• Member Since 10th Jul, 2012
  • offline last seen 1 hour ago


I write poni. I am easily distracted. I like Oreos.



This story is a sequel to Snuggly Buggly

You and Thorax are bros, and bros don't kiss. Thorax disagrees.

Contains snuggles and smooches. No actual intercourse; the sex tag is just there for occasional lewd references.

Cover art is by RedKittyKitty! Go check his stuff out on FurAffinity!

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 36 )


Bromance to Romance stories are amongst the top tier, and this is no exception!

The most adorable thing about this is that it's overwhelmingly apparent that Thorax is interested in Anon far past platonic friendship, and likely has been for a while, but keeps using the norms of changeling culture as an excuse to get closer to him.

Shut up, he’s good when he tries. Click was better than most people give it credit for, and maybe Jack and Jill was pretty bad, but it still displays his ability to–

Remain relevant long past his prime? Still, Adam Sandler was great in Happy Gilmore and Waterboy, and more serious movies such as The Longest Yard, and, more recently, The Do-Over show he's still got that spark that made him notable in his heyday. He's just in a lot of mediocre stuff.

This keeps escalating, we gon' need an M rating :twilightblush:

Whistles innocently

I 👏fucking 👏love 👏bugs

Good shit, please write more.

Maybe with an M rating

I don't like where this is going. Thorax seems like he doesn't actually care that Anon isn't comfortable with all this, and is determined to make him like it. Its taking a heartwarming premise and ruining it by making it seem like Thorax is going to keep taking it further until he violates Anon.

The thought isn't without reason: Anon is beholden to Thorax not only because he is royalty and his first friend in a new, alien world, but because he has saved Anon's life at least once on top of that. Naturally, with how Anon values loyalty and "Bro code", as evidenced by their interactions, he likely feels indebted to Thorax.

In an abusive relationship, Anon's wish to display his appreciation would be taken advantage of by Thorax to pressure him from a position of power into performing acts he would normally be unwilling to commit. I've had the same worry that Thorax could easily do such a thing given the circumstances.

However, what needs to be taken into consideration is that Thorax isn't approaching Anon from a position of power. He isn't a king making demands; he isn't attempting to trick Anon into doing anything against his will; he isn't even acting as Anon's savior looking to be rewarded. Thorax is approaching Anon as his friend, on equal footing. He treats him just the same as he treats his subjects, as shown in this story.

There are cultural differences between them that cause friction at times, but Anon is an adult, and if he was truly uncomfortable with what was requested of him, he would have flatly said no to Thorax both times and told him to drop the issue, even despite the recent revelation that he is actually in the closet.

Something that should be addressed, though, is Thorax's tendency to insist after Anon's kneejerk refusals to his requests; respect goes both ways.

Oh god I said i wanted a sequal but I didn't actualy expect it hope it's as good as the first.

Where do you get that he is in the closet? Because he feels love for Thorax? It doesn't seem anything like romantic love to me. If anything it feels like Thorax, intentionally or not, is pulling a Chrysalis and seducing him for his love. Anon feels like hes being peer pressured into these vaguely homoerotic situations because him not doing it would pose him as being a bad friend. Thorax may see it as perfectly fine, but he's repeatedly crossing Anon's boundries and pushing them farther back in the pursuit of "sharing love". Eventually this looks like it'll result in hom convincing Anon to bed him based on the physical responses he's eliciting, rather than actual attraction.


Where do you get that he is in the closet? Because he feels love for Thorax? It doesn't seem anything like romantic love to me.

I should have elaborated on that point, yes. The reason I brought up Anon being in the closet is because it has been heavily implied in the text: In the first story, when Thorax unambiguously propositioned him, he didn't say no, instead telling Thorax that it would take "baby steps" to get to that point, showing that Anon isn't entirely opposed to pursuing a relationship that goes beyond platonic with him. Even Thorax was pleasantly surprised by this, showing he was expecting to be turned down.

Additionally, in this story Anon explicitly states he's "an idiot who's too proud to admit he liked smooching a dude", lending further credence to him being in the closet, but in his own words being too proud to confess that.

Whether or not their love is romantic to you is your opinion, and I will not contest that, but note that their relationship could easily blossom into something more based on the foundation that's been set.

If anything it feels like Thorax, intentionally or not, is pulling a Chrysalis and seducing him for his love.

The difference between Thorax and Chrysalis is that Chrysalis would sooner take Love, uncaring of the well-being of her target. Look at how she in essence zombified and drained Shining Armor half to death while impersonating his wife, whom she abducted and left to rot in the Canterlot mines. Thorax, on the other hand, shares Love, and he values the safety of those whom he shares it with.

This same dilemma was broached in the first story, when Anon, who thought he was being used, angrily accused Thorax of attempting to vampirically take his Love the way changelings did under Chrysalis' rule. Thorax was greatly offended by the insinuation, and he responded to the question of changelings eating Love by saying:

“I said that we don’t have to anymore. And even when we do, we don’t steal it or trick ponies for it like we used to. We take it consensually, and it tastes much better that way.”

