• Published 25th Dec 2011
  • 10,623 Views, 425 Comments

Stuck In The Middle With You - Vargras

Luna opens a summer camp, but the campers who sign up certainly aren't who she expects.

  • ...

Day 5 - Painting Ponies

Luna groaned and yawned as she began to stretch, wincing as one of the muscles in her neck angrily responded back. It was incredibly likely that she had slept funny, given what had happened the night before. She and Twilight Sparkle had spent several hours dancing together, and the lavender mare had eventually dozed off. The Princess' first thought was to carry her back to the barracks, but that ran the risk of waking both the unicorn and the rest of her guests. Instead, the alicorn had decided to sleep on the floor while Twilight got to have her bed - Luna was thousands of years old, after all. A single night of sleeping on the floor wasn't likely to cause much harm. "...except for a sore neck. Should've gotten more pillows."

The Princess of the Night sat up and yawned once more, gently rubbing at the back of her neck with one of her hooves as she glanced about the room. Her room was messier than usual, though it never really was 'clean' to begin with - the arts took priority for her, and as such, her supplies and creations took up much of the free space. Pencils, paints, brushes, and paper completely filled her desk, and almost every inch of the walls were covered with a drawing or a painting. Those that were too big to fit were either filed away elsewhere or propped against one of the walls, destined to be safely stored away... eventually, of course. It was a mess, but it was her mess. She had caused it, and she knew where everything was as a result. Besides, this was her comfort zone as well, and any changes to it might disrupt that little 'bubble' of hers.

It was still early enough in the morning that neither Twilight Sparkle nor the rest of her guests would be up for quite some time. Luna slipped out of her room as quietly as she could, shutting the door behind herself and turning away from her room, only to come face-to-face with her sister. Celestia grinned and leaned over to peek past her sister, staring at the door to Luna's room. "So, little sister... I see my student paid you a visit. I'm guessing you two had some fun?"

"Oh... um, yeah. She showed up late last night, told me she couldn't sleep. We danced for a bit, just to tire her out, and then I put her to bed. Didn't want to risk waking her or any of the others up, so she stayed in my room."

"You only danced, hm?" Celestia giggled and leaned over to give her sister a poke with one of her hooves. "You're not hiding anything from me, are you?"

"Celestia, what are you... oh. Oh goodness. You're not trying to imply we actually did anything, are you?!" Luna looked absolutely mortified by what her sister had said, but she was quick to fire back, giving the white alicorn a poke in return. "And you called me the dirty one! Honestly, 'Tia, I'm not sure which of us is the bigger foal sometimes!"

The elder sister got a chuckle out of that and gestured out towards the open hall, and the two alicorns soon began to walk together. Though Luna had indeed gotten a bit of free time every day thus far, Celestia's own duties usually meant that the two sisters couldn't chat as often as they would have liked. A walk such as this gave them ample time to talk, however, and they both took opportunity of it. Celestia briefly glanced about the hallway before returning her gaze to her sister. "I'm simply poking fun at you, Luna. You've got quite a bit on your plate right now, so I figured I'd liven the mood a bit."

Luna turned and blinked, somewhat confused by the latest statement. "Quite a bit on my plate? I raise and lower the moon and I run an entire kingdom at night, and you call this 'quite a bit'? I mean, it's the Bearers of the Elements and Pip. It's not like they're going to cause any trouble."


"Um... what? Celestia, I... don't quite follow."

"They may just be the Bearers of the Elements and Pip, but this is the most contact you've had with others since... well, let's just say it's been a while. You seem to have done well enough so far, looks like you've made some friends too. They haven't given you any trouble, have they?" Both sisters had stopped, and Celestia now had a smile upon her face as she looked down at her younger sibling.

