• Published 27th Feb 2019
  • 3,528 Views, 9 Comments

Lock & Key - twience

Can Sunset Shimmer confess her love for Twilight Sparkle? Or will something get in the way of her “perfect plan”?

  • ...

Lock & Key

Lock & Key
By, serenityx

"I really like her Rarity!"

Sunset and Rarity stayed in the band room where the Rainbooms usually practice their music. The rest of the girls, including Twilight, left already. They were a bit confused on why Sunset wanted to talk alone with Rarity. Rarity of all people! Sunset was stood up pacing around the room while Rarity was slumped in a chair with her elbows to her knees and head in her right palm.

"Sunset darling-"

"I know what you're about to say." She stopped and pointed and her. "I'm not telling her."


"Out of the question!" Sunset exclaimed crossing her arms.

Rarity huffed in response. "Sunset, you've told me how much you like Twilight for weeks! When are you going to stop acting like this and just admit your feelings?"

"I can't! She'll hate me!" she pulled up a chair and sat in front of her friend.

"What makes you say that?" Rarity adjusted herself up in her seat.

Sunset put her head in her hands. "It's just- well Twilight really needs a friend right now. I don't want to go and mess things up between us just because I like her romantically."

Rarity raised an eyebrow. "Romantically?"

Sunset lifted her head. "You know what I mean. So stop giving me that look."

She sighed. "Darling, I'm sure Twilight would be just as happy if you openly told her how you feel. If she doesn't feel the same way then that's okay! She's not just going to stop being your friend after all we've- uh you and her have been through."

"What if she never wants to talk to me again? I can't- I don't want to lose her..." Sunset said.

"Is that what you're afraid of? Losing a friend, losing Twilight?" Rarity asked. Sunset just blinked in response. "Are you afraid of being alone Sunset?" Sunset lowered her head and stared at the ground.


Rarity nodded. "You're not alone. You won't be alone. We're always going to be here for you Sunset."

Sunset looked back up and smiled. "Thank you Rarity. That means a lot."

"Of course!" she smiled back. "I may have borrowed a bit of Fluttershy's kindness just then." She giggled.

Sunset giggled too. "Hey, the elements don't define you. You define you're elements."

Rarity reached and put a hand on Sunset's shoulder. "Don't forget about your empathy darling."

"Oh, how could I forget?" she winked.

It wasn’t more than two weeks ago since the girls confronted Wallflower and that memory stone of hers. Though, ever since Camp Everfree Sunset Shimmer has had a crush on Twilight. She's just... never came to the conclusion that she was feeling that way. When they met at the Friendship Games: Sunset's always saw Twilight as her best friend. More than that? She just waved it off. That is... until Rarity picked something up and confronted Sunset about it.

Rarity got Sunset to realize she does really like Twi more than a friend. Since then, Sunset has been bothering her non-stop about it. As you can tell, Sunset doesn’t plan on telling Twilight, her best friend, about her feelings any time soon. Why did it have to be so complicated? Why couldn't she just walk up to her and say 'Hey Twilight, want to go out with-

"Oh Sunny! Rare!" an enthusiastic bubbly pink-haired girl called out interrupting Sunset's train of thought.

"Pinkie Pie? I thought you left with the others." Rarity concluded.

"Nope!" she shook her head.

"H-How long have you've been outside the door...?" Sunset questioned.

"Not long. Just the whole time you were talking."

Sunset froze. Is it getting hot in here?

"Why were you listening in on our conversation?" Rarity asked herself.

"Oh, pfft, I wasn't. I thought we were having a wait-on-Sunset-and-Rarity-outside-the-door-party!" she jumped.


"Uhm-" Rarity started until she felt a hand on hers. Sunset shook her head at her.

"Don't question Pinkie. I've already learned that lesson from Princess Twilight." She smirked.

