• Member Since 5th Oct, 2016
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Israel Yabuki

Canon x OC, that's my specialty, both in art and in MLP stories


Comments ( 56 )

This is going to be interesting.

I find mean romantic interests make for a very good storyline... reminds me of a show I used to watch where the main character was always beaten mentally and insulted... but eventually they found love in their little twisted relationship. I shall be watching this... seems like it will be worth the time invested.. and I do hope you will update and continue soon.

Everyone's entitled to their opinion and I respect yours

...was a white void.

You could delete everything before that and would make no impact on the fic.
Gonna love Lime, go on

this is going to be special

It isn't an opinion. It is a fact that it would regenerate. This was an easy way to kill off the MC in the first world.

“I’m going to keep whistling...” you groaned, remaining defiant. This time, Limestone gripped your hair and forced you to look at her angry expression.

“You are treading on very... thin... ice... buster!” she growled, but of course, you naturally met her threatening look with your trademark grin.

Oh, this story is gonna be good! :rainbowlaugh:

The cover looks good but I think you can do better lol

His back story got me their, but knowing limestone pie from the show and what cloudy pie told him, it make sense why she's next.

I wonder how long her attitude and her heart will succumb to his positive mental attitude. No really, she does need some Jacksepticeye's P.M.A.,
let alone a date ;)

Limestone pie is going to beat me up for it lol.

Things had a bit of a rocky start but they are getting better.

You crack me up. Too bad others take these puns for "granite"

a rocky start to a rocky relationship, this story is getting a good as rock soup with garlic salt in it.


um Israel, I feel that any more puns, it will be enough to turn this comment posts into a comedy show.

love it, will Marble Pie get her chance?

Pls terrorist next

Comment posted by karnazom deleted Feb 7th, 2019

I'm not sure how I can actually make that happen

Nice job man. Also when you mentioned Marble Pie are you foreshadowing a story with her?

hopefully she gets a turn after Mrs. Cake. And then I'll move onto Spitfire. But with the way my editor and I keep pushing back dates due to our creative ideas for new stories, it's getting more difficult to stay on track.

Dont worry I understand that coming up with new ideas for stories is a tricky process.

best story ever so who is next ?

Yeah, Mrs. Cake will have a 2nd husband added to her marriage

I hope you do marble next, the quiet one needs a human

Limestone kinda reminds me of Gunnery Sergeant Hartman from Full Metal Jacket. R.I.P. Gunny.

Why am I getting a feeling there is a reason why you had Marble catch them in the act?

Comment posted by Watcher 101 deleted Feb 15th, 2019

I still miss that hardcore son of a bitch

Well all do, man. Hopefully, wherever he is, R. Lee Ermey is screaming at someone to "sound-off like he's got a pair!"

Whelp, that picture killed my boner.

10/10 into my favorites it goes! You did a really good job getting Limestones personality right. Angry and abusive, that's her! But she's just a girl looking for love in the inside. You did a good job with the beginning and how Anon died. I damn near cried.

I practically used up my tissue box writing that part

Not only is that true but no doctor will ever kill a healthy person to save an ill one. I'm not going to lie, this was done very poorly and you are indeed correct.

I have taken to simply skipping the part at the beginning where they die.

well excuse me for not having a medical degree and not knowing how hospital's work, I just work with what me and my editor comes up with

I meant no harm. Everyone makes mistakes. There is a lot of false information out there and no one has the time to research every little thing for the sake of a story.

“Is that all you’ve got? I can take more than that,” she scoffed. “And do you find anything cute about... this?!” She pulled her hand back trying to slap you, but you caught it before it could reach your face. “What are you doing?” she asked, actually sounding a little afraid.

I can just see Artifex’s lenses flaring!

Besides the medical ethics issues, it also reads like his sisters treated him like crap to the point he felt he had to commit suicide to gain their approval. And the mom...I'd feel sorry for her since realistically this should tear their remaining family apart when the full impact of what the sisters did sets in, and that she gets to live at the cost of her son...except she apparently LET him go through with it.

So yeah, this setup negatively colors the rest of the story.

You don't need a medical degree to see all the blatant unfortunate implications and violations of common sense the intro has. Throwing your life away for a family that treats you like dirt is sad, but not in a 'noble sacrifice' way but a 'what an idiot' way.

“Is that all you’ve got? I can take more than that,” she scoffed. “And do you find anything cute about... this?!” She pulled her hand back trying to slap you, but you caught it before it could reach your face. “What are you doing?” she asked, actually sounding a little afraid.

Il Vento D’oro starts playing

This is gonna be fun.

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