• Published 9th Mar 2019
  • 2,658 Views, 19 Comments

My Fate - twience

Sunset Shimmer is broken; lost in a deep dark pit of despair. Since the Friendship Games, she’s been having... thoughts. Thoughts that might drive her to do scary things.

  • ...

This Is The End

My Fate
By, serenityx

School was dismissed for the weekend and all the students at CHS were practically racing out the doors. It is about two weeks after the Friendship Games event and everything seems to be normal. Normal as in basic human life normal. Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Fluttershy, Applejack, Pinkie Pie, and Twilight Sparkle were talking among themselves in front of the schools statue. Which now by the way, had no wondercolt horse at the top because of Midnight Sparkles attack.

Except, someone was missing and nobody seemed to notice until Twilight spoke up.

"Where's Sunset Shimmer?" she asked suddenly.

Everybody glanced around and thought to themselves. Where was their "leader" of the group?

"Aw! Twily's worried about her new-super-cool-used-to-be-a-pony best friend!" Pinkie announced happily.

Twilight rolled her eyes. "She's-She's not my best friend; and don't call me Twily, only my brother can call me that."

Pinkie laughed and nudged her elbow in response. "Whatever you say... Sparky," she wiggled her brows at the nickname.

Twilight groaned. Sunset could call her that and Sunset alone.

"Pinkie Pie, honestly," Rarity said after a moment before turning her attention over to Twilight. "She may be tutoring darling. Ms Cheerilee asked her if she could help some of the student's with algebra," She mentioned.

Applejack shook her head. "Yes Rare's but, Sunset doesn't tutor on Fridays."

"Why Sunset though?" Rainbow asked. "If anybody would be a tutor I thought it would of been egghead over here." She pointed at Twilight.

"A'd leave her alone if I were you Dash," Applejack threatened.

Rainbow snorted.

Twilight adjusted her glasses. "Yes, I see your point Rainbow. However, when it comes to explaining and educating other people, they happen to not understand a word I'm saying. Sunset Shimmer is not only smart, but is really good at talking with others. I can see why she was picked as the algebra tutor."

"Mm, agreed." Rarity nodded.

Rainbow Dash spoke up again while her finger went up. "She's probably at fencing practice?"

"Uh uh," Fluttershy said quietly. "Those aren't today either."

"Oh! Oh!" Pinkie Pie announced. "Maybe she's talking to Princess Twilight!"

Twilight almost gagged at the mention of her counterpart. It was still totally weird to believe she has a pony Princess of Friendship look-alike living in a place called Equestria. Even if she saw her for her own eyes that day.

Furthermore, Pinkie continued. "She hasn't been herself lately and I can tell some of those smiles on her face lately are fake. Usually talking to the princess brightens her mood!"

"Or not." Twilight mumbled under her breath. What's going on with you Sunny?

Rarity noticed some agravaitedness in their new friend. She just ignored it though and decided to listen back on the topic.

"Isn't it her turn to host the slumber party this weekend? Maybe she just went home to prepare," Fluttershy said.

"She usually meets up with us after school before doing anything," Twilight said, adding on.

"She wasn't answering our texts either." Rarity glanced down at her phone.

"Girls," Rainbow started. "This Sunset Shimmer we're talking about here. She's fine and probably at home reading or working on something. We don't have to be around each other all the time. If you forgot, Sunset used to be by herself all the time. Maybe she just wanted some alone time." She shrugged.

The group of friends nodded and smiled to each other.

"Ah'll call her later to make sure." Applejack said making sure to still be concerned for their friend.

With that, the girls finished up their chat and left to do their own things. Surprisingly, they all had plans.

Everything ended great. Except nobody but Applejack seemed to consider that maybe Sunset had a reason for not showing up. Maybe it was because...

Sunset wasn't fine.

Sunset Shimmer glared at the citizens of Canterlot going about their daily lives. Fathers with their wifes, mothers with their children, children with their friends, friends with their pets. They all looked... happy. Something Sunset hasn't been in a long time. Years to be more specific.

It's not fair.

The sun was setting now and she was thinking about CHS's and CPA's 'Friendship Games'. The name had no meaning. It was a fake name to cover up something that was actually devastating. There was never any friendship in those games. At least not until this years when her friends showed it to Crystal Prep. Some say it wasn't them, but It was her.

It wasn't me.

