• Published 6th Feb 2019
  • 2,144 Views, 47 Comments

Sugar and Spice - Foal Star

Rarity fed up with Applejack and Rainbow Dash teasing and pranking her. She decided to use a strange magic to turn the tomboys into "proper mares."

  • ...

Chapter Six: A Perfect Rainbow

Applejack and Rarity were now walking down the crowded streets of Manehatten as they looked down the streets of the big city with their mouths agape as they gazed up and around the place. Rainbow Bright's face was on magazines, perfume, dress shops. The two couldn’t go a block seeing her strutting on the front of every article they laid their eyes on. Applejack was getting a little jealous as she looked around the city wide-eyed and full of wonder. As the mare gazed about and whispered, “by golly, I didn’t have this much fame as Golden Appleseed.”

Rarity slowly nodded in agreement and whispered in awe. “Yes darling, her career is a fascinating one being a strange mare coming out of Cloudsdale with no name. Yet she climbed the ranks of the fashion empire to ultimately claim the crown of the best model in Equestria. Trust me her story is full of drama and romance she’s dated some of the most wanted bachelors as well such as Hoity Toity, Soarin and even Blueblood. She is without a doubt the most mysterious mare ever known.”

Applejack came over to a magazine stand and grumbled,”ya just read all that from a magazine.”

Rarity turned around and threw a hoof and quickly responded. “The point is darling she’s going to be very hard to talk to with Photo Finish nagging her every move. I'm also betting she's constantly surrounded by bodyguards. We're going to need to somehow catch her alone to try to explain that she’s not really Rainbow Bright.”

Applejack looked around and explained, “well yeah, but like ya said that’s going to be easier said than done.”

Rarity smirked as she slowly walked up to Applejack and cooed, “don't underestimate my powers of persuasion darling.”

They continued to walk down the crowded streets until they came across a giant building called “Fashion Central” with models and fashion designers walking in and out of the building. The two mares went through the front doors and into a large lobby with nice gold carpets on the floors, gold tiled walls and beautiful chandeliers hanging overhead. The two mares quickly trotted over to a bored receptionist at a giant front desk who looked up at the mares and asked in monotone. “How may I help you?”

Applejack was going to say something Rarity gave a smirk as she strutted over to the desk making sure to shake her hips as she went up to the receptionist and leaned on the gold countertop and fluttered her eyelashes and responded in an elegant manner. “Hello darling, my name is Rarity and this is my assistant Applejack. I'm a personal designer for Rainbow Bright and I came to see if we can speak to her about trying on some new dresses I designed.”

The receptionist looked through a notepad for quite some time. Both Applejack and Rarity waited patiently for a while when suddenly the receptionist sighed, “I’m sorry but Rainbow Bright will be busy with a photo shoot all day today. However, it seems she has an opening tomorrow.”

Rarity clopped her hooves together and chirped, “well it’s a good thing I’m here then darling. As you see I'm here to help Rainbow Bright with her photo shoot.”

The receptionist typed away at her typewriter and continued in her bored tone. “There are no notes of anypony coming to visit her today. We already have stylists and designers for all of our models. Now I’m going to have to ask you two to leave.”

The mares then saw two giant earth ponies in tuxedos and sunglasses step forward with stern looks. Rarity looked back with her face scrunched up and scoffed, “you can’t just throw us out! If you do! I'll make sure Rainbow Bright will hear about this!”

Applejack groaned irritably seeing Rarity's persuasion has failed miserably as she came forward and stomped a hoof down “That’s enough! Look here missy Rainbow Bright had us secretly come because she didn’t want anypony being jealous of being friends with the disgraced Golden Appleseed.”

The receptionist raised a hoof as the two tough looking stallions paused and she turned her attention to the orange coated earth pony and asked, “please proceed.”

Applejack gave Rarity a smirk as she continued, “now I know this ain’t how yall fancy ponies normally do this. But it was a last minute request and she didn’t have time to run it by yall. Now if yall dun wants us going to see her that's fine. But when Rainbow Bright comes down here and asks why we never came. We’ll just explain you turned us away and it was a big misunderstanding.”

Rarity gulped as she turned towards the receptionist who simply blushed and apologized, “my deepest apologies if you go down the hall and make a right. You’ll find the dressing rooms, she’ll have her name printed on the door in bright rainbow colors you can’t miss it.”

Applejack gave a nod. “Thank you, mam.”

As two mares then ran down the hall Applejack turned towards Rarity and smirked, “so who has the power of persuasion now?”

