• Published 29th Apr 2019
  • 1,647 Views, 291 Comments

Piece of Parchment - Metemponychosis

A lost letter from the past sends Princesses Cadance and Twilight, and friends, on an adventure.

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The Pony Who Sold the World

The Senate was a large building annexed to Canterlot Palace, big enough to house one office for each of the elected representatives of all regions of the Federation and the Hall of Friendship which was a large meeting hall organized as an oval hall and divided in three areas. The first and largest with seats for each representative and their subordinates as well as several chosen members of the legislative branch of every federative unit.

Though the terms ‘Senate’ and ‘Hall of Friendship’ were used interchangeably because the vast majority of the population didn’t care enough about the difference to care. They were the ponies, griffons, yaks, tall ponies, zebras, hippogriffs and whatnot that helped The Princess rule their world.

The Hall of Friendship was divided in four distinct parts. The part where chosen representatives sat was known as the House of Chosen. In the center and towards the back was, simply, the Podium, with a simple pulpit. The whole thing had a ‘amphitheater feel’ to it because of its physical disposition.

Behind the Podium was the House of Majesty where would sit the respective leaders of every nation in the Federation that the people elected. Or were where chosen in some magical convoluted way. Or simply born out of the right parents. The Equestrian Magistrate was still looking for expressions to include all that might apply. The preferred ones were ‘king or queen’, ‘princess’, ‘president’, ‘chancellor’… There were others and it was a mess, but it worked because there was one above them that knew how to make it work. At least that was how they thought.

Atop and in the back was the Golden Throne who must shine upon all with her wisdom. Because some millennia ago a crazy wizard decided it would be a great idea if the freaks with the wings and horns ruled a city since they united the traits of the three tribes! Four legs too, but those were kind of unmentioned… Of course, it wasn’t that simple at the time and there may have been a few angry debates, some families, cities and whole countries throwing themselves at war and even one or two murders or marriages… But that was the gist of it.

There was also the fact that she could make the scary ball of we-don’t-know-what in the sky work and that her ‘little sister’, could make the stars and moon play nice, not to mention scare away the Nightmares. But those were a conversation apart and ‘little sister’ was more of a caring way of referring to her because both were so old the difference was negligible and both kind of felt like they were the mother of Equestria. Or mother and cool older sister. Or something. That too was kind of a mess.

Above the House of Majesty were banners for each of Equestria’s federative units with the Coat of Arms of the Two Royal Sisters in the middle. Behind the House of Chosen the decoration included a sword crossed with a hayfork and a hammer. Those and the banners were meant to remind the members of each House of the power the other represented.

‘The Princess’, The Mare, The Big Alicorn, and several other equally silly titles for Princess Celestia sat on her golden, blue, red and white throne, surrounded in gold and silver adorned with an image of the combined sun and moon, right above and behind Queen Novo, on her wooden chair. Next to her was the minotaur president and on her other side was the griffon chancellor, Silkfeather. Not his real name, but he had accrued the nickname for being so good with words. More to the left of Queen Novo was the Saddle Arabian Sultan, Withen.

Those were the leaders who felt their actual presence was necessary even though their representatives and those of their people were present as well. They had the chance to skip meetings should they want. But not her. She had to sit her flank there every time they met, even for the dumbest of reasons.

Actually, she knew that the minotaur president was there simply because he was having trouble with insomnia and some of these sessions were a panacea of cure for that.

The griffon on the Pulpit, Senator Geoff for the Snow Mountains Hold of Griffonia went on and on his discourse to the point Celestia wasn’t entirely convinced the griffons weren’t trying to waste all their time and stall any meaningful conversation. Maybe it was some sort of evil plan to disrupt the government process. The meetings had turned into an endless cycle of accusations and praise from one side to the other and themselves.

What infuriated her is that she had already declared that the griffons were entitled to choose their own leadership and that was an internal issue of their nation and that The Golden Throne wouldn’t impose a decision upon them unless they couldn’t reach a reasonable agreement, and neither should the Hall of Friendship. They seemed to have taken this as an indication that she would move in favor of their positions if they managed to annoy her enough with the undeniable rightfulness of their chosen side.

And that was without the Majesties and representatives whose nations felt entitled to weigh in on the discussion. Such included Mount Aris and Saddle Arabia, right next to Griffonia and that was why both Novo and Withen were present.

When the griffon finally finished his speech and was equally booed and praised by the griffonian assembly, Princess Celestia collected the piece of paper in her desk and spoke with all the dignity she always did. “Thank you, Senator Geoff from Snow Mountains Hold, Griffonia. Next the assembly will recognize Chancellor Gail of Griffonia.”

Of course, it was always amusing when the chosen representatives of any one nation didn’t agree with or simply didn’t like their Majesty. Not so much the griffon she called, a white and blue old one rose from his seat in the House of Majesty he was booed by a series of the griffon representatives (and their aides, of course).

“Respect for his Majesty, please.” Goodness gracious, she could feel the headache coming already. “Need I remind you that Chancellor Gail was chosen by the very same griffons that chose you to be here?”

Why did she have to say that? She regretted her words as soon as they came out of her mouth. She simply wasn’t used to the climate this whole affair had brought to her house.

