• Published 2nd Jul 2020
  • 9,330 Views, 944 Comments

Severed Ties - Carol Heart

Stranded in Equestria after Anon-A-Miss, Sunset is done with friendship. Unfortunately, the human Twilight's new device pulls not just energy from the portal, but a unicorn as well. Now the two must work together to get Sunset home.

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Chapter 33

It was Fluttershy who first spotted Pinkie slumped over in the bleachers. Alerting her friends, they had quickly gathered around the drained party girl.

“Pinkie, are you alright?” the concerned animal lover asked checking over her friend with an appraising eye.

“Yeah, what happened, Pinks,” Rainbow cut in, “did Twilight steal your magic too?”

The response was a shake of a surprisingly poofy head, a degree of volume the other Rainbooms had forgotten the girl capable of. “No, she didn’t steal it,” Pinkie replied, a small smile appearing on her otherwise haggard face. “I gave it to her.”

“Darling, you do know that’s not Princess Twilight, right?” Rarity asked delicately.

“She’s right, sugarcube, that Twilight’s the human one, and who knows what she’s planning ta do with all the magic she’s stolen?”

“I do, Applejack,” said Pinkie firmly. “She’s going to help Sunset.”

“Ah said she ain’t pony-Twi, so how could she possibly…”

“I don’t know,” the party girl said, seeming to regain a measure of her former energy given the force she put behind her words. Taking a breath she turned sparkling blue eyes to meet green, “I just know, it’s...call it a hunch.” A wide, enigmatic smile, they hadn’t seen in months spread across the party planner’s face. “She wants to help Sunset, which is what we should have done when the whole Anon-A-Miss thing happened, and if even a part of me can help Sunset now, I’m willing to do whatever it takes to not let her down again.”

Any further attempts at making sense of Pinkie Pie were interrupted as a familiar trio burst into the gym, looking frantically around before racing over to the Rainbooms.

“Sweetie Bell, really, you know better than to slam doors,” Rarity reprimanded.

Applejack only rolled her eyes before leveling a hard stare at the girls, “More importantly, ya know y’all ain’t allowed at the party. Not until it’s time for cleanup any way.”

“We know, sis, and we ain’t here for the party,” Apple Bloom started before being cut off by Scootaloo.

“Yeah, it’s that Twilight Sparkle that showed up with the Crystal Preppers. She was actin’ all weird so we followed her…?”

“Girls!” Rarity began, outrage clear on her face.

“And she’s in trouble,” Sweetie Belle cut in knowing best how to curtail one of her sister’s lectures on propriety.

“What do you mean, she’s in trouble?” asked Rainbow Dash. This may not be the Princess Twilight that she was friends with, but the athlete had learned her lesson and had promised herself she’d stand up for others when they were in trouble.

“It’s that Principal, the mean one with the glasses. She cornered that Twilight out in the halls,” continued Sweetie.

“She said something about leading her to some sort a ‘power source’ for all the energy Twilight’s been collecting,” piped in Apple Bloom.

“Energy,” questioned Rarity, then her eyes fell on the still recovering party planner, “Oh dear, you don’t think she means the magic?”

“Makes sense,” drawled Applejack pushing her hat back on her head in contemplation, “and Ah guess that makes us the power sources…except she’s already drained all our magic.”

“Yeah, but all of our magic came from Princess Twilight and she’s back in magical pony land and hasn’t talked to us in a long time since we were all gigantic meanies,” interjected Pinkie.

“Oh, um,” started Fluttershy, “but the portal is still here and, um, even when it wasn’t working, it’s still where the magic is from.”

“And now that she has all our magic, who knows what she can do to the portal, too,” Rainbow Dash cut in. “We have to stop her. Whatever’s going on with her, we can’t let her mess with magic, who knows what could happen.” Rainbow hurried down the hall towards the front door.

Applejack turned to the trio, “Thanks, we’ll take care of it," before addressing her friends, "Come on, girls, we better go after her before she does something…her.” The rest of the Rainbooms quickly hurried down the hall after Rainbow Dash.

“We should go after them,” Scootaloo said, beginning to follow after the older teens, “maybe there’s something we can do to help.”

“No wait,” said Sweetie as her friends began to give chase, a contemplative look spreading across her face. “Maybe there’s something else we can do.”

