• Published 13th Feb 2019
  • 1,315 Views, 12 Comments

The Twilight Sunflower - BlackWater

Sunset and Sci-Twi go out for a picnic together with a special guest. Only, it's more than just a picnic.

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The Twilight Sunflower

It was daylight. Not that Twilight paid much attention to such things. She spent many of her hours indoors working on various marginally risky experiments. She mostly went outdoors when said experiments had an above standard probability of combustion or discharge of noxious gases. Her friends did get her out more often though. Sunset in particular lately. That was another matter, however, because none of her other friends were dating her.

Today, the experiments were on hold because Sunset had wanted a picnic outside. Twilight had no objections except that it extended some of her time estimates for her projects. They mattered less than her girlfriend though – hence today’s outing. In fact, with the frequency to which picnics devolved into makeouts she had particular reason to look forward to it. Still, this one might be more relaxed than those others by a factor of sixty percent. There was the possibility of a guest even if Sunset hadn't guaranteed it. Apparently the invited person had some nervous energy to work out.

Twilight stepped into the hidden garden with a deep breath of fresh air. Then she let it out with a content sigh. The weather was perfect for this sort of activity. Perhaps a tad warm but not enough to make one sweat easily. The occasional breeze was quite pleasant even if it was sparse. At least they would have privacy here if it was really just the two of them. The garden formed a natural barrier of thick trees and bushes even if it hadn’t been nestled back behind the school.

The glasses-wearing genius stopped. Her flats hadn’t tripped over any roots. She just happened to get far enough around the garden’s center fountain to find Sunset’s picnic blanket laid out over the grass. It was quite large, thick, and Twilight’s favorite part about it was that it was patterned with a highly detailed and accurate depiction of the solar system. Sunset was not the one currently sitting on it, however.

“H-hi...” came the hesitant voice of the green-haired girl.

“Wallflower Blush,” Twilight recomposed herself. It wasn’t that she was shocked. This was the garden after all and Sunset had told her about a guest. She just hadn’t pictured it being this girl. Then again, she had been literally knee-deep in a wave sequence generator reconfiguration project at the time she was told. It might have hampered her ability to put the obvious together. “You look very nice today.”

The girl blushed in return, doing justice to her name. Her eyes just wandered though and her hands fidgeted about. Sunset was right about her being nervous but she somehow seemed nervous in a different way than Twilight had seen her before. Something was up.

“I, uh, thought I’d try a different look. Sunset said a skirt looked r-really good on me,” Wallflower bit her bottom lip and focused on the picnic basket.

Twilight nodded. The skirt was not too much unlike her own, though in a bright green and yellow that suited the girl nicely. The blouse she was wearing was in like colors, though more of the yellow and had a-


Twilight’s eyes narrowed. The blouse was patterned after a sunflower! “Sunset Shimmer…” she growled at her absent girlfriend’s suggestive play on words and themes.

“Is something wrong?”

Wallflower’s voice knocked Twilight out of her thoughts of getting back at her significant other. “No, no,” Twilight waved it off and sat down beside her relatively new friend. “I was just thinking of something...else. So what did Sunny bring today?”

“She had to go use the restroom if that’s what you were thinking-”

“No, but I guessed as much,” Twilight peered over Wallflower’s stretched out legs to see the basket on the other side.

Suddenly the legs were brought back in, set below her to the other side as Wallflower sat differently. Almost like she was embarrassed about them showing. The strange speed of the movement and non-stop blushing from the girl made Twilight pause again. What was up with her? Was it still the awkwardness of being noticed around others? No, they had gotten past most of that months ago with all of the outings they had together as a group – old friends and Wallflower included.

Thinking back on those times gave the genius girl the answer. It was the legs themselves. This was the first time Twilight had ever actually seen Wallflower’s bare legs. She always wore pants or tights or long skirts if Rarity pressed her. This skirt was only as long as her knees. Not that it was anything to be embarrassed over. Twilight wore such skirts all the time. Sunset had worn shorter.

They had been very nice legs, though. In Twilight’s rush to encourage the seemingly confidence-starved girl, Twilight missed the implication. “It’s okay, Wallflower. I think your legs are very attractive.”