"Anywho, you two are more boring than watching paint dry!" Pinkie shivered. "I gotta fly, Mrs. Cake needs help at Sugarcube Corner and I'm already 2 minutes and fifty three seconds late!" with that, Pinkie Pie was out the door.

The two girls blinked at the closed door.

"Well..." Sunset said.

Rarity turned back to Sunset. "As I was saying Sunset: Just take a risk and do it."

"Do...it? No no no no!" Sunset was up out of her chair again. Rarity sighed.

"Why do you like her?" she asked out of the blue.

Sunset paused and looked at her. "Twilight? Well... she's just so... perfect! So intelligent, even more than me! She's funny, well I think so. I love the way she rants on about stuff fascinating to her and how she is when she can't figure something out. She gets this adorable look on her face that makes you just... I don't know! Other than that; she's so cute! Her hair, her eyes, her um... body, and that smile! Oh that flipping smile!"

Rarity smiles and nods.

"Then it's like I always want to protect her and make sure she's okay. I don't ever want to hurt her Rarity. It would just make me feel like..."

Then before Sunset can finish; Rarity starts to laugh.

"What? Hey hey stop laughing!" she doesn't. "Rarity come on... it's not even funny..."

After a few more snorts, Rarity finally calms down. "I'm sorry darling it's just, by the way it sounds, it's like you're in love with her."

Sunset was surprised by the word. Love. Was she in love with Twilight? She retraced everything she just spoke and became wide-eyed. She faced palmed herself.

"Shoot. Rarity I-I think... I might be in love with Twilight." She said.

"There was no doubt about it darling." Rarity responded.

"What am I supposed to do!?" Sunset panicked.

"Tell her!" Rarity was sure her eyes were going to pop out.

"You're right. I have to tell her." Sunset agreed.

Rarity just rolled her eyes.

Sunset sat back down. "Heh... this will be easy?"

The next day: Sunset woke up inspired. It was Thursday. The day named after the god of thunder, Thor. Don't ask how she knows that though...

*cough* Twilight. *cough*

Besides that... today was the day Sunset would ask out Twilight Sparkle! She was ready, she felt confident, she was going to tell Twilight she loved her, she-

"-had nothing to wear." Sunset groaned and fell onto her bed. "Ugh!"

She wanted to impress Twilight. She wanted to impress her enough that Twilight would be practically jumping into her arms. How was she supposed to do that if she had nothing to wear? Sunset would dream about fantasies of her and Twi. Them laying on sand at the beach, them at a fancy restaurant, them making out in the schools janitors closet, you know that kind of stuff.

"This is impossible. I should just forget it." Sunset realized. She thought about how her and Rarity just had that full on conversation yesterday and how mad she would be if she found out Sunset didn't actually do... it. "Okay! No Sunset! I can do this!" she got up and made her way over to the closet again.

"...Nope." She threw a top.

"...Nah." She threw a skirt.

"Too small."

"Too big..."

"Too pink!" How'd I get? ...Nevermind.

"Ah ha!" she shouted. She held up a knee-high magenta dress that represented her cutie mark at the bottom with a white collar and a black frill at the end. "I remember you! I wore you to the Friendship Games meet-and-greet party."

Oh no... She recalled.

"I can't wear this... I confronted Twilight in this dress." Sunset threw the dress in the pile of the rest of her clothes on her bed and sighed. "Too many bad memories."

Sunset glanced up at the clock. "What am I doing? I'm going to be late!" she raced into the closet and pulled out her usual orange long sleeved tube top and magenta skirt. She quickly put it on along with her black vest and black boots before racing downstairs. Sunset grabbed a banana from the kitchen along with her bag with her journal and phone inside then ran out the door.

She was breathing heavily as she ran. Her bag and geode necklace shaking with her. The sound of cars passing by, one even honked at her so she waved. She didn't catch who was driving though...

Sunset checked her phone. Almost there... She could see the school coming up ahead. She slowed down a little and turned the corner but-

"Oof!" Sunset collided into someone and fell to the ground.