One of said senators rose from her chair. A particularly feisty and angry brown griffoness from one of the cities in Snow Mountains Hold with a penchant for hurting others’ reputations and what Celestia chose to think of as ‘personal reputation’. “That was before we started calling him Silkfeathers because he was so wimpy! And certainly, before we saw that he was stealing our nation’s money! And I’ll be damned if he isn’t also stealing Your Highness’ money meant for your griffon subjects!”

And then her vociferous speech was received with clamor. Of course, because Celestia was convinced that Princess Celestia’s Money was very important when it helped attack their political enemies, but it was an attack on their nation’s sovereignty when it went against their interests. Oh… Her poor head.

“Will the esteemed senator allow her Chancellor to speak, and thus allow us to listen?” Novo had already lost her short patience and Celestia could see the storm rising. She had hoped that such a scene could be avoided… There were actually important things in the agenda that she would like to see addressed. But Novo didn’t relent. “There are more things that ought to be addressed than your Lion being crowned king of the griffons or the nth speech telling us ignorant why is it that he is the best thing ever as though there are no other ways of ruling a nation beyond his intended autocratic monarchy!”

“You are an autocratic monarch yourself, you stupid hen!” The griffoness cried shrilly and was followed by the typical round of laugher, shocked cries and reproaching comments.

“Order, please!” Celestia’s ears turned back. She really didn’t like the recent way senators had taken to hurl insults at one another and the Majesties when they disagreed with something as a way to disrupt the discussion. She despised that tactic and it made her regret the whole idea of the Hall of Friendship and of popular representation. It seemed that these creatures forgot the reason they were there the moment they passed the door. “I should remind you that Queen Novo is to be respected as all members of the assembly and that Chancellor Gail is being investigated, and he is to be considered innocent until proven otherwise.”

“This is outrageous!” Someone yelled in the House of Chosen, without revealing themselves, obviously. “Why is Princess Celestia protecting this political criminal?”

And then, like a dam that broke the whole assembly devolved into a group of uneducated teenagers throwing insults from one side of the room to the other as though they were morsels of food in a food fight at the cafeteria.

“Order please!” Her hoof hit her table several times to no avail. “Enough! The meeting is adjourned! We shall meet again in two hours!”

Since no one but her personal guard next to her, Chocolate Velvet, seemed to have heard her, she simply left her throne and retreated into the back room. They could scream and whine all they wanted now. Without her there, it had the legal force of a bunch of foals whining to each other. Her guard obviously followed her.

Now, the malicious tongues spread rumors that when the Princess did so, she would indulge in the ‘well-endowedness’ of her newest consort and personal guard because of the sounds that came from that door behind the Golden Throne, but in reality what followed was a session of the Princess thrashing about in the large couch and screaming into a pillow and then proceeding to rip it apart with her teeth, hooves and magic.

“You know, the pillow isn’t to blame. It’s the third one this week.” The brown alicorn by the door told her with a bored expression. But then he closed his eyes and protected his face with an armored leg when the pillow started hitting his face repeatedly while enwrapped in golden magic. “Ow. Neither am I.”

Finally. she relented with a sad sigh, forcing herself to relax in the couch. At least she could keep next to her newest consort and champion. Well, that was an exaggeration, but he would be her champion. Celestia was patient and her beloved was devoted. Like Sir Mockingbird was her champion way back during the First Griffon War and others in the times of wars, bloodshed and death. Or those valorous souls in a forgotten past, like Wild Oats and Cinnamon. Best not to dwell on those memories. The present, with its angry senators and potentially evil griffon tyrants was still better.

“I can’t believe this!” Her hooves found her face and her whine spoke of teenage levels of angst he was more used to find in Luna. “My enemies have been defeated. I left many broken in forgotten battlefields and I even managed to take away all the power and fortune from those evils within the ranks my nation and I diluted their bloodlines until they meant nothing. I managed to make friends out many of my enemies. Somehow, I still ended up surrounded by bloodthirsty beasts that start stabbing each other as soon as I turn my back! I’m their greatest savior when I agree with them and the greatest threat to the Confederacy that I joined when I disagree.”

Federation and confederacy were other terms that were used interchangeably, like Princessdom, Principality, Diarchy, Tetrarchy, Empire… The mess of a part of the charm. She just liked Confederacy more because it implied that joining was voluntary. It meant little in reality, just like she was a Princess and only she and Luna remembered why the title stuck.

“Yay democracy?” He chuckled and that caused her to giggle. “Hey, I thought that I was the greatest threat to Equestria since the bookworm nerd.”

“Pff. Believe me… The drama they caused when Cadance appeared was worse than Twilight’s crowning or our marriage. Maybe Luna is right. They yell and whine at her and she just ‘uh-huh…’ “ She giggled some more and then she covered her eyes with a lazy leg. “That was not how it was supposed to be. They were supposed to trust me and that was it!”

“This is naivety, Celestia. You’re smarter than that.” He approached her slowly.

She sighed and turned on her belly, letting her head rest on the armrest and her wings relax. “You’re right…”

“It’s usually the elected ones, Celestia. Some feel like they own their electorate the fiercest of representations without fully understanding the issues or even their desires. Then there are your bloodsucking vampires. I suppose the majority falls in between. This is nothing new to you.”

“Yes…” She agreed lazily. “But I suppose it is good to be reminded of that every now and then.”

He approached her and she sat on the couch, letting her back to him and his hooves promptly began massaging her shoulders and back, eliciting a low soft moan from her.