Rarity just threw her mane back and snapped, “you just got lucky darling don't let it go to your head.”

Applejack couldn't help but chuckle as they continued to run down the hall looking for Rainbow Bright's.

As the two were scoured the halls going from room to room and looking for a specific name. The two mares walked by many with models shouting for their assistants and whining about all kinds of stuff like their shoes don't fit, they look ugly, who cheated on who. Rarity couldn't help but scoff at the snobbish models and commented. “I never did like models, they act like they do all the hard work when it’s really a whole team of designers and assistants that make them popular.”

Applejack turned towards Rarity with a smirk and asked, “are you sure you're not just jealous at the fact that Photo Finish made Fluttershy more popular then you a year ago.”

Rarity gave a nervous chuckle and waved a hoof. “Me jealous? That would be so uncouth of me. In any case, we need to find Rainbow Dash’s room.”

Applejack just rolled her eyes knowing Rarity was just dodging her question. They continued to walk down the hall and eventually they came upon a room with the bright letters Rainbow Bright printed on the door. The two gulped nervously as Rarity knocked on the door and a voice replied, “please come in!”

The two ponies entered and were surprised to see Rainbow Dash was completely gone. Rainbow Bright wore the poofiest rainbow colored satin dress the two mares have ever seen. A beautiful straw sun hat sat on her perfectly curled mane with rainbow-colored ribbons had it tied up in satin baby blue colored bows. She turned around with a big cheery smile on her face and chirped same sweet tone. “Hello, darlings! It’s been quite some time!”

The two mares squeaked in surprise as Rainbow flew over and pulled the two into a tight hug. They were then pressed into the soft fabrics of her dress smelling the intoxicating flowery perfume making both mares cough and gag. Applejack gasped for breath and pleaded, “please let us go!”

Rainbow Bright relinquished her hold with a cute giggle as the mares gasped for breath and asked in her cheery tone. “ So how are things? I mean it’s been quite some time since we last talked. I also heard Applejack was really Golden Appleseed this entire time!”

Applejack sat back as she crossed her hooves and scoffed, “yeah so what? It doesn't mean nothin’.’”

Rainbow Bright casually strutted over shaking her big poofy dress with a big smile on her face. “Oh, it does being the biggest food critic in Equestria you were stealing my spotlight. But now that you tanked your career besides the wonderbolts nobody is going to steal my thunder.”

Applejack got up with a smirk and shouted with enthusiasm. “You saying that just means that I was better than ya. Even with your face on every fashion magazine,e you saw me as a threat ha!”

Rainbow Bright snickered, “oh Applejack I can smell jealousy from a mile away and believe me you reek of it. It doesn't matter now anyways seeing your career is dead.”

Applejack scoffed and turned away as the model asked,” so Rarity what brings you and Applejack here? I can tell you didn’t just come to cheer me on.”

The two mares were quite stunned and they gazed at each other and they seemed to be unsure of what to say. Rarity was the first to speak up. “Rainbow Bright darling we came to um…” she turned to see a teapot and some cups and chirped, “well...that’s all we can to do during to cheer you on and give some fashion tips.”

Rainbow Bright gave Rarity a sweet smile and cooed, “Oh thank you Rarity I did try on your latest designs and believe me they were quite stunning.”

Rainbow Bright then performed a courtesy showing off the poofy dress and explained in her sing-song voice. “In fa,ct this outfit is just an upgraded version of the first dress your sister gave me a month ago.”

Applejack placed a hoof to her mouth nearly bursting in laughter seeing how girly Rainbow Dash was now. Rarity did, however, appreciate the lovely comment and responded with a smile. “Oh Rainbow Bright thank you for that lovely compliment darling, that means a lot.”

Rainbow Bright giggled and waved a hoof. “Oh think nothing of it, sweetheart.”

Applejack rolled her eyes and spat. “Seriously you look like if a cloud made of cotton candy and a rainbow had a baby.”

Rarity giggled at the joke as Rainbow Bright turned her head in the air and spat back. “Oh, as if you know anything about fashion Applejack. Honestly, the only reason I don’t have my bodyguards escort you out is because of my dear friend Rarity.”

Applejack who was getting angry at Rainbow Bright's attitude shouted, “oh yeah! Well go ahead and try I’ll buck those busty stallions any day of the week!”

Rarity got between the mares and squeaked, “ladies, please! Don’t fight! We came to relax and cheer Rainbow Bright on not attack her lifestyle.”

