• Published 1st Feb 2019
  • 9,964 Views, 175 Comments

The King Without a Crown - Greyson

He is a general without an army. He is a ruler without a castle. He is a leader without a people. He is a king without a crown.

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Chapter 1 - A Fortunate Accident

For as long as it had existed, there were many theories revolving around the existence of the Everfree Forest and as to why it had such a damning reputation.

Some spoke of the forest having been home to some malevolent entity, whose very presence within the woods had corrupted the roots of the trees themselves. Others told of the forest having once been the site of some ritual gone wrong, with the aftereffects of the incantation having transformed the forest into that which the nearby inhabitants of Ponyville so feared to enter. Perhaps the forest had always been this way, and that its cursed reputation stemmed from the locals, having had travellers enter the forest only to never return, most likely lost to the hungering predators who lay in wait within the dense darkness of these woods.

How the forest came to be is of little significance compared to the secret it concealed. For deep within the Everfree there was a cave, covered in vines and other flora which had grown over the entrance for many years, leaving the entrance almost unnoticeable to many. Explorers of the foreboding forest could walk past this entrance time and time again, never knowing of the caves existence and the power it held within.

It is therefore doubtful that this cave would have been found for hundreds, if not thousands, of years. But of course, not all secrets can remain as such forever. The discovery of the cave, however, would come as a surprise. For it was not found by an intrepid team of explorers searching for the lost artefacts of an ancient race, nor was it discovered by a lovelorn knight, searching for some monstrous beast to slay so as to acquire the heart of a maiden.

No. Instead, the finding of this cave was by both sheer luck and fate itself.

When he opened his eyes for the first time in what felt like years, he was met with nothing but sheer darkness. As if by instinct, Cyrus willed into creation a small, luminescent ball of light from his hands. With his surroundings now visible, he realised that, unless he had somehow turned the capital of Eden into a mountain, he must have been underground. In a cave most likely. Such a possibility left Cyrus utterly confused, however, as such a thing had to be impossible. Where am I? How did I get here? Did we win? Had my gambit succeeded? Was the Great Enemy no more? Dozens upon dozens of questions formulated within his mind, each one of them spawning dozens more to go alongside them. Rising to his feet, he took in his surroundings, hoping to find some sort of clue as to where he currently found himself.

The time for questions would have to come later, however, as a sudden flurry of noises brought his attention to the other side of the cave. Realising that he wasn't alone, Cyrus extinguished the light with but a small gesture, darkness enveloping the chamber once more. A few moments later, something must must have entered the chamber, for it was not Cyrus hyperventilating in fear. Whilst not as attuned visually to the darkness as other species, Cyrus nevertheless could rely upon his own innate magic to heighten his senses - including his eyesight.

When he did just that, he was certainly intrigued to find not some sort of earth dwelling predator but instead an equine; a small, white coated filly with a mane of lilac and pink. Judging by her fearful expression and her lack of breath, Cyrus had to assume that she must have been fleeing from something, having found her way into this cave in an attempt to outrun her pursuer. Or maybe she was just a hopeful spelunker searching for riches within the gloom of the caves. 'An Equestrian? Intriguing. This must mean that, unless we did defeat the Great Enemy at the citadel of Eden, the Equestrian nation managed to accomplish what we did not and best the foe.'

What was important to Cyrus, however, was not why she was here but that she was here. He had many questions, but, seeing the dishevelled state she was in, his morals made themselves known and he decided that his first priority would be to help this child.

"Greetings, young one." His voice echoed softly throughout the chamber of the cave, although it did little to soothe the terrified filly before him. Startled, the eyes of the filly darted all over the cave, seeing nothing but darkness around her. Not knowing who or what was in the cave with her, she knew that she had to tread carefully, preparing herself to dart away from what could be an intelligent yet nefarious monster.

"W-w-who's t-t-the-ere?" She stammered, her frame shivering in still lingering terror from both what had been pursuing her and of the possible danger she now found herself in.

"Please, do not be afraid little one, for I wish you no harm," Cyrus promised, his voice seemingly soothing the fear of the equine in front of him, though she still appeared ready to bolt at a moment notice, "I wish only to help you." Despite not knowing where the voice was coming from, nor if she could even trust the beings intentions, the filly found herself calming somewhat. Swallowing her fear, she took a step into the darkness, coincidentally straight towards Cyrus.

"Where... where are you? Who are you?" The filly said, her voice still shaky yet holding more confidence than it did a moment ago. Knowing that appearing before her at his full height would most likely scare the poor thing, Cyrus opted on lowering himself to the ground, seating himself before the unaware filly. Then, with another flick of his wrist, another ball of light manifested itself into existence. With light now flooding the chamber, both parties could look upon each other fully.

Cyrus was expecting a frightful scream of terror. What he got was not what he was expecting. After a few seconds of silent staring, the filly tilted her head in curiosity, her eyes expressing a childish wonder he had not seen in a long time.

"Are you some sort of Minotaur?" Cyrus blinked. Not once in his long life had he ever been referred to as one of those robust creatures from the subterranean kingdoms of Minotouria. Giving the filly an amused smile, Cyrus shook his head, bemused at her confusion.

"No, little one, I am no Minotaur." Hearing this, her eyebrows furrowed in thought. Perhaps she was trying to think of another kind of creature that resembled a Minotaur. To no avail. After a while she gave up, thoughtful expression replaced with a familiar look of curiosity.

"Well, if you aren't a Minotaur, then what are you, mister?" Whilst prepared to answer her question, Cyrus in turn wanted to ask his own. He needed to know where he was, for a start, and whether or not his people were in the lands he was in.

"I am a being from a very old and ancient race, the name of which I fear you may not recognise. For now, may I be so bold as to ask a few of my own questions?" The filly, after a moments hesitation, nods. "I thank you. For now, may I have the pleasure of knowing your name?"

"My name's Sweetie Belle. What's yours?" A small part of Cyrus can't help but find the filly heavily endearing. She reminded him of the daughter of one of his servants, a sweet little thing called Talia, who had gotten herself lost in the well maintained gardens of the castle. Another yet larger part of Cyrus mourned that she had most likely perished in the attack.

"I thought that we had agreed that it was my turn to be asking questions, young Sweetie Belle?" Cyrus remarks with a small, playful smile. Sweetie Belle chuckles, her muzzle slightly red from embarrassment at her eagerness to learn more about the mysterious being sat before her.

"Sorry, sir."

"No need to apologise, little one," He assures her, " I applaud your desire for knowledge. It is a fine trait for one so young. As for your question, my real name is long and strange, the language of which it is spoken in being one that I doubt you know. However, I do have a name that your ancestors bestowed upon me, my little Equestrian." If she wasn't curious before, Sweetie Belle most certainly was now. Any fear she had of the being before her had all but vanished, replaced with wonder and awe.

"And what's that?" She asked, awaiting his response. The being looked her in the eyes and, in a deep voice, with a tone as regal and authoritative as the Princesses of her people themselves, answered.

"'Rex Hominum, vigil de Eden'. You may know me, as Cyrus Perennem."

Author's Note:

So I've found myself feeling a bit stumped as to my other story. Instead, I found myself inspired by some things I'd read and thought about during my frequent lapses of insanity and daydreaming, usually brought upon by a mixture of boredom and unhealthy amounts of alcohol.

Only joking, I'm as fit as a fiddle leedee.

Hopefully my will to write for this story lasts longer than it has been for the other one. Do let me know what you think of this one so far.