“Are we going to have a tournament this year?” He asked her while his hooves worked the strain out of her muscles. It always amused how different she was from Luna and Cadance. She had a different kind of elegant softness. One that was tempered with a larger frame and powerful muscles under her pristine coat.

Those were not really the thoughts he should be entertaining at the moment and her answer distracted him. “Absolutely. Especially with this whole mess with the griffons. You have to win this time, though.”

He let out an uncomfortable laugh. “Ah. Don’t worry. I’m going to win this year.”

“I should hope so.” She stared back at him with a grin. “Else Luna will have to dance with Sir Mustang Wings because I certainly won’t. That or Twilight and Cadance will have to start taking part in these rather than simply eating and participating in the festivities.”

Then someone knocked on the door. Both froze and silenced themselves. At least until Celestia whispered to him. “Quick! Make some grunting noises!”

“What?” He whispered back.

“They’ll go away if they think we’re… Busy!” She whispered with urgency. “Do it already!”

“Are you serious?”

Then she kicked his nearest leg and he yelped.

“Oooh… Yes… Just like that! Oooooh!” She just stared at the door with her best impression of delighted lover, or a choking drunk bear. Chocolate Velvet wasn’t sure.

That notwithstanding the door opened and revealed both Queen Novo and Sultan Whiten staring at her with less than pleased expressions.

“I can’t believe you actually opened the door!” She stared at them.

“You are naïve sometimes Celestia.” Whiten wasn’t particularly amused.

Then Novo followed up. “Not to mention that Princess Cadance published an article worried for the Senators. She found out that these meetings lower libido faster an imitation of King Sombra.”

Celestia simply stared frowning at them for a second. “I don’t know what part of that concerns me more! What in Tartarus is Cadance doing with the money I send her?!”

The two Majesties walked inside, and Novo sat after her companion closed the door behind them and held her griffon paws together to her chest. “Please, do something about The Lion! He is going to turn everything on its head! I don’t even understand how the griffons think that they’re going to keep their position in the House of Chosen with him in power! He is going to strip their power away!”

“I am doing something about the Lion, Novo.” The princess stood from the sofa. “I am taking precautions while I am respecting the griffons’ right to choose their own leadership. He has certainly promised his supporters a comfortable place in his court while the others will certainly lose their position. But this sort of reform is within his power to make if the griffons chose to give him that power.”

“But Celestia they don’t understand what they are doing!” The queen disputed. “They have it inside their heads that The Lion will take care of them like they see you caring for the ponies! Everyone, really… But that is beside the point!”

“How can you know that he won’t? You are afraid for your nations. Not for his. This line of argumentation is hypocritical, and I expect better from both of you! And if he does fail at that, then that is a lesson they need to learn.” Celestia spat back. “And then when he does, they can turn back to us!”

“But my life is limited!” Novo insisted earnestly. “You know this! You keep saying this. It will be damn hard to live my life to its fullest with a brutal tyrant next door! I don’t want to Skystar to grow up in fear of the Lion like I did with the Storm King! Please Celestia! Help us!”

“I will give you a lifetime supply of awamat! If you do something about The Lion before he can be made king!” The white and gray tall pony whined. “Please! You are making me beg!”

“You too are looking at this in a completely wrong way!” It wasn’t common to see Celestia openly chastising someone, but Chocolate got the feeling she did it more to snap the two out of their panic. “The Lion needs to see that the legitimacy of his rule is recognized or else the extremist among his followers will be validated. Not only that, but you are both blind to the reality of the situation: this is an opportunity to do business with a new leader whose entire promotion comes from moral correctness.”

“They have slaughterhouses in their cities! You abhor that!” The hippogriff barely kept from yelling.

“I know. But that is a cultural trait of theirs that we need to change with understanding and patience. You are only bringing this up because you want to demonize them.”

“I would say that systematically murdering a race is pretty demonic.” Her tall pony companion argued back. “Specially one that is so dependent on their caretakers.”

“I agree, but it’s not that simple and much more nuanced than that! If I try to fight them bluntly on that issue, we won’t get anything but a secession war! Please, be patient! I have enough trouble with Justiciars treating the issue as though it warrants a war!” Then Celestia frowned. “Not to mention that hippogriffs predate fish and other sea creatures. And even saddle arabian tall ponies, as much as other ponies give fish and sometimes game meat imported from north Griffonia to their pets! This line of thought is hypocritical and damaging to mutual coexistence.”

There was a good measure of uncomfortable silence until Celestia spoke again, back to her typically calm voice and expression. “Please. Trust me, as you always do. I will not allow them to harm you or your beloved ones or your people. But I cannot allow you to do the same to them.”

“The Lion is dangerous. But he can be brough to understand our points of view if only we begin by understanding his. We are not at the time for impulsive action yet. And most importantly, that seldom solves problems.”

Since they still didn’t reply, she went on a little further. “Reach out and show that even if he thinks you… Us… Inferior, we are good folk willing to give him and his species the space they need so that we can find a common ground where we can coexist.”

The two visitors looked at each other and exhaled. It was actually quite funny. It was always amazing to see Celestia ‘at work’ and it always amused Chocolate Velvet. Though it probably helped that her subjects were reasonable to begin with. The Lion worried him too, and he knew that he worried Celestia, even for reasons she hadn’t disclosed. Heck… Luna freaked out about the griffons every now and then, but both Princesses seemed adamant that the right way to deal with The Lion involved parsimony.