"Well, uh..." Luna let out a nervous laugh and shook her head. "Aside from the incident with the romance novel, no. They've actually behaved quite well. I'm... kinda surprised it's gone this smoothly, to be honest. I mean, Pip has bonded rather well with Applejack and Rainbow Dash. Rarity is actually... funnier than I anticipated, whereas Pinkie Pie has been a bit more 'normal' compared to what I've been told. Fluttershy is... well, she's been rather quiet, but if there's a topic she likes, she comes out of her shell rather easily."

"And Twilight Sparkle?"

The two sisters resumed their walk, both of them smiling and nodding at any of the staff or guardsmen that bowed before them. "I'm surprised you have to actually ask that, 'Tia. We both know her well enough to know how she is, you especially. She had a bit of difficulty with the arts at first - was trying too hard, of course, but I think she's beyond that. It's a good thing, too... I've got painting planned for today."

"Good, good! Speaking of painting, that reminds me..." Celestia paused once more, turning to face her sister and grinning as she did so. Such a thing always made Luna nervous - it almost always meant that the elder sibling had something planned. "How much trouble would it be to add another easel to your little lesson? I haven't ever gotten to spend any time with the Bearers in an informal setting, and it's been... longer than I would have liked since I've spoken with my student at-length. Besides, I still need to meet Pip myself!"

Luna blinked and briefly panicked as her mind drew a blank. She knew Celestia had an increasing interest in the arts, of course, but she never expected that her sister would want to actually join in on one of the lessons. It was a very minor issue, however, one that could be easily rectified. "I... suppose that could be arranged, 'Tia. I'll have to try to find another easel for you to use, but there should be enough supplies otherwise."

"Perfect! I already cancelled all of my appointments for today anyways."

"Wait, you did what?"

Celestia snickered and grinned, quickly trotting away and leaving Luna behind.

"Oh, nothing!"


In a somewhat surprising gesture, Princess Celestia had completely removed all of her royal adornments, and now sat seated between Twilight Sparkle and Luna herself. To take things even further, Celestia had begun to only answer to 'Celestia' - any attempts at addressing her as 'Princess Celestia' or 'Your Majesty' were met with a confused look from the white alicorn. It was a bit of a cruel joke, given that almost the entirety of the castle staff had been calling her 'Princess Celestia' for as long as anypony could remember, and it had simply become habit. To see the staff and guards constantly correct themselves, well... the elder sister could hardly refuse such a thing.

It had been her first real taste of informality, and to simply be 'Celestia' rather than 'Princess Celestia' was rather refreshing. Some of them, such as Rainbow Dash or Pinkie Pie, had taken to it much more quickly. Others, with Twilight Sparkle being a glaring example, took longer - much longer, in fact. Throughout the entire lesson, the lavender mare continually referred to her mentor by her proper title, only to correct herself moments later.

Luna was obviously used to such a thing, considering she had always called her sister by name throughout their lives, but it was still incredibly entertaining to watch the other ponies struggle with such informality. As funny as it was to watch, however, she had an art lesson to continue. "Since we've already discussed complimentary colors and the like, we'll move on to painting itself. Like drawing, you must use your mouth to hold the brush. No magic allowed, no exceptions."

Rarity and Twilight Sparkle both huffed and picked up their brushes, and Celestia turned and snickered at her student's apparent 'misfortune'. "Ith really naht tho bah, Twiligh Spahrkle."

Princess Celestia's attempt at talking was met with a rather loud guffaw from Rainbow Dash, which sent the cyan pegasus' paint brush sailing through the air. Pinkie PIe also burst into laughter, followed by Pip, and soon enough, the others joined in as well. As funny as it was at first, Luna was eager to get her class going once more, and did her very best to get things back in order. "Alright, um... settle down, please!"

Fluttershy continually giggled, tears welling up in her eyes as she laughed, and Rarity kept her hooves firmly placed over her mouth in a vain attempt to keep herself from laughing as well.

"Everypony, please! We... we have a lesson to finish!"

Applejack was crying from how hard she was laughing, and Twilight Sparkle held her sides as she continued to giggle.

"Okay, that's... that's very funny, but please settle down!"

