• Published 2nd Jun 2019
  • 1,374 Views, 223 Comments

Further Tales From Day Court - Blade Star

A sequel to 'Tales From Day Court'. Follow Roger as he serves as the princesses' legal advisor.

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Chapter 36 - The Changing of the Guard

It was a beautiful summer’s day in the gardens of Canterlot Castle. The sun was shining, birds were singing, all seemed right with the world. And I found myself idly regarding the place’s newest addition in the form of a new statue. I munched on an apple I brought with me from home for lunch, fresh off the tree from Sweet Apple Acres.

I wasn’t sure what to feel at this point. Should I feel bad for the three of them, trapped forever in stone? Or should I have nothing but contempt for the three most dangerous villains who arguably came closest to destroying Equestria, albeit indirectly? At the present, I was feeling a bit of both, although leaning quite strongly towards the latter. I stared up at the three creatures, the raging Chrysalis, and the begging Tirek and the cowering Cozy.

“I think the phrase ‘I told you so’, is appropriate,” I said to them. “Discord says you’re still awake in there, so I know you’re listening.”

The three statues didn’t move an inch, rather unsurprisingly.

“Tirek, I told you, I warned you, that if you ever tried anything, you’d be begging for me to kill you by the end of it. And I’m sure you would be, if you could still speak that is. Chrysalis, I trust you remember our little chat too? Would you rather I slashed your throat then and there I wonder? And Cozy, congratulations, you’ve convinced me that it is possible for a child to be born evil, so bravo.”

It was all rather cathartic to me. I knew, of course, that this was where we would end up at the end of the day. The Tree hadn’t been specific, but I knew that these three were doomed to fail. As threatening as they were, given Twilight and her friends’ track record, it was more an inconvenience at best. Ponies might have been rattled by the whole business, but I’d found it...well, annoying if anything else.

“I’m just sorry things had to end this way. Trust me, if it had been up to me, I would have just had all three of you flung into Tartarus. I wouldn’t wish this on my worst enemy. But you had your chance. Each of you were given the opportunity, in some cases on several occasions, to reform, and you chose not to. Still, that doesn’t mean I have to like it. I think that, with help, you might have become allies, rather than enemies.

“I mean, Tirek, let’s start with you. I know all about your issues with your father. It’s a story I’ve seen too many times to count. Chrysalis, whatever else I might say about you, you were a gifted ruler and strategist. Had you accepted Starlight’s offer, I would have been pleased to see an alliance between our peoples, with you still as their leader; the one who got them through starvation and found a new path. And Cozy, it’s bad enough to see this happen to hardened villains, but it’s so much worse to see it happen to a child. You might be crazy, but I always thought you could be helped.”

I let out a sigh and took another bite of the apple.

“I just don’t get it,” I said after a moment. “I get the whole revenge thing, sure. But why, when offered a way out, did you not take it? That Tree thing told me how you three bonded up on Mount Everhoof. You saw what friendship can do. Why reject it after that? Why continue down that same road?”

Of course, I got no answer. I let out a hollow laugh. I’m sure even if they could speak, I wouldn’t be getting the answers I wanted.

Let me fill you all in on what happened. The long and short of it, was that Discord’s idiotic plan came unstuck. Turns out these three nutjobs actually did managed to get a hold of Grogar’s bell, and their break in at the archives gave them the information they needed to use it. They managed to siphon old Grogar’s magic into themselves, and also used it to drain Discord of his powers, although they weren’t able to use it themselves, thank goodness.

Armed with this magic, they attacked Canterlot, blowing straight through the defences and capturing the princesses, the Elements, and the Pillars. That bitch Chrysalis even managed to use the chunks of her old throne to fashion anti-magic cells for them. Twilight, thanks to her friends, was able to get away though, to the Crystal Empire. Worse still, the three had covertly been undermining the bonds between the three tribes, and this briefly caused the Windigoes to start circling.