“Should we go back?” Novo pointed backwards with a thumb and Celestia simply shrugged.

“I doubt we would be able to do anything meaningful.” Then she smiled. “Might as well go for lunch.”

They stared at each other for a second before Withen agreed with a sigh. “Yes. It doesn’t seem like there is much good to be done here today. Well, thank you for talking to us, Celestia.”

They said their goodbyes and left, leaving the two alicorns alone in the back room until the chocolate colored one spoke after she kept silence for too long, thinking somberly staring at the closed door.

“So… Lunch?”

She smiled at him. “Let’s see Luna. I’m sure she’d like to have lunch a little early and we can spend some time relaxing together.”

“Sounds like a plan.” He grinned at her, following her out, but they were stopped by a pegasus pony of the palace’s staff.

“Sorry to bother your highnesses.” He said demurely and then showed her a sealed letter he produced from his saddlebag and held in his mouth, offering it to Celestia.

“Oh. Thank you.” She smiled and took the letter to read. The pony simply bowed respectfully and left.

“What is it?”

“Nothing too important.” She caused the letter to vanish in a puff of smoke. “Let’s meet Luna and have lunch. Hopefully Harmony will reign again in this place after some time.”


Chrysalis watched as that thing Twilight Sparkle called an airship departed from the Changeling Rock. The large windows of the royal quarters let her keep watch over them for a long time, as the craft gained speed and disappeared against the evening sky.

She was actually angry. Her privacy had been invaded, none other than Twilight Sparkle had been snooping around in her nest and now she knew more than the queen wanted her to know. It infuriated her. The whole thing should have progressed much more smoothly. She was, indeed, furious. Had Celestia tried to blindside her?

A couple of years or so ago the queen wouldn’t have batted an eye before annihilating the three adults and baby. At the present Chrysalis understood better.

Thorax still waved at the departing airship, like a moron. A year back, she probably would’ve broken a beating stick on his head while screaming all the ways he disappointed her. In the present she couldn’t help but smile at his dorky way. Did Cadance feel like that about Shining Armor? Did Celestia feel like that over Chocolate Velvet?

A year back, she wouldn’t bear to call those creatures surrounding him as her children. Her children were supposed to be strong. They were intelligent. They preyed at the ponies.

Now the Swarm was exactly what that failure of a mother of hers wanted! All of this! Mother Farfalla, Chrysalis and her sisters, everything because of one stupid pony and one petty goddess! But the worst was that Chrysalis had almost fixed everything! She had the genes for the worker castes under control! She had the genes for the king right where they deserved to be, crushed under her hooves! She had her fierce and love-starved warriors! She was supreme! She was The Queen!

During that time, Luna’s refusal to admit she was Night-Made-Flesh from the legend simply infuriated the queen even more back then. She had demanded a compensation but Celestia and Luna were adamantly denying it. In the end she didn’t have a choice.

It took Chrysalis being starved to near death for her to see how foolish she was too. Add to that the fact that in the first days past Cadance’s magic she felt like it had ruined the perfectly woven layers of magic that ran through the Swarm. The best traces of the Swarm, honed and distilled into perfection, were gone! It was a mess again.

This is how Chrysalis felt before in her own way… The ravenous hunger made her aware, the burning anger fueled her magic and she could feel the insatiable yearning that pulsed through the Swarm compelling her children to seek out their prey and feed upon it like wolves upon the lambs.

Without her the Swarm had turned back to what her mother wanted. A week after Cadance’s magic she needed a good portion of her magic just to bring back her soldiers so that creatures of the badlands wouldn’t sense their weakness and eat them alive. Like the giant anteaters that lived to the south… They creeped her out. Back then she still wasn’t used to it and her body insisted on informing her of all the chemical signals those unhinged aberrations flooded her nest with. Those happy feelings. Their empathy as they took every step possible trying not to hurt each other’s feelings. It made her crawl under her carapace!

In the present watching the airship fly away the happy feelings her swarm offered her made her safe in the fact that they wouldn’t be starving anymore. Did she regret killing her mother? Chrysalis hadn’t come to that point yet. She still thought that her brutal tyranny was what kept the Swarm alive until then.

Did she resent Luna? Maybe she wasn’t Night-Made-Flesh… So many layers of lies and secrets in this whole mess the Sisters have created.

Looking at her desk she saw one of the letters Celestia had sent her. When she came to senses about what had happened in the Spawning Pool Chrysalis had never felt so betrayed before. It was a strange feeling. Why did she care so much?

Curse Celestia. Two years ago Chrysalis thought she had found an ally despite all that Celestia had convinced her to do. It did reinvigorate the Swarm, but they had lost their edge. They were now weak and if Celestia wanted she could wipe them off the face of Equestria forever. Or worse… Let the Lion do it for her.

As she watched the changeling returning inside her teeth showed in an angry grimace. Celestia sure got what she wanted. Everything! Had Celestia maneuvered her in a way where she would promise the world and then take everything from her? Had she committed a strategic mistake in trusting the old matriarch? She knew of what Celestia had done to the noble families that ruled Everfree after she took to the throne. Most ponies didn’t remember, no one still alive to remember and today they wouldn’t believe. But Chrysalis had seen it. She saw the monster Celestia could turn into.

