• Published 13th Feb 2021
  • 1,953 Views, 146 Comments

The Devil Fruits of Equestria - Golden Flare

Somehow, I'm trapped in my favorite TV show, and I can't find a way home until I deal with the Devil Fruits popping up all over Equestria!

  • ...

Discovery in the Woods

Finn's POV

It was sunrise the moment the train pulled into the next station and I hadn't slept a wink since my escape, I hopped off the caboose and bolted out of the area before the sunlight could catch up and blow my cover. Soon, I found a creepy looking forest and thought with a smile, Perfect. before running inside the disturbing foliage to use as a camouflage and hide from any wandering eyes that may gaze upon me. It took me several hours as the sun finally reached its peak in the sky, but I found salvation at last; an old castle in ruins, covered almost completely in moss, the perfect place for hiding from the public eye while I try to figure out my next step from this point forward.

Upon entering the ruins, I noticed how sorry-looking it was on the inside, made me wish I had the tools and the know-how to fix it all, but sadly, even if I used my powers over the Ice-Ice Fruit, I'm still inexperienced with them and could end up burying myself under these very ruins. Oh well, I'll put that in my "Things To Do" list once I master these new powers, right now I had to plot my next move: yes, I had the powers of one of the Devil Fruits now, but I still have human needs, like food and water, so I'm gonna have to go either through the woods for food and potentially poison myself or sneak through the nearby town's local market and swipe some decent grub there, and honestly, I was greatly considering the latter option, but my mother raised me not to steal from others.

But your mom's not here right now... the reasonable part of my mind argued.

...Unfortunately, as much as it burns me up inside to admit it, my mind was right, besides, desperate times call for desperate measures. I have goal set, now I need a game plan.

I yawned as I plopped on a nearby rotted mattress.

Eh, I'll sleep on it for now, maybe I'll get some ideas in my dreams.

I'm tired...

"This has got to be, without a doubt, the STUPIDEST idea I've ever had...and I ate a Devil Fruit for God sakes." I mumble to myself, hiding my face deeper into my burlap cloak as I simply strolled through Ponyville's marketplace.

The next day had come, and no ideas presented themselves to me...well, minus one, which I still think is pretty piss-poor. I hid my entire body in a burlap bag that I ripped and resewed into a cloak as a means to hide in plain sight while I did my "shopping". I, sadly, didn't have any bits on me nor did I find any in the old castle, believe me, I looked, so I really did have no choice but to swipe some food and bits as I wandered through the market, and so far, I had gotten a few oranges, a pear or two, a bunch of bananas, and at least 25 bits, I really wish I could grab some apples, but a big burly red furred stallion, who I remember was Big Macintosh, was watching the stall like a hawk while Applejack was with her friends in Canterlot, and I wasn't going to push my luck trying to steal from him.

It wasn't nearly enough to survive on, but it'll have to do for now, time to find a stream where I can grab some drinking water to last me a few days.

Twilight's POV

I stirred awake from my nap in the apple carriage that took us to the Grand Galloping Gala as it came to a stop. I looked around and saw my friends still asleep, except for Applejack, who took over steering the stallions who were pulling the carriage after Spike couldn't hold his eyes open anymore last night, not only that, but we appear to be just outside of Ponyville, near Carousel Boutique.

"Alright, y'all," I heard Applejack say to the stallions, "we'll make our way home from 'ere, y'all get some rest, Ah think ya earned it."

"Thank you..." they both answered tiredly as they unhooked themselves from the carriage and slowly made their way home.

I yawned as I tried to wake everypony up, with Rainbow Dash being the toughest since she was known for napping, eventually they woke up, we all said our goodbyes, and started to head home, with me carrying a still sleeping Spike in my arms. I must've been really tired because I didn't notice that I had just bumped into somepony until they said, "Oh, sorry."

I yawned again, "No, it's okay, I just need to head home and rest..."