Applejack grumbled irritably and sat in the back of the room while Rainbow Bright began pouring the tea. “I have to admit I don’t know you bother bringing this fraud here. She is a disgrace to Restaurant Row and the entire mining industry not to mention she left that poor Silver Dollar.”

Rarity took her cup and cooed, “oh there is no need to freight I’m sure that things will turn around for her.” She then squealed causing Rainbow Bright to look up and ask, “what’s wrong?!”

Rarity blushed “um your tea I think it might be a bit too hot.” Rainbow bright looked down and blushed “right darling, I’ll have one of my assistants bring fresh milk.”

She then turned around and to tell one of her mares to fetch some milk as Rarity carefully slipped some of the potions into the mare’s cup. Rainbow Bright came back and cooed,” so while we wait I actually have a proposal for you Rarity.”

The fashionista looked up with a surprised expression as Rainbow asked,” would you be my personal designer? I mean, I know we haven't’ spoken much in the past month. But your designs are some of the best in the fashion industry and I want you to only work for me.”

Rarity’s eyes narrowed a little as she responded, “darling, I know when someone is trying to manipulate me. I understand were friends and I’ve helped you in your career. However, I can’t just abandon my boutique in Ponyville and live here.”

Rainbow bright burst into laughter, “Oh come now you honestly want to live in that backwater of a town still? Even Applejack had the brains to live in Canterlot.”

Applejack got up with anger printed on her face and Rarity gently lowered her hoof indicating to Applejack to calm down. The mare grumbled and plopped back down on her chair. Just as a nervous mare came in with the small jar of milk. She poured it in both of their cups of tea and Rainbow Bright held her cup out as she asked, “just think about it alright?”

Rarity smirked and cooed, “sure darling, why not it was just a gesture after all.” The two mares clinked their cups together and they drank down their tea.

After Rainbow Bright left down the hallway feeling a bit odd. She started to walk down the hall towards the black-walled area of the backstage as her mane started to uncurl and straighten out making her shout “can I have somepony help me out here, seriously!”

Out of nowhere assistants swarmed her trying to fix her mane but no amount of hairspray, brushes or magic would fix it. Rainbow Bright was now getting irritated and shouted in frustration. “Just get off me I have a photo shoot to do!”

the pegasus stormed to the front of the stage with a cute backdrop of fluffy clouds in a big blue sky. Photo Finish turned to see Rainbow Bright and proclaimed, “Finally ze star has arrived!”

Rainbow Bright rolled her eyes and gave a pose “let's just get this over with alright?”

Camera ponies shrugged and started to take photos and Rainbow started to do pose after pose. But things were starting to unravel as her fake eyelashes popped out. Nopony cared about that then her hat fell off, her body grew a bit bigger and she could feel the dress steaming around her body. Rainbow Bright started to feel embarrassed about being in such overly poofy dress and wondered if it was too girly. She began trying to force the poof down with her front hooves only for the camera ponies to gasp as the dress flared up in the back revealing her cutie mark which had reverted to Rainbow Dash’s cloud with a rainbow lightning bolt. Rainbow Bright squeaked as her mind suddenly reverted back to Rainbow Dash leaving her speechless. The mare gulped as her face turned a bright red in being such a poofy dress and seeing ponies photographing her. The mare instantly tried to slam the dress down with her hooves only for the camera ponies to dawww with Photo Finish shouting, “That's perfect! wonderful yet be bashful! Excellent!”

Rainbow Dash’s was a deep red as she continued to jump and squeak at every flash of the camera. She then stumbled backwards with her dress flying up revealing cute pink underwear. As Rainbow Dash tried to sover herself with the dress the camera ponies just shrugged as they continued taking photos. Photo Finish was proclaiming to the world “Yez! thiz iz ze bezt photo zhoot iv'e had in agez!”

Rainbow Dash was too embarrassed to say anything a she slowly backed up towards the backstage. She then quickly started running out of the stage and down the hall. The pegasus burst through the front office with crowds of ponies shouting her and screaming “that’s Rainbow bright!”

Dozens of ponies then suddenly swarmed Rainbow asking for autographs and some even asked for a piece of her mane. The mare felt claustrophobic with pieces of paper being shoved in her face. Rainbow Dash grew really irritated and bursted, “get the buck off me and leave me alone!” As her wings tore the the back of the dress and she burst through the doors and flew out into the streets of Manehatten.