Love wasn't even his goal in the interaction, as he said immediately after that it was just a "bonus" to "two friends getting comfy together and relaxing".

Anon feels like hes being peer pressured into these vaguely homoerotic situations because him not doing it would pose him as being a bad friend. Thorax may see it as perfectly fine, but he's repeatedly crossing Anon's boundries and pushing them farther back in the pursuit of "sharing love".

We can both agree that Anon did seem to be pressured into kissing Thorax, but he most certainly did not have to regardless of that. Again, Anon is an adult with autonomy over his choices, and if he were truly uncomfortable with the request, he would have flatly told Thorax and the other changelings trying to persuade him no. He is not a victim.

The concern wasn't even about him being a bad friend―nor was it really about crossing boundaries―it was a cultural clash caused by the fact that changelings are far more casual about affection than Anon is used to. It'd be the same situation if he were to visit a different country on our world where giving friends and acquaintances kisses on the cheeks or lips by way of greeting is the norm. As they say, "When in Rome". Furthermore, it was Anon who wanted the affection to mean something more than friendship; to the changelings, it is a greeting, and this was explained to him, but he simply enjoyed kissing Thorax and wished to do it more often. Nothing's wrong with that as far as I'm concerned.

Eventually this looks like it'll result in hom convincing Anon to bed him based on the physical responses he's eliciting, rather than actual attraction.

This posits that physical attraction is somehow wrong or deviant in comparison to other forms of attraction, and that Anon somehow doesn't have the agency to make his own decisions. Friends can be friends with benefits―they can even become lovers. There is nothing non-consensual between Anon and Thorax: Remember, Anon more or less gave Thorax permission to pursue him when he told him it would take "baby steps" to bed him, and Anon has shown he's willing to pursue Thorax as well.

The big reason why I don't think he's gay is because all this is in response to Thorax pressing it all on him, and him caving to something he's said doesn't want, plus it tells the reader it makes him incomfortable. If anything it looks like Thorax is trying to make him gay and Anon just doesn't want to lose a friend. It feels like Thorax is the only one making the decisions because he "knows better" than him. Not to mention him skipping right to physical intimacy in the manner he has without any romantic interaction before. Also given Thorax is generally sexless, I wouldn't really call Anon gay.

Personally if Thorax IS pursuing Anon I hope he actually, you know, gets to know and interacts qith him outside physically. If its just as it is niw, itpaints it as one sided and involuntary.

Your Sandler-infested thoughts are interrupted by a quiet yawn as Thorax walks into the room. He looks like he’s barely awake as he stand in the doorway and rubs his eyes with a hoof.

No. There is no such thing even within the realms of fiction. Not even Sandler thinks about Adam Sandler.

I need more Cuddle Bug. I need More! MORE!!!

This was toxic levels of adorable.

I don't get tired of this adorable series. It seriously makes me smile.

I need a snuggly buggly in my life....

I think my heart stopped from laughter and cuteness overload.

I anticipate a story where things get even more intimate (and perhaps that will be the point where Thorax isn't sharing changeling customs, be interesting how Anon takes that, however it goes) or at least even more snuggles.

“I would have expected you to have somepony else’s rump on your mind,” Luna teases. “Somepony whose rump is significantly greener.” You blush furiously, and she gives you a wink. “Come now, don’t try to deny it. You’re fond of him, I can tell.”

Shipper on Deck there Luna! I now also have an image of a threesome between them all...or perhaps a foursome to add Cornicle:raritywink:

Absolutely adorable.

Also please never use that cover picture again thanks

As that webcomic you always used to read back home might say: “where doing it man. where MAKING THIS HAPEN.”


Eh, not as much of a fan of this one. There's a difference between the idea of breaking comfort zones and this dude's personality doing a 180.

>> greatest human actor of all time
>> Adam Sandler

Now, that's comedy!

In all seriousness, very cute story.

This series is the first time I looked at a second person story and thought "I want to read that". I was not disappointed at all. Very cute, sweet, and comedic. Thank you for writing this.

I warned you about stairs bro

Huh... :rainbowderp: Interesting :applejackunsure: Are you trying to ease the Reader into: male + male = normal :derpyderp1: Because you seem to have a Talent to make it for me :duck: Thanks for the Story :twilightblush:

Yeah, that's maybe the cringiest cover picture I've ever seen, and now I can't unsee it.

Author Interviewer

Cornicle is adornicle. :)

Didn't enjoy this one as much, but that's because I adore the idea of snuggling while simultaneously not being into kissing, at least lips to lips. :twilightsheepish:

The series itself is adorable and definitely the first Second Person series I've bothered to get into on here. :twilightsmile:

So am I hella jeff or what

apparently he's pretty good in that movie that came out like a year ago where there's like a jewel Heist or something

Alien culture alien custom between individuals.

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