprise to you.

Apple Cobbler better not mess things up.

Also, I ran out of story. Can I haz moar pls?

I have the next wo chapters in the can a third is 3/4 done. I release a new chapter every week on Sunday night/early Monday morning so you will be able to get your fix. I am so glad you are enjoying it this much

Careful, you could get mobbed having such a regular schedule.

Ok now Dull Beak, this is a trial run. Let's see how you do.

I honestly think he can do well, he 'trained' under somepony that he respects (despite her few months of utter stupidity as of late). But hes going to at some point spread those wings, remind himself he needs to preen the damn things, and try to add his own flair to his command.

Sadly we all make stupid decisions in our life, if we are lucky they are not as bad as others. But yes, she did make some bad calls.

Well you've been busy writing think I think I will read it tomorrow will get back to you soon on my commens.

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