• Member Since 16th Jan, 2019
  • offline last seen June 3rd


Writing wrongs.


Two human scientists from Earth decide to perform the ultimate litmus test on Twilight's abilities as an alicorn: They try to run Doom on her.

The scientist Gordon is based on the character from Freeman's Mind.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 43 )


Something tells me this is the prequel to the inevitable Twilight x Gamer Luna shipfic.

And then the tearful breakup. "Is that all I am to you? A glorified Pontium 386?" "Hold on, dearest, I just reached Dis and I'm on track for a PR."

E1M1 Intensifies

Wait. Is that Gordon Freeman and B.J. Blazkowicz working together to make Twilight Sparkle run DOOM, whose protagonist is the descendant of B.J. Blazkowicz of Wolfenstein game fame?

MrArtyon #5 · Mar 4th, 2019 · · 1 ·

But can it run Crisis?

Quakeguy helped them set up their little lab, but he didn't make an appearance. Duke Nukem would have helped as well, but he found his gum and couldn't take time off from chewing it.

I enjoyed reading this. The premise was simple but novel, the writing was pretty solid, and that spellcasting sequence in particular was well done.

Plus, it features ponykind and humanity actually getting along. That instantly gives it bonus points in my eyes. :)

Have a Like!

No the question is can she run Arma 3.

So all this time, my ancient pc from the wee 90's... Could've been a unicorn for all the floppy discs I've had to use to install the game!

No, the real question is if she can run Crysis... 3.

"All right Twilight, we will get the screen crystal we got from your brother and we want you to cast it there. B.J. will get the Chips and the Coke kitchen. If you are asking what you just did. Well, you just proved that it is possible and very much practical for unicorns to learn computer programs. Which means they can be charged into your crystals, and that means that we figured a short cut for Ponies to get human computing technology. We tested this first with the action adventure monster slaying game DOOM. As a reward, you will cast it to the crystal screen, and from there we shall play the over twenty-five year old classic like I played it as a boy. With sugary drinks and fried potatoes loaded with salty goodness!"

But can she run Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess?

Emtu #13 · Mar 6th, 2019 · · ·

now lets see her run quake

Aaand there's Bethesda announcing yet another Skyrim port.

I don't have time to read this so I need an awncer. Can you or an you not run doom on a alicorn?

So... how does one play in this format? I mean, can only Twilight play, or can others do so? And if her, does she do so by running the instructions through her horn like magic pulses? Or is there something akin to a keyboard or joystick?

Man...all that science wasted because Gordon couldn't take the time to see about replacing the digitized music files with something more pleasing to the ear, like the Evil Horde version.

"So far, so good, your highness. Now, let's start actual pl--"


"Your Highness?"

"I... I require Cheetos. And Mountain Dew."

"I... see. Might I ask why?"


Given Twilight still has enough resources available to be able to respond to the world around her, looks like she is more than a PC.

She is multitasking. :twilightblush:

Will the first pink blog she comes accross turn out to be Pinkie Pie?

Isnt there Doom for the 12 Mhz 68000 based Texas Instruments scientific calculator?:pinkiecrazy:

ya but follow up can it run crysis?

The title kinda ruins the punchline.

Giggles in SoundBlaster 16 OPL-3 FM synth

This is what gives me life

So, did they get Twilight just to build a stand-alone instance of running Doom? Because it sorta implies they got her to implement everything from the hardware on up - which would be pretty amazing. Now I kinda want a story that goes on from here, exploring what might be achieved if they stop shackling Twilight's spell-simulation to binary logic and explore whether unicorn spell-forms like this can support logic on a different foundation.

Freeman, Gordon and William J. Blazkowicz III. "Software Conversion from Microprocessor to Alicorn." Canterlot Journal of Arcane Studies 216.4 (1008): 12-18. Print.

Hey, if you didn't publish, it didn't happen. :derpytongue2:

In any case, the exposition's oddly placed and the title spoils the punchline terribly, but the concept is sound. Just be a bit more careful about when and where you divulge information that's best kept close to the vest until the end.

That was the original plan, but I liked the title and easy cover art too much to make it a reveal, and decided to just tell it more as a simple no-surprises story of a silly concept.

I also did not expect this to do nearly this well, haha. But the feedback is appreciated, and if I had planned to try harder, I probably would have made it a reveal/punchline instead. Well, too late for that now, anyway. Thanks for reading.

I've reviewed your story HERE!

Wow, I remember Freeman’s Mind. Does that date me?

Not at all. It's still going, in fact, in HL2 now!

Is the title just a joke, or was that an actual measurement of a computer's processing power in the early 90s?

The information you have shared is valuable to me. papas games

Porting does not mean emulation. If you can get it to work the same way without completely rewriting it (translating to a different instruction set does not count as rewriting) it's still considered a port.

"Well that was... A thing... That happened."
- Vinyl Scratch

:rainbowderp:+:pinkiegasp: -->
:rainbowhuh:+:unsuresweetie: -->

Please post rest of story stop
Punchline needs more punch stop
Stop story from stopping stop

It's not really a measure of cutting edge 90s computer power. It's a measure obscure 2000s and 2010s computing ability; running Doom on the most obscure or unlikely machines you can think of.
The one I always remember is someone getting it to run on the Touch Bar of a MacBook (a screen about 10 inches across but half an inch tall).


There are a solid number of Doom images on depibooru, but I'd say this is the most applicable.

not even ponies can escape DooM

just remembered this story, remember twilight, while pinkies do want to hug they also want to bite


Can't forget Commander Keen, either.

Someone actually got it running on a pregnancy test (or was it a thermometer?) and actual brain cells.

The pregnancy test was a bit of a cheat. It used the test's screen, but not the test's computing power.

It's still pretty impressive though. I mean, it's not like you can just plug a DisplayPort/HDMI cable and be done with it. Imagine how many adaptors it took.

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