• Published 6th Mar 2019
  • 3,793 Views, 153 Comments

Freeing Gallus - CrackedInkWell

In the eyes of Griffonstone, Gallus isn't considered an adult as he has no one by blood or marriage to perform a coming of age ritual. Sandbar comes up with a loophole to free his friend, he'll simply marry him. At least, temporarily.

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Chapter 9: Tango de las Strippers

Many weeks went by, Gallus and Sandbar have kept themselves busy from both school assignments and the letters they’ve written to the pony’s parents with the details about the wedding. As the days drew closer towards Spring, the young stallion and griffon always set enough time for themselves. The girls teased them of being an actual couple, regardless of how many times either denied it.

What neither of them knew, that as all this was going on, Silverstream was making plans of her own. In secret, she wrote a request to her aunt to bring about the enormous favor of recreating the pre-wedding party from what she remembered. Her aunt, in reply, wrote to her that while she will do it and prepare for it, only right after Ponyville finishes their Winter Wrap Up that they’ll set everything up.

On the day before the wedding, once the ponies wrapped up winter, a train arrived with a caravan of hippogriffs who came with supplies, trunks, and carriages that came quickly towards the town’s pond, and just as fast they departed, only to leave a patrol of guards to circle around while curious onlookers notice the tent that was being set up on the sand.

That night, Gallus lay on his bed in his room with a book assignment of Roanio and Filliet for his literature class, and a mind that was distracting him from it.

It just seems surreal.’ He thought. ‘Tomorrow’s the day that I’m gonna get married. To my best friend… And it’s actually gonna happen.’ Looking up from the book, he glanced over at the suit that hangs from the doorknob. It was one that Professor Rarity had made for him a few days prior. A dress shirt that had a light blue vest and bow-tie, and a sea green suit that matches Sandbar’s fur. ‘I’m going to be married to Sandbar. Even now it’s still strange to think that I’m gonna have a spouse when I’m only sixteen! I never thought that I would be something like this so soon, and yet… it’s my only ticket to freedom that I got. Besides, I guess it only makes it awkward as I don’t think I’m attracted to him… well… is that true? I mean respect him… and care for the guy… and-

A knock on his door interrupted his train of thought. Closing the book, he rolled over till his claw and paws were on the floor. He picked the suit off the doorknob before opening it. Only… there was no one there. Confused, he stuck his head out into the hallway, looking left and right, but still, it was empty.

“Huh… weird…” He muttered before closing the door again. It was strange, without a doubt, enough to raise an eyebrow as he turned around towards the bed before a sack had quickly engulfed him. “H-HEY!” He yelled as he was knocked down to where his claws and paws were stuffed in. “What’s going on!?”

“What does it look like?” He heard Smolder’s voice say. “We’re here to basically kidnaping you.”


“Sorry about this Gallus,” replied the unmistakable voice of Ocellus, “But we kinda have to do this.”

He felt the bag being dragged out underneath him. “Where are you taking me?”

“You’ll see.” They said in unison. After being dragged out into what he thinks is the hallway, the griffon heard a commotion coming from one of the rooms before he heard a door open.

“We have Sandbar.” Yona said. “Now quickly before anyone notice.”

“Sandbar?” Gallus called out.

“Gallus? Where are you?!”

“Shh!” Silverstream hushed them. “Be quiet. It’s not a good capture if you tell the whole world that we’re capturing you.”

Right then as the bags were being dragged, that it clicked for Gallus. “I think I know what’s going on.”

“You do?” He heard Sandbar’s voice.

“This is a Griffon tradition.” He said. “We’re being kidnapped to be taken to our bachelor party. I’ve seen this happen before in Griffonstone, but I’ve never seen as to where they’re taken to.”

“Yeah, what he said,” Smolder told them. “Now if you two try to be quiet for the next couple of minutes, we’re gonna try to get to your guys' party as quickly as possible. And the sooner we get there, the sooner you’ll be out of those bags.”

The girls dragged the young stallion and griffon across the floor and through the courtyard, over the drawbridge and over the grass. From that point, neither of them had any idea where they were going, but it did take a long time just to get there. They tried to listen to any clues as to where they might be headed. At first, they heard voices from the townsponies, but even then they faded further and further away. The only guess they could come up with is where ever they’re going to, it must be somewhere outside of town.

