• Published 28th Feb 2019
  • 3,451 Views, 252 Comments

Game On! - Midknight_Stardust

Sunset Shimmer has really been getting into gaming; so much so that she started a gaming channel! Let's play!

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Shimmer & Shy Play: Sly Cooper & The Thievius Raccoonus(Part 1)

Canterlot High School: Music Room.

It was Friday; everyone's favorite day of the week and the true beginning to their weekend and today was a special day. It was report card night and so students were being sent home early for a half a day and each of the girls currently had their plans and were currently discussing them as they gathered together like normal in the music room. Right now the big topic of conversation was Sunset Shimmer and the growing popularity of her gaming channel given the shout out she was given by VP Luna earlier that day during the morning announcements.

"I still can't believe she challenged you; in front of the ENTIRE school!" Rainbow said as she sat near the Piano next to Fluttershy as she spun a soccer ball on her finger.

"I know right?! I heard VP Luna actually has won a couple of tournaments before she became the VP. She's really into fighting games I hear." Pinkie stated sitting at her drums.

"Well ah'll say Sunset yer channel really has blown up over the past week huh?" Applejack said sitting near Rarity who was braiding her hair into a ponytail at the moment.

"I concur darling; but did you HAVE to do such crude impressions of us? I do NOT sound that posh!" Rarity said turning her nose up.

Rainbow snickered "Pfttteheheeh y-you totally do though"

"I loved when you copied me! That was so funny! Hehheheheh I totally sound like that!" Pinkie said giggling as she remembered how spot on her impression of her was.

"Ahahah and you even called Twilight Flutter-Twi; hheh haaaarsh." Rainbow teased and noticed Fluttershy retreat into herself.

Sunset blushed and smiled apologetically at Fluttershy. "You weren't upset by that were you Shy? I promise I won't make jokes like that anymore if they upset you." The last thing she wanted anyone to think was that she was potentially bullying Fluttershy again like back when she was evil but that was far from the case.

Sunset often teased her friends and they often teased her right back so the friendly jabs were often mutual however with Fluttershy being the most emotionally sensitive? She didn't wish to hurt her feelings by making light of her shyness.

Fluttershy blushed and cleared her throat to speak up. "Oh um no. It was fine heh I know I can speak pretty low and get really flustered sometimes. Rainbow has been poking fun at me for that since we were both little kids so it's okay." Fluttershy said opening up that she didn't actually mind the teasing so long as it wasn't mean spirited.

Sunset smiled calmly at Fluttershy. "Thanks Flutters; I promise not to make too many jokes at your expense. So enough about me; what're you girls all up to today? I mean we've basically got the whole day to ourselves now."

Rainbow sighed and rubbed the back of her head sheepishly. "Well given its report card day? I'd say there's a solid 50/50 chance I'm grounded when I get home after practice." Rainbow huffed.

"That's what you get for being a slacker" Twilight stated pushing up her glasses.

"Pft oh suck one Dorky, don't get fresh just cause you beat Sunset in Jump Force" Rainbow said with a shit-eating grin in Sunset's direction.

"You saw the match I uploaded! It was DANGEROUSLY close! Besides we are tied for win's and losses anyway!" Sunset rebutted with a small anger vein popping in her forehead. She then calmed down and crossed her arms with a huff. "I still can't believe she got access to the Beta before me!"

"What can I say? Being a nerd has its privileges and I got an early access code for the beta from Button Mash after I modded his controller for him" Twilight said with a cheeky smile at both Rainbow and Sunset who looked sheepish since she had also done mods for them as well.

"Tch whatever pointdexter." Rainbow scoffed rolling her eyes and then looked at her phone seeing the time. "Well I gotta dash; got basketball practice, then baseball and then track and then I gotta go home and see if my parents grounded me." Rainbow said giving Fluttershy a quick hug, a high-five to Sunset, a fist bump to Applejack and a wave goodbye to everyone else.