"Oh dear, Sunset Shimmer! Are you okay?" the girl asked. Sunset only rubbed her head. "Here." She offered a hand. Sunset didn't hesitate and grabbed the hand in front of her.

"Thanks." She said and looked up. "Lyra?" before the girl could respond, Sunset was sucked into a world of memories. No! I didn't mean to! Sunset's eyes went white and before she knew it she was watching Lyra and she thought a girl named Bon Bon chatting with one another.

"Are you for real Lyra?" Bon Bon asked her.

"Yes! I can't help it Bonny..." She replied.

Bon Bon put her finger to her chin. "That's a doozy. What are you going to do about it?"

Lyra blinked. "Uh..."


"N-Nothing?" Lyra decided.

Bon Bon gaped at her. "What! Why not?"

"Because I can't just go up to her and asked her on a date Bonny." Lyra sighed.

"And?" She rolled her eyes.

"And she'll never talk to me again!"

Bon Bon raised an eyebrow. "Really?"


"I still don't understand why you can't just do it. It's not that hard." Bon Bon shrugged.

"Oh but it is! Besides... I doubt she likes me back. We hardly talk to one another." Lyra explained.

"True. Though you don't know that for sure until you ask."

"I guess so..."

"Just try some casual flirting first to see if she's interested." Bon Bon said.

"Okay." Lyra smiled. "That's not too hard."

Her friend nodded. "See? You'll be with Minuette in no time!"

Just then, time started to play again and Sunset was sucked out of her memory trance.

"Ah!" she yelped. Lyra raised her eyebrow. Sunset yanked her hand away and coughed.

"That's me! What's wrong?" she asked.

"I uh- Lyra um..." Sunset couldn't get the words out. Lyra has a crush on Minuette? Aww! They'll make such a cute couple! "I sorta maybe kinda read your memories just then. I'm so sorry."

She smiled. "Oh. It's no prob-"

"At Sugarcube corner." She interrupted and Lyra just stared. "You were talking with Bon Bon." She added.

The mint-haired girl went frozen. Sugarcube Corner? Bon Bon? That means... her stomach started doing backflips. She felt sweaty and a little scared. Her lip and right eye started to twitch.

"Oh no don't be upset! Please, again I'm sorry." Sunset took one of Lyra's hands in hers.

"I..." Was all she got out. Her head felt heavy and she stared at the ground squeezing Sunset's hand.

"I don't think you wanted me to see that. I'm not going to tell anybody."

"Thank y- wait, do you like Minuette too?" she asked hastily.

"What? No! No no no-"

"You like Twilight." Lyra said. Sunset was taken aback.

How did she know? "How'd-"

"Yeah, it's really easy to tell Sunset. You don't really hide it very much." She explained.

"Oh." Sunset replied.

"Anyways, I'm not mad at you Sunset. Actually I'm relieved it's off my chest. That conversation you saw was weeks ago." Lyra exclaimed.

"I was thinking of how much I wanted to admit my feelings to Twilight and I guess I saw how you wanted to admit your feelings to Minuette." Sunset said.

"Mhm." Lyra nodded. "I'm not going to lie, I do have a small crush on her. Though, I know it's silly..."

Sunset shook her head. "It's not silly. I think it's sweet." She smiled. Lyra blushed.

Lyra was about to reply until... the CHS's bell went off.

"NO!" they both yelled in usion.

"You better go."

"Just me?"

"I have a free period this block." She shrugged.

"Alright then."

"Also, good luck with Twilight!" Lyra smiled.

"Thanks Lyra. Thanks so much." With that, Sunset started sprinting again for CHS.

Okay... no impressing outfit, had a run-in with Lyra, and I'm late for school. What a great start! she sarcastically told herself while running.

"Hold that door!" she yelled out to a student named Roseluck. "T-Thanks." She panted and went inside. She quickly went to her locker and speed-walked to her first class.

