• Published 23rd Feb 2019
  • 1,872 Views, 8 Comments

Routine - Nido_King

Marble Pie loves her life on her family farm, happily living out her days following a routine. Even if there was one part of the routine she wished she didn't have to make before bed...

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Life on the Pie Family rock farm could be best described as pleasantly routine. Get up at the crack of dawn, eat breakfast, till the fields until lunch, eat lunch, go back to the fields and continue tilling until dinner. Sometimes the day would be interrupted by an unexpected event, like a surprise visit from Pinkie Pie and her friends, but for the most part life was simple and routine, which was just how Marble Pie liked it.

As the youngest Pie daughter, Marble Pie was content living with her family on the farm, having not yet decided if she wanted to venture out into the world like her sisters Maud and Pinkie, instead happy with continuing her family traditions. Day in and day out she would work the fields, collecting any useful minerals or gemstones to give to her father to add to the supplies of goods he would take with him to sell on his weekly trips into town on Friday, before retiring for the night after a filling dinner with her family. It was a simple life, but one Marble enjoyed all the same.

After dinner, the Pie family would retire to the living room to relax from that days work until the clock struck ten, signalling the family to turn in for the night to be ready for yet another early morning. For Marble Pie, however, this meant needing to engage in yet another routine, one that had followed her entire life.

Walking into her room, Marble headed for her dresser and pulled open the top drawer, revealing rows of cloth diapers and plastic pants, all in her size. Grabbing two diapers, a pair of the plastic pants, and all the supplies she would need, Marble set everything down on the mat before beginning to fold the diapers with the ease of a pony who had done this many times before.

For as long as Marble Pie could remember, she had been a chronic bedwetter, looking back on countless mornings waking up in wet sheets all throughout her childhood. At first, the family had assumed it was just a phase and would sort itself out as Marble got older, diapering her at night as a precaution to cut down on needing to rewash the sheets every morning. However, when Marble was well into her teens and was still waking up wet almost every morning, the family had grown increasingly concerned, concerned enough to schedule an appointment with the doctor in the nearby town.

After a long series of tests, the doctor had revealed the shocking news: that Marble had been born with a previously undiagnosed disorder, one which affected the size and overall strength of her bladder. During the day it was largely a non-issue outside of needing to make frequent trips to the bathroom, but at night it was virtually uncontrollable, leading to the continued bedwetter. Then, the doctor had revealed to them the worst part: that there was nothing medically he could do to help, and that Marble would likely be a bedwetter for the rest of her life.

Her family had been quick to console and support her. Her father, Igneous Rock, was a strict but gentle stallion who never once raised a hoof or his voice to his daughters, and he was not about to shame her for something she could not control. Her mother had been much the same, although she had informed Marble that, as she was now an adult, it would be her duty now to diaper herself at night, as well as take care of the laundry whenever her used diapers needed to be washed, which Marble had agreed to. Maud and Pinkie had both been there when she needed a shoulder to cry on, and Limestone had sworn that if any pony ever made fun of Marble for this that she would be there in a heartbeat to beat the stuffing out of them, all of them making it very clear that they still loved her no matter what.

Since then, it had become just another daily routine for Marble to diaper herself up every night before bed, though it was one she wished she didn’t have to do. Marble had worked hard since her diagnosis to control her chronic bedwetting, managing to reduce the nights she woke up wet from every night to usually every other night, sometimes even managing to go up to three or more nights without a single accident. Her current record was still five dry nights in a row, an accomplishment that Pinkie had seen fit to throw a party for, though a small one for just Marble and herself.

With both cloth diapers folded and stacked, Marble gently lowered herself down onto the strips of cloth and carefully threaded her tail through the back before pinning it closed with a safety pin. She really only needed to wear one diaper, but Marble liked do double diaper herself just to be safe, having had a few nights where a single diaper had leaked straight through and ruined her bedsheets. After a sprinkling of powder to avoid a rash, Marble brought up the sides and held them in place before bringing up the front and tucking the flap into the folds around her barrel. Finally, Marble pinned it all together with a large diaper pin through the front, securing the diapers in place. After a quick check to make sure it was secured on tight, Marble reached for the plastic pants and pulled them up her back legs, wiggling around on her back as she shimmied the plastic pants up and over her padded rump.

Grunting, Marble managed to force them on over her diapers, now all set for bed. Well, almost all set for bed, as Marble scooped up the teddy bear sitting on her dresser, a birthday gift from Pinkie many years ago that Marble had lovingly named “George”. Crawling under her covers, Marble hugged George tightly as she settled in for the night, smiling as she drifted off to dreamland, her dreams filled with cotton candy and bubblegum.

Just another routine day on the Pie Family rock farm.

Comments ( 8 )

Nice and cute. Really good slice of life.

This probably could've been rated Teen given the content, but it was still a cute little one shot. I suppose there are no magic spells Marble or her family could look into that might help?

I enjoyed this one for what it was. Short and simple, but there is quite a bit of charm to the semi-mundane ritual of the routine diapering that appeals to me. Very cute.

I don’t think that’s how it works.

9477818 Well, you never know. I don't think there's been any exact specifications on how magic can affect the body besides a reduction in age.

I was looking forward to reading this one. Modest lil' Marble does make a good character to have this particular situation. The story really works when you take in how she really doesn't say a whole lot. She'd just go through the routine, rest, and wake up with the hope she stayed dry. A respective 'hum' or 'moan' depending on the outcome.

Cloth diapers would definitely do her well. Disposables would be pricey over time and, as she doesn't mess, it's easy to just wash and reuse until it can be done no more.

It's just really easy to see her and how she'd be going through all this. Deep down she probably feels very sad, annoyed, bothered, etc. However she knows it won't change anything and she just lives with it. Not great for her but still allows her to not be owned by her condition. :)

Daww, this was sweet :)

I want to hug marble and tell her "it'll all be ok"

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