• Published 25th Feb 2019
  • 1,012 Views, 12 Comments

Adventure Time! - MyLittleBronyDude

Finn and Jake get teleported by Magic Man! Will they ever make it home?

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Magic Man’s Portal

“Man, Jake. That was mathematical!” As Finn the Human, hero of Ooo and best bud of Jake, did a frontflip to the door to the treehouse, they both started talking about who did what and why King Worm had to keep invading the Candy Kingdom.

“Yeah, Finn. Hey, you wanna play Portender Defender? I’m still the kiiiiiing!” As Jake the Dog, shapeshifter and best bud of Finn, said this, a crown appeared on his head.

“Hey! That’s a fleshy head crown.”, Finn cried indignantly, “Fleshy head crowns don’t count.” The two continued bickering until they decided to move the argument inside.

“Come on Finn, let’s go inside. I’m sure BMO is waiting for us patiently.” With that he opened the door, not once looking at the inside of the treehouse.

“Thanks, Jake.” Finn walked into the house, expecting to see all of their treasure, but instead seeing a portal that he had just walked into and didn’t have time to get out! “Whooaaaa!”

“FINN! Oh no! Finn just walked into a weird swirly portal! I need to go get him back!” With that he jumped into the portal, not once seeing a grinning Magic Man staring at the portal with intense eyes.

The journey to Equestria is a perilous one for all, and Finn was no exception. The trip left him reeling, with no idea where he was and a million gazillion questions chasing each other in his head.

“Whoa! That was some maximum skronky stuff!” As Finn staggered around, trying to stand, he realised that he wasn’t in the Land Of Ooo anymore. And, Finn had turned into a pony!

“Whoa! What the bunk? Why am I a lumping pony? Okay, Finn. You just gotta calm down and look around.” Finn turned his head to look around and saw a small town, complete with a castle. “Wow, this place looks a lot like the Candy Kingdom. Except without candy people. And Gumball Guardians. And PB. And a lot of other junk.”

“Hey, where’s Jake? He was right behind me.” Finn looked at his tail and started freaking out. “Whoa! I have a tail! Do I still have my backpack? Or my sword?” He tried to grab his scarlet sword but failed as he only had hooves. “Maybe if I think about it really hard... like super really hard...” Instantly, his horn lit up and his sword floated out of his saddlebags. “Ooh! I’ve got magics! Aw, yeah boiiii!”

“Aaaaah!” Suddenly, a yellow pony with wings (a pegasus maybe?) fell on Finn’s head, squashing him to the ground. “Hey, watch it, man! I only just got here! Who are you, anyway?”

“My name’s Jake. Nice to meet you dude.” Jake flapped his wings gingerly. “Do you think I can fly with these things, random stranger who just happens to look like my best buddy Finn?”

“Jaaaaaaaaake! It’s me! Your best buddy Finn! I can prove it!” With that, his horn lights up and his sword floats out of his green saddlebags.

“Oh. Hi Finn. Where are we?” Jake scratched his head with his wings and looked at his flank. “Hey, look! I have a butt mark! And by the looks of it, you do too.” Jake’s cutie mark was bacon pancakes, and Finn’s cutie mark was his sword. “Do you think I can still shapeshift?

“I don’t know, Jake. I think we should go find a monster and kick its butt!” Finn drew his sword surrounded by his magical aura.

“Yeah, that sounds fun. Let’s do it!” Finn and Jake ran off into the town.

Twilight was organising the books in her castle for about the twelfth time today when she heard crashing and swords. “I wonder what’s going on out there...” Twilight trotted to the window and saw two ponies fighting an URSA MAJOR! One of them was a yellow pegasus shapeshifting into a unicorn and shoot a spell and then shapeshift AGAIN into an earth pony and take a huge kick at the huge celestial bear. The other one was casting spells while slashing at it with a yellow sword, all the while jumping and back flipping and yelling intelligible things.

They say the scream that followed could be heard all throughout Equestria and shattered every single window within a 20 kilometre radius.

Twilight teleported to everywhere to find the other Element Bearers to send the Ursa Major back to its cave. “Come on, girls! We have work to do! There’s an Ursa Major in Ponyville and two ponies are holding her off as we speak. So, let’s see some hustle, people!”

As soon as they got there, Elements at the ready in case things got out of hoof, they saw that the Ursa Major was lying on the ground with the two ponies Twilight saw earlier through her window playing music. The yellow shapeshifter was playing a small violin with his horn that he probably shapeshifted into, and the beige pony was wearing a white hat, blue shirt and green saddlebags, all while playing a flute that seemed to be made from bamboo.

“Hey, who are you? What are you doing here?” As Twilight yelled out to them, she lit up her horn and teleported the Ursa Major back to her cave where her baby, the Ursa Minor, was waiting and crying.

“Oh, hello there. I’m Jake, a magic shapeshifting dog from the Land of Ooo, and this is Finn, adventurer extraordinaire and hero of Ooo. We’re best buddies and adopted brothers.” Jake floated his small violin into Finn’s saddlebags. “Where we come from, Finn here is a human wearing these clothes.”

The Mane Six were absolutely stunned. A thump could be heard, and when everyone looked for the source of the noise, they found a twitching Twilight lying on the ground.

“Twilight? TWILIGHT! Are you okay?” Twilight woke up to Pinkie Pie’s hot pink mane in her muzzle. The rumours were true. Her mane did smell like cotton candy. As she looked around she saw that the two ponies that called themselves ‘Finn’ and ‘Jake’ were still there looking scared. Well, not scared. Finn was looking curious and Jake was looking bored.

“So you two weren’t some crazy dream that I had last night, then?” At the sound of her voice, both Finn and Jake snapped to attention looking at Twilight. “Why are you two here? How did you get here? When did you get here? I have so many questions!” As she said this, she used her magic to push Pinkie off of her and stand up.

It was Finn that spoke first. “Well, all I know is that I walked through the door to my treehouse and then I fell out of the sky and landed here.”

Jake piped up to put his two bits in. “Finn walked through a portal and he didn’t even know it! So I went after him after a bit of an internal battle.”

Twilight almost fainted again. “Oh, why did this have to happen on cleaning day, of all days? WHYYYYYY!” And then Twilight fainted for the second time in as many hours.