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Friendship Is Magic Survive

Sunrise. Celestiarrive.
They bow.
"Princess Celestia!"
"Twilight Sparkle! My faithful student. I knew you could do it."
At that moment, zombie Nightmare Moons arrive.

Twi knows the drill and summoned fences all over The Summer Sun Celebration to stab zombies with harmony stick until she's victorious.
Thud, thud...


Celestia now checks the sun's position and found it's raised.
Nothing's changed save days exist again.
Thud, thud...

Ponies of Ponyville sees Twilight Sparkle's job right in front of them.
Only five minutes seeing it and Twilight's job already seems like a chore.
Every question they had about who is this Twilight Sparkle is either answered
or hammers home their sympathies with her. They decided to help end this mess
in hopes of ending it quicker, because Twilight isn't paid enough for this mess.

When it ended, it is night again. However it only ended in Ponyville.
Celestia must seek out and purify all the books all over Equestria.
She did not decide what Twilight must do.
At least the stick of harmony is returned.

Twilight brought Spike into Golden Oaks.
"We gotta stop nightmare!" said Spike as he sleeps in upper floor.
Twilight throws the blanket on him.
"You have made yourself at home here Spike.
You have friends who take care of you more than I can hope.
You have been up all night and all day Spike.
You have a well deserved break for bearing with me and my lonelyness for this long.
You have a good life Spike.
You are a baby dragon after all."
She leaves him to his sleep.