New plan! Ask Twilight out at lunch!

"Rarity?" Miss Cheerilee called out in alphabetical order.

"Present!" she responded. The teacher nodded.

"Sunset Shimmer?" she looked around. Sunset was nowhere in sight. "Has anyone seen Sunset?" she asked the class. The students all grew curious faces and some shook their heads. "Okay." Miss Cheerilee marked absent. "Twinkleshine?" she called out the next letter.

Before Twinkle could respond, the classroom door flew right open.

"Wait! I-I'm here!" Sunset crouched in the doorway one hand on her knee panting. Some students snickered.

"Enough children." She turned her attention back to Sunset. "What is your excuse for being late? From the amount of your tardy's you have Miss Shimmer you should be sent to detention." She showed Sunset the attendance paper. All the late red x's were marked in September and half way through October.

Sunset shivered. Detention?

"Uh, well you see, I-I" Sunset stopped.

What excuse do I use? Ugh this use to be so easy! I thought teachers loved me! ... why is she looking at me like that? Come on brain, I need a lie.

"Miss Shimmer?" she spoke again. All eyes were on her at this point.

"Um..." Sunset bit her lip.

Miss Cheerilee sighed. She didn't want to but she couldn't pick favorites. "Well I guess you have detention after-school." All Sunset could do was nod and take her seat in class.

Great. Sunset rolled her eyes.

Rarity gave Sunset a worried look but didn't say anything for the rest of Roll-Call. However when notes started she leaned over to Sunset and whispered if she was okay. She nodded and gave Rarity a smile before returning to her paper.

When the bell rung, all the students were rushing to get out the door. Luckily Miss Cheerilee caught Sunset before she could make her escape and called her over. Sunset gulped.

"Sunset Shimmer, you have not once been late to my class since well... the Fall Formal. I would like to know why one of my best students were tardy. Care to explain?" she asked, formality and all.

"Uh Miss Cheerilee please, all this isn't nessacary. I'll take the detention. It's fine." Sunset said.

"Oh, but you have no choice but to take the detention."

Sunset looked down. "I know." She sighed. "Why are you questioning me?"

"Because, It would be very unprofessional of me if I didn't get a real answer. Tell me, were you doing anything that might cause harm in anyway? Anything illegal?"

Sunset's eyes sprang right up at that. "Illegal? Who do you think I am!?"

Miss Cheerilee only cocked an eyebrow.

Sunset took a deep breath. "I woke up and spent most of my morning trying to find the most perfect outfit to wear to school today because it had to be perfect. I couldn't find anything! There was nothing... impressing enough! Plus some of my clothes just had bad vibes written all over them. So, I ended up just wearing my usual because at the last minute I glanced up at the clock and realized I was going to be late. Then I ran to school with my hair still a mess and bumped into Lyra Heartstrings. I fell on the ground and by the way, yes it hurt! Also, I accidently read Lyra's memories and found out... some stuff because I was thinking of how much I stupidly wanted to admit my feelings for Twilight Sparkle. Then I lost track of time again and had to sprint all the way here. On top of everything, I have detention! UGH!" she yelled at the end of her rant and started breathing to regain some strength.

Miss Cheerilee blinked taking in everything. "I see..." Then she turned her attention to her re-opened door.

Sunset shook her head. "Sorry. That was... I'm sorry." She put on a nervous grin. "And that's why I was late I guess."


"I know, I know. It's no excuse."

"No Sunset. You should t-"

Sunset took her bag and smiled. "But seriously, it's no big deal." She turned to the door. "Can you just write me a pass to my next class and I'll just be on my-" she paused when she realized someone else was in the room. "Twilight?"

Twilight stood in the doorway with a shocked look on her face.

Ponyfeathers... Sunset's mind cursed. "W-what are you doing here?" she asked.

"This is my next class..." Twilight said.