“What do ya mean?” asked Apple Bloom.

“Twilight. I don’t think she wants to do any of this. You saw how that woman was talking to her. The principal is forcing her.”

“Yeah,” Scootaloo chimed in, “what was it she said? ‘Just let Spike go’? Who’s Spike?”

“Her dog,” Sweetie gasped, a look of realization spreading across her face. "Remember during the Battle of the Bands Princess Twilight had that cute little puppy, I’m pretty sure she called him Spike.”

“Ya mean that no good principal kidnapped her dog and is holding him hostage to make Twilight steal magic?” Apple Bloom gasped incredulously.

“We’ve got to rescue him,” said Scootaloo, the same determination in her voice as her idol had demonstrated minutes ago. “I mean if we save Spike, Twilight won’t have any reason to do what she’s doing.”

“But we don’t even know where she’s keeping him,” interjected Sweetie. “I mean he could be at her house, at Crystal Prep, who knows.”

“True,” mused Apple Bloom, "but if Twilight did get cold feet, Ah think that witch would want him on hand ta remind Twilight why she has ta do it.”

“So he is here?” asked the young athlete. “Then they would’ve had to bring him in one of those giant busses the Crystal Preppers showed up in.”

“Ah mean we can’t be sure, but it’s the only place we’d be able to check anyway without a ride. It's worth a try.”

“Then what are we waiting for?” shouted Scootaloo and raced off toward the back doors that led to the parking lot, her two friends hurrying after.


Twilight led Principal Cinch slowly down the hall away from the party in the gym, presumably towards the source of the “mystery energy”, but when the teen turned to head out the front door, the educator was furious. As they reached the bottom of the front steps, Cinch grabbed hold of the girl’s shoulder and spun her around.

“I’m losing my patience, Miss Sparkle,” Cinch snapped. “Have you located the power source here at Canterlot High or do I have to make use of the source I already have available to me?”

“No!” Twilight shouted panicked, causing the principal to glare down at her for apparent refusal. “I-I mean yes, Principal Cinch, I know the source of the energy. Please just let Spike go.”

“You will have that canine miscreant back only after you lead me to the location of the energy. Do I make myself clear?”

“Y-yes, ma’am,” Twilight said, hanging her head in defeat. Walking across the front courtyard, Twilight stopped in front of the rearing horse statue, remembering how her adventures with magic had started here only a week ago. “Here," Twilight said sadly, "this is the source of the energy I discovered.”

“Don’t play games with me Twilight. If you don’t want to divulge the source to me, I will make do with collecting what information I can from your test subject.”

“I’m not,” Twilight shouted, panicked. She didn’t want to divulge the secret, especially to someone like Cinch. Sunset was supposed to have time to find Spike and get him away safely. She was supposed to have the duration of the Friendship Games. This was all happening too soon. This was not part of the plan, but what choice did she have now? “This is the source of the energy. It is a portal to another world.”

“Another world?” Cinch scoffed, “Do you really expect me to believe-”

“It’s the truth!” Twilight shouted. “And I can prove it.” Pulling her device off from around her neck, she turned toward the portal. It was rash and impulsive, and for the briefest of moments, she wondered if the amber unicorn might have been rubbing off on her. Carefully opening the device, the young scientist triggered it to release the slimmest of streams of magical energy. Watching in awe, Cinch and the other Shadowbolts watched as energy swirled briefly in the air and formed a glowing tear in space in front of the statue.
Unlike Twilight’s previous experiences with these rifts, this one did not lead to a nightmarish land of grabbing plants. Instead, the image that they saw through the magic opening appeared to be a picturesque medieval-style village. The houses were all timber framed with thatched roofs. There was a large circular building in a similar style in the middle of what appeared to be a town square. But what really caught the eyes of all the Shadowbolts, it was the myriad of ponies filling the area. Unlike the standard horses they were used to, these ponies came in a variety of colors and with a range of hair-mane styles, making them more resembled people.

“That horse, has wings and is flying,” Indigo spat out, “What the F-”

“And there’s a unicorn,” Sour Sweet cooed, before her smile melted into an angry scowl as she turned on Twilight, “What the hell did you do to me to have these hallucinations?”

