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Double Fuck

Comments ( 97 )
Comment posted by Victoria deleted Apr 23rd, 2019

The fanfic has barely started and there's already so much going on. I can't wait what the next chapter will bring us!

So far so good. Don't leave us hanging and I expect you to follow through on the [sex] tag.

I see the rating and the tags and I have no idea where this story will go.

because OC is not the main character of this fanfic

A nice, action-packed start! Can't want to see where it goes.

Don't worry, she will. But just don't expect this to be a clopfic. It's an adventure story with some clop elements.

“Care for some cookie?” Either “a cookie,” or “some cookies,” I think.

I'm loving this story. It's quite unlike anything I've read before.

Good start. Ho, boy. Twilight, you got some 'splaining to do!

Go for the Elements, Twilight. The Amulet has... side-effects.

Hopefully Twilight won't learn it the hard way... or won't she?

I like what you did with Rarity. And ho, boy. I sense massive trouble when she sees her father.

Oh, Sergeant. I enjoyed you getting your flank handed to you. :D

And I enjoyed writing it. He's not all done, however...

Ouch! Those bastards. I like Spinach. Good to see a pony with scruples.

They just wanted some quick money... But not everypony are ready to succumb to a crime to get them. Like good old Spinach.

I'm kinda hoping Blueblood will make more appearances. This is a scenario where he could end up helping the good guys... more than he has to this point, I mean. Plus, Blueblood shipping is always nice.

Well, he'll make another appearance in Chapter 8. And I have some plans for him along the line. I can't tell more without spoilers.

There we have it — this fanfic's first real sex scene. I hope you'll enjoy it. I sure did.

It was a very good sex scene. :D Those guards earned their pay!

Hmm, Flare is quite the mystery.

A whole new battallion of conscripts, and they're arming them with just arming swords? Really? Those are secondary weapons. They're going to get slaughtered by the first spearpony or heavily-armoured unit they face. Nevermind that a sword is much harder to make and costs a lot more than a spear. What is Canterlot's high command even doing?

It's my fault. I didn't think of that. I will come up with the way to fix this.

Well, it depends a bit on what enemies they're expected to fight. Swords work fine against opponents in fabric armor, for example, like gambesons. The best way to use a sword as a primary weapon is with a shield; Earth ponies will always have a disadvantage there because they can't use a sword and a shield together, unlike pegasi or unicorns. They need three legs on the ground for a firm stand.

Anyhow, to get to the main point: If these new recruits are supposed to carve up, say, lightly-armoured rebels, then swords (particularly cutting swords) are a working choice.

Another aspect is, if, say, these are cast swords instead of forged ones. Casting swords is cheap, but those things are massively inferior weapons prone to snapping under stress. In other words, if leadership wishes to experiment with a potentially inferior weapon, why not give it to the conscripts?

Or leadership just made a bad call. It happens.

Those are just some ideas.

Pinkie is nuts, yet has a method to it. So yeah. It's good.

Pinkie Pie is quite the racist, isn't she?

I have to admit, I am much more entertained by Casual Minion Molester Rarity than I really should be.

Same, here. :D

Anyway, another really good chapter. Twilight, the Elements! Not the damned Amulet!

It's fine about the hiatus. Anyway, great chapter. And yes, Rarity. Being a noble is no better than being a commoner. :p

Very nice. It was smart of Sharp to make amends with Applejack.

I've seen worse starts to adventuring parties.

This could well get me out of my writer's block! :pinkiehappy:

I'm happy to help against such a beast

No worries on speed. And why am I reminded of Gollum with that last part?

Who would you have as Voice Actors for Hearth and Everlight?

I'd have Jeff Bennet and Robin Atkin Downes respectively.

I don't really know a lot of actors by name.
But I would say that Hearth have Theoden's voice while Everlight - Saruman's. Those are LOTR characters.

Bernard Hill and the late Christopher Lee. Interesting choices.
Recently, I've become interested in Voice Actors so I have a few on my mind whenever I read Fimfics.

I kinda figured Snowfield was gonna die. A shame, there. Rainbow Dash, you're a stubborn fool here.

Rainbow Dash needed a wake-up call to the horrors of war. Snowfield's death seemed like the best way to knock some sense into her.

Ooh, i hope Flare survived. She's growing on me.

I can neither confirm nor deny her fate at this point.

Underrated but this is going to take years to finish.

I'm trying to write faster

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