"Aaaaand finished! Oh it looks marvelous darling." Rarity said as she finished braiding Applejack's hair and pulled out a small mirror for her to get a good look.

Applejack smiled as she turned her head and got a good look at the ponytail Rarity gave her and she put her hat back upon her head giving Rarity a hug for her generous efforts. "Thanks sugarcube; it looks great. Ah'll see ya tonight okay?" Applejack said grabbing her backpack.

"You'd best be at the spa by 4 sharp Applejack! I mean it!" Rarity said wagging a nagging finger at her friend.

Applejack blushed and waved a dismissive hand at her. "Ah relax I'll be done apple-pickin' and doin' my chores by then I promise." Applejack said as she too left the room.

"How about you Pinks? You have work today don't ya?" Sunset asked her Pink friend.

"Yupparooni! I decided to take Sugar Belle's shift today at Sugarcube corner. She's been trying really hard to impress Big Mac lately so I took her shift so she could work on her baking! She's gotten so good making apple goodies!" Pinkie said with a cheery smile as she spoke about the Crystal Prep girl she had befriended who had a crush on her cousin Applejack's big brother.

"Awww how sweet! I certainly can't blame her. Applejack's brother would be quite the catch." Rarity said as she ran a comb through her own flowing purple locks.

Sunset shot a cheeky look at Rarity. "Not trying to move in on someones crush are ya Rarity?"

Rarity scoffed and huffed at her fiery haired friend. "Scandalous! Why of course not! And besides-" Rarity said putting her brush away and fluffing out her hair with a smile. "You ALL know my sights are set on a different kind of apple."

Sunset giggled and rolled her eyes. "Oh just quit it with the cat and mouse with her already Rare; I'm pretty sure AJ would say yes...I mean I know you're worried about her family but-" Sunset knew full well the reason why Rarity was so hesitant to ask out Applejack though in her mind? If she was as in love as she had told her that one night she called her rambling drunk off a few glasses of wine she snuck from her mothers stash? It was worth the risk.

"It's complex darling and I wish not to make our lives any more complex as it is. I will ask her in time; when the time is right. Applejack is far too stubborn and stuck in her ways to try and think about dating at the moment and her family means the world to her for obvious reasons." Rarity said with a small expression of grief on her face as she spoke of Applejack's family and the tragedy that had befallen them not long before Applejack got to High School.

Sunset sighed and nodded in understanding. This was something Rarity had to do when SHE was ready and when Applejack was ready as well. The last thing they wanted were splinters in their relationship by entering a romantic relationship with another friend in the group who had family that were exactly OK with same sex relationships with that mostly coming from Granny Smith and the more conservative members of the Apple and Pear family.

"I know. Just try not to wait too long; you never know what could happen and you don't wanna act too late." Sunset said giving a small longing look at Twilight Sparkle. She still cursed herself for not snagging her when she had the perfect chance to but alas at the moment? She belonged to Timber Spruce and she had to accept that.

"I know darling I know; I just need a little more time is all. For now I am perfectly content with the time we spend together at the spa and whenever I go over to her house to learn more about cooking 'less fancy' meals." Rarity said rolling her eyes and blushing a bit as she gathered the rest of her thing and prepared to leave and then she remembered something.

"Oh yes before I forget; Twilight dear? Did you still need a ride to work at the mall?" Rarity asked the nerdy girl.

Twilight's eyes widened as she remembered that she did in fact have a shift at 2:30 today and it was already 1:30. "Oh yes! Thanks for reminding me Rarity!"

Rarity smiled waving a dismissive hand. "Think nothing of it dear. I needed to actually stop by the mall and pick up a couple new materials for a dress I am making. You were actually the inspiration if you wish to come see it; I remembered how you said yours and Timber's last date went so I wished to lend my assistance." Rarity said with her tone sounding a bit somber as she remembered Twilight sharing the details of her last date with her boyfriend.