The sound of Twilight’s mental facepalm was an ear-splitting smack.

Wallflower’s lips moved as if to say something, failed, and then started over. “Y-yours are too...”

Twilight’s brow raised. Was Wallflower…? No. Couldn’t be.

And yet that little quivering attempt at a smile and eye contact said otherwise. And that blush. Not that any of the previous ones necessarily stopped at any given point. Then Wallflower’s nearest hand made a slow journey towards Twilight’s thigh. She could have avoided it easily, of course. There was probably a full minute before it ever reached its destination. But Twilight was too busy trying to comprehend why. Not to mention how this girl could even try for it given how new she was to being present around other people.

The answer to all of the questions arrived just in time with a cold can of iced tea in each hand.

“Hey girls,” Sunset announced as she came back into the garden and around the fountain. “I don’t get what either of you see in this canned stuff, but I figured I’d treat you both since I was near the machines any-”

Twilight’s gaze snapped up to her girlfriend standing above them. Wallflower did as well but the rest of her body was frozen, her hand a good three quarters the way to setting itself atop Twilight’s thigh. Sunset noticed this right away but, instead of a frown, her face brought out a smirk.

“Well well,” she showed a toothy grin and shrugged with the cans of tea still occupying her hands, “I’ll just show myself back out then. Didn’t mean to interrupt your special moment.”

“Sunset Shimmer!” Twilight huffed, face in a pout that wound up looking more cute than frustrated.

The redhead’s playful spirit failed to diminish in the slightest. She took a seat on the large picnic blanket on Wallflower’s side opposite Twilight. In spite of her girlfriend’s indignation, Sunset handed them the drinks anyways. Wallflower’s traveling hand finally had another task it took to with much greater speed.

“We discussed everything prior,” Sunset defended cheerfully. “You seemed fascinated at the time.”

“Fascinated?!” Twilight took a sip of the freshly opened can, enjoying the cold tea amidst the moderately warm air around her. “I said it was an intriguing proposition I was open to exploring. I had no idea you were going to run with it so soon!”

Wallflower knew what the two were now discussing over her. Sunset had told her about it before planning the picnic after all. She kept to her cold tea for the moment, though. Sunset had given her some pointers earlier about “timing” so she waited for an appropriate moment.

“I did the logical thing,” Sunset shrugged and pulled some items out of the basket. A salad, crackers, toppings, and a rice mix Sunset had made just earlier that day. “I thought you liked it when I did that. List hot girls. List hot girls we trust. List hot girl we trust who are down with it. Simple elimination. I’d say ‘no offense’ but you were top of my list anyways, Flower,” Sunset turned her attention to the green-haired girl.

“I’m honored. R-really,” Wallflower smiled down at the tea can she cradled in her lap. “I was terrified at first. But the two of you have been so nice to me. When you asked, I just...I knew there wouldn’t be a better chance to have someone special in my life. Or, uh, two people.”

The nervous laugh cut short when Wallflower felt Sunset’s hand on her thigh.

“I picked a special flower. Just for you,” Sunset grinned, leaning over the madly blushing girl between them to speak to her girlfriend. “Valentine’s is tomorrow and I figured if we all liked it then there would be three very happy people for the next day’s festivities. Plus, you know, all the other days after that.”

“Like it’s even a question whether or not you would like it,” Twilight finally got a confident look to return with. She didn’t ignore the girl between them, though. “Wallflower, I’d be honored as well. We should probably eat first though. Sunny does tend to make very good meals with rice.”

“You learn a thing or two working at a sushi place,” Sunset admitted and unpacked the plates next.

“You know who was next on my list?” Sunset giggled, taking Twilight’s empty tea can and packing it away to be recycled later along with the used plates.

“Oh no,” Twilight shook her head humorously before an answer even came. She was in good spirits too. “I don’t want to imagine.”

“I’m sure it was someone very nice,” Wallflower expressed her optimism, feeling a bit more energetic after the caffeine in her tea got to her. “I’m lucky to have been the number one girl!”