Or was all this a result of Chrysalis frustration? She had tested Twilight, but she might have known she was being tested. Was Chrysalis projecting into the naïve pony all her malice and cunning, trying to see something that wasn’t there simply because it would’ve made sense to her? Or better yet, to her old self she regressed into in a moment of anger?

For the first time in her long life Chrysalis had trusted someone… She hadn’t sent a spy to make sure Celestia was making good on her part of the bargain. She did everything she promised.

Chrysalis held to the thought that despite all that she had felt these two years, Celestia knew what she was doing. She was thus confused. She didn’t expect Celestia, of all the creatures, to try and deceive her. After her own mother and sisters, all the wizards and hunters that tried to trick her Celestia was the one that seemed the most like she could meet in peace and simply trust, leaving all the tiresome lies and masks. Maybe that was why that particular betrayal hurt so much.

She felt frustrated too. That was the problem with lying: she got so used to lying and being lied to that when someone was true to her it felt that she was being lied to even worse.

Anyway, she must see Celestia. Both to make sure she hasn’t been doing foul-play and to warn her of Twilight’s visit. It was time to deliver on one of her promises too. It was decided, she had to go fast too. Celestia would lose Twilight if she made it to Ponyville and teleported to Griffonstone. She only had a day or so, but it would be enough. She didn’t have to rely on an airship after all: long-range teleportation was a privilege for few, and Chrysalis included herself in that group.


It was a very nice morning in Canterlot. All of Equestria really. The sun had only begun its journey across the sky and ponies around the capital started their day, but in the palace the day begun much earlier. Its staff ought to have everything prepared for its daily routine as soon as the princesses had performed their duties to the cycle of day and night of Equestria.

On this particular day the Royal Guard recruits were taken to another place on a ‘field training exercise and so, instead of the typical yelling of the drill instructors and racket of their recruits the sounds that dominated the palace’s backyard was that of the tinkling and rasping of fencing weapons. A rug with the relevant markings had been spread over the grass near a round table that was overtaken by all the delicious things a luxurious breakfast of ponies would include.

Not only this was a fine morning, but Celestia knew that she was going to finally get something she’s been waiting for a while. It was something special. It would be the fulfilment of a dream. Rather the latter part of a dream already in the process of being fulfilled… But, details! So, she decided she’d do something special for her new, unlikely friend.

The two fencers moved about, forward and backward lightly on their hooves which barely touched the rug. Their necks and bodies were protected by white padded barding while their legs where protect by similar leggings. Their weapons danced close in front of them striking and deflecting while their users danced balancing their movements and avoiding the other’s blade.

Since her opponent wasn’t very used to the physical rigors of standing on her two hind legs and holding a fencing weapon on a foreleg, she had opted for the unicorn style of rapier fencing, telekinetically holding their weapons by the handle.

That proved to be a mistake.

“This mare is a cheat! If grabbing her weapon was allowed, I would have won three times over!” One of the fencers said in fake anger with her very familiar and usually kind voice muffled by her fencing mask. “You do it more to infuriate me than to win!”

Next to them was a well-groomed earth pony with sand colored coat and whitening black mane pulled back and tied behind his neck. He wore a formal outfit in blue, impeccably dressed as he watched the bout with careful eyes. “Might I remind her highness that I am the referee?”

“You’re a sore loser, Celestia.” The other fencer accused with a playful tone. Her black coat appeared where her barding and mask would allow and both had their manes and tails bunched and tied as to avoid any accidents, and hers was light green.

“I am a sore loser when I am being cheated on!” The blades hit each other, striking and deflecting, went and came, brushing past each other and both hit the padded barding of the other, both lighting in magical blue and red in the areas they were touched over the necks of their wearers.

“Point for Lady Morticia and she wins the bout fifteen to fourteen.” The pony said to the delight of the black coated fencer and causing the other to fume in frustration. Both of them raised their weapons and saluted each other and their referee.

“Oh, for pony’s sake!” Celestia complained to no one in particular as she removed her mask. “You are unbearable!”

“With all due respect, your highness. If you suspected your opponent would play unfairly, you should’ve requested the full judge team.” The pony next to them said in a haughty tone, looking at the princess. “Excellent technique however, Lady Morticia had the priority with a superior parry.”

“You are becoming as blind as bat, Épée. She held her weapon too far from her barding.” She replied as she let one of the servant maids of the palace take her mask and proceeded into undoing the strappings of her barding. The other fencer was doing the same, allowing her delicate face and velvety black coat to shine in the morning sun next to Celestia’s pristine white. “And you, I shall have your blade tied to your barding next time.”

“I’ll have you know, princess.” The black coated mare said in a mock offended tone. “That this whining over being defeated, fairly might I add, is very unbecoming. Maybe next time, we should try a cake eating contest.”

Celestia laughed, and the other chuckled more reservedly while she followed the larger mare towards the table were Luna sat and ate a cookie. “You’re better with the saber, Celestia.”

Next to her stood a couple of helpful young mares, wearing the palace’s maid uniforms. As the pair sat next to Luna Celestia talked to the maids. “It’s alright. You can leave us.”

The two smiled and bowed respectfully then retreating from the area while mister Épée’s assistants retrieved the rest of the equipment used in their fencing match. Celestia then served tea for herself and her companions.

Lady Morticia was a strange unicorn, tall as the white princess yet lacking much of her bulk. She watched while Celestia served them and released her mane to fall over her back. Finally, Celestia gave her the tea.