Pip and Pinkie Pie were both chuckling and snorting, and even Celestia had joined in, the white alicorn laying on her side on the floor as she continued to giggle. Luna's patience, however, had worn thin - this was her camp and her class, and she wasn't about to let things get so far out of control that they disrupted her carefully constructed plans. "ENOUGH."

Celestia and the seven campers quickly quieted down, and the elder sister sat up from her spot on the floor. "Luna? You ought to know better than to use the Royal Canterlot Voice indoors."

"Sorry about the Voice thing, it's just... I couldn't get you all to calm down, and..." Luna sighed and closed her eyes, gently rubbing a hoof against her temple as she continued to speak. "Just... all of you paint for a bit or something. Please."

The guests soon returned to their stools and began to paint, and Celestia continually glanced over at Luna while she worked. The younger sibling was resting her head against the easel, and her eyes were closed. Celestia knew quite well that, though it had been unintentional and unexpected, she had caused her sister more stress than she deserved, and the elder sibling decided to try to make amends for her actions.

Long ago, when they had been much younger, she had often recited a lullaby of sorts to Luna, both to calm her down and to help her sleep, and now seemed like as good a time as any to use it again. It was a deeply personal song, however, one that the white alicorn had conjured up for her sister and nopony else - to have an audience for such a song was unwanted, but hardly preventable. She would simply have to live with it. Celestia stood up and pushed her stool backwards, turned to face her sister, and then she began to recite it once more.

Rise and fall, the setting sun
It tells us all the day is done.

The campers all immediately stopped painting, many of them peeking out from behind their easels and staring at Celestia. All of them, including Twilight, didn't even know that the elder Princess was capable of such a thing. It was a slow and deliberate cadence, aided greatly by Celestia's soothing voice, and it seemed to have the intended effect on Luna - the Princess of the Night quickly opened her eyes, her ears twitching with every word as her sister continued to chant.

We lay our weary heads to rest,
then face tomorrow and its tests

"...'Tia? Is that...?" The young Princess unknowingly began to tap a hoof in time with the lullaby, and though her sister wasn't truly singing, it was doubtful that any of the other ponies would notice the difference. Though Celestia was simply reciting the lullaby, it was just as beautiful as it was all those years ago.

Our dreams join us, in peaceful sleep,
days to cherish, nights to keep.

Luna smiled and began to slowly nod, her face still pressed against the canvas. "It is... My lullaby."

The world spins 'round, the stars are bright,
we all bed down 'neath Luna's light.

As Celestia finished the lullaby, she looked down at her younger sister and smiled. "Feel better, little sister?"

"Much better." Luna returned the smile and moved away from the canvas as she peered out past the easel at her other guests. The young Princess grinned and had to stifle a giggle as she took a look at them. "I think you may have stunned them into silence, 'Tia."

"I suppose that sort of thing is bound to happen when you don't sing for thousands of years. Come along, my little ponies." Celestia stomped a hoof upon the floor, rousing the guests from their stupor, and they all soon returned to their stools. Grinning, the white alicorn took her seat once more and picked up her paint brush, returning to her painting. It wasn't long before the others did as well, and shortly afterwards, Luna began to make her rounds - after taking care of the commotion earlier, hearing her sister's lullaby had been a sorely needed second-wind. It had been far too long since she had heard her sister sing, let alone since she had heard her song. She firmly stuck the lyrics within her head, not wanting to lose them again, and proceeded to the first canvas.

Her first stop was Pinkie Pie. The pink earth pony had taken a rather interesting approach, considering she had discarded her paint brush entirely. Instead, she had been dipping her hooves into the paint and had been smearing them across the canvas. It made for a rather interesting, if not random picture - rather befitting, given Pinkie's personality. Luna leaned down and peered over Pinkie Pie's shoulder, observing her as she dipped her hooves into the paint once more. "An interesting approach, Pinkie Pie. Any reason why you chose this method over the paint brush?"

"Oh, that's easy!" Pinkie Pie glanced over at the young Princess and smiled. "It's just 'cause finger painting is so fun!"