“Are we there yet?” Gallus asked. “I’d rather get out of a bag that smells like a wet dog.”

“We’re almost there,” Silverstream replied.

A couple more minutes of being dragged around later, they came to a sudden stop and the sack opened up where he was dumped unto a carpet. Shaking his head and blinking, Gallus focused his sight on where they were dragged to. They were carried into a large, colorful tent that had Saddle Arabian like lanterns that hang from above. Around him beside himself, the girls and Sandbar that was being dumped out, there was in one corner of the room hippogriffs with musical instruments, and at the other even more near a table that had an array of snacks and drinks. But what piqued his curiosity was what was in the center of the tent. On the ground, there was a square wooden stage that is surrounded by brightly colorful carpets and pillows to sit on. However, he noticed that the ground wasn’t completely covered as he noticed there were patches of sand.

“Where the hay are we?” Sandbar asked.

“Where else do you think you are?” A new voice answered. The six students turned to where it was coming from, and there at the entrance was a large light-pink hippogriff who had a dark purple mane and tail with three blue plumages that stuck behind her golden crown. “This is your boys' bachelor party.”

“Auntie Novo!” Silverstream rushed forward to hug her. “I’ve missed you so much!”

She hugged back. “It’s good to see you, Silver. How’s school doing ya?”

“It’s going great!” She smiled. “Thanks for setting all of this up.”

“Aw, don’t mention it.” The Hippogriff queen turned towards the young stallion and griffon. “So, I’ve been told that you two are going to be married tomorrow.” They nodded. “My niece has told me about this curious practice, so I felt that I’d better come up here to see it for myself. Also, she asked me to set this up, and if we’re doing this, I must attend to give you two my blessing. So, in honor of this occasion, we’re having your bachelors party according to our traditions – with a few twists.” She said with a wink.

“Oh… well, thank you, Your Highness.” Sandbar nodded his head.

She waves a dismissive claw. “Don’t mention it! I haven’t been to a good Pre-Wedding party for way too long. Now come!” She clapped her talons twice. “Let us feast! Play us music for the young couple!”

With these commands, the hippogriffs swarm around them. Offering a seat to being presented a parade of trays that the students found appetizing. From salmon sushi to exotic flower salad, the omnivore menu provided something for all of them with new flavors that they never knew existed before. All the while, the musicians in the corner were accompanying the background noise of seductive strings, thumping drums and sweet tuned winds, playing melodies from a distant land.

As this was going on, Sandbar and Gallus couldn’t help but notice something interesting of all the Hippogriffs that were serving them. Apart from the Queen and Silverstream, all of them were males. From the pourer of their drinks to the musician that beat on the bongos, there wasn’t a single one that was female. Not only that, but they could swear that they seemed rather… flirty. Not just to the girls, but more so to them.

“Stuffed peppers for you, hot stuff?”

“Care to have me quench your thirst?”

“More honeysuckle to suck on, sweetie?”

This was only the small portion of the flirtatious questions that was seemed to be targeting them.

“Queen Novo,” Sandbar questioned, “how come everyone here is a guy?”

“And flirting with us?” Gallus added.

The Hippogriff queen chuckled. “To be honest, this sort of party is traditionally meant for the soon-to-be brides. However, given the unique circumstance of your marriage, it wouldn’t make sense to me to have them all be female. Also, the flirtation is all part of the tradition too. It’s all in good fun, I assure the both of you.”

One of the servants with a tray of sausages lowered before the Queen. “Another succulent sausage, My Queen?”

“Oh, don’t mind if I do!” She said picking up one of the tubed meats before stuffing it all in in one go.

“Excuse me, Queen Novo,” Ocellus piped up, “But didn’t your niece said that there was supposed to be a traditional dance or something?”

“Oh!” She facepalmed, laughing. “Where did my head go off to? I nearly forgot.” Raising her arms, she clapped three times. “Bring out the dancers!” She turned to the pony and griffon. “By-the-way, since there’s nobody in the Hippogriff Kingdom has done the dance since our departure to the sea, I was forced to find some substitutes that come the closest to the actual dance.”

“I guess that’s fine.” Sandbar told her. “Who did you get?”

“Oh, a couple from a place in Las Pegasus.” She paused in thought. “I think it was a dance company with a funny name. What was it again?

