• Published 23rd Jan 2020
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The Witching Hour - Looking Forward to the Past - Chaotic Ink

Part 3 of The Witching Hour. After two long years in Ponyville, the answers to several very important questions are finally going to be answered and some of those answers have come looking for Midnight.

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Ch.7 - Tips and Tricks

“The town looks almost as empty as when Zecora first showed up after we got here,” Spike said, closing the curtains of one of the library’s windows and turning back to everyone gathered inside. Stacks and stacks of book littered the floor and tables as they were skimmed through and rejected. Even books that seemed to contain no information on magic were being picked through in case there was some mention of the amulet the author found necessary to add for some reason.

“A lot of ponies saw what Trixie can do and the whole town probably knows by now,” Windrunner said as she flipped through another book.

“And any who didn’t will have to have noticed the dome by now and figured something isn’t right,” Smooth Stone added, picking another book off a shelf.

“And are trying not to be noticed so Trixie won’t target them next,” Honey said with an uncharacteristic growl in her voice, levitating three books in front of her, all three open with pages turning. When word had come back that Trixie was physically abusing the “bearers” (making them do non-stop manual labor and throwing them into things or threatening their families if they refused), it had been a group effort to keep her from charging town hall, horn blazing. She’d been mollified some by Mandible assuring her he’d set up a sort of rotation system so that none got hurt too badly and that Ore would start taking care of any injuries immediately, but it had taken Squeaks curling up next to her while Sapphire joined the search for a weak spot in the barrier to keep her in the library.

The filly wasn’t too scared of the events unfolding, she’d been through enough by now that she was almost used to something like this. In fact curling up to Honey was mostly to convince the young changeling queen to stay. That didn't mean she wasn't worried, however. With her mother “missing” outside the dome and Sapphire jumping in to help as well, she felt a bit lost and left in the shuffle. As she also didn’t know what to look for in the books and couldn’t skim as fast as the adults, keeping Honey put in the library was something she felt she could do to help. She also had Arina with her still and even if she couldn’t get in contact with Midnight, having the spider close was good enough. “What do you think mom is doing right now?” she asked.

“Thinking about how to get back in, I would think,” Honey said, “immediately followed by how to deal with Trixie.” Despite the hardness in her voice, one of her insect-like wings slid out from under its protective shell and gently patted the young thestral’s back. It wasn’t as soft as Sapphire’s feathers or a smooth rub like Midnight’s leathery wing, but it was a nice feeling all the same. The changeling looked a little better after doing it, too.

“This really doesn’t seem to be getting us anywhere!” Rarity blurted out as she tossed another book onto the rejected pile and picked up the last book on the shelf she was working on. “True, Twilight has the largest book collection in Ponyville, but not every book in Equestria! We’ve been at this for hours and have gone through nearly the entire library; what if she really doesn’t have anything on Trixie’s amulet?”

“Ah hears ya, Rarity, but we can’t stop looking now," AJ said, going through another book. "‘Sides, if she doesn’t, how’re we supposed to get out of here to check places like Canterlot or Manehattan?” She cast a quick glance at Honey as if the changeling had an answer to that particular question. Unlike Midnight and Arina, Honey didn't have any sort of mind-link with her changelings and would know when they came back and they'd learn about it at the same time she would.

“Twilight has a copy of every magic book there is. Every. Book. She has to have it here somewhere,” Spike said, glancing up at the stairs to the upper floors. “Well, except the ones from the forbidden section of Canterlot Royal Library,” he added. “I’m gonna go check if she left any upstairs in the bedroom from one of her late night reading sessions.”

“Well, hopefully it’s not in one of those forbidden books but considering what kind of magical item it is…” Brick Break muttered.

High up on one of the top-most shelves, Fluttershy picked up another book, this one on history, and began flipping through it like she’d done with quite a few before.

“Maybe we should wait for the princesses to arrive, special guests or not,” Tart Cart suggested. “Sure she beat Twilight but she can’t beat actual alicorns, and especially not two.”

