• Published 23rd Mar 2019
  • 1,583 Views, 11 Comments

Regrets... - Hail King Sombra

Did you ever wonder what is going through the Mane Six's head as they get ready to take King Sombra during this new assault?

  • ...

...are a bitch

Author's Note:

I know we know nothing about this scene yet. I just saw the way Fluttershy looks at Sombra and wondered what was going through her mind. That led to wondering about the others. When the episode with this scene comes out, it’ll be immediately be invalidated, I know. I regret nothing!

Fluttershy: Phew! At last I can look at you while no one else is looking at me, judging me for what I’m thinking of you right now, the smile I’ve kept so buried, so secret...until now. *sigh*

You’re so handsome. Was anypony ever kind enough to tell you that, I wonder? I know you have a dark heart and you terrified me the first time I saw you out in the Frozen North. You were nothing more than a cloud of darkness, of hate and rage, so furious someone was taking away the only thing you had left to you after 1,000 years - your Empire. I can’t imagine what it must have been like, my King, to be frozen in time - or were you asleep - only to awaken with a snap of time’s fingers as the curse you set in motion lifted? No wonder you were barely more than disoriented feelings...scared, confused. How must it have been to be the King of Fear, yourself afraid?

And yet I feel like we have something in common, King Sombra. Fear. I was always afraid not too many years ago. Definitely when we met. And you feed on fear, grow your power that way. In a sense we were so connected by that...I fed you and you took it in happily, regaining your strength. What would have happened if we had lost, your Highness? Would you have kept me at your side? A semi-willing servant to feed you as I gazed into your handsome visage? I guess we’ll never know now, will we?

I hope that whatever happens here - if we win or lose, you might find peace, my King. Peace at last.

Rarity: It’s such a shame, you know - I mean - your Highness. Such a handsome creature, yet so out of date, out of place, out of time, even. And that cloak! So last millenia! I would be scowling if a million ideas weren’t racing through my head for something more chic, more befitting a royal pony like yourself...and rather...handsome at that. Oh I know, you’re evil and we have to destroy you - again, but it’s such a shame to go out wearing THAT.

I wonder if Twilight wouldn’t mind holding off your destruction long enough for me to measure that broad back for a new cloak...something in a nice red variegated pattern, trimmed in vibrant orange?..yes! And matching gold shoes. Oh and a red-handled scythe with a great curved, silver blade as an accessory… Hmmm...a rather last millennia, barbaric accessory, but Kings should present an air of power, after all. I couldn’t imagine you carrying a scroll or a staff - unless it was curved and dangerous-looking, of course...

...no...I don’t think she would go for the idea. I can’t image she would agree with the color redo in that scheme or pattern choices I have swirling through my head right now. Why I’ll bet I could even remake the design of that ancient relic of a crown! Something in platinum...in that case the cloak should be blue...yes! Blue with purple trim and platinum shoes. *looks at Twilight above her, almost says something, but decides against it when seeing the look on her face* What a shame...

Rainbow Dash: Ah yeah, you are so gonna get it now! Just because we don't have our Elements of Harmony, that ain't stoppin' us. See this, Mr. Ex King of the Crystal Empire? We can still power up and take you out, no problemo!

You have no idea what's coming, do you? Look at you, standing there all cocksure...no, that's not it. That's not the way you're looking and if anypony knows what a cocky attitude looks like, it's me. I've seen it on enough Wonder Bolts's faces that thought they could make it in the tryouts and washed out. I've seen it in the Washouts too, come to think of it. Lightning Dust had it on her smug face until she got yanked off her hooves and into the skies. Celestia, I gotta admit I liked seein' that...

Yeah, right...back to you. You ain't smug, no, it's something else. It's more curiosity, I guess. Well, after what you did here, I personally really don't care what it is, right girls? *looks around at her fellow Elements*

Speakin' of weird looks, Rarity looks like she wants to do a fashion makeover on him and Fluttershy...well, that's just plain WEIRD the way she's looking at him. She's come a long way in the time we've all been together, but she’s still too sympathetic for her own good. Better to just get rid of this big, dumb jerk and be done with it.

Pinkie Pie: Party, party party! I am so going to throw a “hey-we-destroyed-that-meanie-despot-king-AGAIN-party!

I wonder what color balloons we should have...Twilight Purple?..or should it be the colors of that big, meanie-faced Sombra? The party is about defeating him, so...nah...definitely Twilight Purple. But I don’t want to leave everyone else out...maybe colors for each of us? Yeah, definitely colors for each of us. I hope Rarity doesn’t mind that they’re not all matching...I can get the streamers to match, sure, and...