“I am glad for your visit.” The alicorn said tasting her own tea. “Still, I must ask if there is anything wrong. We expected your visit next week.”

Luna simply sat at her place, eating another cookie and listening.

“Yesterday, Twilight Sparkle, Cadance, Shining Armor and Twilight’s entourage showed up in the Changeling Rock.” The black unicorn said with a serious tone and Luna stared at them, frozen mid bite into her cookie.

“What happened?” Celestia asked with a worried tone having left her cup on the table. Suddenly all her happiness had vanished, and the meeting turned serious. She almost regretted the fencing match and Luna’s presence.

The queen under the unicorn disguise, though was afraid of the answer she might hear. She was afraid she’d hear a lie, or a truth that confirmed her fears. It would mean that she’d done a terrible strategic mistake. One she thought herself above. Still, she had to answer. “That prized pupil of yours…”

Under a storm of emotions, the black mare spoke in an angry tone. Anger being the emotion she felt easier to express given her fears. “She violated my Hatchery and entered my Spawning Pool. She even brought one of her friends, Cadance and the baby.”

“The baby?” Luna raised an eyebrow. “She took Flurry Heart?”

Their visitor sounded violated. While she never had much interaction with her, Celestia had the impression that she didn’t usually sound like that and Luna looked worriedly at her. She shook her head. Celestia would treat this as if one of her little ponies came to her asking for help. “I don’t understand. Was she touring the hive? Visiting Thorax?”

“She wanted access to the Archives.”

Celestia frowned. “How in Equestria did that get her to the Spawning Pool?”

“Apparently a not very professional changeling in my guard thought that it would be faster for him to deal with them if he threw them at another changeling, who had to leave in a hurry and left them alone in the anteroom. Twilight decided she could get my permission to see the Archives and used that as an excuse to snoop around.” The queen under the black mare told Celestia as honestly as she could her gaze shifting between the two princesses.

“I hope you punished him appropriately.” Luna commented with an angry frown.

“This is beyond the pale.” Celestia said with her head lowered. “Not to mention a pure violation of somepony’s privacy… And a break of royal decorum. I never expected Twilight to do something like that. Much less Cadance.”

She shifted her eyes, looking more ashamed than anything, but it was a good kind of shame, that of a mother who first heard of her child having done something particularly stupid and unwarranted rather than that of one who had been caught in a lie. And Luna… She looked about ready to burst into tears and apologize, even if she hid it well, certainly afraid that the changeling queen could revoke her side of the bargain. The black mare breathed a little easier. They really didn’t know…

There were many things those mares were better at than she but lying was one of her specialties.

Then there was Luna who sounded like she was ready to take a switch to their flanks. “It’s outrageous. One would expect finer social tact from an adult, and from a pair of princesses, some more.”

“I don’t know what to tell you, Chrysalis.” Celestia shook her head. “I expected them to be more sensible.”

“In their defense, I don’t think that they understood what they were doing and had no ill intentions.”

“Do you want us to do something about it?” Celestia asked sheepishly. On a side note the sight amused Luna. It was not usual to see Celestia wearing that expression.

“No… I don’t think it’s needed. They got enough of a scare. Besides, there is something else I must talk to you two, and I have something to give you.” The black unicorn said with a particularly toothy grin.

“Oh! Is it ready?” Celestia clapped her hooves together excited and grinning like she’d been promised a gift. Luna simply perked her ears.

“Yes, it is.” The unicorn smiled too as her magic produced two small, rectangular and rounded steel cases. One marked with the moon and the other with the sun and both shone in the sunlight as the unicorn held them in their magic. “These cases are magic-resistant, but once open anyone else’s magic will ruin it.”

Luna and Celestia paid attention like a pair of her students would as the queen under the unicorn went on. “Each has two shots. The needle must go deep into muscle and every drop of the liquid must be injected. You should take one before sunrise and the other before sunset. And you before moonrise and before moonset. It’s when your freaky magic acts up and how you know it’s time, anyways. So, it shouldn’t be a problem. If you don’t do it right, it’s magic won’t be effective, and your own magic will reject it.”

That worried the white princess, while Luna held her case in her magic staring at it like it was an ancient magical artifact. “What could happen?”

The unicorn shrugged. “At best you’ll feel the hangover of your life, at worst you’ll produce little monsters that look like they came out of a kindergarten papier-mâché nightmare.”

“This isn’t funny, Chrysalis…” Celestia chastised her.

“I know! You don’t want to know how many times I had to incinerate the laboratory trying to make your perfect coltfriend work.” The queen chuckled darkly, back to her old sarcastic self now that she felt better. “If he starts having nightmares with fires, you know where it’s from.”

Luna’s eyes grew as big as the plates holding the cookies on the table and Celestia barely restrained her annoyance. “She’s joking Luna. I’m the one that performed the spells that formed his body and bound his soul.”

After a while, Luna grinned a bit. “Well, it would make for a great Nightmare Night story.”

Celestia sighed and Chrysalis chuckled before she spoke again. “By the way I’ve disposed of the test subjects. Wouldn’t want an angry clone coming after you in a hundred years…”

“Cease with these jokes, Chrysalis.” Celestia threatened her and Luna stared at the metal case sitting on the table, in front of her.

“Did they suffer Chrysalis?” She asked, looking a bit sorrowful with her ears folded.