Sunset’s arm draped across Wallflower’s shoulder, their faces getting close. Twilight leaned closer too from the other side in case her girlfriend tried to whisper the answer. It was the kind of thing Sunset would do. Twilight was well acquainted with “the kind of things Sunset would do.”

“It was Fluttershy!” Sunset burst out in laughter.

Twilight facepalmed for real this time.

Wallflower was laughing too, though. “All I see is her freezing up like a stone!”

“H-hey,” Sunset tried to regain her breath amidst her laughing. “Sometimes it’s the shy ones, you know!”

“Or the redheads,” Twilight adjusted her glasses and gave them both a look.

“How so?” Wallflower asked with a sudden eagerness.

“Oh, I can think of a dozen things going through Sunny’s head right this minute,” Twilight smirked back at Sunset. “Things she wants to do to me...and you.”

Wallflower was obviously still riding the high spirits. She blushed but seemed more interested in what those things were rather than change subjects. Since she had turned to Twilight fully, her back was to Sunset. That had left her open to something she hadn’t expected.

“Things like this,” Sunset whispered hotly into Wallflower’s ear. She had slipped up behind the girl, embracing her from behind. Arms locked around her waist, mouth to her ear, breasts against her back.

Wallflower’s signature blush intensified instantly. Anything short of a sudden gasp of breath was lost as Sunset blew softly against the other girl’s ear. The hot air made Wallflower nearly fall back into Sunset. They may have been sitting but Wallflower could still lose her balance given the offensive Sunset had begun. She wasn’t looking into Sunset’s eyes, though. She was looking into Twilight’s.

Those purple eyes. Full of curiosity. Full of interest. Twilight’s eyes weren’t looking at Sunset either. They were looking at her. Of course they were. Sunset had told her that the two of them had talked about this before. Wallflower couldn’t help but wonder if the look Twilight was giving her was the look she gave Sunset when the two of them first kissed. A new experience.

A new love.

It was not Twilight who approached her though. That would have taken more time and Sunset was clearly interested in full engagement for today. Not one-on-one.

Sunset’s hot breaths were whispered into Wallflower’s ear. “Looks like she likes you, Flower. She’s so pretty too. I bet her lips are super soft.”

As Sunset’s words became more sensual, Wallflower’s arousal climbed. The readhead embracing her moved her arms so they were atop hers. Sunset’s hands guided Wallflower’s up. Right up to Twilight’s shoulders.

Sunset passed a quick look to her girlfriend, who caught it easily. She couldn’t simply move the two of them with the way they were sitting, so Twilight took the hint and was the one to slide over just a tad towards the other two girls, making things more comfortable.

Wallflower gulped. Twilight’s face was only a hand’s width from her own.

“Ever kissed a girl?” Sunset continued whispering like a voice of conscience on her shoulder. “I bet those soft lips are warm.”

Twilight could see Wallflower was enjoying this. She was being guided on by Sunset and Twilight would lie if she said there wasn’t something strangely arousing about the idea. Her girlfriend was essentially goading another girl into kissing her.

And she liked it.

Oh, Sunset. Twilight giggled inside. Her girlfriend was such a terrible influence. Such a lovely terrible perfect influence.

“I, uh, but...” Wallflower whispered back. “I wanted you to be my-”

She had been speaking to Sunset. The girl who had known all along that Wallflower had crushed on her. The girl who, in spite of already having a girlfriend, gave her a chance. Had opened up her heart...and Twilight’s.

“-first?!” the word came out with surprise. A mix of confusion too as Sunset suddenly took both her and Wallflower’s hands off Twilight’s shoulders. Wallflower was spun in Sunset’s embrace, leaned down quickly but carefully on the picnic blanket. That last word was indeed the last because their lips were now sealed.

Twilight put a hand to her mouth to stifle her pleased giggle. This was the Sunset she knew and loved. As dirty as the girl could be, she always thought of others. Put them before herself. If Wallflower wanted Sunset to be her first kiss then she would not hesitate. Twilight was hardly offended. Instead, she leaned down with the other two onto the blanket and waited for her chance to join.