I didn't bid the stallion a farewell as I stumbled back home, not noticing him powerwalking away from us or how his voice sounded very familiar...

I yawned for a third time. I'm sure it was probably nothing.

Finn's POV

Shit, shit, shit, shit, SHIT!! What's Twilight doing here?! I thought she was back in Canterlot with her friends! Luck was on my side, however, as she appeared to be so tired that she barely recognized me or my voice under my cloak and was wandering back to her library tree home. But unlucky for me, if she's here, then that means the rest of her friends must be here too.

I had no time to waste.

I powerwalked out of town and into the Everfree Forest before anyone could stop me for any reason, and headed into the Castle of the Royal Pony Sisters, then collapsed as I tried to catch my breath, my anxiety and adrenaline pumping into my veins like it was going out of style.

Once my brain and lungs caught up with the rest of my body, I found my voice, "Hah...! I'm gonna have to be a lot more careful from now on...I can't risk them catching me..."

I then heard soft hoofsteps on stone floor echoing through the castle as prepared my ice powers.

"Who's there?!"

The intruder jumped at my words, but when I got a good look at who its was, my powers promptly stopped short; it appeared to be a little Pegasus filly with dark grey fur, lavender mane, and pale red eyes, wearing clothes that looked like they were normal once, but now were no more than rags. But above all else, she looked scared, lost...even lonely.

"Um...who are you?"

The filly fumbled with her words, "I...I don't know..."

"You don't know?"

She shook her head, looking fearful of any bad reaction that I might give her.

"Okay, um...do you know where you are right now?"


"Can you...remember anything? Anything at all? Maybe how you got here?"

"I...I can't...I don't remember..."

A little filly with amnesia wandering the Everfree Forest without a grown-up...something's off here, but not from her. I thought, then spoke, "It's okay...I'm not gonna hurt you..." I slowly approached her, making her tremble, "I know I looked like I was going to, but I thought you were someone else...you're only a child. And I don't hurt children."


I smile lightly as I stopped a foot in front of her, "Promise."


My eyes widened, "Was that you? Are you hungry?"

The filly hesitated for a moment, then nodded.

I dug into my pocket, pulled out a banana from the bunch, and pealed it open, "Here, eat this."

The filly walked slowly towards me and gently took the fruit out of my hand and ate it, when she tasted it, her eyes widened and devoured it outright.

I chuckle, "You must've been hungry."

"Y-Yes..." she answered, "And that tasted a lot better than what I ate in the forest..."

"What did you eat?"

"A funny looking purple fruit with swirls on it."

My blood turned cold as my eyes widened. No...it can't be...

"W-What's wrong?"

"Kid." I kneel down to her, "What exactly did this fruit look like? And spare no details."

Shocked by the seriousness in my voice, she spoke, "Um...it looked like some tiny swirled fruits merged into one big fruit."

I sigh deeply, "...I really wish you didn't eat that."


I look deep into her eyes, "What you ate was a Devil Fruit."

She didn't know why, but the name made chills go up her spine, "D-D-D-D-Devil Fruit...?"

"My best guess? It was probably the Dark-Dark Fruit."


"There are a few types of Devil Fruits and many of those types, all of them are potentially dangerous. The one you ate was the Dark-Dark Fruit; you can now create, control, and turn into darkness itself."


"It's a little hard to explain, and I will explain in due time, but right now, it's getting late and we both need food in our bellies and beds to rest on, so let's eat and get some sleep. I'll tell you more after we go 'shopping' for more food tomorrow, Cozma." I stood up and turned around as I motioned her to follow.

"Um...okay..." the filly's ears pricked up, "Wait...'Cozma'?"

I turn my head to her and smirk, "Gotta call you something, don't I? Whataya think?"

"'Cozma'..." she uttered her new name and smiled brightly, "Yes...I love it!"

"Glad you do. Now c'mon, let's eat."