“Um, everyone? I think I might have found something?” Fluttershy said quietly, hefting the book she was reading.

“I won’t hear that kind of talk, private,” Brick Break said, “our job is to protect the bearers, which includes keeping the town they live in safe, so get back to looking.”

“This sounds a lot like Trixie’s magic,” Fluttershy continued, hovering lower and turning the book so the others could see... if any were looking in her direction. A certain thestral filly's ears did flick in her direction.

“How are we supposed to fight against alicorn-level magic, even if we do find anything?” Autumn Pillar protested as he finished another book.

“There’s a picture here of her amulet…”

“Don’t you start either, private, or I’ll have you peeling potatoes ‘til the whole town’s sick of ‘um!”

“It’s called the Alicorn Amulet…”

“You’re not helping, sergeant.” Windrunner said.

“It’s says anyone who wears it…”

“Ma’am, talk like this can lead to mutiny!”

"Ain't no pony sayin' we give up, Break!" AJ yelled, tired of the arguing. She was getting mighty tired of flipping through books as well. "And the last thing we want is folks gettin' hurt on our account! I'd rather wait for the princesses mah'self before letting Trixie-!"

Arina suddenly jumped onto the closest table and began chirping loudly and angrily at them, flailing her front legs like she was possessed. Surprised at the interruption, everyone looked at the spider who, once she saw all eye were on her, pointed at Honey and Squeaks, who had been joined by Fluttershy. Honey looked up from the book the shy pegasus was still holding and gave them all a relieved smile. “I think all that looking has finally paid off,” she said, motioning for Fluttershy to show them as well.

As always, the butter-yellow mare looked nervous, but still turned around and showed them what she’d found. “I-It’s called the Alicorn Amulet and it grants its wearer with the magical power of an alicorn. However, it also corrupts the user and not just anyone can take it off. Only the wearer can remove it due to its magical lock. It was apparently lost a long time ago, but…” she finally trailed off.

“Well, we finally know what it is at least,” Rainbow said.

“With no better idea how to beat it,” Umbra lamented.

“We need to get this to Twi ASAP. She’ll be able to come up with something,” AJ said.

“Except we still don’t know how to get through the barrier,” Rarity pointed out.

Honey’s smile fell and she looked at the front door. As if on cue, a knock came from it and Trill, keeping station at the door in her pony disguise, peaked out. She quickly moved out of the way and Sapphire and two changelings swiftly slipped inside. “We found a way under the dome!” One of the changelings announced and all the tension in the room seemed to deflate at once.

“Thank the makers, what’d ya find?” AJ asked.

“The river. The edge of the dome goes under the water but doesn’t go all the way to the bottom,” Sapphire explained, “as long as Trixie doesn’t see us, we can go in and out that way.”

“So what are waiting for? Let’s get out of here and go get Twilight and the others!” Rainbow said.

“But we still don’t have a plan,” Windrunner pointed out, “and if Trixie sees any of the guard she threw out back in town, she’ll know something’s up. We should have a plan before everyone comes back inside. At least now one or at most a few of us can leave and get in contact with the captain so we can coordinate.”

“So which of us should go?” Spike asked.

“Midnight will probably have regrouped everyone back at the castle,” Sapphire said, “it’s the only place nearby that’s out of site of the dome and still safe to regroup.”

“Then let me go; I’ll be back before you can say sonic rainboom!” Rainbow said.

“Except that’s out in the Everfree Forest,” Brick Break pointed out, “and like it or not, the guard can’t let you fly over it by yourself.”

“Then I’ll go with her,” Windrunner said, “the faster we can communicate, the better.”

“Then you should take Arina with you,” Squeaks said, presenting the spider to the pegasus, “once you’re outside the dome, I’ll bet mom can connect with her again and that’s even faster.”

“Not that much faster,” Rainbow muttered as Windrunner took Arina with a nod.