"Here's your pass." The teacher said handing her a sticky note.

Sunset took it and responded to Twilight. "Pfft, oh duh!"



"Is it true?"

"What?" she wondered.

"What you said just now. About um... me?" Twilight explained.

Huh? Sunset thought. What about her? she retraced her last rant to Miss Cheerilee.

Also, I accidently read Lyra's memories and found out... some stuff because I was thinking of how much I stupidly wanted to admit my feelings for Twilight Sparkle.

because I was thinking of how much I stupidly wanted to admit my feelings for Twilight Sparkle.

to admit my feelings for Twilight Sparkle.

admit my feelings

Sunset frowned. "I gotta go..." She brushed passed Twilight making her way to math.

Sunset Shimmer sat in math class towards the back.

That's it then. I flunked... She concluded.

"Shimmer!" someone called out.

Sunset turned towards the noise. "Yes?" to be greeted with her friend Rainbow Dash. "Oh, hi Rainbow."

"Hey what's up chump? You look gloomy and that's usually Twilight's job." Rainbow joked.

"Ha ha, not funny. Besides, I'm not gloomy I'm just thinking." She replied.

"Oh?" Rainbow took a seat beside her. "Care to share?"

Sunset opened her mouth to speak but shut it right afterwards turning to the front.

"What's wrong Sunset? Is something up in Equestria?" she asked.

"Huh? Oh no, nothing like that." Sunset faced Rainbow again.

"I'm not going to force you to tell me Sunset. However, you know you can talk about it with me." Rainbow smiled to her friend.

Sunset smiled back and nodded. "I know."

A woman walked into the classroom and coughed to get the students attention. "Class, today-"

A hour and forty five minutes later, the bell rung signaling all students to their next block. Then before you know it, it was lunch time.

Twilight and Fluttershy were already seated at their usual table. They pack their lunches- not liking the cafeteria food. So does Sunset, but she wasn't seated at the table today. Instead, she went out to the front to eat lunch outside. Nothing like a little sunshine to cheer Sunset Shimmer up right?

With her lunch and bag in hand, Sunset took a seat in front of the CHS statue. I think you know the one I'm talking about. The former unicorn took her salad out of her saddlebag bookbag and popped the lid. She smiled at the food. She was starving!

As Sunset munched on her salad she heard her phone vibrate. She hesitated thinking it was Twilight wanting to know why she stormed out of the class earlier without talking with her first. She shook the thought and off and took her phone.

No Messages. It read.


It buzzed again. Yet, it didn't come from her phone. Sunset went into her bag and pulled out her journal. The exact one she communicated with Princess Twilight with. It was glowing pink. She flipped through the pages to the last page with written on it and read the current message.

Dear Sunset Shimmer,

Hello, how are you Sunset? You wouldn't believe what happened. I've gotten my Friendship School approved! It was a hassle I'll tell you that. However it worked out in the end. Some were hesitant, especially the EEA, about having a school open to everyone and not just ponies. I can tell you more about it if you'd like. Well okay, enough about me. How have you been? What's going on with your our friends?

Your friend,
Twilight Sparkle

Sunset smiled at the message and took out her pen to respond.

Dear Princess Twilight,

Hi Twilight! I'm... okay, thanks for asking. I'm so happy for you! If anybody anypony can run a friendship school with any creature then it's you! I believe you'll do great. Also, all our friends are doing good. Their all very chill now that magic has taken it's break on this world for the time being. Though, It's not like I'm complaining or anything. Twilight, uh this worlds Twilight, and me have become closer and well I think... nevermind it's not important. Anyways, yes I would love to hear more about it!

Your friend,
Sunset Shimmer

It was a minute before a response came in, but Sunset didn't hesitate once to read it.

Oh dear, sounds to me like something's troubling you Sunset. Is everything okay?

Sunset raised an eyebrow and wrote again.

How'd you know something was wrong?

