• Published 12th Aug 2021
  • 915 Views, 2 Comments

Equestria Girls: Girl's League - Olakaan Peliik

Seven magical girls, one who's half ghost, and one's who's a teenage android. What do they all have in common? They all fight baddies of course.

  • ...

New In Town

The bus came to a halt and opened its doors. Dani was stepping off the bus to a new town. The sun was beginning to dip down below the skyline, signaling the end of the day. It was the first day of school tomorrow, and Dani was both excited and nervous.

“I know how to take care of myself, cousin. No need to worry about me,” she said into her cellphone as she pulled her suitcase off the bus behind her.

I know that, I just worry sometimes,” her cousin said over the phone.

“What’s to worry about? You taught me everything you know, and before I left you gave me a few of your gadgets like the Fenton Thermos, so if any of your old enemies show up I’ll be able to get rid of them,” Dani reminded him. “Besides, I came here to not be your Ghost Fighting cousin. Everyone in Amity Park and Casper High knew who I was. At Canterlot High, I’ll be normal, or as close to it I can get. Hopefully.”

I understand. Have you met up with Paladin yet? I asked that he meet you there.” Dani’s cousin asked.

“The way you described this Paladin Pendragon guy, he doesn’t sound real. Does he even know about Ghosts?” Dani asked.

Oh he knows, he helped me defeat Skulker and Ember when they tried to team up on me. And he even has a Ghost Portal, although I think he shut it down a while ago. Not to mention he’s Sam’s third cousin, so that helps.” Her cousin informed her.

“Ok, I’ll take your word for…" Dani lost her train of thought as a black and white muscle car drove up "Oh I think that’s him. I’ll talk to you later, cousin. Love ya.”

Love ya too. Good luck in school.” Dani’s cousin hung up.

She put the phone away and approached the black 67’ Camaro with white racing stripes pulling into the pick-up zone of the bus station, she leaned down to speak through the open window. “Paladin Pendragon, I presume?”

“Danielle Fenton? Or do you prefer your super name?” He asked. He was tall, brown hair, an inquisitive face, he wore an old but well taken care of black leather jacket, black jeans, and a white t-shirt, there were old stains on the t-shirt. His hands had calluses and were seemingly permanently stained with who knows what, and like his cousin Sam, he wore black combat boots.

“Fenton, please. And just call me ‘Dani’. Danielle is way too formal for my taste,” She corrected him as she put her stuff in the back seat and climbed in. “So where are we going?” Dani asked.

Paladin was pulling out into the street making a right to go further toward town. "The place my parents set up for me. It's an old airstrip, with a hangar. There are a pair of apartments up in the rafters. I have one, you get the other. That way you have total privacy."

"Sounds cool," Dani said, nodding approvingly.

"It is. There is an underground laboratory where the ghost portal is set up, off the grid and secret. It's all yours if you want it. I do my other hobbies above ground anyway." Paladin turned onto a road that didn't quite head into town, more parallel to it.

"What other hobbies?" Dani asked.

"Car restoration, aviation restoration, I even tinker with robotics every now and then." He answered.

They came to a tall electronic gate. "The code is '1409' don't tell anyone. I hate changing it." Paladin said as he put in the code and opened the gate.

"No problem," Dani responded.

They drove through the gate and Dani was intrigued by what she saw: a parted sea of classic cars and old planes and helicopter wrecks that served as mechanical parts to sift through. The runway was clear though and all the cars and aircraft nearest the hangar were in good if not working condition.

"Wow, you really do know how to fix things huh?" Dani asked as they parked near the door of the hangar.

"Yeah, I try not to spend my parent's money. I'm selling a few of these. That helicopter over there I actually sold yesterday. The guy is coming to pick it up at the end of the week." Paladin pointed to a helicopter over to the side with a tarp over it.

They didn't say anything else as they made their way inside. Inside the hanger, Dani was shocked to find a large airplane in the hangar. As they were turning toward the elevator, Paladin noticed her astonishment.