And now, Ladies and Gents!” A voice called out. “The Las Pegasus Giddy Up Gentlecolt’s Club proudly presents a reacreation of a Hippogriff dance. Starring Diamond and Rough.

“Gentlecolt’s Clu…” Sandbar instantly realized something, immediately turning to Novo. “You hired strippers!?

She shrugged. “What? They’re the only ones that know how to dance with clothing.”

Then across from them, a curtain was pulled aside and out stepped out were two figures that stepped into the light of the square stage. One was a golden griffon who was at least ten years older than Gallus that had emerald eyes that can easily hypnotize anyone just by looking at them. He was wearing a white dress shirt and pants with a black tie and trench coat. He was joined up by a stallion. A silver coated, handsome face that had blue eyes with a slick back royal blue mane. He wore the reverse colors of his partner, a black dress shirt and pants, a white tie and overcoat.

When they entered onto that square flooring, they circled around the staging while those in the tent applauded to welcome them. The dancers took a moment, however, to wink at the young griffon and stallion sitting near the stage before they took their positions at a corner of the square space on opposite sides.

There was a moment of silence within the tent as the golden griffon raised a talon up and began to snap a rhythm. A rhythm that the queen clapped too and the servants provided the percussion. Yet, all eyes were on the dancers while the musicians began to add a melody on top of the rhythm. A seductive violin like instrument cast a spell of lust as the dancers looked over their shoulder to the other.

Then, right before their eyes, the griffon turned, with steps methodical, confident and with purpose approached the stallion from behind and lifting him up to where he stood on his hind legs. With one claw over the other’s heart and the other pulling the overcoat off while he nuzzled and necked at the pony’s neck. Meanwhile, the stallion used a hoof to loosen the griffon’s tie. At first, they sway and the stallion grinded up against the griffon’s form in the rhythm of the muisc, much to the wide-eyed, slack-jawed and blushing students.

Novo giggles, “Oh you’ve seen nothin’ yet.”

Indeed, when the music suddenly kicked up into a passionate, heart-thumping tempo, the stallion flipped himself around, facing the griffon to pull off his coat. Yet with each step they took, in time to the stomping rhythm, one could not keep their talon and hoof off the other. Here a tie is disregarded, there a button was undone, but as they danced, they necked, they caressed, and another piece of clothing is played with before tossing to the side.

Woo!” Smolder called out. “Take it off!” The other students looked at her. “What? C’mon, am I the only one that finds this hot?”

She wasn’t wrong. For Sandbar and Gallus, their gaze was transfixed on the dancers. Perhaps it was the gaze of desire in the eyes of the strippers or the provocative moves as one undressed the other. Either way, there was something hypnotic about this display that neither of them could explain. There was something… stirring once the shirts were loose open and draped over to where they can see the muscles that seemed to be carved out like classical Pegasi statues. Something burning about how the other caressed and rubbed between the legs, and occasionally allow the other to slip right into their pants.

In their minds where hormones kicked in, they fantasized themselves into that erotic role. A moment where Gallus could see himself groping at Sandbar’s most private parts while Sandbar can see himself pulling down the griffon’s pants. But it was within that moment where lust was prominent when the strippers were still moving in time to where they only had jock-straps… and nothing else – where they could see practically everything, did they realize that this was seriously turning them on.

O-Oh my…” They heard Ocellus say, her face turning bright red. Only she wasn’t looking at the dancers.

“What?” Gallus asked sharply.

“Um… guys… look down.”

Both young stallion and griffon did, before letting out a shriek of embarrassment and each grabbing a nearby pillow to cover themselves. All the while, they shared a look to one another. The kind that they both realized about themselves to where their erections were the absolute proof of what it was.

“I…” Sandbar was at loss for words.

“U-Uh…” And neither could Gallus.

That was before both of them rushed out of the tent, yelling simultaneously: “I’LL BE RIGHT BACK!!

The music died down when the husbands-to-be had rushed out of the tent, heading off to Celestia-knows-where. Even the dancers on stage found the sudden change in mood awkward to continue. Meanwhile, the girls, their faces still pink after witnessing the entertainment turned to Queen Novo. She tilted her head, “Huh, that’s funny, they’re supposed to run out until after they take off the jock-straps.”