"Oh? What happened?" Sunset asked now curious as this is the first time she was hearing of this. She knew that she and Timber had iffy dates in the past but it wasn't enough to make Twilight want to dump him or vise versa.

Twilight blushed sheepishly. "Oh um well we were going out to dinner and well um I had to pull a late shift and when I finally got to the restaurant? I hadn't changed out of my uniform and he was dressed rather nice. The entire thing felt awkward."

Twilight said with a sigh and groan. "Honestly a lot of our dates have been feeling that way lately and I can't pin down why! I mean we get along, he's really nice and treats me nice; sure he isn't exactly the smartest but I'm okay with that but...ugh I don't know" Twilight said sounding very conflicted about her standing with Timber.

"Sounds pretty rough; maybe you just need a little time to sort things out? I'm sure it's just a rough patch like any couple goes through. No need to worry too much." Sunset said attempting to reassure her friend.

Twilight smiled at Sunset's words. "Yeah you're right; its probably just my nerves getting to me. Timber and I actually have a date tonight after I get off work. We were going to go star gazing" Twilight said with a tinkle in her eye.

Sunset couldn't resist the joke and said. "I certainly hope you don't plan on making him 'see stars' in the way I think" Sunset chuckled.

Twilight blushed and stammered in embarrassment. "Ack wha, I...You...but we....aaaaargh" Twilight groaned and covered her face with her hands as Sunset laughed.

Rarity held her laughter back behind a hand trying not to laugh at her friend but Sunset's wit was sometimes too quick to be prepared for. "Oh Sunset darling you are terrible!"

"Ain't I a stinker?" Sunset said with a cheeky smile and tongue stuck out.

"Heeeeey that's my line!" Pinkie proclaimed banging on her drums one time.

"Pft I don't see you with a monopoly on that catch phrase; last I checked it was coined by a cartoon rabbit" Sunset retorted to her clown of a friend.

"Nuh-uh! Bugs Bunny does not own that catch phrase and I'll prove it!" Pinkie said with a determined look and Rarity knew all too well what that meant.

"Oh goodness here comes detective Pinkie Holmes again." Rarity rolled her eyes.

"Pft don't be silly Rarity! This isn't a job for Detective Pinkie Holmes! Theres no mystery! Unless there is a mystery! In which case I'll need to clone myself so I can have detective Pinkie team up with..." Pinkie styled her hair into a style similar to that of a video game lawyer. "Pie! Attorney at law!"

"Uh Pinkie you don't have a degree in-" Twilight began to say but then Pinkie shouted over her.

"HOLD IT! OBJECTION!!" Pinkie said pointing at Twilight in dramatic fashion and flashing a certificate in front of Twilight.

Inspecting the document Twilight put on a flat expression. "Pinkie you bought this off Amazon"

Pinkie smiled still and put the paper away. "Regardless! I will crack this case WIDE open-" She looked at her watch and then saw the time and quickly grabbed her things and began to race out the door. "After I go to work and finish my double shift see ya later girls byyyyyyyeeee!" Pinkie zipped out of the room leaving the other girls confused.

"Well now that Pinkie is done with...whatever that was...I guess you'll be heading out now girls?" Sunset asked Twilight and Rarity.

"Indeed; I must get to the mall before the traffic of midday hits so I'm not stuck in those lines. Plus I wanted to grab a little treat from the pastry stand as well. Then it's off to the shop with me to work on some new costumes for the amusement park's new stage show featuring Trixie's magic show. It's so nice that she managed to get that position; now if only the poor dear wasn't so fickle about how her costume was supposed to look" Rarity said with a sigh and smile. "But then again? It wouldn't be fun if it wasn't a challenge so I digress. Come Twilight; we must not have you tardy for work"

"Right; I'll see you tomorrow Sunset. Same to you Fluttershy." Twilight said as she got her things together and headed out of the door with Rarity.

"Ta-Ta darlings; I hope your evenings are eventful." Rarity said now leaving the room with Twilight leaving Sunset alone with Fluttershy.