I can tell. You usually reply with something better than 'I'm okay'. Also, is something wrong with your worlds Twilight Sparkle?

Sunset sighed. I should tell her...

No nothing is wrong with her. I think something is wrong with me.

Can you be more specific?

Okay don't freak out but, I think I'm in love with my worlds Twilight. Today I went to school ready to tell her my feelings but ended up... uh let's just say I had a series of bad events occur to me. Then eariler when I was talking to Miss Cheerilee about these 'mishaps', I accidentally admitted to her about my crush. When she didn't reply I turned around and Twilight was standing right there in the classroom shocked. Instead of talking to her, I just brushed passed her. Now I'm eating lunch in the front of the school and our friends are probably worried.

Sunset, I'm not going to lie, I'm quite surprised to hear about this. Though, not offended in anyway. To be honest, I support you and think you and her would look adorable together! Anyway, I think the best way to ease your guilt is to just talk to Twilight about it and explain what she heard. It wouldn't just benefit her, but you as well.

Wow, thanks princess. You really are good at this kind of thing.

Ha, I try. Now get off the ground and go find your girl.

Sunset laughed at her friend.

Alright alright I'm going. You're the best Twi. I'll talk to you later!

With that, Sunset closed her journal and salad box to put in her bag and then made her way towards the lunch room. When she entered she saw her friends sitting at the usual table. She took and deep breath and walked over. On her way, some students waved at her and she just smiled back at them.

"Well Howdy Sunset. Where have you been? We were worried about ya." Applejack spoke.

"Hi Applejack. I was eating outside, near the statue, alone." She replied.

"Why?" Fluttershy asked speaking up.

"I uh, just needed some air. You know me, always wanting to go outside!" Sunset teased pulling off a fake laugh.

Fluttershy questioned but nodded returning to her cucumbers and Sunset glanced over at Twilight who was sat next to Rarity eating some pasta.

"Have a seat Sunny!" Pinkie Pie said.

"Sure just um, Twilight," Sunset built up the courage to talk to her. "Can I speak to you for a minute?"

Twilight glanced up at Sunset and stared for a second. "Okay."

All her friend eyes were on Sunset once Twilight replied. Except, no movement occured from her.

"Alone?" she tried again.

Now there was few gasps from her friends.

"Fine." Twilight got up and followed Sunset out of the cafeteria to the band room. When they arrived, Sunset closed the door behind her.

"So... I'm guessing you know why I called you hear."

Twilight snorted. "Yeah pretty much."

Sunset was having second thoughts about this. She had to force herself from not grabbing Twilight's arm. She wished she could just look into her friends memories for a bit to see if there was any sign she liked her back. Although, that would be rude. Sunset didn't like rude.

"Okay." She breathed. "I'm just going to say it."

Twilight nodded incredibly prepared.

"I... I love you Twilight." Sunset confessed.

There was silence, and Twilight just stared.

"I know I care a lot about you Twi! I thought it was concern... but it wasn't. I really like spending time with you. You're my best friend and that's something I didn't know I could have. I like spending time with all of our friends but it felt like... our friendship was different. I didn't know what I was feeling anymore until Rarity spotted how I was acting and confronted me about it. That's when she made me realize I liked you. No doubt about it, I could sit here and give you a whole list about what I find makes you so special to me. It wasn't concern, or friendship, or admiration, it's... love Twilight." Sunset smiled.

Twilight mouth became half opened. Sunset giggled at her.

"I know you probably don't feel the same way about me, but I thought we could try? If you want to give me a chance. I would like to show you how this could work." She finished.


"It's okay. I understand." Sunset said some tears starting to form in her eyes. "I'm fine..."

"Sunset no I-"

"I just had to say it you know? I wanted you to know how much I admire you. I-I hope you still want to be friends?" Sunset said.

She shook her head. "No. I don't want to be friends." Twilight responded back.

Sunset could feel her stomach drop. "W-What?" No...