Luckily, by degrees, the others were able to break out, partly thanks to Discord. After helping Twilight regain her confidence (Discord’s plan actually had the opposite effect of shattering her self-belief for a time) they launched a counter attack. And at the same time, the students from the school, rounded up pretty much everypony they could think of, from changelings, to yaks, to buffalo, to humans (the lot of us were in Ponyville since we actually got an early warning of the attack from Discord), while Twilight’s friends helped reforge the bonds between the ponies. This eventually resulted in a sodding great battle, which ended with all of us, myself and my family included, channelling the magic of friendship and blasting all three of them with a rainbow of harmony, stripping them of their ill-gotten magic and restoring everything.

Given how serious things had been, a seriously cheesed off Celestia, Luna and Discord acted decisively. No more chances at reformation, no more being sent to Tartarus. All three of them were petrified on the spot. And Celestia had no intention of letting them out.

That had been a week ago. The damage to the castle had been repaired, and things had returned more or less to normal. The bonds between the three tribes were closer than ever, and there was even talk of a permanent alliance being formed between all the nations and peoples who joined in to help.

However, it still saddened me that it had come to this. Permanent petrification was a hell of a punishment; far worse than death if you ask me. But then again, what can you do with dangerous criminals that won’t reform and continue to be a threat to society? In a world that doesn’t practice the death penalty, this was your answer. Anyway, back to my one sided conversation.

“It didn’t have to go down like this,” I said to the three of them.

“Well, technically, it did,” another voice said as Discord joined me. I turned to my friend who now stood beside me.

“Hey, old man,” I said. “You come to say your piece too?” Discord shrugged.

“Oh, I think you’ve already said all I would,” he replied. “Besides, even if they can hear us, whether they’re listening is entirely another matter. For all I know they’re all just screaming trying to drown us out.”

There’s a thought.

“Celestia asked me to check on you. She said you’d been a bit pensive these past few days.”

“I just can’t help but wish there was another way,” I said to him.

“If it makes you feel any better, Roger,” Discord replied. “Had we kept on doing things my way, Grogar would have attacked Equestria, done the stereotypical nonsense, and then started taking things too far. I figured that, with Twilight and her friends struggling against him, these three might have a bit of a Return of the Jedi moment, reform, and help them defeat me.”

“Too bad they got the drop on you, huh?” I poked. Discord is still sore about that. After all, it’s the second time he got caught napping. And given how the whole thing was more or less his fault, I figured he deserved some ribbing. “I warned you that would happen, remember?”

“Yes,” Discord replied icily. “Still, thanks to that marvellous tree, events stayed their course and we got the right outcome. Twilight is confident in her ability to run Equestria, that last three outstanding bad guys are not going to be bothering anypony any more, and the next generation is ready to take the stage.”

At that, I thought back to the trio’s final moments. After taking a rainbow to the face, Discord used the bell to restore his and the princesses’ magic. With only their normal magic to call on (none in the case of Cozy) they were at their mercy. It still unsettled me somewhat. I recalled with perfect clarity what Celestia did.

She never raised her voice.

That was the worst thing; the fury of the alicorn.

And it was then I discovered why; why Celestia, who had powers almost beyond my comprehension, why she so often stood by as an almost passive observer and left Twilight to save the day.

She was being kind.

With a thought, she, Luna and Discord turned the three to stone, trapping them together forever. There was no mercy in her eyes, no look of sorrow. Each had been given a chance, the option to walk away, to reform, or just accept their fate. Such was their punishment.

I shook myself out of that stupor as Discord tapped me on the shoulder.

“Hey, you okay?” he asked with some concern. I nodded.

“Yeah, fine,” I replied, only partly lying. “So what happens now?”

“Well, now things carry on,” Discord replied. “Tia and Lulu are going to be stepping down next week. Twilight will ascend to the throne and...well, I guess we’ll see what happens.”

“It still feels strange,” I said. “I know this has all been coming for months, but I still can’t quite believe it’s actually happening.” Discord smiled.