Honey nodded and turned to the two changelings who’d come back with Sapphire. “Go with them and stay with Arina just on the other side of the dome. If and when Midnight sends a message, one of you bring it back here. Stay disguised as animals so you don’t draw attention. I’ll talk with Mandible to set up a rotation and let everyone else know.” Both changelings bowed and so did Trill when Honey looked pointedly at her.

“Alright, let’s go already!” Rainbow urged, waiting by the front door.

“Please be careful!” Fluttershy called after them as they slipped out.


“You know they took another picture at the wedding, right? Of all of us in uniform?” Scarlet told Midnight as they took a break from training. The kirin merely grunted as she took a sip from her canteen. “I don’t get why you dislike it, anyway. I mean, without it your mom wouldn’t have found you, I wouldn’t have found you-”

“You were coming to Ponyville, how could you have missed me?” Midnight asked.

“-Eden wouldn’t have found you, and now Norik wouldn’t have found you. I don’t know about you, but I think it helping find another kirin is worth some others finding you, too.”

Midnight sighed, growled, and drank from the canteen again. “Old habit most likely. Always reminded to stay out of sight for my own safety and then suddenly my face is everywhere for folks to see. It also feels like my life was quieter before it; some days I wish I could go back to being a simple wood cutter and mom.”

“Come on,” Scarlet said, waving an arm to indicate the entire site with everyone training as well as Twilight, Norik, and his pet phoenix off to the side, “you can’t tell me this isn’t cool. Besides, would a normal wood cutter and mom be able to stand up against Discord? Or fight a changeling queen? Or lead a group like ours?”

“Are you done making points?”

“Only if you’re done pouting.”

“Just get back in there.”

The hippogriff playfully stuck her tongue out at the kirin before getting back into the fray. While the guard’s unicorns couldn’t do all the spells Trixie had been doing, they could still do magic and in the interest of using the daylight they still had before nightfall, Midnight had everyone training to get past the unicorns’ defenses. If they couldn’t brute force their way through Trixie's magic, they needed to learn how work and dodge around it. At the very least it would keep them from easily being swatted away and remain a collective thorn bush in her side for longer. Heck, maybe a battle of endurance would be what took her out… if she couldn’t put them all in stockades again.

Turning, she made her way towards where Norik and Twilight were sitting and talking. More specifically, she was angling to what remained of the dead deer laying on the opposite side of Norik where Twilight couldn't see for a quick bite before going back in herself. When they’d made it back to the castle, the kirin had still been frustrated by the situation they were in, despite the talk she and Norik had on the way and she’d went and did a quick hunt to get rid of the last of it while Doppler and Cricket tended to the few bumps and scrapes the group had. They’d panicked when Windrunner had showed up, told everyone a fight was on, and bolted back to town with every guard hot on her heels, and they’d started to try and pack EVERYTHING. By the time they’d gotten onto the path back to town, the guard had been kicked out and they’d come across each other on the path. The changelings were apologetic about their tardiness but Midnight has told them that this time it was alright as it was better they had medics on both sides of the barrier.

Midnight had come back from her quick hunt with a rather large deer that she’d shared with the other meat eaters before setting up the last bit of training they’d have that day. Fresh food in her belly had soothed the last of her nerves and she’d jumped in to it as well. While normal unicorn magic wouldn’t do anything to her, she wanted to try her hoof at flat out dodging spells aimed her way. She was getting better.

“Really!? There’s a zebra living near here!?” Midnight overhead Norik exclaim as she got close.

Twilight was nodding. “Yes, her name’s Zecora and we’ve known her for almost two years now. I’d say she knows more about the Everfree Forest than anyone else.”

“I wouldn’t put it past her,” Midnight said, reaching the carcass and tearing some of the remaining meat off, then used a bit of fire to sear it before chewing and swallowing the morsel. Not as good as it would be seasoned and properly cooked, but it hit the spot. “She’s been living in here longer than I have.”