Sunset couldn't sleep at night. She kept thinking, "why was it given to me?"

It was loyalty, kindness, generosity, honesty, and laughter that destroyed Midnight. She was just... a capsule for their magic. If Princess Twilight was there, it would have been her that destroyed Midnight Sparkle. Sunset was merely borrowing the princess's role for the time being because she wouldn't answer her dang book. She wouldn't answer her dang book! Sunset was never meant to wield the Element of Magic and she knows it. So, she borrowed Princess Twilight's power for the sake of Equestria. I mean really, Sunset wasn't going to let Twilight destroy Equestria when she herself failed miserably at it. That doesn't seem very loyal does it?

It was the same at the Battle of The Bands. Twilight was weakened by the Siren's music so she called upon Sunset for assistance. It just so happens because of Sunset having a nice singing voice that they won in the end. Ugh, Twilight used her harmony on her. She gave some to Sunset so their Equestrian magic could connect with her and the Element Bearers to destroy them.

I'm a pawn.

Their little run-in that night of the sleepover was just an act. She only acted upset to make Sunset crack. Everybody wants to make Sunset crack!

Please, you're the Princess of Friendship. You knew what you were doing back in that kitchen.

Back when she found out about Twilight's ascension- Sunset wouldn't stop at anything to get what she always deserved. She ruled the school with an iron fist. Blackmail, lies, cheating, threats, that's all she needed to gain authority; not magic. She gained power through a bunch of pathetic teenagers. Who were soon going to become a zombie army, apart of Sunset's plan, to takeover the place she used to call home. She failed of course however. Oh why did she have to strip on that little dragons tail. She would've gotten away with the crown perfectly otherwise. Who keeps a baby dragon in their bedroom anyways!?

Sweet Celestia...

Princess Celestia raised Sunset Shimmer to become a powerful unicorn. Soon to one day rule Equestria alongside herself ever since she banished her sister, Luna, to the moon. Well, she isn't anymore; at least that's what Princess Twilight told her. Back to the point: Princess Celestia was holding back on her! She was ready to become a princess. At least that's what she thought. After her conflict with Celestia, escape into the mirror world, and defeat by her pupil Twilight, Sunset realized Celestia was lying to her longer than she thought.

She's always known. She's always knew Sunset wasn't the next princess! Instead of admitting it like a grown mare should, she continued to teach Sunset anyways. Princess Celestia's a liar. A pitiful, ignorant, fucking liar. Those lessons meant nothing. Nothing! Ever since the day she got her Cutie Mark. A mark a teacher should she proud of and bring joy to them that their student achieved. Instead, under that fake excitement, she was disappointed.

All because Sunset Shimmer's cutie mark wasn't a stupid six pointed star! That stupid Tree of Harmony! That stupid Element of Magic! That stupid Princess of Friendship nonsense she always filled her head with!

Twilight was always meant to be her prodege, not me. A tear hit the roof.

Sunset didn't belong in the human world; she didn't belong in Equestria. So why is she still living? Why doesn't she cease to exist? Why couldn't the Elements just destroy her then and there instead of making her live in pain and regret? Friendship is weak, it always was. She's tired of stressing. Her friends will be fine without her; this worlds Twilight too. Her friends are great teachers, she doesn't need me. She bet her and Princess Twilight would get along well if they met. They're both complete idiots afterall.

Sunset sniffed still looking below. "Why am I thinking of Princess Twilight this way? She saved me."

No she didn't. She saved herself. Another tear.

Celestia would of been angry if Twilight murdered the first mare she grew close to. Happy about the crown, but disappointed in her action. She does everything for that stupid white unicorn princess! Sacrificed her life who knows how many times and never wanting her "friends" to go with her because she wanted glory to herself. That should of been her statue in the Crystal Empire, not Spikes. If it went Twilight's way, she probably would've just finished Sunset off instead giving that annoying friendship speech. Anypony that touched her crown didn't deserve a speech.

She clicked the roof of her mouth. "Ha, I'm a failure in life and death."Sunset squeezed her eyes shut. "The only way to end it all, is to do it myself."

Wait, the Elements can't kill anyways. That's why she's still here.

Damn you Twilight. Damn you Celestia. Damn you Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Fluttershy, Applejack, and Pinkie Pie.

Get a load of this. You won't believe all the dirt she's got to ditch.