“I felt the same way when I saw the three tribes give up their claims to a certain two young alicorns,” He admitted. “Everypony was nervous and unsure of what was going to happen. They were going to completely upend the political system, doing away with the Unicorn Council, the Pegasi High Command, and the Earth Pony Assembly. All three tribes were to be unified under these two new, untested rulers,. Nopony knew if it would even work.

“But then little Tia raised the sun for the first time. Everypony cheered and celebrated. It was as if they knew all was going to go right. And for the next century, the new realm of Equestria enjoyed a time of peace and prosperity. Ruled over by the Two Sisters, and defended by the Pillars of Equestria, the new nation entered a period of harmony, just as we have now.”

“It’s going to be weird,” I said with a chuckle. “I’ve gotten so used to their being some major event every few months. It’ll be strange to just have things carry on without interruption. No ancient bad guys coming back for another try, no skulking whack job trying to create a new world order.”

“Oh, don’t worry, there will still be the odd bit of chaos and plenty of adventures to keep you all interested,” Discord said reassuringly. “Harmony cannot exist after all without just a bit of chaos.”

“It still sucks these three will never be able to be a part of it,” I said, a little sadness returning to my voice. Discord shrugged.

“Hey,” he said. “It may not be that way. After all, I eventually came around. It might have taken me just over a thousand years, but I managed it. I wouldn’t say this is the end of the road for them.”

I reflected on that. He may be right. Of course, I wouldn’t be around to see it.

At that moment, my boss, at least for the next week, joined us in the gardens. Celestia had been riding quite the popularity wave recently. Despite all that happened, the public just remembered her, Luna and Discord soundly defeating their enemies and saving the day. At the same time, they’d seen the same of their new future ruler. So the current princesses would get to retire on a high note, and ponies trusted Twilight to protect them in the future.

“I thought I might find you two here,” she said as she strolled up. I briefly pulled the alicorn, who is after all, one of the few creatures in Equestria that’s near my height, into a hug.

“We were just admiring the latest additions to your garden Tell me, does this count as a castle warming gift for Twilight?” I went to bat Discord behind the head, but he deftly ducky out of the way.

“Actually,” I said. “We were just talking about if they’ll ever end up going the same way as Discord.”

“Anything is possible,” Celestia agreed. “But remember, Discord took a thousand years to get where he is today. And each of these three have had their own chances at reformation before. While I will never discount the possibility, I have to admit that it seems unlikely.”

I again found myself staring at the evil trio.

“It’s strange, Tia,” I said after a moment. “Equestria has perhaps the most binary judicial system I’ve ever come across. Breaking the law is either not punished, and the guilty party is put through a program of reformation, or the punishment is harsh enough to make everycreature sit up and take notice.”

“I believe you were the one who coined the phrase no half measures, Roger,” she replied with a ghost of a smile.

Our little gathering now swelled again, as we were joined by Luna, Bones, Margaret and Lizzie. My family were all up here for the ad hoc celebration that had taken over Canterlot in the aftermath of things. God knows after something like that, we all needed to spend some time together, just until things eased back into normalcy.

“And when Alexander saw the breadth of his domain, he wept,” Bones said theatrically. “For their were no more worlds to conquer.” My wife rolled her eyes.

“You don’t half come out with some nonsense, do you?” she said to him. Bones chuckled.

“Ah figured it was fittin’,” he replied, before pointing to the petrified villains. “That right there, is the last of the bad guys. No more ancient threats, no more villains from foreign lands, no more schemin’ unicorns. Harmony has finally triumphed.”

“I still kinda feel sorry for Cozy Glow,” Lizzie said, eyeing the cowering filly. “I know she’s was properly messed up in the head, but it still sucks that she’s going to be stuck like that, being just a little kid and all.”

“That little kid,” Margaret pointed out. “Was willing to destroy everything just to get one over on Twilight and the others.”

“Yeah, of all three, she was definitely the most nuts,” Bones agreed. “Ah mean, I get the roid monkey, and I get the love thief, but even if you cover everything in snow, ain’t nopony gonna follow a filly.”