The newly named Cozma followed me into a ruined dining hall of the castle and we ate what little food we had. She followed me into the bedchambers as I made her a makeshift bed out of any decent pillows I could find and a blanket, I guided her to it and she fell asleep almost instantly. I smiled and made my way to my own bed; the ratty remains of Princess Celestia's old bed.

Guess I found another Devil Fruit user, and to make matters worse, it was a filly with no memory of who she is, now I have to teach her how to use her powers...before she or someone else gets hurt.

Several days had passed with me swiping some more food and bits while teaching Cozma about Devil Fruits and Equestria when I'm not doing the former, and I think I'm getting some real progress from her...well, mostly. We had just finished reviewing what she learned about the three main types of Devil Fruits and now we were practicing our Devil Fruit powers; I was finally able to turn into ice as I phased through an ice wall I created, that'll certainly come in handy when the time comes, but Cozma...she's still struggling, I taught her how to use the powers of the Dark-Dark Fruit, but the main issue is that she doesn't understand how to use them, losing your memories will do that to you. I could tell that she was getting frustrated, because she looked like she was trying to force her powers to work, but they don't work that way.

"I think that's enough for now, Cozma," I interrupt, "take a break and rest your body and mind."

She slumped to the ground, "I'm sorry, Mr. Finn..."

"Don't be. I don't expect you to master the fruit's power overnight, I mean, even I can't use my fruit's full power yet. We'll figure it out, okay? Don't push yourself to hard. Remember what I taught you?"

"'Work smarter, not harder'." she recited, then said, "I just wish I understood how this power worked."

"Think of it this way, when the time comes, you'll know what to do."


"Good. Now I gotta head into town for some provisions, then we'll explore the forest a little more before we press on."

"'Press on'?"

"Move forward. We can't keep staying in this castle, it's only a matter of time before the Bearers of the Elements of Harmony find us and lock us up for having Devil Fruit powers."

"Okay...do you hate them, Mr. Finn?"

I shook my head, "No, but I'm not on their good side right now; I bit into the Ice-Ice Fruit right in front of them after I had explained to them what it was and why I couldn't let it go. Not only that, but I've seen the wanted posters all over town; 'WANTED: Ice-Ice Fruit Creature - DEAD OR ALIVE - Bounty: 10,000 Bits'. The whole town, if not all of Equestria, is going to be gunning for me to claim that reward, and if they find out you have a Devil Fruit power as well..." I took a deep breath, "...Short version of the story, we're not safe here right now, odds are, not every place in this land has heard about me yet, better to take our chances out there than around here."

"Can I come with you?"

"No, you stay here where it's safe. I'll be back soon, okay?"

"Okay..." Cozma sounded dejected, but I couldn't risk it, plus I had a bad gut feeling about today.

Present Day

You know, looking back on it, I'm glad I told Cozma to stay behind, because I'm in a massive pickle right now.

"Get back here!" Rainbow shouted as she and her friends chased me through town.

I had gotten a good haul of food and bits; fruits, veggies, and at least 34 bits. But my biggest blunder was when I couldn't resist a good apple and tried to swipe one, not realizing who was at the stall today. Care to take a guess?

"I'mma getcha fer tryin' ta take ma apples, ya varmint!!"

Yup, Applejack. Of all the rotten luck...

I turn back to see them gaining on me, but notice two of them were missing, "Wait...where'd they go?!"

As if to answer, I looked back forward and saw Applejack and Pinkie Pie right in front of the path I need to take!

...But luckily for me, I remembered a little trick I learned.

With a smirk, I make a small trail of ice pass the two Earth Ponies as Pinkie proclaimed, "Ah-ha! You missed!"

"Are you sure about that?" I ask before morphing into the ice trail, flowing pass them, and morphing back into human form to run away again.

Okay, phasing through a wall of ice was one thing, but doing THAT felt weird.

No matter, if I can make back into the forest, I'm home free!

Twilight's POV

We were all staring at where the ice trail and the Devil Fruit person was running in distance, our brains struggling to reboot at what we just saw.

