• Published 29th Jan 2019
  • 3,954 Views, 42 Comments

A Reminder Of Hope - twience

"Wait, I'm sorry, are you saying I'm in love with you?" One day, when Sunset Shimmer is driving home from work, she crashes. Her car gets shattered, the other drivers are pissed, and it seems she has... memory loss?

  • ...

A Moment In Time [EDITED]

A Reminder Of Hope Part 1| Prologue
By, serenityx

"It’s clear to see that time hasn’t changed a thing. So, just what do you think could ever take you off my mind?"

Drip, drop, drip.

It was raining. It was raining and Sunset Shimmer was making her way to the parking lot. She was humming a quite beautiful tune as well.

Time to get home and see Twilight. My favorite part of the day.

She opened the door to her car and started the engine. She made her way out of the parking lot and onto the street.

Beep Beep Her phone had just received a notification.

Sunset whistled to the music on the radio. Nothing like some music to brighten the mood.

If Pinkie Pie were here, she would make this into some type of party for sure. Sunset laughed at the remark of her old friend.

When you and your friends graduate High school and you all go off to different schools, it's hard to stay in touch. It was the year after college had ended and everyone was off doing their own things.

If you haven't caught on by now, everyone except Sunset and Twilight. They became a couple at the beginning of college freshman year and have been getting closer ever since. They live together in a decent house. It’s in a good neighborhood which is sort of close to both of their jobs. So it's technically perfect.

Are they married? No. Do they act like it? Yes.

Those two are inseparable. Their each others soulmates. Not only have they been through thick and thin together, but they know and understand each other like nobody else.

In fact, the person Sunset keeps the most in contact with besides Twilight is Rarity. About every three months she calls and checks in. That girl has always loved to gossip. Anyway, Sunset believes Rarity's just waiting for that Instagram post saying 'we're engaged!' so she can start working on their outfits.

Sunset rolled her eyes just thinking about it. However she was thinking about proposing early in spring. It's currently autumn at the moment.

Beep Beep Sunset's phone vibrated again.

It always occurred that it never had to be her that proposes. Though, Sunset has gotten use to taking charge in the relationship. Planning dates and stuff like that. Twilight does it time to time but it’s Sunset prefer. She just loves to see the smile on her girlfriends face when she surprises her. It's like the cutest thing ever to her.

Sunset and Twilight do a lot of things together when their not working. Basic couple things... basic nerd things...

What? They're still geniuses! They've won the science fair how many times? Hm.

One thing they both hate: seeing the other upset. Thankfully they do end up cheering the other up in the end anyway. That'll never change.

Am I right or am I right?

Beep Beep and again.

Eyes on the road Sunset.

One thing they both love: Each others affection! Cuddling is always the answer with this couple.

You know Sunset Shimmer right? Smart, pretty, brave, outgoing, fun, nice, compassionate? Yeah, it's pretty much the same in their relationship. She's like the teaser and leader.

Smart, pretty, stubborn, dorky, laughable, nice? Twilight Sparkle? You know what I'm talking about. She's more of the gentle person in the relationship.

Get the gist? Kay.

Beep Beep

They could stare into each others eyes for hours.

Beep Beep

They'd make-out right in public if they wanted to.

Beep Beep

"For crying out loud! Would you shut up stupid phone?!" Sunset kept one hand on the steering wheel and reached down for her phone which was laying on the passenger seat.

What's that rule? The uh, no texting while driving rule?

She successfully grabs her device, turns silent mode on, and looks back up at the road. She groaned while she turned her window wipers on. The rain was getting her front window mildly foggy.

Sunset attained focus back on the road and adjusted her foot on the gas. Easy as cake.

Zzzzztttt Zzzzztttt A minute later her phone made a different noise. It could be because it was on vibrate or she was getting a call.

"Ugh, I swear if this is my boss," Sunset picked up the phone.

She pressed the green answer button and adjusted to her work voice, "Hello, this is Sunset Shimmer speaking."

"...Sunset, It's just me."

"Twilight? Sorry, I couldn’t check the name."

"It's alright. Hey where are you?" She asked.

"I'm on the road, stuck in traffic."

"Right, okay. I was-"

"Baby, can I call you back? Sorry, there's just bad traffic and it's raining out," Sunset said.


"Okay because I don't want to get into a—" Sunset's words were cut off when she felt the car swerve. She tried to gain control back of the steering wheel but it was spinning all over. Not only that but the squeaking of the tires were unbearable on the wet street.

Sunset hit the brakes hard! Soon to realize that she accidentally hit the gas instead. Before she knew it, her vehicle drove straight into the car in front of her, damaging the whole hood. It was a chain reaction and the truck behind her came slamming into the back of hers. Sunset jumped and the whole back window shattered as her head was knocked into the steering wheel.

Sunset was out cold.

When the car finally stopped moving the air bags reacted too little too late. She should of probably got them checked. Sunset's forehead was bleeding and there was glass all in her car. Traffic had stopped and there were multiple people dialing 911. The other drivers were hurt but nothing seemed to be wrong with them. Besides that they were furious about their damaged cars. This is why people get insurance!

This could be total deja vu or just plain luck but Sunset's phone was still on the line with Twilight's.

"Sunset? Sunset, can you hear me? Talk to me! Please!"

Soon, all you could hear was crying on the other end...

There were lights. Bright white and yellow lights.

Was this what dying felt like?


Oh for the love a god! Again with the beeping? I guess this isn't heaven.

It felt as if she was moving of some sort. Like being pushed in a baby stroller.

Sunset's eyes began to slowly close again.


"Will she be okay? What happened to her!"

"Ma'am, I understand your scared but you need to let Ms. Shimmer rest," The nurse insisted.

Twilight balled her fists up. "Don't you ma'am me! I'm staying and I want to know now what's wrong with her and who's responsible for this!"

She shook her head. "Are you two related in anyway?" The nurse asked

Twilight loosens her fists. "No..."

"You may stay with your girlfriend Ms. Sparkle. When she wakes up, she can decide if she wants me to share these with you," The nurse said. She then made her way towards the exit

Twilight rolled her eyes. "Ugh," she turned to face Sunset, who was sleeping on the hospital bed.

There were some stitches where the cut had been but had been covered in a bandage. Twilight's eyes started to water and she sat on the edge of the bed.

"Please wake up Sunset. Y-you can't leave me," Her watery eyes had now turned into a waterfall of tears.

If only we weren't talking on the phone, this would've never happened...

Twilight put her hand on Sunset's cheek "Babe... i'm so sorry."

"I love you."

There was now hope in the room. Sunset could hear Twilight's cries out to her.

I love you. she repeated to herself, eyes still closed. I-I don't...

Sunset's fingers wiggled showing she had some control. Twilight gasped at the movement.

"Sunset? Are you waking up?" Twilight whispered with a tear stained face.

Sunset's eyes opened up one by one. Her vision was coming into focus again.

"Oh my gosh! Yes! You don't know how happy I am right now," Twilight flung forward and hugged her girlfriend. Sunset started coughed rapidly.

"Sorry sorry!" Twilight apologized.

"...Twilight Sparkle? Is that you?" Sunset asked finished coughing.

Twilight smiled. "The one and only. Welcome back babe."

Babe? When did Twi start calling me that? Oh, girls call their friends babe sometimes I suppose...

"Uh hey," She finally replied back.

Twilight took Sunset's hand in hers. "Do you remember what happened?"

Sunset didn't know why Twilight was embracing her like this. Though, it felt right somehow.

"What do you mean?" Sunset blinked.

"You got into a car accident. That's all I know," Twilight explained.

"But... I don't have a car..." Sunset said confused.

Now Twilight was confused. "Yes you do."

"No I don't."


"Nuh uh."

"I’m not buying this. You were just driving it!" Twilight yelled.

Sunset tilted her head. "You must of saw somebody that looked like me. Now answer me this, am I in a hospital? How'd I get here?"

"You were in a car accident like I said before. We were talking on the phone on your way home from work when suddenly I heard loud crashes and bangs. You almost gave me a heart attack!" She told her, raising her voice.

"...From the Sushi place?" Sunset recalled her old job.

Twilight stared at her. "Huh?"

"Nevermind. When was this?" She asked.

"Yesterday afternoon. It's now the next morning."

Sunset's eyes widened. "Yesterday? I need to start packing! I can't believe I got into a car crash on the day of all days. Was I driving your car or Fluttershy's? I'll pay for the damage, I just need to get outta here!"

What a minute, Sushi place? Sunset's old job back in... highschool?

Twilight let go of Sunset's hand. "Sunset... what day do you think it is?"

Sunset had to think before answering, "We just graduated High school yes? It's the end of summer break," Sunset said.

Oh no no no no no no!

"And, You know who I am right?"

"Twilight Sparkle? My best friend since freshman year. Duh."


"Agh! That's not right Sunset! After your car accident I'm assuming from those bandages you had to come back and get stitches on your forehead. So that means you would've had to hit your head. Which means..."

"No Sunset that was four years ago! We just graduated from college!" Twilight said.

"What? You're joking. Are you saying I have some kind of amnesia?" Sunset cried out.

Before Twilight could answer Nurse Redheart came into the room.

"Good morning Sunset Shimmer. I see you have woken up. Has Twilight filled you in on everything?" She asked.

"Yes ma'am. I think so," Sunset answered.

The nurse nodded. "Great. I'd like to check up on a few things to determinate if your free to go."

Nurse Redheart took normal things like Sunset's temperature and blood pressure then recorded it on her papers.

"Are you feeling dizzy? Do you remember the other drivers you hit?" Redheart asked.

Sunset put her hand on her head "I have a bad headache. I can't remember anything ma'am."

Twilight could swear she was about to cry again. The nurse's eyes grew wide.

"What's the last thing you remember?"

"Uh going to sleep I think. I remember graduating and sleeping over at a girls house. She had pink curly hair," Sunset recalled.

"You mean the graduation party at Pinkie Pie's?" Twilight asked.

"...Yes! Pinkie Pie's." Sunset remembered.

The nurse sighed. "Oh dear."

"Twilight says we both graduated college this year. Is that true?" Sunset asked her.

"It appears so. Sunset you're 23 years old today." The nurse affirmed.

Sunset's eyes started to water "I-I don't remember anything that has happened to me! Your saying I got into a car crash and fine I believe you. But how do you expect me to know what I need to be doing or where I live?"

She looked around. "Where's my phone? I need to call Flash."

Flash? This is just peachy! Twilight thought.

The nurse clicked her tongue on the roof of her mouth. "Your girlfriend will fill you in on that I believe." She pointed to Twilight.

Girlfriend!? Sunset screamed in her head.

"What are you talking about?" Sunset shot right up only to feel a deep pain in her head. "Ow."

The nurse laid her back down and unscrewed the bottle of painkillers. "Take this."

Twilight handed Sunset the paper cup of water and went over to the nurse. "Can I talk to you for a moment?" she whispered.

Twilight and Redheart went out into the hallway.

"She doesn't remember me! Correction, she remembers me but not as her girlfriend! I bet she wanted to call Flash because they were dating back in High school. She doesn't even remember breaking up with him the last day of summer," Twilight started crying again.

Nurse Redheart could tell she was hurting. She put her hand on Twilight's shoulder and spoke again, "I'm so sorry Twilight. Sunset doesn't seem to recall anything in the last four years. However her memories can return in due time. With your help, anything can trigger it."

Twilight sniffed. "Should I even tell her we're dating? Won't it cause confusion?"

"You should tell Sunset absolutely everything that has to do with you two. Most importantly because you live together," she answered.

"Okay. How long do you think before her memories are restored?"

"It can be anywhere from days, months, to years."

"Years!?" Twilight said shocked.


"I can't wait that long! I love her!" Twilight yelled.

"I know you do. I know Sunset deep down still loves you too. Feelings don't just go away," The nurse exclaimed.

"What do I do when she wants to speak to Flash? HUH? They were both completely heartbroken when they had to break up. She loved him back then and that's where she is now!" Twilight blabbered.

"I think if she asks, you should let her call him. Like I said, anything can trigger Sunset's memory," She reminded her.

There was no use in arguing anymore. This wasn’t the nurses fault.

Twilight sighed. "Thanks I guess. For taking care of my girlfriend."

"It's my job," the nurse smiled. "Look, I just have to fill a prescription for Sunset and then I'll get her release papers. Stay put and I'll be back."

Redheart turned and left while Twilight took a deep breath before going back into the room. When she entered, Sunset saw tears running down her face.

Sunset fake smiled. "So, uh, we're dating?"

Twilight came and sat on the edge of the bed again shocked. "Yes. You believe me?"

"How serious is it?" She asked, dodging that particular question.

Twilight took Sunset's hand and squeezed it. Sunset didn't pull away. "Very serious."

Sunset frowned. She doesn't know how to feel right now. "Wait, I'm sorry, are you saying I'm in love with you?"

She nodded. "We're an us Sunset," Twilight's cry turned into waterfalls again. She was sobbing and hiccuping every once in awhile.

Sunset never doesn't like seeing her friends girlfriend cry. Obviously she met a lot to Twilight. Many things can happen in four years. "Hey... don't cry."

Twilight looked over. Sunset's sweet voice has always comforted her. Though she didn't want her pity, she wanted her back.

"If we did really fall in love with each other, I'm not surprised. I've always felt connected to you Twi. I thought it was just the fact that you were my best friend. I guess it was more than that..." Sunset smiled not knowing where she was going with this.

All Twilight wanted was to feel Sunset's soft lips on hers. She wanted to grab her girlfriend and kiss her passionately. Twilight couldn't bring herself to do that... not like this.

"Maybe you can help me remember. I would at least like to try to remember what brought us together. I'm pretty much a good listener. So just fill me in on everything, then I can put the pieces together. Did I mention that I'm really good at puzzles too?"

Twilight giggled shaking her head. "I'm trying to be serious here."

"Too early for sarcasm? Tell you what, on the ride home, everytime I make a: not funny to you kind of sarcastic joke, you can flick me," She said, wiping a tear off Twilight's face.

She nodded.

Twilight drove Sunset all the way home basically explaining to her the story of how they got together. Sunset laughed at some of the awkward moments but on the bright side: she never got flicked once.

"No offense, but that was the cringiest first date I've ever heard about."

"You said it was the cutest first date you could of ever been on!" Twilight told her.

"I did? I'm so sappy at age twenty three," Sunset commented.

Twilight groaned. "Says the one who threw a fit when she got pizza sauce on her shirt that night."

Sunset dropped her jaw ."Okay, spill it. You didn't bother to mention that part because?"

"Fine. You thinking the night was ruined, I grabbed a napkin and poured some of my water on it to wipe your shirt off. But when I reached across the table the cup spilled on me and I ended up getting soaked," Twilight admitted.

Sunset bursted into a fit of giggles. "Alright alright, note to self: pizza is a bad first date."

"You're going to regret making fun of this later," She sighed.

"Yeah... you're probably right. Do you seriously expect me to believe we spent the rest our first date conjugating verbs though?"

Twilight rolled her eyes. "It technically wasn't part of the date. We got home and realized we forgot about the test that was on Monday so we stayed up all night testing each other."

"We are total ner—" Twilight shot a quick glare at Sunset, making her unable to finish that sentence "I mean... that was so cute!"

"Yeah, you better stick with that," Twilight couldn't help but laugh on her own. Sunset soon joined her.

When they made it to the house, Sunset was finally finished acting like a child and decided to take everything in.

"So this is where we live?" She asked.

"Uh huh," Twilight answered opening the front door.

Sunset walked in, "Wow. It's nice."

"Yeah. We picked it out together. It always felt like home."

"You're right. It does feel like home," Sunset said breathing in the air.

Twilight took of her coat and set her bag down. "Would you like anything to eat?"

Sunset thought Am I hungry? "Yes, I could eat. Thanks."

"You don't have to thank me Sunset," Twilight made her way into the kitchen.

Sunset not knowing what to do now went and sat herself on the couch. All this was new to her, besides the fact that it wasn't.

Me and Twilight are together.

We live in this house.

And we’re in love.

Many things were going through her head right now. She was trying to process but it was like a big gray cloud flew over her brain and wouldn't go away.

"When did I fall in love?" Sunset asked herself. "Ugh."

About five minutes later Twilight came in with two hot sandwiches.

"Cheese and tomato for you. Cheese and ham for me," Twilight placed the plates on the mini table in front of the couch.

"My favorite!" Sunset said happily taking the grilled cheese off the plate.

Twilight giggled. "I know."

After Sunset took a bite, she spoke again. "Have you always been this good to me?"

"Uh... yes?" Twilight replied.

"Thanks- I mean I appreciate it," Sunset smiled.

Twilight nodded and dug into her own sandwich.


By the time night came around, both Twilight and Sunset were very tired. They had just watched TV and ordered Chinese for dinner.

"So this is our bed?" Sunset asked making it into the bedroom.

Twilight sighed. "Yes. If you want I could sleep on the couch if you're not comfortable."

Sunset didn't want that. "No uh it's okay. We're fine."

"Okay..." Twilight felt very awkward. "I'm going to change. Make yourself at home," She left going into the bathroom.

Sunset looked around the room. She couldn't help thinking that this was where she had been sleeping for the past years. Shaking her head she made her way over to bed taking a seat. It wasn't long before Twilight came out of the bathroom in a long nightgown and her hair tied up. When she spotted Sunset on the bed something struck her.

Oh god... She felt tears running down her face again

"Twilight? What's wrong, are you okay?" Sunset asked.

"I'm sorry, t-this is stupid," Twilight sniffed.

Sunset felt concerned. "What is?"

"It's just that... uh..." Twilight eyed the bed. The memory of her and Sunset making love for the first time popped into her head. It was on the very bed they slept in and knowing that Sunset didn't remember made her start hurting again.

Sunset looked down on the bed confused. Then it hit her and she jumped off of it. "I'm so sorry! Is this uh, sacred ground?"

She squeaked "Yes! ...I mean no!" Twilight sighed.

Twilight sat on the bed where Sunset once was then sighed. "It's our sacred ground."

"...Oh" Sunset sat next to Twilight and put her hand on her shoulder "I understand why your sensitive to that. If I'm telling the truth, I'm a bit shocked and weirded out myself."

Twilight swung her arms over Sunset and embraced her in a tight hug. "I don't think I can handle this!" she said still crying.

Sunset could only sit there letting Twilight sob into her. "I-I know."

Twilight released her arms "No you don't know! You don't know because you can't remember! We've been through so much together Sunset! When I heard that you crashed on the phone last night, I almost had a panic attack. Then when I saw you in the hospital like that- I was so scared you weren't going to wake up. Then you awakened and all I wanted to do was grab and kiss you Sunset. But I can't! You left me alone! I'm all alone and I can't."

Sunset stared blankly at her not knowing what to say. Her friend has gone through so much today and it was all her fault.

It's all my fault.

If what Twilight was saying is true, then Sunset believes her. She's always trusted Twilight. Together or not, her feelings mattered to her. She wasn't going to let Twilight suffer just because she couldn't remember.

"You're not alone. You still have me," Sunset said.

"Do I really? The doctor said it could be anywhere from days to years before your memories restore. What are we suppose to do until then? Start over?" Twilight asked.

"I guess... I guess so," Sunset agreed.

Twilight shook her head in disbelief "You're joking right?"

Sunset rested her head in her right hand "No. You're right Twilight, I can't remember. I know 'starting over' isn't exactly what you want right now but if it can help me realize I'm in love with you, then I think it's what we should do."

Twilight looked at her.

"I never- I mean I don't like seeing you cry," She corrected. "So please smile for me Twi."

Twilight released her breath. The one she didn't know she was holding and smiled at Sunset. In fact, she gleamed at her knowing that there was still hope for their relationship.

Sunset poked Twilight's side and teased "There it is! I knew it was in there somewhere."

The girls both laughed at Sunset's teasing. The road they were taking was going to be rocky. Hopefully they planned for a few bumps along the way.

"Sorry for all the bad remarks and jokes too. I guess I wasn't taking it as seriously as you wanted me to," Sunset said.

"No I get it. You couldn't help yourself. I'm just glad to kind of have to back," Twilight smiled.

It was the next morning in the Shimmer and Sparkle house and Sunset was looking at herself in the mirror. She didn't expect herself to be... so grown. It was only four years she didn't remember, but it felt so much longer. It was hard to wrap her head around everything that has happened. She broke up with Flash and moved on with Twilight, their other friends have moved on, she graduated from college, and she's working!

Thankfully, with the doctors help, Sunset has a temporary pause with her job to see if her memories would come back anytime soon. She couldn't work if she didn't know what she was doing. Twilight however, took off work again to stay home with Sunset.

"Are you just going to admire yourself all day?" a voice said to her. Sunset turned and saw Twilight stood there with her arms crossed.

"Sorry," Sunset rubbed her arm.

"Only kidding," Twilight said coming up to her.

"So uh don't mind me asking but what do we usually do together?"

Twilight had to think about this question before giving a reply, "I guess it's just erratic."

Sunset nodded. "Oh okay," she said before placing herself of the couch.

Twilight went back to the bedroom and grabbed her shoes. She then went back to the living room and slid on her coat. "Come on."

Sunset lifted an eyebrow. "Where?"

"You, me, going out," She answered. Sunset blinked. "Ugh just grab your jacket and let's go," She groaned

Sunset had been quite the whole car ride. Actually that's a lie. She spent most of it humming to some new tunes on the radio. The key word: new. New to Sunset that is, but old to the world. When the car stopped Sunset noticed they were parked in front of some cafe'.

"This is our favorite place to go and relax. The food here is quite tasty for its price. Not only that, but it's cozy and sometimes they have music playing." Twilight explained before stepping out of the vehicle.

Sunset took off after Twilight making sure to not lose her. When they entered, a happy looking women with sunny yellow skin and snow white hair greeted them in.

"Hello Twilight! Good to see you Sunset!" she spoke.

Sunset tilted her head. "Do I know you?"

"Sunset, this is Lemon Hearts. I'm guessing she doesn't ring a bell?" Sunset shook her head no and Twilight turned back to Lemon.

"She uh... recently got into a car accident and she's stuck with amnesia for a little while."

"Oh dear! That's just terrible!" Lemon exclaimed.

"Yep, just my luck," Sunset said sarcastically.

"We're getting there, just taking it one step at a time. Sunset wanted to get out of the house so I thought, why not bring her here," Twilight said.

Lemon Hearts nodded. "Well, you two do come here often."

"I was hoping it would job some memory but I guess it was a lost cause," Twilight sighed.

"No Twi, this is great. You're trying your best and that's all that matters," Sunset hugged her, making Twilight jump in surprise.

"Aww you two are just adorable! I remember when you had one of your first many kisses right here," Lemon gushed.

The couple blushed in response then released their hug. Kissing Twilight did seem like something Sunset wouldn't mind doing. She always found her attractive.

Lemon Hearts snapped her fingers and a timber skinned teenager with short purple hair rushed over. "Yes ma'am?"

"Take these two to their seats," She ordered and turned back to Twilight. "I'll be back with your food after you order."

"Thanks Lemon. It's always good to see you," Twilight smiled.

"Likewise, and the pleasure is all mine! Wishing you the best of luck Sunset Shimmer."

Sunset gave her a thumbs up in response before she walked away. She reminds me of Pinkie Pie. I bet they would get along great too.

"Follow me ladies," the waitress said bring them to a booth of the left side of the cafe'. When they had a seat she spoke again, "You can call me Ginger Snap. I'll be serving you today! Can I get you started on any drinks or would you like to order?"

"We'll take the usual please. Lemon will know what we mean," Twilight answered with Ginger writing it down. Sunset wondered what she had ordered but shrugged it off knowing she'd find out later."

"Any drinks?"

"Can I have a pomegranate iced tea?" Sunset ordered. Twilight was taken aback by Sunset's unusual request but stated her drink anyway.

"I'll take a water."

Ginger Snap nodded and left the booth with everything written down.

Sunset tapped her fingers on the table, "So... we come here a lot huh?"

"Yes. We really like the atmosphere here," She replied.

Sunset looked down. Why am I so nervous? It's not like this is a date or anything. Was it? They were surely a couple, but was going out to their usual cafe' to hang out considered a date?

I do feel a connection with this place. She thought.

"It was over there."

Sunset was brought back into reality. "Pardon?"

Twilight pointed to the couch by the window in the back of the cafe. "That kiss Lemon Hearts was talking about. It was right there."

Sunset stared at the couch. She tried to remember the moment but that gray cloud still hung over brain. She really wanted- no she needed to remember. However fate apparently didn't want the same.

"I'm sorry, I don't-"

"I didn't expect you to remember it. I just thought you should know," Twilight interrupted.

Sunset smiled. "Thanks, Twilight."

A little bit later there drinks had came along with their food which Sunset had found out was a share of spaghetti bolognese with a side of mozzarella sticks. Sunset admitted, it was a bit weird sharing a meal at first but she was getting use to it. Then she brought up something Twilight didn't expect but then again knew was coming.

"Twilight can I ask you something?"

"...Of course you can. Anytime," Twilight replied worried.

Sunset gulped before asking. "What happened between me and Flash? Why did we break up?"

Twilight didn't say anything. Sunset never brought up Flash up since they left for college. Hearing his name made her her heart ache.

"It's just that, I remember us being so happy. No offense or anything. To be honest, you out-level Flash any day. I just have to know because... I just do ya know?" She explained.

Twilight nodded. "It was mutual. We were all growing up and it was time to move on. It wasn't easy for you two at first and you face-timed like everyday for about two weeks after it. I'm not gonna lie, you were heartbroken over the whole thing. Then one day you just woke up and all that sadness seemed to have vanished. You said you weren't going to spend the rest of your life sulking and this was the new you."

Sunset took a sip of her tea and processed. That seemed like something she would say. "That must've been hard. I appreciate you telling me."

"Like I said Sunset: anytime," Twilight smiled.

By the time night had fell around, Twilight and Sunset were in their bedroom watching a movie. Still in their clothes, they were sitting on opposite sides of the bed not too far away. Sunset seemed to enjoy the film. It's not everyday when you get to rewatch one of your favorite movies with the same suspense you had the very first time you saw it. Yet, Twilight seemed to have something else on her mind.

"Sunset..." she said suddenly.

Sunset flinched then looked up at Twilight. "Yes?"

'You- You know I love you right?"

Sunset heard Twilight say that at the hospital. Was she willing to accept it? Hesitating she reached over and took Twilight's hand in hers. "Truly."

Twilight squeezed her hand in comfort. "I will never give up on you Sunset."

"That means a lot. Honestly," Sunset blushed.

"You don't know how happy that makes me to hear you say that," Twilight proclaimed.

"I think I can make a pretty good guess."

Twilight smiled, and not thinking twice she leaned towards Sunset. Sunset knew where this was going. Should she let it happen? Then, she saw Twilight closing her eyes. It was like everything was in slow motion. Sunset breathed in deep from her nose and slowly closed her eyes too. She felt her body move forward and before you know it, her lips were gently pressed against Twilight's.

It felt warm and sincere. She was liking it, but was her heart in it? Sunset and Twilight continued their kiss and not too many moments later, it became more passionate. Twilight was starting to go full force. They found themselves shifting positions on the bed to face each other. Twilight's hands were on Sunset's cheeks and hers were rested on Twilight's shoulders. It went from one kiss, to two, to five, to full make-out session! The smacks between each kiss echoed throughout the room.

Is this real? Twilight was thinking.

It was very certain what Twilight wanted here. Sunset wanted the same yes? Soon, the two were both panting like dogs. Twilight willingly started to lift up Sunset shirt. Sunset gasped taken by surprise with Twilight's actions. She was... letting it happen.

Sunset's shirt was completely off her only leaving her with her bra and jeans. Twilight moved to Sunset's neck giving her wet kisses all around. Sunset moaned like crazy. They kissed some more before moving on. Sunset's hands made their way to Twilight's top and started to tug at it about to take it off. Withal, before Twilight's stomach got bare, she squeaked and pushed Sunset away.

"Stop! S-stop," Twilight breathed.

Sunset coughed trying to regain her breathing. Talk about awkward...

"I thought- didn't you?- I didn't mean!- sorry," Sunset rambled.

Twilight and Sunset's faces were both deep red of embarrassment.

It didn't happen... Sunset thought.

"What are we doing!?" Twilight yelled. She grabbed a pillow and screamed into it. "Stupid! Stupid! Stupid!"

"...Twi, calm down," Sunset said.

"Calm down? I am calm. You need to calm down!"

Sunset grabbed Twilight by the shoulders. "Snap out of it!"

Twilight bit her lip and nodded. She got up off the bed and started pacing around the room moving her hand in a technique she uses to calm herself. She did this for about a minute before Sunset spoke again.

"Feeling any better?" She asked.

Twilight took her seat back on the bed. "Not really. I mean, look at you."

Sunset looked herself down then noticed unlike her, Twilight managed to take her shirt off. Not to mention the red marks. "I uh..."

Her girlfriend shook her head. "That's not what I'm worried about. It's nothing I haven't seen before."

Sunset sighed. "Well gee, that makes me feel so much better."

"It's why I did it that's bothering me," Twilight confessed. "I totally just invaded your body. I shouldn't have thrown myself on you like that. Especially knowing the situation were in." She grabbed the pillow again. "I'm pathetic!"

"You are the opposite of pathetic Twilight. I should be the one apologizing, not you," Sunset admitted.

Now Twilight was confused. "You? Why?"

"I'm dumb for taking advantage of you like I did. My heart wasn't in it like yours was, and for that... I'm sorry. Think about it, you said we've done this before correct? You kissed me because of your feelings towards me and I didn't. I don't know I guess I thought it was what you wanted. If anyone's pathetic it's me."

"No Sunset you're wrong. The Sunset I know, even back in High school, wouldn't have kissed me back if there wasn't any part of you that felt like it was right. You're the most sincere loyal person I know. Deep down your memories and love for me are there. We just have to keep digging to find them," Twilight said.

"I'm not sure. I still feel guilty. Part of me is thinking I was just being greedy," Sunset replied with worry.

"Greedy or not, I don't care. All couples are greedy once in awhile, counting myself. You can't remember but we are dedicated to each other Sunset. You're allowed to do that with me you know," She smiled.

Sunset laughed. "Good to know."

Twilight continued. "However, let's avoid intimacy for now. It still felt wrong of me to do that knowing the stakes were in. Until you really feel like you love or even like me again, were on pause."

"Agreed," Sunset nodded.

Twilight coughed. "We can still hug and hold hands though..."

Sunset smiled and rolled her eyes. "Sure. Anything for you Twi."

Twilight brightened up. "I feel better. Let's change into our Pj's and get some sleep."

"Good idea," Sunset yawned. "Best idea you've had all day."


Sunset was now in her pajamas sat on the bed. Sighing at the fact she wouldn't be able to finish the movie, she paused it so she could resume it later. She flicked off the TV just in time for Twilight to come in. Twilight in her usual nightgown laid down on the bed covering herself in the blanket. Of course, Sunset followed suit getting herself comfortable.

"Have a good night Twilight," she spoke.

"You too Sunset. Love you."

Sunset opened her mouth to say something but Twilight put her finger up signaling her to shush.

"You don't have to respond to that," Twilight said.

Sunset snickered feeling relieved and started to close her eyes. Yet, a minute later her eyes shot open to the sound of Twilight's quiet snoring. It was so 'adorkable'!

Sunset smiled at her, I wish my memories come back soon.

Then the girls, the women, the couple, the lovers, were both fast asleep. :heart:

Author's Note:

Yay! It's finally realised! I hope you enjoy this!

...You didn't think this was the end of the story did you? Pfft please, I would never do that. This story will probably have about 1-5 parts. So stay tuned!

Is there any hope for their relationship? Will Sunset's memories ever come back? Will Twilight lose hope? They're in for one heck of a ride!

Please feel free to like my story, comment likes/dislikes, give me helpful tips, and share! Bye for now :)

Also, don't make me write intimate scenes again! Ah I suck!