All of us now turned our attention to the statue. Unsurprisingly, they still didn’t move, speak, or doing anything one does when not petrified.

“It is regrettable,” Luna said at length. “I can personally say I didn’t much care for being petrified. But when confronted with a threat so grave and persisted as these three, one must act decisively.”

“Very true,” I agreed. “Sometimes, good men must do bad things to make the world right.”

Discord shot me a knowing look.

A couple days later saw me at the dinner table, along with Margaret and the kids. Owing to the recent close shave, and the fact that half the castle needed redoing, I had some time off to recoup. All four of us were taking the opportunity to spend some time together again. As I’ve said many times before, it’s always nice to reconnect and touch base with everyone. Everything’s changing now, and my kids are now different. Hell, there not really kids any more. Lizzie’s out on her own with her coltfriend Dewdrop, with a steady job and a place of her own. The same goes for Bones; he’s gainfully employed, moved out and living his own life.

What’s that old passage; ‘When I was a child, I spake as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child. But when I became a man, I put away childish things’. That’s where my life is now. The kids have flown the nest, and it won’t be too long before I enter my twilight years. It’s the same for all Equestria with Celestia and Luna retiring. Then again, they also say the more things change, the more they stay the same.

Anyway, all four of us had gathered together for a convivial family dinner. Margaret had done everyone spaghetti bolognaise, with vegetarian options of course in the form of quorn mince for our herbivore children. We were discussing what the future held.

“It’s certainly going to be interesting,” Margaret said. “Although I know the kids will miss having Twilight occasionally stop by with magic lessons for the unicorns.”

“Yeah, not having Twilight around is gonna be real weird,” Lizzie agreed. “I hear Starlight is going to be looking after the castle and the library for her.”

“Ah’m sure Twilight will still stop by from time to time,” Bones added. “Canterlot is only a teleport spell away after all.”

“I’m still going to miss her though,” Margaret replied. Bones sighed and nodded wordlessly. A slight sense of melancholy descended over our little gathering.

Things were changing, and yes, it was for the better, but Twilight, along with Spike, was about to walk out of our lives almost. I wouldn’t be able to just drop in and say hello. It was like she was taking a part of Ponyville with her. In a way, I suppose she was. Over the last, what has it been, a decade, she’s become an institution. All of us were good friends with her, and it would now be that much harder to keep connected, just as it was getting with my kids. I hadn’t felt like this since Bones went off to university. I tried to gently change the subject.

“On the flip side,” I said encouragingly. “It’ll be a whole lot easier to see Tia and Luna now.”

“Where are they off to anyway?” Margaret asked, shooting an annoyed glare at Lizzie as she childishly slurped up her spaghetti. “Are they staying in the castle?” I shook my head.

“They’re going to live at Silver Shoals for a while,” I explained. Bones damn near choked on his dinner.

“That’s a God damn nursing home!” he exclaimed in alarm. “This whole abdication thing ain’t costin’ them their immortality is it?!” I did my best to calm down the pony fanboy I call my son.

“It’s a retirement village,” I replied. “They just wanted to get used to living out of the castle before they set out on their own. And it isn’t some Jurassic Park. There are plenty of ponies my and your mother’s age there. There’s no nurses. It’s more like one of those gated communities, you live in your own place, but there’s help if you need it. Apparently Luna already invaded the HOA and staged a coup so she and Celestia can bring their pets with them.”

That got a laugh from everypony.

“I suppose it will be nice in that sense. We’ll all get to see the two of them as you do,” Margaret said. “God knows being the boss for so long gets you down.”

“And it’ll let Luna take things further with that Stygian pony,” Lizzie added.

“Lizzie, what have I told you about reading the Foal Free Press. It’s worse that the Mail, the Star, the Express, and the Sun combined.” I decided to drop a bit of a bomb.