"...finger painting? Pinkie, we don't have fingers. We have hooves."

"Well duh! I know that!"

"But you just said... actually, forget it. Uh... good job and all."

Luna stood back up and quickly moved on to the next easel, Rarity's. The fashionista had seemingly taken the young Princess' advice to heart and had actually managed to paint something else. It was a quick portrait of a rather young unicorn, likely no older than a filly. With dark green eyes and a rather curly pink and purple mane, the pony in the picture didn't seem to bear much of a resemblance to Rarity, aside from the coat color. "Who's that?"

"That's Sweetie Belle, my little sister." The white mare practically beamed as she continued to talk about her sibling. "We've... had some rough spots here and there, but after one of my friends taught me a rather important lesson, I'd never want to give her up."

The Princess of the Night glanced across the room at Celestia and quickly returned gaze back to Rarity, a smile upon her face. "I think I can sympathize. Does she have her cutie mark yet, Rarity?"

"Uh, well... no. She's in a club of sorts with Applejack's sister and another one of their friends, however. They call themselves the Cutie Mark Crusaders - they get into far more trouble than they should sometimes, but... they're trying. And Sweetie Belle has some friends now too, so I suppose I should be thankful."

"That you should. Good work with the painting, and tell her I said hello when you see her again." Luna smiled at Rarity, and the fashionista was quick to return one. Without wasting another second, the young Princess moved on.

She proceeded to the next easel, though it was now two easels instead. Applejack and Rainbow Dash had both placed their easels beside one another, and both ponies had seemingly been taking cues from the other painting when working on their own. The orange earth pony had painted an orchard, likely the same Sweet Apple Acres Luna had heard so much about, whereas Rainbow Dash had depicted some clouds and a setting sun. The pegasus had borrowed some of the darker and more vibrant hues from Applejack's painting, and in return, the earth pony had taken some of the lighter and cooler colors from Rainbow Dash's picture. Both of them had done quite well, considering neither of them had any sort of formal art training. "Looks like you both did pictures of home, hm?"

Applejack turned towards Luna and nodded. "Yyyyep. Lived there mah whole life. Great place ta be too."

"And mine's not really 'home', but..." Rainbow Dash let out a brief chuckle and shrugged. "It may as well be. Dunno where I'd be without my wings sometimes."

Luna snickered and pointed a hoof towards the floor. "Well for starters, you'd be on the ground."

"What? Oh, ha ha. Very funny." The cyan pegasus rolled her eyes and swiveled on her stool, mumbling to herself as she busied herself once more. Applejack soon did the same, and the Princess of the Night felt it was a good time to take a look at the next easel.

Moving along, Luna approached Pip's station... only to find that the colt had fallen asleep and was drooling on his canvas. Even though the lullaby hadn't had any immediate effects, it looked like Pip had still ended up as a 'casualty' of the song - for now, it was best to simply let him continue to sleep, and so the young Princess continued on to the next easel.

"Let's see what you've got here, Fluttershy..." The Princess of the Night peeked over Fluttershy's shoulder, and though the yellow pegasus knew Luna was there, she remained quiet and continued to work. Fluttershy, like Pinkie Pie, had taken a more abstract approach to things. It was a complete departure from the more natural subjects she was so fond of, but she had made it work somehow. The painting consisted of several splotches and smears of earthy colors, and Fluttershy had purposely stuck to greens, oranges, and browns while working. Even now, the yellow pegasus was adding more rusty tones to the painting, and Luna soon left so that Fluttershy could continue to work in peace.

Up next was Twilight Sparkle, and true to what the Princess of the Night had said earlier, the lavender mare had indeed taken the lesson to heart. She continued to work diligently even as Luna approached, and the young Princess couldn't help but grin upon seeing what the unicorn had decided to paint. It was hardly surprising, but Twilight had decided to paint a portrait of her mentor, Princess Celestia. She had done a rather good job of it too, considering she had gotten all of the colors right. "So... Twilight. About your painting..."