Twilight’s face turned slightly green as she watched Midnight eat while Norik looked thoughtful. “I wonder if she’d be willing to keep teaching me from where my master left off.”

“Won’t hurt to ask,” Midnight said, laying down next to him to observe her guard.

Norik’s “master” was the zebra who’d found him shortly after he was abandoned by Eden’s parent’s servant. And yes, Midnight was now sure he was Eden’s son. As it turned out his stripes were painted on (really well done), and it was his way of trying to look more like his guardian (Midnight wasn’t too fond of calling him his “master”, though Norik didn’t have a problem with it) according to Norik. Without them, and with the necklace, there was no way he wasn’t. The fun wasn’t going to end this time with just Trixie going down, Midnight realized.

The stripes weren’t the only things he’d gotten from being raised by a zebra. The studs in his webbed ears, for example, were from training under his guardian, as well as the stick he had in his cloak, the very same one Midnight had bitten into. His guardian had used it to help him train in self defense, though Norik himself admitted he had a ways to go in that department. His cutie mark could also be a testament to his tutelage as it was a potion bottle with a heart behind it, which Norik said it meant he was good with healing potions. Midnight couldn’t help but think how Twist’s mother would take it and had let out an amused snort at the memory.

As to why he was out looking for Midnight in the first place, that was a happy accident during an otherwise miserable time for the young kirin. His guardian has passed a little less than a year ago of old age and peacefully, thank the makers, but to lose the only parental figure he’d ever known had been a severe blow, as it would be to anyone his age. He’d wandered the scrub land around were he’d been raised with his phoenix Lhikan, which he’d adopted almost a year before, before finally venturing into a small pony town just to see other living, sapient creatures. He’d walked past a news stand and had seen the front page article and picture of Discord’s defeat, seeing Midnight in the picture just like his mother, Scarlet, and Midnight’s mother all had. He decided right then to try and find her, thinking that if he couldn’t find another zebra then at least he’d meet someone of his own kind.

Growing up away from society, however, had its disadvantages and he didn’t know how ponies would react to him just asking a question, so he decided to try and figure out where he needed to go on his own. He finally learned that Ponyville was to the north, just south of Canterlot and had headed in that direction, which wasn’t wrong strictly speaking, but instead of heading north-east straight towards Ponyville, he went directly north and first ended up in Los Pegasus, then Tall Tale, and then Van Hoover before realizing he’d gone too far north and turned east, hoping to run into Canterlot and then just go south from there. Poor colt ended up at Neighagra Falls and had to come south from there, squeezing between Canterlot Mountain and the Foal Mountain Range before finally coming in sight of Ponyville, only to have a great big dome drop down and cut off the town from the outside world. By luck he’d happened to stumble across Midnight and her guards as they entered the forest. They all knew the rest.

“There is one more thing,” Norik had said when he’d finished his tale of travel, “I love my master and wouldn’t have traded him for the world… but, if it’s possible, I’d like to learn about my birth parents some day. I want to know why they abandoned me.”

“I will do everything I can to help,” Midnight had promised. Had he'd shown up almost any other day, she would have sent Windrunner to Canterlot with the news as soon as she found out. Obviously, these were less than ideal circumstances nor was Windrunner available. She’d rather finish dealing with Trixie before Eden got involved or have Norik bombard her with a million questions while she had to think of a plan.

“That deer was very good,” Norik said as Midnight got comfortable, “I’ve never had it before.”

Lhikan cawed in agreement and did a quick, flying hop onto Midnight’s head. “Hey, he likes you!”

Midnight looked up at the bird. “I’m going to tell you what I told that other phoenix on the dragon migration: so long as you don’t drop anything wet and nasty on me, we won’t have any problems.” Lhikan looked down at the kirin he was perched on, cooed, and stood back up straight. Midnight snorted and decided to ignore the bird.