"Well looks like its just you and me Shy. Got any plans tonight? I have the day off work today since I've been working double shifts all week so I was gonna hang out at home and maybe see if I could come up with a new episode to put out for Shimmer Code." Sunset said as she was gathering her things together.

"Oh um no I don't have anything to do tonight. My brother is going to have his friends over tonight, my mom and dad went on a nature hike for the weekend and I have the day off work too. So um I guess we can hang out if you'd like." Fluttershy said in a meek manner.

"Really? Treehugger or Wallflower aren't free?" Sunset asked surprised that Fluttershy didn't seem to have any other friends to hang out with besides her at the moment. Not that Sunset would mind hanging with Fluttershy but she really did want to go home and play video games and work on her channel but at the same time she didn't want to leave her friend alone.

Fluttershy shook her head. "No. Wallflower said something about going out to the forest to study some new flora with a friend and Treehugger went to Manehatten for the weekend to visit family. If anything I'll just go home and spend time in the garden with my animals until my brothers friends leave. The house always smells funny when they come over and the animals don't like it very much." Flutter-sigh.

Sunset didn't like it when she would Flutter-sigh. It often meant that the meek girl was unhappy but too meek and shy to say anything about it and it would seem she didn't really know how else to spend her time since her brother was too much of a stoner and a douche to give his sister any peace on the weekends. That's when she got an idea and smiled patting her friend on the back.

"Say no need to frown Flutters; tell ya what you can come hang out with me!" Sunset said with her newly trademarked 'magic of friendship' smile as Pinkie Pie had come to calling it.

"R-Really? You don't mind? I thought you had you games to do" Fluttershy said not wanting to be a bother or a burden to her friend and her new channel's success.

Sunset scoffed blowing a small raspberry dispelling the girls concerns with the wave of a hand. "Pffft what? Of course I don't mind Shy! You're my friend just like the other girls and we can hang out even when they aren't all with us. We can even make it a sleepover and you can join me on my stream! It'll be fun; whatdya say?"

Sunset asked almost pleading; she really did want to spend more time with Fluttershy as she was the member of the group she spent the least time with alone and she wanted to remedy that especially considering how awful she used to be to the shy girl.

Poking the tips of her fingers together in an adorable manner Fluttershy's cheeks burned a little. "Oh um well ok i-if you insist. Sure; I would love to um but what kind of games do you have? I'm not very good at a lot of them if they involve shooting or driving or fighting." Fluttershy admitted, its not like she didn't play video games.

She did but they were mostly mobile games or simple games that were often seen as childish. The only real games she had any experience with were a kart racing game and a battle royale fighting game she used to play with Rainbow Dash they were little in the 3rd and 4th grade.

"Hm well thats no problem. I'm sure we can find something we can both enjoy at the game shop at the mall, I wanted to grab a couple of games to get for my stream. I may have the day off today but its still payday!" Sunset said with a giddy smile slugging her backpack over her shoulder and motioning Fluttershy to join her.

"Oh okay coming" Fluttershy said grabbing her bag as well and following Sunset leaving the music room and turning off the lights before doing so. As the two left they also locked the door and would head to the front entrance of the school but before they could exit Sunset was called out too.

"Have a good day Ms.Shimmer. And I do hope you are ready for quite the humbling when our online paths cross." VP Luna said with a cock smile standing in the doorway of her office looking more cool and collected than anyone normally saw her.

Sunset gave a cocky smirk of her own and cocked her hips to the side with on hand on her right hip. "That right? Guess we will see. Just don't give me detention when I school you!" Sunset snapped her fingers in a sassy manner and in the distance Snips and Snails shouted out.


Luna chuckled and turned back to her office and said. "I will show you fear child. Mark my words." She said nothing further and the door to her office closed and Sunset and Fluttershy felt a chill run down their spines which was instantly warmed when a second voice interjected.

"I have to say Sunset you must be quite talented at those games if my sister is SO determined to challenge you the way she did" Celestia said as she was just leaving her own office with a stack of papers in hand.