“I don’t know,” said Lemon Zest, actually deeming this moment worth removing her headphones for, “but whatever it is, I think we just found our first commercial application!” Throwing up the horns and head banging to celebrate only earned her a slap upside the head from Sugarcoat.

Cinch took in the scene; it was better than she had ever imagined. The discovery of a new world with riches and resources that were yet untapped. The machinations forming for how to best handle this discovery.

“Excellent work, Miss Sparkle. Once we have won these games and returned to Crystal Prep, there will be no more talk of your transfer to Everton. You will work with our research team on this energy and begin developing ways to utilize it for a variety of commercial uses."


“Oh, come now, Miss Sparkle, I never would have thought you so short sighted. Research and discovery are great, but without practical applications, your findings will fade into obscurity. But develop practical applications and you will become a household name."

“But you can’t, don’t you see? The source of the energy, it’s them,” Twilight shouted, pointing to the ponies filling the square they’re living beings.

“So are rats and dogs and they are used for test subjects,” Principal Cinch said as she approached Twilight. “So are cows, pigs, and chickens and yet we still raise them for slaughter.”

“You can’t be serious,” Twilight said, dumbfounded, “These are sapient beings, they have lives and feelings, and families, you would threaten that, threaten them just for your own reputation…”

Something clicked in Twilight, a hot burning inside of her, spiking out from her core and pulsing through her body. “Just like you’ve done to us.”

“That is quite enough, Miss Sparkle,” Cinch interrupted only to be interrupted herself.

“No, I don’t think it is,” Twilight said, gripping the device tightly in her hand, her eyes and focus leveled on the Crystal Prep principal and not noticing how the device was beginning to pulse in time to her increasing heart rate. “For years, I have done what I was told, fallen in line and taken your abuse...all of your abuse,” Twilight growled turning briefly to glare at the other Crystal Prep students. "I took it because you were the principal and we were your students...but we’re not are we? You don’t treat us like students. A teacher is supposed to mentor and encourage a student’s individual talents, not pit them against each other in an academic death match. But we’re not students to you, we’re simply pawns. Chattel to be used and discarded as you deem fit all for your precious reputation.”

“Miss Sparkle, I have had quite enough of this outburst.” Cinch interrupted, “I am the principal of Crystal Prep, and I will not let your frenzied outburst jeopardize what I have built. Now, it is time to return to the school for the Academic Decathlon, which I expect you to win, or I will see to it that your little friend gets exactly the fate you predicted. Do I make myself clear?”

“I’ll stop you.” It was quiet but held an air of defiance that did not sit well with the principal.

“I understand you might have your...reservations about our arrangement, but if we don’t defeat Canterlot High in both the Friendship games and the discovery and development of this energy, I think I’ve made it plain what will happen to both you and that misbegotten dog of yours. These are facts, Miss Sparkle, ones you would do well to reacquaint yourself with. I hold the power in this situation.”

It was Cinch’s words that drew Twilight’s attention back to the device still tightly clenched in her fist. She could feel the device practically vibrating in her hand. The heat it gave off, seemingly hot enough to burn, but did not hurt her skin, instead it coursed through her body and burned under her skin. She could feel it calling to her, wanting to be used, needing only the chance to be set free. Cinch was threatening not just her, but Spike, and all the residents of Sunset’s world. She had to be stopped. And then another part reminded her that it wasn’t just Cinch that was the problem. Seeing her five tormentors, something jagged stabbed through her. They were all to blame. Raising her gaze, Twilight saw the gathering crowd of Shadowbolts and Wondercolts who had left the building to see why the teams weren’t inside for the first event. Twilight remembered it wasn’t just her school that was guilty of mistreating others. The burning feeling running through her turned to a sharp cold stab as she realized what she had to do.

“Oh, you’re wrong. In this situation, I’m the one holding all the power.”

Author's Note:

Now I love Friendship Games but one of my biggest issues with it was Twilight’s motivation to release the magic. Catchy songs aside, she has no reason to think releasing it will do anything beneficial. Up until that point escaped magic has done nothing but tear holes in space and release people-eating monster plants. How would releasing even more of it in an uncontrolled environment help you understand?
Yeah, so Twilight has some new motivation in this story. Plus, Sunset taught her about magic so she totally knows what she’s doing. I'm sure it'll be fine.