“True though,” I said with a grin. Bones damn near turned green at that. He might care deeply for Applejack, but I know he always sort of fancied Luna as an unattainable crush.

So the revised coronation date crept ever closer. Things were soon a hive of activity in the castle. Court had been pretty much suspended during the transition period. After all, the last thing Celestia or Luna wanted to do to Twilight was leave her with problems half resolved. So instead all business had been temporarily halted until the new gaffer was installed.

Still, there was plenty to do, for me, mostly paperwork. After all, my services were retained at the diarchy’s pleasure, so I effectively had to hash out a new contract of employment for me to work with the new princess. And that went the same for everypony. The guards would automatically swap over to Twilight, as dictated in their oath to follow all of Celestia and Luna’s lawful heirs and successors, but pretty much all the maids, butlers, cleaners, cooks, and everypony else that kept Canterlot Castle running needed to have new contracts. Twilight also needed to re-approve all members of what I will continue to call the Privy Council, and had to go through ceremonies with the nobility acknowledging her as the new princess and rightful heir to the throne. And that’s ignoring all the paperwork to do with the abdication. You can’t just up and leave when you’re a princess you know.

It was dull as anything, but if I didn’t do it, Equestria would go the way of the Yanks when they can’t figure out a budget. Still, when lunchtime rolled around at last, I took the opportunity to pay call on Celestia. She knew we probably both needed a break. She’s had it just as bad, teaching Twilight all she needs to know it terms on etiquette and all her new duties, Luna too. Although I understand that she will continue to keep an eye on the Dreaming World for some time yet, so as to help Twilight ease into her new role. After all, Celestia never did it when Luna was away.

I found Celestia in the throne room, now with its roof back on and fully repaired. Last time this happened, the magic of the four alicorns undid all the damage. This time, it was good old earth pony labour that rebuilt the place. I kinda feel sorry for the architect. He only got the new throne room finished about a year ago, and now it’s been blasted to bits and been redesigned again to reflect the new monarchy. As I walked in, I found Celestia overseeing two of her guards hauled her throne away. Smiling, I leaned on the doorway.

“You know,” I said, catching her attention. “Traditionally, you pinch a few odds and ends of stationary, or at worst copper wiring, when you leave a job. Half-inching the furniture is somewhat frowned upon.” Celestia chuckled.

“Well, considering this is technically my house,” she replied. “I think I’m allowed to take a few mementos.”

“I have to admit, I was always slightly jealous of you with that chair. That thing looks pretty comfy.” Celestia smiled and shrugged her shoulders.

“Well, if you have to run an entire country, you might as well be comfortable while you’re doing it,” she said with a chuckle. Her smile then turned mischievous. “Why don’t you give it a try?”

I was a little caught off guard by that. If there’s anything that can really cheese off Celestia, it’s anypony but her sitting in her chair. One of Discord’s favourite ways to tease her was to do just that. She’d walk into the throne and find him lounging there, grinning at her. More than once, we had to get builders in to repair the damage she did to the back wall in an effort to his the draconequus with her magic. Hell, Even Luna wasn’t allowed there. That was partly why they’d sprung for separate thrones when the place was remodelled. Still, would you turn down the offer?

“Sure, go on then,” I said with my best roguish grin.

I had sit crossed legged in the seat since, like most pony chairs, the throne wasn’t built for bipeds to dangle their legs over the edge. Still, the high back was nice to lean back against, and the seat itself was rather comfortable. I took the opportunity to lean back and relax as Celestia smiled down at me.

“Comfortable?” she asked coyly.

“Very,” I replied. “I can see why you spent so much of your time in this thing and had Twilight catch the bad guys.”

Celestia laughed and playfully batted at me with a wing, which I managed to dodge. Getting back to my feet, I offered to lend the two guards a hand in getting it hauled out to the waiting chariot. Celestia followed serenely behind.

“So,” I said as we made our way down the corridor. “Everything all set for Twilight's coronation?”