Rainbow Dash flew through the streets for a bit and she eventually landed down and took a few deep breaths as she looked around trying to get her bearings. All around her she saw Rainbow Bright’s name printed on buildings, magazines on posters in front of dress shops and even on sides of taxis! Rainbow Dash was beyond embarrassed and confused as she shouted into the sky, “what in the buck is going on!”

But her expression of distress turned to relief seeing Rarity and Applejack running down the street to meet her with big smiles on their faces. However, the two other mares were running so fast they both crashed into the pegasus and they all tumbled into a giant mud puddle splattering them all with mud. Rainbow Dash burst out laughing as she got up and asked, “so can any of you tell me what the buck is going on here?”

Applejack gave an angry glare at Rarity as she gave a sheepish smile and replied, “well, I have to admit that this is all my fault. I’m the one who accidentally transformed you into a model.”

Rainbow Dash glared at Rarity and she rose her wings in the air and tackled the white-coated mare and tackled her into the puddle and shouted, “you turned me into some ditzy girly model!”

Rarity squeaked, “I’m sorry Dashie I really am! I swear I didn’t know this was going to happen.”

Applejack slowly trotted over to her friend and placed a hoof on Rainbow Dash’s back. “She really didn’t mean it. Rarity pulled some prank on us using some kind of magical stone.”

Rainbow Dash looked down at whimpering fashionetta and scoffed, “seriously! We just poured water on you! We didn't change your personality lor anything that crazy!”

The pegasus got off her friend as Rarity slowly rose up brushing mud from her mane as she sighed, “I know darling, it was a huge mistake and that’s why I cured you. Now we can all go home.”

Rainbow began tearing off the poofy dress off her body and threw it aside a she turned around and growled, “fine let’s just go home. I don’t want stay another second here.”

But just as the three muddy mares got up Photo Finish came over and replied,” not so fazt! Rainbow Bright iz ztill my client and zhe can’t just go.”

Both Applejack and Rainbow Dash were going to say something quite angrily at Photo Finish. Rarity however placed a hoof up as she slowly explained, “I’m sorry Photo Finish but there has been a huge mistake. Rainbow Dash isn’t a model she never was. The mare was under the influence of magic and can no longer be your client. Please allow her to tell the public this misunderstanding and let us go.”

Rainbow Dash grumbled as she rubbed a hoof in the cobblestones but Photo Finish was unphased as she stomped a hoof on the ground. “Regardlezz of ze circumstancez zhe iz ztill under contract.”

Photo Finish produced a scroll and showed it to the three mares. “Here it is Rainbow Bright will be under my contract for at least another month. Like it or not even if Rainbow Bright iz really Rainbow Dash zhe is obligated to finizh her dutiez az a model.”

Applejack stomped a hoof and shouted, “hey what’s the big deal! It’s not like you had Fluttershy sign one of those!”

Photo Finish waved a hoof and scoffed, “she’z half the reason why I started making these contractz. I can’t just have my modelz leaving me without zome protection on my investment.”

Rainbow Dash smirked as she crossed her hooves, “even if I signed a contract I’ll just mess up like what Fluttershy did and force you to drop me as your client.”

Photo Finish scanned the document and showed her one line. “Here it readz if you mezz up and cost me money. Zen there is one course of action and that would be to make you pay for ze damages out of your own pcoketz.”

Rainbow Dash was now beyond angry and shouted, “You can’t hold me hostage! I’ll go to princess Celestia and take it up with her!”

Photo Finish rolled up the scroll and explained curtley. “I’m zorry I can adjust ze contract for maybe a few monthz and it'z perfectly legal.”

Rainbow Dash turned around at Rarity with tears in her eyes and shouted, “this is all your fault! If you hadn’t transformed me and Applejack none of this would be happening!”

She then zoomed off as Rarity threw out a hoof with tears filling her eyes. Photo Finish scoffed she rolled up the scroll. “Rarity, just to let you know I expect her back here by tomorrow for a reshoot.”

Rarity turned around at Photo Finish and shouted, “Oh please shut up and leave us alone! I need to find my friend!”

She ran down the streets along with Applejack chasing Rainbow dash to Celestia knows where.

The two mares ran until they came upon a quite expensive looking apartment complex and found Rainbow Dash sitting outside on the porch with tears coming down her cheeks. She turned to her friends with tears in her eyes and asked, “What do you two want? Come to laugh at me?”