Sunset, being the most pro-active one, glanced to her while still kissing Wallflower. She gave a wink and grabbed one of Twilight’s hands, her other being preoccupied with keeping most of her weight from crushing the green gardener below her.

At first, the genius had insufficient data to determine what Sunset intended beyond merely holding her hand – which was a nice enough thing on its own. She found out quickly, though. Sunset guided her hand to Wallflower’s thigh. She rolled here yes. Well of course she would have done that on her own. She stopped her eyes mid-roll when Sunset ensured that Twilight’s hand was on the girl’s thigh beneath the skirt.

An audible hum of surprise let Twilight know the girl had recognized the sensation. Wallflower’s eyes remained closed, however, until Sunset pulled back from the deep kiss. Both were breathing heavy when their lips parted.

“Now, this,” Sunset breathed hotly on Wallflower’s lips, “is a Flower I’d like to keep.”

She really did have the scent of flowers. An earthy aroma hung about Wallflower regardless of the grass and plants that surrounded them here in the garden. Amidst that scent was that of a variety of flowers. Sweet and pleasant. Varieties the girl cared for throughout this place.

Any further words were lost when Wallflower eagerly closed the distance and continued the kiss. Apparently, Sunset had flipped her switch. Not that anyone would have an objection. Twilight was busy caressing Wallflower’s thigh at first. It was soft and warm, not unlike Sunset’s own. That gave her an idea. Well, maybe two or three ideas.

The dark blue haired girl turned so she could comfortably fill her left hand with her first girlfriend’s rear and her right with her new girlfriend’s left breast. It was just a light caress but immediately registered and appreciated by both girls. This time, Wallflower broke the kiss and opened her eyes.

“Twilight,” Wallflower panted, her heavy breaths never stopping as the glasses-wearing girl just smiled sweetly back and gave a gentle squeeze.

“Don’t worry, Flower,” Sunset soothed. “That’s as far as we go for now. I was planning on drawing it out for a while but someone got into it like you wouldn’t believe. Valentine’s is the real event. Wouldn’t want to spoil it~”

“I’m not worried,” Wallflower smiled back at Twilight then returned her attention to Sunset. “I just wish it were tomorrow already.”

“Same here,” Twilight added in. “I was promised special privileges.”

“Privileges?” Wallflower asked, still entranced even as Sunset sat up from her sprawled out form.

“Certain equipment and the right to use it,” Twilight copied her first girlfriend’s trademark smirk.

“Because tomorrow, we’re both going to explore your garden,” Sunset gave a wink.

Comments ( 12 )

Damn, you’re a tease, Blackwater. Good show.

Haha, I enjoyed this!

Great sequel to “Sunflower “, BlackWater. Do you think Wubcake could read this story?

What is polyamory, anyway?

It's like polygamy but instead of multiple people in a relationship with a single person, they are all in a relationship with each other.

Thanks. I can always write more though if requested. :raritywink:

View on Derpibooru - Original source

Thanks a ton! Happy Valentine's! :raritystarry:

I HAD to write more Sunflower eventually. Too good not to. As for Wubcake, it's up to her. I'm open to anyone doing readings whether it's for fun, practice, or pro. It's always appreciated. :pinkiehappy:

Indeed. And though Wallflower was more drawn by Sunset, she may be getting a bit flustered by Twilight-senpai as well~ :raritywink: :heart:

So many available innuendos available when it comes to flowers and gardening.

Aww, this is so cute and sweet! Not enough poly fics out there that don't agonise over the details. You're written excellent chemistry for the three of them, no mean feat!

Thank you so much for sharing!

I know right? :pinkiehappy:

Thank you for reading~! :raritystarry:
Indeed, I do enjoy writing stories like this. I might consider writing a longer continuation of this at some point and get into a bit more detail but I don't think I will do much in the way of stressing relational drama as it's just not my cup of tea. For now, I'll be using my next available time to write....the sirens~ :heart:

Interesting to see a three way relationship. The language is very suggestive too. Nice cover art as well.

I could totally see Twilight spending all day in her laboratory when opportunity knocks.
Hope they give Wallflower's garden a thorough exploration. I love the playful love shining through in this poly ship. ♡

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