“Pretty much,” Celestia replied. “I must admit I’m glad Luna and I ended up putting things off for a while. The ceremony is going to be quite elaborate, and I think the exchange of power should have a bit of pomp and circumstance as you say.”

“How’s the Canterlot Symphony coming with the music I provided?”

In a nod to the only other coronation in living memory, I’d given the Canterlot Symphony Orchestra, who would be handling all the music for the event, a copy of Zadok the Priest; the traditional coronation anthem since the days of King George II.

“It’s an excellent piece,” Celestia said. “Young Octavia was playing a few of your world’s selections last week as well you know. She’s a most gifted musician, more so when she’s teamed with Vinyl Scratch. A more strange, yet fascinating musical genre I’ve never come across.”

We now came to the landing platform, stepping out into the open air. The two earth pony guards hauled about the throne, alone with several other large items and suitcases. To my surprise, Celestia too climbed aboard.

“You leaving already?” I asked curiously. Celestia shook her head.

“I’m just going down to Silver Shoals to get a few things moved in,” she explained. “I’ll be back by this evening to lower the sun.”

I don’t know why, but it was at this moment, that I felt compelled to speak my mind.

“I have to admit, Tia,” I said. “I never figured you’d be retiring before me. I figured I’d grow old and frail, and you’d still be sitting in that chair, keeping us all on the straight and narrow. Hell, I kinda wish I was going with you. I wouldn’t mind flying off into the sunset.” Now it was Celestia’s turn to smile.

“But you’ve got a job to do,” she replied softly. “Where I’m going, you can’t follow. What I’ve got to do, you can’t be any part of.” Her eyes turned misty and wistful as she looked out onto the open horizon. A moment later, she turned back to me, that same knowing gleam in her eye.

“Roger,” she said. “I’m no good at being noble, but it doesn’t take much to see that the problems of three little ponies don’t amount to a hill of beans in this crazy world.”

I chuckled at her little reference.

“Here’s lookin’ at you, Tia,” I replied.

With that, Celestia signalled for the two guards to take off. She did indeed return later that evening. But in all honesty, I think that was the last time I saw Princess Celestia. From then on, it was just my friend Tia.

The coronation would take place a few days after that. It was all set up to be this wonderful, elaborate ceremony marking the historic change in Equestria’s government. The Two Sisters would step aside, and allow somepony new to take their place, who would lead Equestria into the future.

What we actually got was...well, it was a bit of a farce if I’m honest. Twilight and her friends ended up arriving a little behind their time, and things quickly snowballed from there. The highlight of the event was supposed to be when Celestia and Luna would remove their own crowns, and with their magic, fuse them into one for Twilight. Somehow, the poor alicorn ended up overbalancing on the balcony and went plummeting to the earth below. Of course, her wings saved her from that, but she didn’t look half daft in that ornate coronation gown and ungainly flapping back up to the balcony.

Still, it was funny, and everypony had a good laugh. Laughing with her mind you, not at her. In a way, the little mistakes and foibles made Twilight seem like...well, Twilight. She wasn’t becoming somepony else. Sure she was now a princess of Equestria, but she was still our Twilight; that adorable little bookworm that Tia had had to coax out of her rooms and all but force to make friends. It was comforting, and it made the whole event memorable for everypony, like Big Mac’s proposal to Sugar Belle. It wasn’t perfect, but everypony I know looks back on the day with fond nostalgia.

The crowds cheered, trumpets blared and for the first time in their lives, Celestia and Luna took a bow. They now renounced their titles as princesses and recognised the authority of Equestria’s new monarch. Her Grand Royal Highness Princess Twilight Sparkle of the Realm of Equestria.

I was up there too. Not on the balcony mind you. I was with the rest of the princesses’ advisors and ministers, just a little way behind, dressed in my finest courtesy of good old Elusive. Shining was there too, as was Flash Magnus in their best dress uniforms, and Cadence with little Flurry Heart. Even Blueblood, who’s really turned a corner these days was there, as head of the nobility to swear his allegiance to the new monarch.