“So, what did you hunt when you were with your teacher?” Twilight asked, not thrilled with the subject but unable to reign in her curiosity. Midnight wasn’t the only one who didn’t like using the word “master”, apparently.

“I didn’t hunt,” he said, “not like this, anyway. We didn’t have anything bigger than rabbits where Master lived and he didn’t allow me to take anything I couldn’t finish in one meal.”

“So what did you catch?” Midnight asked.

Norik shrugged. “Bugs, mostly. Crickets, grasshoppers, grubs, cicadas… what?” Both mares were looking at him like they were going to be sick. “You… never ate bugs?” He asked Midnight.

“No,” she said, trying not to sounded disgusted when she realizied he was serious. “I grew up in Manehattan and there were always rats, pigeons, and stray animals to take if I wanted.”

“Oh,” he said, looking down at his claws.

A quiet moment passed.

“Uh, what about gems? You ever get to have any of those?” Midnight asked, trying to fix the awkward situation.

Thankfully, Norik’s ears perked up. “Yes! There was a cave near Master’s home that had gems in the walls. I’d go and dig one out whenever I wanted one. Funny story; Master found out I like them when he couldn’t figure out what I wanted when I was still a baby. When he put me down for a minute to see what else he had in his stores, I made my way over to a nice gem he’d found once and when he turned around, I was already half done with it.”

Midnight chuckled. “If it wasn’t for my dad, I’m pretty sure mom would have found out when I tried to eat one of her earrings. What’s your favorite kind?”

Norik thought for a second. “Diamonds, I think.”

“Sapphires for me. One specific Sapphire, as a matter of fact,” Midnight said, wistfully.

“Really?” Twilight asked, an eyebrow raised.

“I don’t-” Norik started but was interrupted when Private Primrose shouted out “Incoming from town!”

The entire guard went on alert and the fliers took to the air, Lhikan hopping off Midnight as she went airborne and flying back to Norik. Any worry soon flooded out of them when they recognized the rainbow and dust-brown trails streaking towards them.



“Figured you all were out here,” Rainbow said as the two of them came to a hover.

“Were you kicked out as well?” Midnight asked.

“No ma’am,” Windrunner said with a salute, “the changelings found a way under the dome using the river; we can come and go as we please as long as we’re not caught.”

“That’s a relief,” Midnight said, then gave her a pointed look.

“Sapphire and Squeaks are both fine, as is Arina and Honey,” Windrunner assured her. “Speaking of Arina, she’s with a couple of changelings outside the dome, so you should be able to connect with her anytime now.”

Midnight nodded her thanks, then landed and shut her eyes. When she opened them they were glowing and she made a few calming noises before closing them again and her eyes returned to normal.

“And not only did we escape, we also know what we’re dealing with now,” Rainbow said, producing a book from her wet saddle bags. Someone must have placed a spell on the book before they went into the water because it was dry unlike the bags.

Passing the book to Twilight, the unicorn opened it to a bookmarked page and gasped. “The Alicorn Amulet! I knew I’d seen it someplace before!”

“So, guessing from the name, I take it grants the wearer with the powers of an alicorn?” Midnight asked and there were unhappy mutterings among the guards.

“That, and only the wearer can remove it,” Twilight said.

“And she has no reason at all to remove it,” Midnight said, feeling her mood becoming more dour by the second.

“Worse, it corrupts the user the longer it’s worn, makes them more paranoid. It’s not that she won’t have a reason not to, she won’t be thinking rationally enough for us to try!”

“Oh, happy days,” Spread Eagle mumbled. Wild Mane smacked him up upside the head.

“So, we can’t force it off and we can’t reason it off, so even tiring her out won’t work,” Midnight said with a heavy sigh. “We’re gonna have to wait until the princesses arrive.”

“Are you kidding!? Who knows what Trixie will do before they get here!” Rainbow shouted.

“And what do you want us to do, Dash!?” Midnight snapped back. “How exactly are we suppose to take on someone who’s basically an alicorn!?”