Apple Jack: Oh boy, you gone and done it now, Sombra. Goin’ after Twilight’s niece like that. If there’s only one thin’ she’s more protective o’ than her brother Shining Armor, it’s that cute little bundle o’ preciousness that was sleepin’ peacefully in her bed befor’n you snuck in and hauled her up and out like that. Gosh darn if that weren’t the scariest thin’ you done ah seen yet! I don’t think seein’ you in the snow outside the Crystal Empire was half as scary t’ me as seein’ you threaten that young’n like that. I guess I always wondered if you had a second chance would you turn good after gettin’ yur hindquarters kicked by the crystal heart. If Discord and Nightmare Moon and Tempest could do it...well’n I just don’t know ponies some'n times, I guess.

Twilight Sparkle: Waste him, girls!

Comments ( 11 )

The king has returned!!

A great big thank you and shout-out to Askre for giving me ideas on how to extend Pinkie Pie's dialogue when it ran EIGHT WORDS short of 1,000, lol! Askre is a great King Sombra writer every Sombra fan should check out, but how he can manage that AND finds such ease in writing Pinkie Pie and her rambling dialogue not only confuses the hell out of me, but scares me a little as well.

You're welcome and no I can't explain it either. It's strange despite not even being a comedy writer, Pinkie Pie is just of the mane 6 the one that's the most easy for me to write.

Though if I get drunk enough (which is rare since I rarely drink alcohol,) people have told me I'm a real motormouth, guess I am hiding an inner Pinkie there somewhere who only gets out when I'm hammered. :pinkiehappy:

Please tell me he can actually speak coherent sentences now...

We don't know that he actually can't because in this interpretation of the scene, he actually never speaks. And we were never really told in his first few appearances that he couldn't speak. Good villains that don't rattle off their agendas rarely have very much to say to their enemies when you think about it.

On another note, my theory is, as Fluttershy said, when he came back to take over the Crystal Empire in his first appearance, he was very disoriented and a big ball of little more than emotional energy and anger from having been trapped in time for 1,000 years. Think about how groggy and incoherent people are when they wake up in the morning, saying little more than, "Uhh... give me COFFEE!"

Though this last theory may not actually make any sense because he would not be aware of the passage of time, so it all depends on what time theories you subscribe to.

9524245 The Empire was exposed to magic to make it forget stuff so maybe Sombra forgot how to word.

I think that's doubtful because he was the one that cast the spell. He would be immune to its effect and the spell didn't make them mute, it just erased his subjects memories of who they were before he took over the empire.

Also, Askre just pointed out to me, he said many other things, like "my crystal slaves", "no that is mine", etc.

Sombra is the kind of villain that's called according to TV Tropes, a cold ham. These kind of villains are few of word but big on action, be it past actions or present actions. Throughout the Crystal Empire two parter, we get to see everything he did to the Crystal Ponies, the effects he had on them and he was a constant presence both in their minds and outside, constantly a threat to immediately invade.

A villain doesn't have to sprout constant one liners to be effective or good, what we had here was a Sauron type of villain, a menace whose past actions are still effecting the present, in this case the Crystal Empire and the Crystal Ponies. Those few lines he had were either mocking like "crystals," "aah crystal heart" "my crystal slaves" a declaration of his property "that is mine" or one final desperate attempt of commanding what he saw simply as his slaves "no stop"

Sombra was never meant to be the second Nightmare Moon or Chrysalis, he is not the monologing type of villain. He was meant to be an expy of Sauron from the lord of the rings (another fellow of few words), whose presence does all the action for him add to that great deal of forethought we saw in all his various traps he left behind.

To me at least, he was far more effective of being terrifying than previous three villains combined. But that is just my personal opinion.

Rarity has good taste!
I love the variants in thier thoughts- each sees something different. Pinkie just sees parties, lol. But Fluttershy steals the whole show- I love how she sees him as more than just a foe. Even though he’s a “bad guy”, she still wishes him peace. :heart:

Sombra I think of as the closest Equestrian equivalent to Hitler.

"Yea, yea, yea... Light him up, girls!"

I guess some good guys can be of few words as well. But they can have lots of thoughts. Applejack has a point, threatening a child is scarier than just general evilness. And Rainbow Dash dies know smug. Since Sombra never saw the Mane Six power up, he's probably thinking, "What the Tartarus?"

Rarity can design his burial clothes. He is a former king, he might lay in state for a while. A wake is a kind of a party, right? Fluttershy... You got to watch out for those quiet ones.

So... If they had just given Sombra coffee when he first came back...

Unfortunately, The Beginning Of The End did reduce him to "the second Nightmare Moon or Chrysalis" and "the monologing type of villain" -- on top of a glorified Snoke for Grogar's Kylo Ren. #NotMySombra
Give me Pony Sauron (The Crystal Empire and The Cutie Re-Mark) or Umbrum Darth Vader (FIENDship Is Magic and Siege Of The Crystal Empire) any day.

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