"Look, um... you're not gonna tell Pri- Celestia about it, are you?"

At the mention of her name, the white alicorn leaned over towards her student. "If you hadn't said that, I probably still wouldn't know about it. It's a lovely painting though, isn't it Luna?"

Twilight Sparkle let out a small 'eep', causing Luna to snicker as she slowly nodded in agreement with her elder sister. "Definitely. It looks just like you, Celestia!"

"Oh, we should hang this in my room! It'd be perfect!" Celestia grinned and sat back up, clapping her hooves together as she continued to embarrass her student even further. Twilight Sparkle did her very best to hide her own red face, and she quickly picked her brush back up and returned to her work again. All that was left at this point was her own sister, and so Luna quickly hurried around to Celestia's easel.

"Alright, 'Tia, let's see what you've..." The young Princess blinked upon seeing the canvas, and she felt her own jaw drop as she continued to look about the station. Celestia's painting was a conglomeration of several different colors and had no real rhyme or reason, but it seemed the elder sister had purposely mixed her paints this time. "...done. Celestia, did you do this on purpose?"

With a wide grin on her face, Celestia looked up at her younger sister and leaned towards her.

"I have no idea what you're talking about, dear sister."


Shortly after concluding the lesson, Luna had quickly carried off Pip and placed him within his bed back in the barracks. He somehow managed to stay asleep through the entire thing, but the young Princess wasn't about to complain. The rest of her campers had since been dismissed for the remainder of the day, and with the art supplies already cleaned up and packed away, Luna had the rest of the day to herself. There was one thing on her mind, however, and a quick trip by her sister's room would certainly clear it up. She was about to knock upon the door when she heard her elder sibling speak from within.

"Come in, Luna. I know you're out there anyways."

The Princess of the Night nudged open the door and let herself in, shutting it behind herself. Celestia appeared to be in the middle of a book, but that didn't stop Luna from speaking. "Celestia, about the..."

"The lullaby?" Celestia snapped the book shut and looked up from it, smiling as she eyed her sister. "I know that's our song and that nopony else is really supposed to hear it, but... you were starting to get a bit frazzled there. The stress was getting to you, and part of that was my fault."

"You didn't mean for it to happen, 'Tia. It's alright."

"I know, but this is supposed to be your time to shine, and I simply added to your workload by inviting myself." The white alicorn's horn briefly glowed as she picked up the book with her magic and carefully filed it away on one of the shelves within her room. "I stressed you out a bit, and I thought I'd make it up to you."

Luna raised an eyebrow and peered at her sister. "So you... sang the lullaby?"

"Mhm. I did it to try and help you relax, which it seemed to do. I'd consider that a job well done, wouldn't you?" Celestia's horn glowed once more as she picked up a collection of papers and began to sort through them. "In any case, I apologize for distracting your guests. It was selfish of me to invite myself."

"Oh, no... it's no big deal, 'Tia. Really. I think some of them liked seeing you be so informal." Luna thought back to everything else that had happened earlier that day, and the young Princess had to suppress a giggle as some of the memories raced through her head. "I'll admit, it was rather funny seeing everypony stumble over their words so much, simply because you decided to do away with the title for a day. Seems your star pupil isn't immune to that either."

Celestia snickered and slowly shook her head, smiling as she sorted through the papers. "It's habit for them. As much as I'd like to simply be 'Celestia', I don't think it's realistic to expect such a change."

Luna smiled and nodded, and she stood for a while longer within the doorway before speaking once more. "Celestia, about the lullaby... thank you. It was... nice to hear my song again."

"You're very welcome, Luna." Celestia smiled as she stacked the papers up and quickly filed them away, turning to face her sibling once more. "That's what sisters are for, right?"

The Princess of the Night slowly nodded and walked over to her sister's bed, leaning over to throw her forelegs around Celestia's neck as she gave the white alicorn a hug.


The Cycle of Days (Luna's Lullaby) - Written by Ariamaki