“You stood up to Discord, Chrysalis, and Sombra! How’s this different!?” She shot back.

“We never took them on directly! And I lost against Chrysalis!”

“Did you try-!?” Norik said loudly, trying to be heard over the yelling. When everyone immediately stopped and looked at the young kirin, he flinched back.

“Wait, you guys found another kirin?” Rainbow asked.

“Focus Dash,” Midnight said, then nodded at Norik to continue.

“Well,” he started again, “it sounds like the only thing you’ve done is try and overwhelm her, both by force and by magic. Have you tried tricking her?”

“That’s gonna be a bit of a problem since she’s apparently getting crazier by the hour,” Midnight said.

Norik rubbed his chin. “Well, you said there’s a zebra living here in the Everfree; she might have an idea about how to trick her. Master said that the best way out of a problem was to think it out.”

Midnight and Twilight shared a look. “Couldn’t hurt to ask at this point,” Midnight said with a sigh and a shrug.

“She’s surprised me before,” Twilight agreed.

“Then over the trees and through the poison joke to Zecora’s house we go,” Midnight quipped.


“No wonder you’re dower, it’s an abuse of power!” Zecora said once they told her their plight. Midnight, Twilight, Norik, Rainbow, and Windrunner had all come to Zecora’s home to talk with her. With night fast approaching, Midnight had them and only them ride on her back while she was in wyvern form to both get there and return to the castle without any risk of a wild animal attack. The rest of the guard remained at the castle to make final preparations to hike back to town in the dark. They nearly scared Zecora half to death when they landed right next to her home.

“And we have no idea what else we can do,” Midnight told her, “I want to wait for the princesses but if she’s going mental fast, we might be waiting too long. We’ve tried everything we know but we just can’t take on someone with alicorn-level abilities.”

The zebra looked at them all in turn, her eyes finally falling and holding on Norik, who took a step back at her intense gaze. Maybe she didn’t like that he’d painted stripes on himself? He'd only known his master so while he might not have minded, perhaps other zebras did. Then she smiled.

“Young kirin raised by my kind, tell us what is on your mind,” she asked gently.

“Me? Mine?” He said, looking around at the now expectant faces. He gulped. “L-Like I said before, you haven’t tried tricking her into taking it off. I know she’s getting harder to predict but that doesn’t mean she can’t be. We can start with what she wants. If we can fool her into thinking we have it, she might give up the amulet in exchange.”

“She’s already beaten Twilight,” Midnight said.

“And she’s lording her new power over Ponyville,” Windrunner said, then quickly explained what the crazed magician had been doing since the guard and Twilight had been gone.

“Well, I definitely don’t want to hear anyone say the changelings aren’t pulling their weight,” Midnight noted when Windrunner was done. “So she’s beaten Twilight and rules Ponyville. What else could she possibly want?”

“Power is forever greedy, she’ll be becoming more and more needy,” Zecora said.

“What, like she’ll want more power?” Rainbow asked. “What’ll she want next, the throne?”

“Or something more powerful than the Alicorn Amulet,” Norik suggested thoughtfully.

“What’s more powerful than an amulet that basically lets you be an alicorn?” Midnight asked, suddenly imagining Trixie with the power of a draconequus and suppressing a shiver. Having Discord and Screwball in her shed, practically looking over her shoulder while she prepared her catches, hadn't endeared her to the chaotic creatures like she suspected Celestia wanted.

Norik shrugged. “Anything. Trixie doesn’t know what you have, so you can grab any old thing and say it’s more powerful.”

Twilight opened her mouth, then closed it as a thoughtful expression crossed her face.

“That’s all well and good but she’s not gonna want to trade based off our word alone. We can’t exactly use a trinket to do a successful age spell or whatever else she comes up with to prove that it’s real,” Midnight told him.

“No,” Twilight said slowly, “but who says we can’t fake it?”

Midnight gave her a raised eyebrow. “How?” she asked simply.