"Heh what can I say? I guess I just attracted the talented with something to prove. I'll be sure not to embarrass her to bad" Sunset said with a cheeky smile to the principal and noticed all the papers she had with her. "Need some help with that?"

"Hm? Oh no no its quite alright Sunset dear, just old documents that need sorting and report cards that need to be delivered personally." Celestia said with a small sigh. "That is going to be eventful. The last thing I want is for my students to resent me but it is clear some of them are avoiding their studies and slacking with no repercussions from their parents due to the, fabricating their report cards or just outright getting rid of them."

Sunset sucked in the air between her teeth and knew that was gonna be tough on Celestia. "Ouch. Yeah I can tell that won't be easy but it has to be done....Um not to pry but uh is Rainbow's among them?" Sunset was too curious for her own good sometimes and she knew that but she wanted to know.

"Well between you and me? Yes however I am personally delivering hers to show her parents just how well she has improved since taking on tutoring from you and Twilight. She may be our top athlete however she needs to main her grades if she wants to make it to college and while as a principal I would prefer straight A's from her? Straight B's works too" Celestia said with a proud smile.

Sunset's smile turned proud as well as she could hear with her own ears that her tutoring of Rainbow had paid off and thank goodness because Rainbow was VERY difficult to teach. "Oh thank the Sun for that." Sunset said with a chuckle

Celestia giggled in tandem. "I see you've learned to stop praise me like a Goddess."

Sunset blushed and rolled her eyes. "You say glory to Celestia's Sun ONCE and you never get to live it down."

Celestia smiled and walked past the two of them. "I'm afraid not dear. Oh Fluttershy dear I'll be coming by the pet shop tomorrow to come check on Philamina and her eggs. I do hope the little ones hatch soon." Celestia said with a hopeful smile.

Fluttershy smiled in response. "Oh my yes! They're growing so healthy and she's taking such good care of them. Why I wouldn't be shocked if they hatched in the next few days. I'll be sure to call you if they do" Fluttershy said happily to the principal whom she was delighted to know was not just into gardening but animals as well which warmed her heart.

"Thank you dear. You two have a wonderful rest of your day. I'll be rooting for you Sunset. I've $100 riding on your victory over my sister" Celestia said with a wolfish smile.

Sunset blushed and a bead of sweat dropped down her face. "Um oh wow. No pressure or anything."

"Call it a external motivator. Good day girls." Celestia departed to the nearby teachers lounge.

Sunset took a small breath and shook her head. "Well I guess that's something else they have in common."

Fluttershy walked up behind Sunset. "What do you mean?"

"Principal and Princess Celestia. In Equestria Celestia also has a pet bird of but its a phoenix named Philomina. She was such a beautiful and majestic bird." Sunset giggled remembering that time when it was losing its feathers and it was trolling her into thinking it was sick. "Y'know when it wasn't being a total troll and a prankster"

Fluttershy raised an eyebrow. "You got pranked by a bird?"

"A very smart and magical bird!" Sunset pointed out with a raised finger.

"But still...a bird" Fluttershy giggled thinking about Sunset getting outsmarted and outwitted by a bird.

"Oh yeah laugh it up; I'm telling you that damn bird was clever as I don't know what! Plus? I was just as kid back then!" Sunset stated with a small pout as they two left the school and Sunset made her way to Fluttershy's car. Out of all of the girls who could drive Fluttershy, Sunset and Rarity were the only ones with a license and Fluttershy and Rarity were the only ones with cars period both of which belong to their parents.

"Awww I bet you were so cute as a little filly" Fluttershy said with a smile imaging what Sunset looked like as a filly.

Sunset blushed as she got in the passenger side of the car and put down her bag and buckled up. "I was not cute!" Sunset pouted sitting in her seat and she muttered under her breath. "Bitch I was adorable"

"What was that?" Fluttershy asked

"Nothing Shy." Sunset said with a side smirk as she started up the car and began to drive.