Friendship is weak, weakness is struggle, struggle is stress, stress is determination, determination is courage, courage is strength, strength is power, power is purpose, purpose is hope, hope is destiny, destiny is fate, fate is rule, rule is authority, authority is domination, domination is superiority, superiority is excellence, excellence is virtue, virtue is generosity, generosity is kindness, kindness is loyalty, loyalty is honesty, honesty is laughter, laughter is harmony, harmony is magic.

Hold up. Back up.

"Sunset Shimmer, what is your fate?"

Sunset looked around and back. "W-Who said that?"

"Your very on conscience Sunset. I ask again, what is your fate?"

My fate is...

"Does friendship really carry on through the ages Sunset Shimmer?"

That was the name of song the Rainbooms plus Princess Twilight came up with and played for Sunset before the Friendship Games. She didn't understand it at first; then, it grew on her. Yet, her friends weren't ever really her friends. They were apparently doing a "favor" for Twilight. If Twilight was a true friend, she would of stayed and helped Sunset herself and instead of abandoning her in a place she was still unfamiliar about! With only a matter of seconds Twilight went through the portal like there was no tomorrow. If she was a true Princess of Friendship, she would of took the risk of never returning again to help a "friend" through their struggles!

Sunset bit her lip. The wind was starting to get heavy; she stepped back a little.

Don't listen to the voices Sunset... She told herself.

"You can't run from it. This is your voice. You're thinking this."

Please, not everybody needs friends. Not everybody wants friends. Did she ever think about that? Probably not, because that's just what Twilight does. She does without thinking. She always has, always will. All Sunset ever wanted was to be happy. She was happy. Getting teached by Princess Celestia and stressing about exams the next morning made her happy. Now she's currently playing music in a cheesy band with fake friends constantly thinking of her life before. Which, she'll never get back by the way.

"Shut up! I’m so sick of it! I don’t want to live like this anymore!"

Sunset stepped forward once more. The wind was blowing her long red and gold locks. Birds no longer sang and she took a deep breath. "Today's the day I disappear. Right here and now.”

This is the end.

Sunset was tired, sick, lonely, peeved, but ready. She was going to end her life. Everybody and everypony would be better off with her gone. Twilight could keep her title, she didn't want it anymore. Her friends, and even Twilight herself said she could be worthy of something big. Her actions have shown how much she deeply cared and was ashamed of her past. Although, it was a lie. She wasn't really sorry, was she? The things she thought about today upon the school's roof just proved it.

Goodbye my friends...

Sunset looked up at the sky. It was dark now. She could see dark birds flying across the sky. She didn't know what they were called. She glanced back down and noticed all the people were gone. Most likely in their houses for the night. The coast was clear, but she was hesitating. Was this really the way?

"Just jump Sunset." She told herself clenching her fists. "Just- ah!-"

All of a sudden she was falling, falling fast! Someone had pushed her. Sunset Shimmer screamed, tears falling out her eyes as she fell to her death. This wasn't right. I mean, who could of possibly known she was about to commit suicide? Who could of possibly followed her out to CHS's school roof? She was just about to jump, why did she have to be shoved?

Soon the screams stopped, life flashed before her eyes.

There was silence. Deafening silence. No cars, no people, no birds, no wind, no animals, Just the silence of murder. Sunset Shimmer was murdered.

A mysterious figure smirked as it watched Sunset fall off the roof. It didn't speak for awhile. Thinking maybe, taking it all in. Whoever it was did just murder an innocent girl. Was she innocent? Did Applejack ever call? What will the girls think when they show up for the sleepover tomorrow? What about the whole school in general? Princess Twilight? Even... Celestia?

Shimmer was gone and she's never coming back. The murderer didn't even hesitate, it didn't even take a deep breath, it just shoved her. Shoved her over like she meant nothing! It's like whoever it was didn't care about her life whatsoever. It didn't have any second thoughts, didn't think of the consequences, didn't wear any gloves, didn't smash the schools hallway cameras, it probably didn't even have a story or a backup plan. What were the police going to think? They would think Sunset Shimmer committed suicide. The figure would get away with it. There was nothing she could do.

But sleep. Sunset could sleep for eternity. She didn't even write a note...

The figure finally took a step back. It figured staring at the ground for fifteen minutes frozen was enough. It licked its lips and spoke for the first time after the fall.

"I worked hard for it, and I deserved it." it snarled.