"I'm sorry Sunset."

"You can't be serious." Sunset exclaimed a tear falling from her eye.

"I'm nothing less than serious. Sunset, I feel the same way." Twilight blushed.

Sunset wiped her face. "Wait, huh?"

"I want to be with you Sunset!" Twilight ran over to Sunset and embraced her in a tight hug. "I- I love you too."

Sunset was surprised but let her arms embrace with Twilight's.

"I thought you didn't feel the same. When I heard you confess in Miss Cheerilee's, I was so happy! But when you ran off, I lost all hope. I thought... you didn't care." Twilight started to sob in Sunset's chest.

"Twilight, look at me." She raised her new lovers chin up. "I was scared. Okay? I said it. Sunset Shimmer was scared."

Twilight laughed with tears still streaming down her cheeks. "Well that makes more sense. I was too. However, that's nothing new."

Sunset laughed back and smiled. "I had a bad day and you surprising me in the classroom just added to the mix."

"Oh? I would love to hear about this 'bad day'."

"Well, It's not bad anymore." Sunset said.

"It isn't?" Twilight raised an eyebrow.

Sunset shook her head. "Nope. I got you now and I'm nothing less than happy. You just took a highlighter and made my day brighter."

"Aw you flirt." Twilight playfully pushed Sunset's chest. "Using school-related jokes to impress me is cheating."

"But you like it." Sunset winked.

"...I do." Twilight sighed afterwards.

"I'm not done yet though." Sunset booped her new girlfriends nose.


"The plan was to ask you at lunch today, but that plan got screwed up so..." Sunset started and took one of Twilight's hand in hers. "Would you go out with me?"

Twilight blinked. "Like, a date?"

"No. Not like a date. A real date. You know, me and you. We could get dinner or go to a movie." Sunset smiled.

Twilight grew a huge grin on her face. "Yes! Yes, I would love to go on a date with you Sunset!"

"Oh... good." She breathed. She could practically hear Rarity now.

Now was that so hard darling?

She giggled at the thought.

Twilight reached her face up equally to Sunset's and gave her a nice peck on the lips smiling.

"What was that for Twilight?" Sunset asked surprised.

"For being the greatest best friend/girlfriend ever."

"Look who's the flirt now?" Sunset wiggled her eyebrows.

Twilight rolled her eyes. "Nope. Still you."

Sunset snorted. "I can live with that."

Then, Sunset pressed her and Twilight's lips together in a much better affectionate kiss. Twilight's eyes went wide but they slowly closed as she relaxed within Sunset. Sunset wrapped her arms around Twilight waist as Twilight's were on her shoulders. This kiss... it felt like fireworks were going off. It was special, it was breathtaking, it was romantic, it was love. Sunset Shimmer's and Twilight Sparkle's love filled the room.

When they pulled away, they looked at one another and smiled.

This is way better than friendship. Sunset thought


Author's Note:

Yep, that all folks.

I REALLY hoped you enjoyed! I may not be awesome at writing, but I count myself as pretty decent. Hope you enjoyed some SciSet fluff.

Make sure to comment suggestions, likes, dislikes, and helpful tips!

You can also check out My Story Timeline

Comments ( 9 )

It was a really god story to start the day with, hope to see more like this.

Thank you sm! Also, I’m sure of it :)

SciTwi + Sunset = The adorkable couple. 💞

This is really adorable!

So adorable, great job :)

"Anywho, you two are more boring than watching paint dry!" Pinkie shivered. "I gotta fly, Mrs. Cake needs help at Sugarcube Corner and I'm already 2 minutes and fifty three seconds late!" with that, Pinkie Pie was out the door.


Is she.....

"Because, It would be very unprofessional of me if I didn't get a real answer. Tell me, were you doing anything that might cause harm in anyway? Anything illegal?"

You still don't trust her!!!?

This is way better than friendship. Sunset thought

Love is formed from friendship

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