“No.” The queen said plainly, and it took her a few seconds before she realized why it was important. Then she lowered her voice. “Not in the way you’re thinking. I had to experiment, but they were never conscious. Nothing more than flesh golems to test the substance and if the biology would work with it. They’re gone now… Incinerated. They didn’t even look like you.”

And thanks to Twilight not being too nosey, nopony else had to see them. Inside, Chrysalis felt relieved. What a mess for nothing that would’ve been. She almost regretted putting Twilight through her laboratory now that she knew what the purple alicorn actually was after.

Meanwhile, Luna discreetly looked over to Celestia. Her older sister had grasped the metal case and hugged it like it was a foal. In her expression, with flat ears and closed, trembling eyes, she saw tears being held back. It hurt Luna, knowing how much more this sort of thing hurt Celestia, for all her understanding of how these things worked. She respected her feelings and said nothing, instead simply looked away.

“We thank you, Chrysalis.” Celestia finally said a bit saddened and very thankful. “It was a lot of work, but we will make the most out of it.”

“Well, I’m glad it worked.” The queen dressed as black unicorn relaxed a bit on her chair, but she also noticed Celestia’s unsaid sorrow. Though she didn’t respect it quite as much as Luna. She didn’t understand. Thus, she tried to lighten the mood. “What’s next then?”

“We should heal the changelings.” Celestia said, but the queen shook her head.

“We would go back to being ponies. Not to mention we would need my mother.”

“There are ways to have Farfalla back.” Celestia suggested carefully, intent on putting all her cards on the table. “It would be most unnatural and profoundly unpleasant, but I believe it is a sacrifice she would be willing to make.”

“No.” Chrysalis said again. “It’s our identity now. It’s who we are. And some ponies are better off dead.”

A small silence prevailed for a few seconds before Luna spoke again. “Then, the next step is adding your biological sciences to equestrian medical services.”

“Perfect! Where?” The queen was excited, making a gesture with her hoof, but neither of the two could see if she was making fun of the issue. Anyway, Luna answered to her.

“No. We’ll start with older ponies and terminal diseases. Not with a place.”

“Old ponies.” Chrysalis laughed. “Is that what we’re doing? Because I don’t know anypony older than you two. I thought I was buying my seat in the House of Majesty.”

“I told you, Chrysalis.” Celestia chastised her again, in a much softer voice, however. “The changelings are entitled to representation anyways.”

Luna raised her eyebrow. “Considering Thorax is the head of civilian affairs; shouldn’t he be the one to seat in the House of Majesty? I thought that was why Chrysals was buying anything.”

“Yeah… I doubt that we would be very welcome without you two telling the others that they don’t need to freak out. Even if you put Thorax there.” Chrysalis said sarcastically. “If that happens though, you can expect to find his head next to you on your bed next morning. I am more than able to rule the Swarm by myself.”

She was going to threaten them with Chocolate’s safety but thought better. That would’ve hit too close, and Celestia didn’t seem like she could take a joke right then. Instead of that Celestia spoke softly. “Chrysalis isn’t buying anything Luna. She is entitled to it. She’s been ruling the Swarm for centuries. Besides, they can share the seat once Chrysalis feels more confident in him.”

“Yeah, right…” The queen said. “Just don’t put me next to the yaks and it’s fine.”

What followed were a few more seconds of silence as the three collected their thoughts. While the queen felt relief that she hadn’t been siding with the wrong ones and Luna felt happy that things were working right, the older one blocked intrusive thoughts of some copy of her that had a life stolen for her selfish reasons. Sometimes Celestia hated knowing the things that knew.

Besides that, Luna was happy that with some luck Equestria would soon meet a new age of medical advances and Celestia looked forward to the next alicorn baby to be born in Equestria. At the same time, she knew all of it would reflect positively with the whole mess the griffons had brewing. Come what may, ponies would look forward to a happy and prolific royal family. Not to mention that, her more selfish reasons aside the things the changelings have shown combined with zebra potions could make the soon arriving war much easier to bear. She’s seen too many of them, and this time she hoped that, at least they could better tend to the injured.

If only she could tend to the dead.

Finally, after a few cookies and sips of tea, Luna’s ears perked up. “How are you and Thorax doing?”

“He’s…Trying very hard. I appreciate it. I really do…” Chrysalis held a cookie in her magic, smiling thoughtfully. Then her expression turned sour. “But it’s the most boring sex I’ve had in ages. He won’t even pull at my mane.”

“Eeew!” Luna complained. “Too much information!”

“Grow up, Luna…” Chrysalis said accusingly and Celestia giggled.

Good, both Chrysalis and Luna agreed independently, Celestia was her happier self again. It almost hurt physically to see her sad.

Still, Luna grunted in annoyance, back to Chrysalis. “You said you had one other mater to discuss?”

Chrysalis let her smile show. “Oh, right. Remember I told you Twilight wanted access to the archives?”

“Yes.” Celestia looked curious while Luna munched through a cookie. “What did she want there?”

Chrysalis grinned. “Cadance unearthed a letter addressed to King Sombra signed by your old friend Grigor of the Holy Griffon Empire, and took it to Twilight, and that is why they went to the Changeling Rock.”

Luna had seldom seen Celestia’s face turn from happy to sorrowful, then back to happy, and finally to serious and to barely contained terror in such a short time. She almost held her breath as Celestia held her own before speaking. “What did the letter say?”