With the final act completed and a new princess crowned, the coronation ball began; a grand festival to rival even the Grand Galloping Gala. Celestia and Luna stepped off of the balcony along with Twilight and we all proceeded down to the main hall of the castle. I managed to spend the trip there between the two former princesses.

“Well, I’m sure history won’t forget that coronation in a hurry,” I said with a chuckle as we walked. Tia smiled and chuckled too.

“I must admit, I thought things might not go quite to plan, but I never envisioned Twilight falling off the balcony. Still, at least we didn’t have to contend with yet another ancient evil.” Since she was now ‘off duty’ as it were, I decided to have a little fun.

“On that front,” I said. “Just to be clear; that was all of them, right? There’s no other bad guys from a thousand years ago that might come back wanting revenge?” Celestia paused for a moment and thought.

“No, I think we’ve dealt with all of them,” she said gladly. “There’s no more ‘bad guys’ as you put it left. Peace and Harmony have at long last prevailed.”

“What say you, Luna?” I asked.

“My sister is right,” the former night princess agreed. “Evil has at last been vanquished, and dear Twilight Sparkle shall make a fine princess to oversee Equestria’s new golden age. She and her friends shall protect Equestria and we shall always be on hoof to help if needed, as shall the Pillars and our nation’s many allies.”

“Speaking of,” Celestia chimed in. “I was speaking with the various other rulers in the aftermath of Discord’s little experiment. Given how we all came together to fight a common foe, and how we have all helped each other over this past decade, there is quite a consensus.”

“On what?” I asked. Celestia now unveiled her last gift to her one time pupil.

“They are willing to all enter into a treaty of mutual alliance,” she said. “Ourselves, the Griffon Kingdom, Yakyakistan, the Buffalo Nations, the Dragon Lands, the Changeling Empire; they are all willing to form a somewhat smaller version of what I believe on your world was called the United Nations.”

I knew Celestia had been toying with an idea like this for a few months now. Ever since Chrysalis was overthrown, Equestria has had no more bad guys in terms of hostile states, just individual lunatics. What better way to spread the magic of friendship than by cementing the bonds that had been formed? Celestia continued.

“The ground work has been laid, and the leaders are all willing to meet with Twilight in a couple of months time to discuss the formation of such an organisation. If all goes well, by this time next year, the nations will all sign a unilateral peace treaty with one another.”

“Tis a fine gift for our successor,” Luna said with a smile. “She has helped bring peace and harmony to Equestria, and as we step down, we sow the seeds to spread it across the world.”

We now came to the great hall, which was already filled with ponies eager to meet their new princess, including the young alicorn’s friends and my own family. The three of us paused at the threshold. I figured Tia and Luna would have to do a fair bit of mingling and hobnobbing. So I decided to say my piece while I had the chance.

“The two of you,” I said. “Just before you go off to mingle, can I just say something? I want to thank you. When we all got here ,we had nothing but the clothes on our backs. You gave me a job, my family a home, and helped us rebuild our lives here in Equestria. I’ve been proud to have worked with you, and honoured to call you both my dearest friends. I’m going to miss you.”

I felt a tear forming in my eye. Seeing how actions tend to speak louder than words, I simply leaned in and hugged the two mares, my two friends. And they hugged back.

It would have been a touching moment, if I hadn’t suddenly felt a lion paw and eagle claw at my back. All three of us started at once as we realised Discord had suddenly joined our little group.

“Discord!” I said in alarm as well all suddenly shot apart.

“What?” he said. “Don’t I get to share in this touching moment of fond farewells?”

“You’re not retiring,” I replied. “I know for a fact I’ll come home tonight and find you nicking beers out of my fridge.” Celestia, ever the peacemaker, smoothed things over.

“Now, now, my dear ad...” She was about to say ‘advisor’ but caught herself. “My dear friend. Discord has been just as close a friend these past few years. And I’m sure he’s going miss us just as much.”

Discord now looked away a little shyly, something I’d not expected to see from the draconequus.