"It's a Boeing B-17, a Flying Fortress. That is a pet project, I'm trying to upgrade it. Upgraded engines, extend the range. Also, insulate it so it's not so cold to fly in."

"That is one of the coolest things I've seen," Dani exclaimed. "How'd you get it?"

"A lot of hard work. Sold about four restored aircraft at auctions, and seven cars. Peiced it together from parts found around the world."

"You bought it by yourself?"

"Yup! I'm very proud." They got off the elevator and Paladin led her over to one of the apartments. “Here is your key. It works for the small door down below your apartment, and the lab with the ghost shield. I stocked your refrigerator, pantry, and put fresh linens on the bed. Our mailing address is on the refrigerator should you want to order something. There is a golf cart just outside if you need to get to the gate to accept pizza or something. We have school in the morning, good night.” He rattled off before leaving.

Dani watched him as he walked back across the catwalk. What a curious person. She opened her door and was met with a modern interior. The kitchen space looked well equipped including cookbooks and a fire extinguisher. The bathroom was a bit small but then again she was the only one there. There was no tv in the bedroom, but there was a nice skylight above the bed with a clear view of the stars.

Dani began to unpack and put her clothes up in the closet. Afterward, she got ready for bed as she was doing so she caught sight of herself in the mirror. Her jet black hair, which she usually kept in a ponytail, was hanging past her shoulders, her blue eyes almost shimmered in the light, the skin of the average caucasian girl. She was in a three extra-large t-shirt she used for bed and it fell past her hips close to her knees.

For a moment Dani focused her mind, and triggered her DNA change, in a mild flash of light she was wearing the black and white form-fitting jumpsuit, her hair had turned snow white and and her eyes were glowing green, her skin had gone pale. Dani Phantom now stood in the mirror. Dani looked herself up and down.

“Still think moving away was a good idea?” she asked herself. “I guess we’ll see won’t we?”

She focused again and reverted back to her oversized t-shirt, her messy jet-black hair, blue eyes, and normal skin. “Goodnight, eh?” she said to herself before climbing into bed and falling asleep.

School the following morning was… awkward for Dani. Homeroom was okay for her though as she was not the only new student this year. An oddly excited girl named Jenny Wakeman was also introduced to the class, she sat in front of Dani. She seemed to have the answers to every single question the teacher asked, especially in math class. Physical Education was the first class without her.

In PE, the teacher was holding tryouts for various school sports activities. Soccer, Track, Baseball, and what interested Dani was that the School offered a Mixed Martial Art team. Dani signed up and waited for her turn with the coach. In the meantime, she watched the team captain of the soccer team, volleyball team, and the softball team, a girl named Rainbow Dash, put hopefuls through their paces.

Rainbow Dash, in no way, went easy on them. She went full force for each candidate, even those who were on the team the previous year. After each tryout, she allowed the people who indeed did the best against her, kept her from getting a goal the longest or something like that. It seemed to be an effective way to pick a team.

“Danielle Fenton!” the instructor called.

Dani stood from the bleachers and began to tie her ponytail into something tighter. Standing outside the octagon the instructor started to help her with the gloves, headgear and shin guards.

The School's Mixed Martial Arts program had two sides to it, the boys and the girls. The boys had fourteen weight classes to try out for, the girls only had four. The boys were after school, they were doing warm ups at the moment. The girls' tryouts were now.

Dani was a Featherweight fighter. Her opponent: a girl who had been at this a while. A freshman like her, she was built, she was a blonde and the coach had said her name but Dani wasn't paying attention at the time. This girl had won all the previous matches by tap-out.

Dani started paying attention to her technique after this girl had taken down the first three girls trying out for the team. Dani was the last one. The girls in the other weight classes were looking anxious for Dani. This girl, who was wiping the floor with the other hopefuls' go-to was to let her inexperienced opponent try and hit her and then go in for the grapple. Also favoring the chokehold.

Luckily Dani wasn't inexperienced. Stepping into the ring the coach reminded us of the rules: Stop fighting if he says so, no hair pulling, and reminded us to say something if we can't go on anymore.