“Nothing much. It was about the sun going haywire soon before you came. They realized that some of the things they had been taught were… To put it lightly, untrue. They’re now wondering who that wonderful Grigor fellow was, how did the ponies deal with Discord before you and the Elements and on their way to Griffinsky, to talk to the Lion, since they thought that he’d have more documents of the time and area.”

That was another thing that Luna didn’t see often. Celestia was angry. Or afraid. Knowing how deep that rabbit hole went Luna figured it could be both and she, herself, was very preoccupied, but seeing the mighty Celestia so terrified of her former apprentice finding out certain things she did her best to hide in the past… It was the sort of thing that a pony only saw once in their life.

Knowing Celestia and the whole story Luna couldn’t help but be amused and couldn’t control her giggling. In fact, her nervousness made her even more giggly. “That house of cards lasted for millennia, only to fall because Cadance found a random letter and took it to the one pony that would not rest until she knew all there was to know about it.”

Finally, Luna burst out laughing. “Harmony has a sense of humor!”

“Luna, this is serious!” Celestia chastised her. “You know as well as I do that there are things from that time that should remain unknown. Not to mention that you are as much implicated as I am!”

Try as she might the blue alicorn simply could not control her guffawing anymore, but her expression changed becoming more and more frantic. “Sorry! I’m just happy I was here to see your face when that thing finally blew on you! Oh, my stars… What a mess. We need to stop them before this becomes public!”

“Oh my…” Chrysalis grinned mischievously. “Tell me you killed someone important.”

“No!” Celestia snapped back at Chrysalis. “What did you tell them Chrysalis?”

“I tried not to tell them more than they already knew… Just enough to satisfy them. I incentivized them to go to Griffinsky… It’s a long journey and should give you time to react.”

Celestia let a sigh of relief. It wasn’t so bad. There was plenty of room for maneuver. Twilight would try to return to Ponyville and them teleport to Griffonstone. She could intercept them at Ponyville, talk with them and make this whole thing go away. Better not to raise too much of a racket… Talk to some ponies, make sure that Ponyville’s teleporter was a closed door and get the city’s guard to take them into custody. Discretely. When the dust settled and they rested for a bit, she’d meet them at Twilight’s palace and talk it over some tea and cakes. Everything would be fine.

Finally, out of her thoughts Celestia saw that Luna and Chrysalis stood sitting next to each other, staring at her.

“See? She’s hyperventilating.” Luna said pointing with a hoof, and the black unicorn disguise looked inquisitively at her with half-closed eyes and a hoof under her chin.

“That is disgustingly cute. I hadn’t notice it before.”

“Are you two done?” Celestia threw her napkin on the table after cleaning her muzzle and got up. “Luna, we have to stop them. I’ll contact the Ponyville Militia and get them to capture Twilight and her friends. I’d rather not be too aggressive or get too many ponies involved, and if this fails, you must talk to them in their dreams while I work our next maneuver.”

“Perfect, sister.” Luna wore a serious expression. “So… Should I stay here in Canterlot?”

“No. I need you to go to the Crystal Empire. Cadence may go there if things go wrong for them in Ponyville.”

Luna frowned a little confused. “Do you really think that she would abandon the others?”

“No. That is not it.” Celestia shook her head. “I think that she might try to leave Flurry Heart there or she might want to collect their barding and weapons. Having you there to intercept and get her under control would be a good thing.”

“Yes. That makes sense, sister. After I’m done there, should I return to Canterlot?”

Celestia nodded. “I will probably be out a few days and you will have to take care of things here.”

“I will Celestia!” Luna put on a brave face despite being terrified of all that entailed: if Celestia was leaving, she’d have to hold court. She’d have to preside the senate meetings. Talk to the weird tax ponies! She wanted to ask her sister to stay and let her go, but the thought died quickly: Twilight was much more likely to listen to Celestia in person than to herself… Her realm was the dreamworld where she too would do what she could when it was time.

Despite being sure she never let anything show her older sister held her face delicately on her hooves and touched her forehead with hers. Luna would never know how could Celestia tell. “You’re their boss, Luna. They’re more afraid of you than you are of them.”

Sitting on the table, holding her cup in her telekinesis and taking a sip, Chrysalis looked at them. “Isn’t that the sort of thing you tell to somepony who is afraid of dogs?”

“Don’t forget you’re Chrysalis’ boss too.” The white one said with a grin and Luna giggled, to the queen’s dismay.

“I’ll wait to find them in their dreams until, and if your plan in Ponyville fails.” Luna said with a smile. “Be careful Twilight doesn’t get to your nerves… You tend to do stupid things then your close ones are involved.”

“Thank you, Luna.” The older sister said with a small peck on Luna’s muzzle.

Then she trotted inside the palace, while Luna and the changeling watched. Then, the queen came near Luna, carrying her cup of tea with her. “Would this be a bad time to discuss taxes? I mean… Technically, I have dozens of children.”

Luna sighed. “Won’t you return to the Changeling Rock?”

“No.” The queen said nonchalantly. “There are some forty babies in there and Thorax can deal with them. I’ve been doing that for the last millennia.”

Luna frowned. “Don’t you have to care for them? Feed them, or something?”

“No!” Chrysalis made a disgusted expression. “That disgusting milk business is a pony thing. Now that Celestia made me unlock the civilian castes they can circle the love around until they get more.”