“I am,” he admitted simply with a small smile. “Take care of yourself Celly, you too Lulu.” He then hugged the two alicorns like old friends. To think they had been bitter enemies for so long. All parties were by now dabbing their eyes.

“Come on,” Luna said, blinking back her own tears. “Let us go and join in the party. We have much to celebrate.”

And so, the next day, I had myself a new boss. Twilight would spend much of her first week just getting to know everypony she had working for her. Just before lunch, she came to pay call on me in my office. I’d known Twilight as a friend for many years, and I was sure our relationship would be pretty much the same as the one I had with Tia. Still, for our first meeting with her as princess, I opted to stand on ceremony.

Buttercup let her into my office, bowing as he did so. Twilight walked in with the beginnings of an air of confidence, but she hadn’t quite mastered it yet. She was still that adorable little bookworm, even with that crown on her head.

Getting to my feet, I too offered my best bow to her, making the alicorn look just a touch uncomfortable. She never was one to fully buy into the whole ceremony that came with being a royal. Back in Ponyville, she hardly ever wore her old crown, and never had anypony call her princess. She didn’t object when ponies did, but always preferred to be just Twilight.

“Princess Twilight Sparkle,” I said with a kind smile. “A pleasure as always.”

“Hello again, Roger,” she said brightly. “Thank for seeing me on such short notice.” I chuckled and waved her thanks away.

“Princess, for you I am open all hours. As of yesterday, you are my only full time client. I am here to represent and advise you on any and all matters relating to Equestrian or foreign law. Should you ever need advice when holding court, you need only send young Buttercup here, and I shall be there to offer counsel.” Twilight chuckled back.

“Roger,” she said. “Please, I already know your job as my legal advisor. And you don’t have to call me princess. Unless we’re in court, just call me Twilight like you always do.”

“Of course, Twilight,” I said, dropping the overly official tone I’d been using a moment before. “Pull up a chair and we can make a start. Thanks, Buttercup.”

The young stallion nodded his head and departed, leaving the two of us alone.

“So, Twilight, whatever shall we talk about?”

With that, the two of us went over all the nitty gritty of my duties as her legal advisor. We worked out how Twilight wanted to run things. It seemed, like Celestia, she was looking for something of a confidant. Of course, she already had something like that in Spike, who she had given the title of Royal Advisor, so I would be sharing the limelight somewhat, but I was happy to help the alicorn find her feet in these first few months.

And so, the reign of Princess Twilight Sparkle began. The first few months were perhaps a little unsteady, as if often the case following the stepping down of a long standing leader, but in time, Twilight became a fine ruler, and I served her loyally as an advisor and friend.

Life eventually again settled down into a comfortable routine, only with a different princess sitting on the throne. The months and years passed with no monster attacks, invasions or attempted coups.

Bones once told me that when the show he loved so much first started, Equestria had seemed like a utopia. With episodes though, it became clear that, like earth, it had its share of problems. Now though, it was different, it really was slowly becoming that utopia he first saw. I often wonder what we’d do if we ever did find a way back to Earth. Starswirl, Twilight, Tia and Luna, even Discord weren’t sure how we ended up here, and the way we’d come had been sealed by my own command.

But you know, I think, if we had the chance today, even if it was back and forth, I don’t think we’d take it. Our lives have changed so much over the last near decade. This was our life now. I have a good job, so does Margaret. Lizzie and her boyfriend and setting out on their own, and Bones too has forged a new life for himself in a way I don’t think even he ever expected. I mean, who would have thought that I’d be sitting here, writing all this, working as an advisor to purple pony princess. It sounds like something out of children’s story. But it’s my life.

And you know what? I wouldn’t have it any other way.

Author's Note:

Proofread by Sweetolebob18.

And so, we reach the finale at last. I'll be honest; to me, the final three episodes were...meh. They were by no means terrible, but not what I'd been hoping for. Still, it was a good end, so I shan't grumble.

Anyway, onwards to the epilogue.

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