The coach made us touch gloves just before he shouted "Fight!". Immediately Dani's opponent hopped backward gaining some distance. Dani merely kept herself away from the edge of the ring rather than rush in immediately as the others did.

This was the first time the girl had to change her tactics. So she started trying to bait Dani into throwing punches by getting close and throwing some kicks at her. Dani blocked easily as Dani knew they were meant to provoke and not damage.

Halfway through round one, Dani could see the overconfidence in her opponent showing she was getting arrogant. Getting dangerously close to Dani, even taunting her. Soon enough Dani would grant her wish of throwing a punch, but not in the way she imagined.

Dani's opponent got a little too close with a minute left on the clock, and Dani threw a right hook, which missed. Dani's opponent, as expected, went in for the grapple to Dani's mid-section. Dani countered by bringing her right knee up hard into the girl's forehead. Forcing her opponent to stand back up and clutch her forehead.

Dani went on the offensive, delivering four rapid blows to the girl's stomach, and when the girl went to block that, Dani quickly stepped back and delivered a flying roundhouse heel-kick to the side of her head.

The girl went down. As she was on her hands and knees, she was shaking her head, and waving to the coach. The coach told Dani to step back, as he listened to the girl briefly she must have said she was done because he declared Dani the winner.

As Dani was the last fighter of the Featherweight tryouts, she went to go sit on the bleachers again. As she was removing the tape from her hands, someone approached her.

"Hey, that was some fancy dancing up there!" A voice said from a seat beside Dani.

Dani looked over and, to her surprise, saw it was Rainbow Dash. "Thanks. You too." Dani pointed toward the field.

"Heh, thanks. I was pretty awesome wasn't I?" Dash said.

"Yeah, I kinda felt sorry for my fellow freshman though."

"Oh some of them did better than last year's recruits. So they weren't all bad." Dash said looking over all the exhausted kids who tried out.

"Yeah, I'll have to take your word for it." Dani smiled at her as she put the bundle of hand wrappings in her bag.

"Say some of my friends are meeting after School at Sugarcube Corner, you wanna come?" Dash offered.

"Yeah, I'm game, there is just one problem though." Dani started, Dash looked curious. "I just got to town yesterday afternoon. I know where nothing is."

"Oh, okay. Just meet me out in front of the school after the bell. I'm meeting up with one of my other friends before going there."

"Yeah, sure. I'll just let my ride know I won't be riding home with him." Dani told Dash.

"Cool, I gotta test the track team now, but I'll talk to you after school, yeah?" Dash asked as she took a step down the bleachers.

"For sure." Dani nodded.

Dash just gave a thumbs-up before hurrying down to the track.

"Making friends already," Dani muttered to herself as she pulled out the book for her chemistry assignment.

After the bell, Dani made her way out to the student parking lot where Paladin would be waiting. And sure enough, he was leaning against his car poking at his phone.

"Are you ready to go?" he asked as he put his phone away.

"I was invited to a get-together by some students. I'm meeting one of them by the front of the school."

"Oh, ok that works for me. Don't get into any trouble please." He said getting into his car.

"Please, what trouble?"

"Have you met your cousin?" He asked in response.

Dani was silent for a moment. "Ok, that's fair. Don't worry I'll be home before dark."

"Ok see ya." He started his car and drove off.

Dani then went out in front of the school to meet up with Rainbow Dash. Dash was easy enough to find amidst the crowd, the rainbow hair was easy to spot. She was with another girl with red, and fire-orange hair.

"Hey, Dash," Dani said as she approached.

"Oh, there you are. Dani, this is Sunset. Sunset, this is Dani. Pretty sure she's the school's new freshman Featherweight fighter."

"Impressive," Sunset said. "If it turns out to be true i'll want a picture for the school newspaper, and an interview."

Dani looked at Dash for an explanation. "Sunset is the editor of the school newspaper."

"Ah, well I'll gladly give a picture. We can negotiate an interview." Dani said with a grin.

Sunset smiled back. "Well we should get going, the others are probably already there, and Twilight met someone in her Advanced Sciences class and is bringing them."