"So um what kind of games were you going to get?" Fluttershy asked as she stopped at red light.

"Not entirely sure. I've been in a kind of action-y kind of moody lately but since we are gonna be hanging together tonight? How about you pick a few games? I'm sure we can find something fun you for to get into. I'll even let you borrow the game if you wanna play it more at home." Sunset said as she watched the other cars go by thinking about what games she did in fact want.

"Oh that sounds nice. Hopefully I can pick out something fun."

Fluttershy saw the light turn green and she accelerated forward and kept a steady pace to their destination and it wouldn't take them long to cross from in the suburban area their school resided in and entered the more busy streets of Canterlot City. Since many students got off early today many of them were occupying the shops and various hang out spots earlier than usual although they still made it to the mall all the same in the usual 15 minutes it would take.

Once she found a spot to park she would make sure she was lined up and then would turn off the car, step out and Sunset would step out along with her. Once they were both out they closed the doors to the car and Fluttershy locked it and once she heard the beeping of the car to indicate it was locked the two of them would head inside. The mall was bustling with people but it wasn't overly crowded and lucky for them the game shop was on the first floor and close to the front entrance since it was one of the most popular stores in the mall.

Heading into the store they saw all sorts of banners and posters for new games coming out, the shelves were neatly organized with a clerk or two tending to any racks that were not. The store had an abundance of gaming merchandise ranging from key-chains, T-Shirts & Pop-Funko's to Full scale models of comic book characters, prop weapons, retro game systems and so much more. Sunset knew she had much to choose from and she would help Fluttershy find the thing for her. Going over the the section where the used games were she began to take a look and tried to find anything that would be good for her shy friend.

"Hm okay lets see here....how about...this one?" Sunset said plucking a game with a short fuzzy long earred cat like creature with a very big gun and a small white robot with green eyes next to him on the cover and it read 'Ratchet & Clank: Tools of Destruction'

"This looks pretty fun; and look? The main character is a cool looking cat...thing...with a robot sidekick!" Sunset said thinking that this game would actually be pretty cool since it looked to have a level of grit and humor that she could probably relate to. Plus the cover looked really good and based on the description of the game she saw on the back? She was very interested in it.

"Hmmmm I guess that would be nice but maybe we could find something with a few less guns?" Fluttershy said not opposed to the game shown to her but she was always wary of playing shooting games ever since she played that one really violent one that her brother left inside the game system at home. That game was really scary. Why did that man in the green suit and helmet have to kill so many things?

"Sure no problem. I still wanna get this one though. Allllright then hows aboooooout....this?" She picked up another game, this time the cover showed a blue creature with red and white sneakers but his image was split in half. One half looked normal and the other looked more beast like. Sunset had always heard Rainbow Dash talk about how good this game was even though it could have been better but Sunset wanted to judge for herself. The title of the game being 'Sonic Unleashed.'

"This game doesn't have any guns. You just explore and get to run around super fast during the day as this cute blue hedgehog...but then at night he turns into a vicious werehog!" Sunset said with a excited grin. Now this game sounded really exciting to her, the concept just sounded so damn cool!

"Hmmm sure I could get behind that. Um I guess one more and I will be okay...Oh um what about that one?" Fluttershy pointed to a game that was tucked in the 'S' section not far from where she selected the sonic game.

"Hm? Lets see what we got here" Sunset said picking the game up and looked at the title that said 'Sly Collection'. Looking at the game cover she saw a couple different characters all of which were anthropomorphic animals. At the center was a tall raccoon with a cane, to his right was a green turtle with a helmet and in a wheelchair and on the far left was a chubby but muscular looking pink hippo in a wrestling mask.

"The Sly Cooper collection huh? A game about a dashing, cunning and charming master thief who steals from other criminals with the help of his two best friends Bentley and Murray. Huh and it's all three games for...WHOA!? $10.00?! That's crazy good! I'm sold! We can get these and I'm gonna make a couple pre-orders and we can go." Sunset said taking the games they selected to the counter.