"...WHAT THE BUCK JUST HAPPENED?!?" Rainbow yelled.

"Looks like th' varmint learnt ah new trick..." Applejack growled.

"Seems like it, but we can't let him get away!" I rallied the others and we started after him again, "He's headed into the Everfree Forest, we'll lead him to Zecora's and cut him off!"

Finn's POV

Suckers, they thought they could lead me to Zecora's hut and catch me there, but instead, I lead them along the way there and melded into the ice walls I made as I trapped them just outside the hut. But I sincerely doubt it'll hold them forever, I need to get back to the castle and get Cozma before they find us. After making my way across the ravine, I burst through the castle doors, startling her.

"M-Mr. Finn?!"

"Shake a leg, Cozma! It's time to go!" I say, running to our shared bedroom to collect the provisions we've already gathered.

"Why? What happened?"

"The Element Bearers found me out! We're no longer safe here! You carry the jugs of water, I'll carry the food!"

Cozma did as she was told and we headed for the castle's back door, running out into the unknown, and praying to every deity for our safe escape and survival.

Twilight's POV

I was able to melt the ice with my magic faster than my brother's when he fought this ice person and we followed him back to the old castle.

"Why am I not surprised?" Rainbow rhetorically asked, "The guy's probably taken up residence in there."

"Not for long! C'mon, girls!" I declare.

One by one, we all cross the rickety bridge over to the castle and burst inside...only to find nothing?

"Stay sharp, girls, he could be planning an ambush." I whispered, "I'll use my magic to search for him."

I lit my horn, and mentally scanned for him...


"He's...not here."

"What?!" the girls asked.

"Whataya mean, 'he's not here'?!" Rainbow demanded.

"I mean he's just not here!" I answered again, "I scanned for him and found nothing!"

"It, um, it looks like a few things were here at one point, but..." Fluttershy mumbled out.

"Say..." Applejack looked around, seeing indents in the ground and spots where there were no dust or cobwebs, "Flutters is right! There wuz ah buncha stuff here, but now it's gone!"

"He hightailed it outta here?!" Rainbow shouted, "That coward!"

"Wait..." Fluttershy got their attention, "There are two sets of prints here, one that ice man's, and the other's...a pony?"

"You think he has a hostage?" I asked her.

"I think so...both tracks are fresh..."

"Ah hate ta tell y'all," Applejack interrupted, "But they follow all th' way ta th' castle's back exit."

"Great! Just great!" Rainbow threw her arms up, "They could be anywhere by now!"

"Rainbow's right, girls. Unfortunately for us, the trail's gone cold." I say, dejected.

"Awwww!" the girls whined.

We then heard a Timberwolf howling in the distance.

"We'd better get home, it's not safe here." I rally the others, "I also have to have Spike send a letter to the Princess about our findings, maybe she'll have a clue if we tell her."

"Alright..." Rainbow groaned, then looked fierce, "But once we find that guy and save his hostage, I'm beating him down!!"

We all agreed and left the castle before sunset, still...

Why do I have a bad feeling about all this?

??? POV

I had just came back to the cave I had taken up residence in after searching for supplies. After escaping from Canterlot Castle when Celestia suspended my studies and banished me from the castle, I lived on the run for three years and hearing about the escapades of this Twilight Sparkle and her friends, the new Bearers of the Elements of Harmony.


Who needs friends?! All that matters is being the best! And I would've been the next princess had Celestia not ended my studies! She was obviously afraid of my potential, why else would she have done what she did?!

No matter, I'll get my payback, she'll see! Right now, I need to eat, I'm starving...

"Wait...why does this fruit have weird swirls on it...?" I mumble, confused...then shrugged, "Eh, what's the worst that could happen?"

With no further hesitation, I bit into it...

Author's Note:

Uh-oh, looks like somepony found a stray Devil Fruit...but who is it? And what Devil Fruit did she find?

Next time: the beginning of the Devils on the Run arc.