"Yeah, let's get going. I'm starving." Dash said leading the way.

Sugarcube Corner was… well it was accurately named, Dani thought. It was indeed on a corner, and it was pink with frilly white trim and pastries in the windows. Upon entering it was obvious that they were a popular teen hang out spot, and served a full menu, other than sugary treats.

Dash and Sunset led Dani over to a table by the window where six girls were sitting. As they approached Dash introduced Dani. "Everyone, this is Dani. Dani this is Pinkie Pie…" Dash gestured to a girl with bubblegum pink bouncy hair and a wide and welcoming smile.

"...Applejack…" The girl that looked like she belonged on a farm instead of a teen hang out. She was blonde, with a few freckles on her face. She was tall and strong.

"...Rarity…" The girl was clean, very clean. Her royal purple hair looked as if it saw a hairdresser as much as she breathed. She was currently checking herself in a pocket mirror but did stop momentarily to greet Dani.

"...Fluttershy…" This girl had pink hair and it was long, she hid behind her hair save for her right eye, she didn't say anything but gently waved at Dani.

"...Twilight and her dog Spike." Dash finished. Twilight had glasses and purple hair, with two lighter shades of purple streaked in her hair. Spike was a purple and green happy dog.

"I don't know this one." Dash pointed to the last girl. It's the same girl Dani had noticed in homeroom and her other classes.

"Jenny, right?" Dani asked. "We have a few classes together."

"Oh yeah, you're the serious girl who sits in the back."

Dani almost laughed as she sat beside Jenny. "Just call me 'Dani'."

"Ok." Jenny glanced at a table across the room quickly before looking back at the other girls at the table. Dani looked and just saw a boy sitting there minding his own business reading a textbook.

"So AJ, remember that freshman at lunch today that was gonna try out for the MMA program?"

"You mean the one that was struttn' 'round and making a fuss? Not to mention nearly pushing Fluttershy over." AJ said with a touch of bitterness.

"Yeah her, well Dani here brought her down a peg or five. A knee to the forehead, four body shots and a heel-kick to the head and she was done." Dash did some mock gestures to emphasize her point.

"Well, I wish I could've seen that!" AJ said. With a smile. "Dash and I go to all the sports events for the school, even the ones she isn't involved in. Not just ‘cause my family's farm makes the drinks for those events."

"So should I expect you to be on my side of the ring?" Dani asked.

"Sure thing!" AJ said a little loudly.

"So Dani, you are new in town, correct?" Twilight asked.

"Yeah, just got here yesterday in fact. I'm staying with the cousin of my cousin's fiance."

"What about your parents?" Pinkie asked.

"No mom to speak of, Dad was a rich abusive control freak who up and disappeared one day so I was staying with family. However my cousin is sort of famous back where I come from and I needed a change. They supported my move out here and even arranged my stay with Paladin."

"Paladin? He always looks so, ugh, dirty." Rarity said, trying to sound not stuck up.

"If you've seen his place there is a good reason, he works." Dani commented.

"Stop!" Pinkie almost shouted. "I've been quiet about it but nobody has said anything about it. This is Jenny's first time in an actual school, and Dani is new in town. We should throw them a party!"

"Oh that's really not-" Dani had started to say it wasn't necessary. But Jenny suddenly got excited.

"A party? Like with lots of guests and food and music and stuff?"

"Totally! I'm gonna start planning it all! See you girls later!" Pinkie jumped out of her seat and almost ran out the door.

"Is there any sense in talking her out of that?" Dani asked.

"Not without hurting her feelings, no. We've tried before. It didn't go well," Sunset explained.

"I hope she doesn't go overboard, I really don't want-" Dani's breath was suddenly taken in, and on exhale, which under normal circumstances would indicate it was cold. For her, it meant one thing.

Ghost Attack.

Author's Note:

So for those of you who don't know or didn't watch the show: Dani Phantom is a clone of Danny Phantom and they consider themselves cousins. She has ghost powers in case that wasn't clear.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter, hit that thumbs up if you did. If you have a positive comment I'd love to hear it.