• Published 12th Jun 2019
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Apple Panzer - Undead Equestrian Writer

Applejack unearths a long buried and forgotten British tank, known simply as the Churchill

  • ...

There are more like it

"So, you wanted my opinion on the notebook and pictures you found in that machine?" Twilight asked as the two entered Twilight's library. Applejack nodded and set the notebook carefully down on a table, inbetween the two small boxes. Twilight opened the box on the left and picked up the many postcards and pictures. She stared at one picture, the caption reading 'Eiffel Tower' but the picture had no tower, just the same machine in Applejack's barn and four creatures that resembled minatuars in front of burning pile of twisted steel and rubble. She scoffed softly as Applejack picked up the notebook and found a comfy chair to sit in to read through the ancient book. "Well, these aren't any creatures I've ever seen before, I'll see if I can find something on this Eiffel Tower or this Arc De Triumph, maybe somepony elsewhere has found something on these... places?"

"Okay, but I'm gonna read this journal," Applejack told her, not really paying much attention as she skimmed through the first page again. She smiled when she found where she left and quickly began reading the small print on the page.

April 9th, 1940

I suppose I'll write the date so I know when I wrote this or if I become a national hero, I can release a good book. Denmark is gone, they fell before we could land, Sweden is being pushed back hard, the Nazi war machine is great, but not perfect. Our landing has been changed to southern Portugal, and we are to push back against Spanish forces, still weak from their civil war. Sitting inside a tank that's sitting on a ship doesn't make many feel good in the stomach, and definitly isn't making Jandy calm.

July 23rd, 1940

Portugal is falling, and we are still weeks off from landing. Gibraltar has fallen to the Spanish, being backed by Italy and Germany, the turned their attention to Portugal when they realised Portugal, Sweden and Switzerland are helping aid the Allies. Switzerland is holding out well, the Alps keeping German panzers from advancing. Europe is falling to the nazi's and I'm stuck on a fucking English boat.

"Twi, do you think you know anything on a place called 'Germany'?" Applejack asked as she flipped her page. Twilight looked down on her from the upper level of the library.


"Well, whatever this Germany is seems to be a centralized theme in this journal, constantly talking about it is constantly invading things," Applejack told her, scratching her head. "It seemed these creatures where at war with this Germany."

"War? Um, okay, I'll see if I can find anything about this Germany," Twilight answered as she disappeared again.

August 2nd 1940

Portugal surrendered, followed quickly by the Swedish, capitulation and Italian forces invadian the south of Switzerland and taking Albania. Japan finished their war with broken China, the invading Japanese causing China to erupt into civil war. Japan turned their sights to America. The red's invaded the Fins, and demanded the baltic states and Romania. Our commander is sick, his coughing is getting worse, to the point of couphing up blood. I hope I dosen't catch his death.

"I FOUND SOMETHING!" Twilight exlaimed happily as she jumped from the upper to lower level, landing softly with a flap of her wings. In her magical grasp was a newspaper. "Another pony found a machine similar to your's, Applejack!"

"What, really?"

"Yeah, look!" Applejack grabbed the newspaper and read where Twi was pointing. Under the latest news, it said a pony in Manehattan found a machine that he's now using as a way to bring in customers. "Well, you wanna go on a trip to Manehattan?"

"I'll go," Twilight smiled and quickly ran out of the library. Applejack sat confused as she slowly got up, grabbing her items and returning to her home to pack for a long trip to the big city.

Applejack and Twilight quickly boarded the train and waved goodbye to their friends.

"Why can't I go with you guys!" Rainbow whined as she begged them to take her.

"Because, we're going their to see if this stallion knows anything about his machine, and we're coming right on home," Twilight told Rainbow as she shooed her off with a flap of her wing. Applejack chuckled softly as she found a seat on the train, putting her saddlebag next to her. Twilight sat down across from Applejack as sighed. "I wish they could make these trips shorter, but I also don't as it gives me time to think and rest, which I don't get much in Ponyville."

"Agreed," the girls laughed softly as the got comfortable on the benchs. Before long Twilight was asleep, snoring loudly. She kept rolling around as she slept, her wings not giving her room to lay down. Applejack smirked and pulled out the notebook and flipped to where she had put a small bookmark.

August 30th, 1940

America's president is going to lead America into the ground if Willkie doesn't do something about the Great depression. Hell, just joining the war against the nazi's would be enough to pull them out of a rut. Italy has taken most of the Balkan states and is lining troupes up on the Turkish border, ready to invade. Germany attacked Norway, taking Oslo last week, and Japan was surprised when the soviet's declared war on Manchuko, but where quickly pushed back as Trotsky rose up in the Caucus region. We helped pushed the Spanish and German troops back from Gibraltar, but we're low on supplies and being pushed back slowly, unable to advance much further.

February 2nd, 1941

Happy Birthday, Donna, yesterday you were 16, today you're 17. I'm sorry I had to leave you in with our cousin's in London, but I'll come home soon, I promise. Our division, our what's left of it, has been posted in western Africa, to help slow the advancing Italian army. After their success in Turkey, then quickly carving a path through the middle east and Egypt, they connected up their African front, controlling all of the north east, and Germany pushing out from the Congo, Africa is bound to end up in Axis control.

Applejack yawned as she closed the notebook, the rocking of the train tiring her as the moon lit up the train car. She put the notebook back in her saddlebag and dozed off to sleep, putting her Stetson over her face.