As the clerk looked at the cases he went to the drawer behind him to grab the actual games and placed them into the correct individual cases. Once they were properly packaged he would ring them up, Sonic costing $15, Ratchet and Clank Costing $10 and The Sly Collection costing $10.

"Do you have a rewards card?" The young man asked

"Eeeyup" Sunset said taking her rewards card out from her wallet and swiping it and the price dropped by $5 and she fist pumped.

"That'll be $30 and would you like an insurance on the games in case of damage?"

"Hmmm nah I'm good. I usually take good care of my games." Sunset said turning down the offer.

"Alright oh and hey? Awesome stream by the way. I tuned in for that first episode and it was hilarious."

Sunset blushed and chuckled. "Oh my thanks! Glad to see I have fans so close to home, I'm actually gonna be streaming tonight with my friend here. Be sure to tune in if you can." Sunset said with a smile.

"Oh totally! Have a nice day" The young game clerk said cheerfully.

"You too! Bye!" Sunset said as she grabbed the games and walked out of the store along with Fluttershy but then remembered something.

"Ah crap I almost forgot! I wanna pre-order Devil May Cry V" Sunset said coming back to the counter with Fluttershy right behind her.

"Why would you want to make the devil cry? What did do?" Fluttershy asked genuinely curious.

Sunset resisted every urge she had not to laugh but a few giggles escaped. "N-No shy; that's not what the game is about. Devil May Cry is the name of the main characters demon hunting business." Sunset explained.

Fluttershy's cheeks burned red. "Oh."

"It's okay easy mistaken."

"Right so a pre-order on DMC 5; in full and what system?" The clerk asked.

"Yes in full and for PS4" Sunset said.

"And extra $10 and you can get the deluxe edition. Comes with new devil breakers, the mega-buster and new costumes." The clerk said trying to persuade Sunset into spending more and from the look on her face it would seem he succeeded.

"Ooooh tempting and I am going to give into it. You got a deal." Sunset said with a smile paying for the game's Deluxe edition in full. Once the transaction was completed she was given a receipt. "Sweet I'll be here next week to pick it up; see ya. C'mon Shy."

"Coming" Fluttershy said following behind Sunset out of the store and the mall as a whole. Once they were out they returned to the car loading in their games to the backseat and then they got in and Fluttershy stated up and drove off out of the mall parking lot. It didn't take very long to reach Sunset's apartment from there and once Fluttershy found parking? She locked the car and that's when Fluttershy realized.

"Oh no! I forgot I don't have any pajama's or anything with me" Fluttershy said with a sad expression.

"No worries Shy; I have spare towels and pajama's for you to use and wear. Plus I can just run to the store real quick and grab you any bathroom stuff you need no problem. You're my guest so don't you worry about a thing." Sunset said as she walked up to her door and unlocked it opening the door to her apartment and she was happy to finally be home.

"Ah home sweet home at last." Sunset said putting down her backpack and putting the games on her couch as she went over to her mini fridge to grab a soda for herself and a iced tea for Fluttershy. With the drinks in hand and seeing her friend seated on her couch she smiled sitting down next to her and handed her the cold beverage.

"So I guess you've never been that into gaming huh?" Sunset asked her friend

Fluttershy shrugged. "Not really; I mean I play them and I like them but I'm not exactly 'a gamer' like you or Rainbow."

Sunset smiled and tickled the side of her friend a little. "Hehe its alright to be a casual Shy; not every gamer has to be hardcore and aggressive and have a drive to win all the time"

The meek girl giggled at the tickling contact and then was surprised by her friends words. "R-Really?"

"Totally! I mean yeah being good at multiplayer is great and all but there are times when I like to just kick back and play a solo game and enjoy a good story"

"Yeah I have a couple of games like that at home. The only ones I ever really play back home are Spyro the dragon, Crash Bandicoot & sometimes Donkey Kong though I can never play that one or even play as Donkey in any game Rainbow plays...well I mean I could but Rainbow gets...upset." Fluttershy said trying to put it delicately how upset that video game Gorilla made her.