Applejack wasn’t sure what she was going to say and Rarity gulp and was quivering feeling guilty. But she looked up and resolved herself as she came over and replied, “Rainbow Dash, I’m sorry for what happened to you. I know that this may seem like a lot and I know you didn’t want this modeling job but we could...we could make this work for a little.”

Rainbow Dash looked up and shouted, “I am not modeling in any more fancy dresses! I am Rainbow Dash a daredevil flyer who’s going to be a Wonderbolt! Not some pansy Smansy model!”

Rarity slowly came over and explained, “you don’t have to, well..not you it’ll be Rainbow Bright?”

Rainbow Dash eyed Rarity as she continued, “look, Applejack reverted back to Golden Appleseed at will and I believe you can do. Do that for one more month and get through this.”

Rainbow Dash stomped a hoof on the ground and growled, “no I’m not letting her take over again! I’m Rainbow Dash and always will be.”

Rarity placed a hoof on her friend's shoulder. “I’ll be here with you, I’ll be your personal assistant and whatever you ask to make thing up to you.”

Rainbow Dash was still angry as she gritted through her teeth. But she calmed down a little and after a big exasperated sigh Rainbow relented. “Fine! But just for one more month than I quit my contract.”

Applejack came over and explained, “well if that’s the case then I’m stayin’ here with you two as we.”

Rarity shook her head. “There’s no need, you should go back to your family they miss you.”

Applejack came over and proclaimed, “no, I won’t just let you two stay here by yourselves. I can turn back into golden Appleseed and make money work at a restaurant and send it to my family for a month.”

Both Rainbow Dash and Rarity blinked as Applejack scoffed, “you know that apartments here are expensive right? ’it's going to take all three of us to make this possible.”

Rarity gave a nod and added. “Then it’s only fair that I get transformed as well for what I did. I’ll punish myself.”

The two mares both blinked as she sighed,” I’ll write a letter to Twilight and use for the jewel with magic inside and I’ll transform myself.”

Rainbow Dash shook her head and looked up at Rarity and replied, “it’s fine you can just stay here as yourself, there’s no need for that.”

Applejack gave a nod of agreement and added, “yeah Rarity we know how hard you’ve been trying to get us back to normal. You don’t need to punish yourself like that.”

Rarity shook her head and gave her friends a smile as she responded. “I know you two mean well, but this needs to be done, we can get through this together I know it.”

In Rainbow Bright's luxurious condo filled with light blue walls, blue carpet, rainbow colored furniture there were fashion magazines littering the room with pictures of herself on every one. It was smaller than Applejack's house with two bedrooms and a lovely kitchen having rainbow colored tiles and a small table made of clouds in the back of the house. Applejack, Rarity and Rainbow Dash looked down at the purple jeweled before them on a small coffee table made of clouds. Ontop there was a scroll with Twilight’s signature on it and purple glowing stone. Rarity sighed as she explained, “Twilight and Princess Celestia have given us permission to do this. For one month we will be different ponies to fulfill the contract to Photo Finish but once it's over we will drink the potion and turned to our normal personalities.’

The three mares all gave nods of approval. Applejack eyed Rarity and asked, ”but how will we keep our other personalities from taking over completely?”

Rarity looked up and explained, “how did you revert back to normal to set things right as a food critic? We will always be somewhat in control I'm sure we will be fine. Now you two...do your thing…”

The fashionetta then took the jewel and as Applejack and Rainbow dash transformed into their alternate personalities with Applejack reverting to a sassy Golden Appleseed and Rainbow Dash into Rainbow Bright. Rarity looked down at the purple jewel as she slowly transformed herself. The mare’s purple mane turned into a tight bun as her tail did the same her body retorted as she seemed to lost her posture and bowed her head a little like Fluttershy. Then out of nowhere glasses magically popped over her eyes, and the three jewels transformed into three purple streams that looked like heat waves from a hot mug. The mare than nervously bowed and whispered, “I’m Steamy Latte your loyal assistant.”

Rainbow bright clapped her hooves together giggled “oh yes and now I need you to help me wash up after a long day.”

Steamy bowed and whispered,” yes Rainbow.”

Appleseed then threw her golden curls back and cooed,” while you two wash up I’ll make us some lovely salads does that sound good?”

Rainbow Bright chriped, “that sounds lovely Sweetheart and if you need help just call Steamy all right! It's going to be a while for me to get his mud out of my mane.”

Steamy blushed as she meekly whispered, “oh don't worry I know a few tricks that'll get that mud right out.”

Soon three mares were giggling and going about their business with their new altered personalities.