• Member Since 29th Sep, 2016
  • offline last seen 37 minutes ago

Silver Butcher

I shall Butcher your dreams


Pound Cake was destined to fail, and that destiny seemed unfair to a certain Pony from the future, so to help make sure Pound doesn't meet the destiny the universe set out for him, The pony sends a Robot back in time to help Pound find a greater path, and this was no ordinary robot, It was a Robotic Replica of Spike the Dragon, Pound may get into trouble, but now he has Spike-bot to help bail him out.

This is a Crossover with mlp Characters as Characters from Doraemon.

I don't know who made the robot Spike I used for the Cover art but all their art looks amazing, just can't find the actual sourse

Chapters (5)
Comments ( 7 )

This makes me curious about that anime now

here's the first episode (or a version of it at least)

do you think this story is ready to be posted?

I read the manga it's pretty good, and there two versions.

One based on the original story, and then a second which splits off to the characters have some major adventures together, helping over throw tyrants meeting different races and righting wrongs and becoming heros.

Being lazy, not studying, and giving up on things as soon as they got too hard, yes it passed to his kids, and their kids, and so on.

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