Sunset snickered and raised an eyebrow. "Why's that? She got something against monkey's?"

Fluttershy shook her head. "No its just that whenever we used to play this one racing game when we were little? Donkey Kong would ALWAYS mess with Rainbow. Never me. All the animal characters always left me alone for some odd reason." Fluttershy said this and her tone made it clear she was not lying or pulling sunset's leg.

"Wow. Guess some characters just hate certain people and for Rainbow? That character is a red tie wearing Gorilla." Sunset chuckled and thought of all the ways she could use that to tease Rainbow Dash but that would be for another time. Right now Fluttershy would be her main focus and she wanted to do her best to make her feel comfortable.

"Anyway whatdya say we start the game? Did you wanna do a livestream now or wait till later?"

"Um could we wait? I'm not sure I'm ready to play in front of other people."

"Hm alright then how about I just record us playing? I know how to edit so when I put it up on my channel it'll look really good trust me." Sunset said to her friend turning the camera setting from stream to record.

"Oh um o-ok sure" Fluttershy said not entirely sure she was ready but she would try for her friend. Walking up to the game console she would insert the game and Sunset would turn on her TV smiling as the crisp picture came up. She would then switch it from HDMI 1 to HDMI 2 since the game in question was for PS3 not PS4. She would also put on her headset and also hand one to Fluttershy so they could record their audio.

"Man I love 4K picture and audio. Worth every penny" True she had to 'ask a favor' and get bits from Equestria that she exchanged in the real world for cash to get this expensive TV but she had resolved to only call in favors like that in the future for more important matters.

As the game fully loaded up Sunset started it up and when it was on the title screen she pressed the recording button and Fluttershy sat next to her just in time to get in frame. Smiling at the camera she would adopt her more gamer like persona and put on a charming smile and waved at the camera.

"Hey there everyone and welcome back to another episode of Shimmer-Code! I'm you lovely flame headed host Sunset Shimmer and today with me I have another one of my friends. So let me ask you all something? What does sugar, spice and everything nice make? The answer? The perfect little girl and while she may not be little? She is certainly a perfect girl in the eyes of many so allow me to introduce you all to my friend Fluttershy! Say Hi Shy"

Fluttershy blushed and waved at the camera "Hi"

Sunset smiled and nudged the shy girl with an elbow. "D'awww isn't she cute everyone? A precious little butterfly this one is and today? She's going to truly earn her wings! Ya'see tonight? Poor Shy was all alone with no one to hang out with and me being her friend? Couldn't have that! So I invited her over for a sleepover and to be the second guest on my channel! So tonight we are gonna be playing a bunch of things. This first gameplay is gonna be pre-recorded since Fluttershy is well...you get the idea"

Fluttershy blushed and muttered "Sorry"

"It's alright Shy no harm done; anyway lets get to the game! This is one that Shy personally picked at the store today. I've never played it before or even heard about it till now but it looks like a fun one so lets see what Sly Cooper and the Thievius Raccoonus has in store for us!" Sunset pressed start on the select screen that had the title for the first game on it and would wait for the game to begin.

"Time to break the law...yay" Fluttershy said in a cute and ignorant manner as to what they game was truly about but trying to still have fun.

Sunset rolled her eyes and giggled at how adorably noob her shy friend was. "Hehhe Shy? Never stop being cute ok?"

Fluttershy blushed and smiled a sheepish smile that somehow up'ed her adorable level. "Um o-ok if you say so"

'Oh I am gonna have to try so hard not to catch diabeetus from her tonight.' Sunset thought as the opening scene of the game began.

To Be Continued!

Author's Note:

Next chapter will continue with gameplay of the first two levels...Level 3 needs a chapter ALL its own.:pinkiecrazy: