• Published 12th Feb 2019
  • 1,105 Views, 12 Comments

Never Alone - CrackedInkWell

On a cold night, a Changeling travels to Ponyville to give a new resident her gratitude, only to find her alone on Hearts and Hooves Day.

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On Hearts and Hooves Day

By the Queen, what kind of sadistic pony would have a blizzard on a day like this?’ These were the kind of thoughts that went through the head of an irritated Changeling. Overhead the sky was completely gray that unleashed armies of snowflakes to come down on the usually colorful Ponyville. Despite the darkness of the sky that forced lampposts to illuminate the streets from their frosty panes, it was only after six o’clock. The disguised Changeling was facing the slapping wind head-on with a large bag and a few boxes being balanced on her back. Treading through the snow, and past the warm traces of love from huddled couples that walked by or from the inside of homes. Part of her was tempted to break into one of these places just to both warm up and probably get a quick snack, but she had other plans.

Damn the pony that decided to put a holiday dedicated to love during the middle of winter.’ She thought as she scanned the house numbers. ‘I hope that pony suffers forever in Tartarus being trapped in a snow cave for eternity for placing what’s clearly a spring holiday to be moved to this miserable time of year! And while I’m at it, along with the ponies that didn’t have the common sense to change it back.

She had to stop for a moment to pull out from her scarf the envelope that had the return address on the back. Even from the streetlamps, it was still difficult to see from the snow that constantly blew in her face. If anything, she had to squint to read the barely legible writing.

It’s gotta be this street…” she muttered. “But where’s 2783 at? This is gotta be the fifth time I’ve walked up and down this road, so where’s…” She trailed off as her eyes trailed off to a home that was nearby the lamp post. The house itself wasn’t big or tall, if anything, it looked much like the other buildings with a snow-covered thatched roof and plaster covered walls. There wasn’t much that stood out from the other homes in that neighborhood, if anything, with the lack of light except for a glow out of a single window, anyone would reasonably say that nopony was there. As unremarkable as it looked, what caught the Changeling’s eye was the mailbox that was next to the door. She saw a glint in the light in which she walked up to dust it off.

She facehoofed. “Of course, it would be here all along.” Sighing, she said under her breath, “I hope she’s not mad at me,” before knocking on the door.

For a moment, nothing happened as the Changeling waited, listening for any signs of life. She even thought about giving up on this visit altogether until she heard shuffling and hoofsteps that approached the door. It opened slightly, due to the short chain that prevented it from widening any further, but to the disguised Changeling’s delight, it was the very pony she was looking for.

The mare through the door looked tired. A blue unicorn of baggy amethyst eyes of red and black mane that looked like it hadn’t been touched by a comb in weeks. Even if the Changeling couldn’t sense her emotions, her face told that of great stress, sleepless nights, and barely had enough energy to hold everything together.

“Yeah?” she asked groggily as if she just woke up. “Who is it?”

“Hey Lotus,” the disguised Changeling said with a smile, “Long time no see.”

The unicorn tilted her head. “Sorry, who are you?”

“What do you mean? Of course, you know- Oh!” She facehoofed again. “I’m so stupid. Here, give me a sec.” Suddenly, there was a ring of green fire that flashes for an instant as the Changeling showed herself for what she really was. The chitin was a dull black, but in the light of the streetlamp, it looked smooth and soft with curves of its body that were undoubtedly feminine. The eyes looked back at her with friendly emeralds with translucent wings buzzing underneath the boxes. “That’s better. Long time no see.”

The door closed for only a moment before it was flung wide open for Lotus to hug her neck. “Sektiss! I can’t believe it! Get inside you maniac before somepony else sees you.” The Changeling was practically snatched right behind the closing door. “I can’t believe that you’re here!”

“Why wouldn’t I be?” Sektiss let the gifts she was carrying be set aside. “What kind of a love bug would I be if I didn’t pay you a visit? And on Hearts and Hooves day too. For someling like me not to would be a crime against nature.”

“So wait, are all of those for me?”

The Changeling nodded. “Yep! But it took a while just to first figure out what kind of gifts that ponies get each other for the holiday, and then go buy them.”

“Sek, you didn’t have-”

“But after looking what you ponies do give each other, I just found that it was rather lazy so I’ve gone ahead to put the extra effort to get for you nothing less than perfect.” She held up one of the boxes to her. “Here.” There was a pause between them before the Changeling’s ears stood straight up as she could sense guilt coming from Lotus. “Did I do something wrong?”

“Not really. I just…” She sighed. “If I knew you were coming, I would have gotten something for you.”

“Hey, it’s okay. To be fair, I did come out here to surprise you. After all, it wouldn’t be a surprise if you already knew. Still, don’t worry about me. I came all the way out here for you. So here, take it.”

Lotus illuminated her horn to bring one of those boxes closest to her. She knew just by the look and size of it that it was one of those chocolate boxes. The kind that had a dozen or so bite-sized pieces that coats some kind of flavored cream, truffle, or nuts. However, as she opened it, she found that it didn’t just contain chocolate, but other treats from bonbons to lemon bars. At first glance, it looked like samples from a candy shop, except these were either lumpy, oddly proportioned or uneven.

“Did you make all these?”

Sektiss nodded. “I thought it would be considered dismissive if the sweets came from a store because I would be giving you something that I could have made myself.”

She then turned to the next box that had holes that were punctured on all sides. After opening it, the box contained a crown of roses that the thorny stems looked like they were woven together. The fragile petals were still freshly blooming a passion red that was arranged in spirals towards the top where a white lotus flower. There were other flowers too such as forget-me-nots, baby’s breath and lilacs that were arranged like jewels.

“Wow…” Lotus gasped when she saw the flowery crown. “How did you-”

“It wasn’t easy.” The Changeling interrupted. “I had plenty of trial and errors trying to get that crown to come out just right.”

“I can see that.” The unicorn said as she examined the impressive artwork in her aura. “But why a crown?”

“Every Queen needs a crown.” She replied, planting a kiss to her cheek, making Lotus blush. “I would have made it out of jewels, but it was a little hard to come by at home. So, I had to make due.”

“Awe, that’s so sweet.” She then turned to the last gift, the one that was in a plastic bag. “And I take it that you made this yourself too?”

Her ears fell back against her head. “I’m afraid not. Since I’m terrible at sewing, I was resorted to buying this thing.” However, hope glinted in her eyes as she added, “But it is something that I know for a fact you wanted.”

Now, this caught the unicorn’s curiosity to pick up the large back to rip the flimsy covering right off. Her jaw dropped at what she held in her magic. It was a dress that she was very familiar with, something that she had seen before through the windows of Rarity’s Boutique. A sleek black dress that would easily grace over her form with elegance and class. An expensive item in the way how it’s cut and stitched together that would cost her as much as she gets in a couple of months. A luxury dress that she thought she’d only get to see behind glass was now right there in her house.

Sektiss grinned as she sensed the awe radiating off from the unicorn. “I knew you would like it.”

“Where and how did you get this?” Lotus asked in amazement, letting her magic drape over her to see if it was her size.

The Changeling shrugged. “I have my ways, and I’m not the one to spend money, given that I don’t exactly eat the same way as you do so I’ve managed to save enough to get it.”

Lotus smirked, “You had to impersonate me to get my size, did you?”

“And what if I did? The important thing is that you got it now.”

“Ooh,” she hugged the Changeling again affectionally. “Thank you so much, Love Bug. I’m sorry that I didn’t get you anything.”

Sektiss shivered in delight. “You already just did.” After Lotus broke the hug, the Changeling inquired. “So why are you by yourself? Being Hearts and Hooves day, I’ve expected that you’d have someone like Saphy be here to pamper you with kisses.”

Almost immediately, Sektiss can sense the loneliness again from her. “He can’t come this time. His letter said something about having family issues and he doesn’t have enough to come to visit. And here I was so looking forward to that.”

The Changeling nuzzled her underneath her chin. “But I take it that’s not the only thing bothering you? You looked tired.”

“Yes…” she sighed. “I’ve been working and worrying too much as of late.” She turned around and Sektiss followed her into a family room where there’s a fire burning in the hearth. Near it was pillows, blankets, and bowls of comfort food cluttering the floor. “Today’s been overwhelming, to say the least.” Lotus continued. “Putting together my and other’s recordings onto a single tape, the bills for moving out of Manehattan, and the depressing letters from a few of our friends…” She slumped down into the mound of pillows. “It’s all been so overwhelming, Sektiss. I’m barely holding it together.”

The Changeling lay down next to her. “In other words, you’ve been feeling lost and alone as of late.”

“Yeah…” Lotus nodded. “Saphy had planned to come over months ago, I was told that everyone’s lines were supposed to be submitted to me weeks ago, and now trying to talk this poor filly out of desperate situation… it’s been taking so much out of me. I can’t sleep well anymore, or not open my mail without dreading to find more bad news. It’s just too much…”

Sektiss wrapped a foreleg around her, drawing the unicorn into a hug. “I guess it’s a good thing I’ve decided to drop in, huh? To leave you alone with all of this and have no one to help carry the burden that’s piled on you. My poor love queen.”

“Speaking of which,” Lotus pointed out, “I thought you were with Chrys-”

“We had a falling out.” The Changeling interrupted. “I may not be what you call reformed, but even I can’t stand to be with her anymore. She’s become far too bitter to be with and she… well, let’s just say she doesn’t care for me anymore.”

Concern was on Lotus’s face as she reached a hoof to her cheek. “Are you going to be alright?”

“I can take care of myself,” she snorted, “Lady Greedy can fend for herself for all I care. Which in a way, is kinda why I came here.”


Sektiss ducked her head underneath Lotus’s neck, placing a kiss at the nape of it. “I know that I’ve volunteered to do voice acting with your audiobooks, but ever since we started writing back and forth, your kind words and encouragement helped me in so many ways.”

“Such as?”

“Well… It may sound trivial to you,” she planted another kiss a little further up, “but your letters and soothing voice with those audiobooks were so welcoming compared to the royal succubus. You built palaces with every assuring paragraph, even cities of compassion, acceptance, and understanding just out of words alone. They were my comfort when she wasn’t giving any. But you,” another kiss further up, “oh… your words were so much sweeter.”

Lotus blushed. “Oh, you’re just overexaggerating.”

“Am I?” Another kiss before she suddenly sat up. “Lotus, what you might call trivial, I call it a life saver. I’m here tonight to show you my appreciation for what you’ve done for me.”

The unicorn lifted a hoof, holding Sektiss’s chin. “You actually mean that?”

“Would I bother come all this way and gather all those gifts for you if I didn’t?” She saw in the eyes of Lotus tears forming. At first, she thought that she had said something to offend her, only the emotion that she was sensing up close wasn’t sadness or hatred, but a potent mixture of love, appreciation, and relief at the same time. “Are you alright?”

Lotus wiped her eyes. “Yeah… I’m sorry, it’s just that… with all of this going on, it’s just… it’s good to have someone to let me know that they appreciate for the work I’m putting an effort in. I know you didn’t have to do any of this, but I just wanna say…” She smiled warmly. “Thank you.”

Sektiss took hold of her hoof to kiss it. “I know that I can’t be your Saphy,” she said, “and I know that I can’t ever replace him. But what I ask for tonight, (that if you let me,) is to allow me to share this evening with you. To soothe your loneliness, and to kiss away those tears. I would even offer myself, all of me, to your whims to serve you, Queen of Love. Let me show you in vivid detail of my appreciation of getting to know you and worship in any way you see fit.”

“When did you become a poet?”

“The moment that I knew you needed love.” She bowed her head low. “How shall I serve, my Queen?”

Lotus hummed in thought for a moment before she leaned forward to kiss the Changeling. Sektiss was caught off guard for a moment but melted into it as her thin wings buzzed in delight while letting her eyes drifted to being shut. Happily to surrender to the ecstasy of that loving gratitude being returned from the sweetness of those lips. However, this only lasted for a moment before the unicorn pulled away with a blush on her face.

“I hope you don’t mind if we just cuddle, Lovebug.” She suggested. “At least, just for tonight… I don’t feel like being alone.”

Sektiss nuzzled her and purring happily like a kitten. “So shall it be, Your Majesty.” She said as her tail intertwined with Lotus’ in front of the warm glow of the hearth.

Comments ( 12 )

After reading that the changeling wasn't reformed I half expected him to reform himself right there to show how much he cared.

Good to know Im not the only one who made stories of those two. Though mine would be a bit more lewd.

Actully, this was a request from Sek as a Valentine's Day gift.

Figured as much. I made the stories I did out of boredom, so you did well with getting a request.

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