It huffed and spoke again. "You thought getting on everypony's good side was enough to replace me? You thought making 'friends' and destroying the copycat was enough to earn what I've always had!?"

"Puh-lease. You've always been a monster Sunset Shimmer."

It clenched its fists to finish off. "I'm her favorite! I'm superior! I'm the powerful one!" it stomped its foot. "Those are my friends, and that's my magic! You failed to take it all away from me."

It stopped talking when realizing she was arguing with a nobody. You're nothing. It thought.

It started laugh. "You're no longer a threat to me. It is and will always be my title! I'm the only divinity around here."

The murderer turned around to retreat. Smiling to itself thinking of what she accomplished tonight on this roof.

"...Mark my words Sunset Shimmer; It was your fate to die." It spoke.

Withall, the door to the roof closed. Leaving silence back again in the crime scene. Sunset Shimmer was laid on the grass, arms spread out, mouth opened wide, eyes sealed shut. Why?

There were lights. Red and blue lights in the distance. Sounds grew louder as vehicles approached Canterlot High.


My fate is... my fate's to die

...the end

Author's Note:

Crap this was dark! I never written dark, I think I may be bad at it. Am I?

I thought to myself, I can't go on in Fimfiction without writing my own Sunset Shimmer suicide story. I knew I was missing something!

Well, here it is!

Note: I don't believe ANY of the stuff I wrote today in this story. Everything was in Sunset's head. I love Sunny and Twily with my heart.

Please comment thoughts, likes, dislikes, and helpful tips! Also, if you'd like to become my editor please ask because people have been telling me I need one. Even though personally, I think my writing is great. Plus, everybody makes typos. Yet, please!

Comments ( 19 )

Just gonna drop these here because suicide descriptions can be triggers for people who are struggling:
Suicide hotline
Crisis lines international

Comment posted by karnazom deleted Mar 9th, 2019

Well, that was dark. When I first read the title I thought this was something to do with the recent S9 reveal.

I wanna know the person who pushed Sunset! :twilightangry2:

(Great story btw :pinkiehappy:)

*cough* twilight*cough*
They're are clues at the end and in between that points it out. It's all about the mystery ;)

Will there be a sequel?

This was... messy. As an example:

"She might be tutoring Darling." Rarity said

This highlights the importance of the direct address comma. Is Rarity talking about a student named Darling being tutored? Is she referring to Twilight as "darling"? This is also why when "darling" is used as a direct address, it isn't capitalized.

That quote also had an issue with dialogue punctuation. Here's a handy guide from a handy guy on how to do dialogue punctuation correctly:

This is a recurring issue with your writing. If a speech tag follows after the dialogue, there should be no capitalization. If an action tag follows, capitalization is required. Here’s a very useful list of examples:

Attribution of Dialogue (Dialogue Tagging)

✖ "Hi there," the pink pony grinned. (It should be a period: ‘grinned’ isn’t a ‘speaking’ verb.)
✖ "Hi there." The pink pony said. (This should be a comma; no capitalization should be used)
✖ "Hi there"! the pink pony shouted! (Punctuation of dialogue belongs inside the quotes.)
✖ "Hi there!" The pink pony shouted! (Don’t capitalize "the"; treat the "!" as a comma.)

✔ "Hi there," the pink pony giggled. (She giggled while saying the words.)
✔ "Hi there." The pink pony giggled. (She said those words, then giggled.)
✔ "Hi there." The pink pony grinned. (The word 'grinned' isn't a 'speaking' verb.)
✔ "Hi there!" the pink pony shouted. (Exclamations and queries replace the comma.)

Shoot, I can't believe I messed that up! Thanks.

Yes. It will be a series. Check it out here.

Will there be justice?

Wait & see...


It going to be one of those types?!
Ok ok...I'm not going to judge, but hoping be a decent ending and not one of those the murder gets away with it but gets punished in a manner that leaves the reader unsatisfied type of stories.

yes yes, it will be a worth reading decent ending. The last story will be after My Way. I'm not putting the title up until later tho. Currently, I'm still working on the last few chapters of A Reminder of Hope. The sequel to this story will be up after I get that story done and out of the way.

How exactly does one get "featured In suicide?"

If you click on my story and scroll beneath "Also Liked," you'll see where it says featured in suicide. Every character/genre has a featured section. I guess the creators of the site decide.

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