“Yeah, Twilight, how?” Rainbow agreed.

Twilight quickly explained the plan taking shape in her head. “And we can all thank Norik here for giving me the idea.”

“Me?” he asked sheepishly.

“Brute force won’t work, so trick her, right?” she asked with a wink.

“To borrow and butcher an Applejack-ism, butter my tail and call me a lobster,” Midnight said, impressed, “that just might work. However, that’s only if she sticks to using those kind of spells.”

Twilight smirked, “Once “I” get going, there’s no way she’ll think of any other.”

Midnight shrugged. “If that’s settled then, I’ll let Arina know so everyone can be ready tomorrow morning.”

As the kirin’s eyes glowed, Zecora smiled at Norik. “The gift of fresh eyes, can always lead us back to clear skies.”


Trixie’s dream of fluffy blueberry waffles was shattered when the loud, harsh blasts of several horns playing reveille jolted her awake so badly she fell out of the grand bed that had been made for her and set up in town hall. “Usurper in town hall, get your flank out here and face the consequences of your actions!” an angry female voice shouted from outside. If she didn't know any better, that voice sounded familiar.

Grumbling furiously at how she’d been woken up, Trixie pulled herself to her hooves and used her magic to blow the front doors open. “WHO DARES WAKE UP THE GEATEST AND ALL POWERFUL TRIXIE!?” she screamed, not even bothering to roll her Rs. “YOU!” she snarled when she saw the entire bearer guard lined up outside, Midnight in front in uniform with the evil buglers right behind her. “I threw the lot of you out of town yesterday! How did you get back in!?”

The irritatingly smug grin on the kirin’s muzzle grew. “I would say that’s for me to know and you to find out, but here comes the how now.”

Trixie nearly choked as Twilight Sparkle came out of the crowd of guards. Other ponies were coming outside as well, the loud bugle calls and shouting having woken them up. When they saw who it was, however, many quickly woke up fully and began to spread the word. “Twilight Sparkle! How did you and your guards get back into Ponyville!?”

“First of all Trixie, I want everyone to know that you cheated in that duel!” Twilight called out.

“Cheated!? Me!? I would never!” Trixie gasped with obvious fake innocence.

“Yes, you did, using the Alicorn Amulet!” The crowd of growing ponies began muttering to themselves as Twilight went on. “But this time around we have an even playing field. See, while I was exiled, my friend Zecora showed me a more powerful amulet than yours, one from far beyond Equestria’s borders!” Thrusting her chest forward, everyone could see an amulet around Twilight’s neck with a light green stone in the middle. “It let me get back through your barrier without you knowing and now I’m demanding a rematch!”

Trixie sneered. “Even if I believe you, why should I agree? I already beat you once.”

Twilight smiled. “Sounds to me like you’re afraid to face me again. Isn’t the fact that I’m standing here proof enough I’m telling the truth?”

Trixie eyed Twilight and heard the crowd muttering again, then saw the kirin’s grin become even more obnoxious. “FINE!” she finally shouted, “Another duel! Same wages as last time and we’re picking up where we left off!”

“Fine by me,” Twilight said with a shrug.

Trixie ground her teeth and her horn flared. Shooting out of the crowd came Snips and Snails, who Trixie quickly transformed into a baby and old stallion once again. “Beat that!”

Twilight closed her eyes and concentrated, her horn and amulet glowing a sickly green. She shot a beam of magic at the two who briefly disappeared behind a puff of magic smoke. It quickly cleared and Snips and Snails stood there, back to their original ages. The crowd and guards cheered while Trixie looked on, bewildered at how Twilight could have reversed her spell.

“My turn,” Twilight said, “and I think I’ll use more than just two ponies.” Turning her head back the way she came, her horn lit up again and the rest of the Mane Six came floating out, caught in the sickly green magic, and were placed down nearby. “Let’s see…” Twilight said, squinting an eye in concentration, then shooting another beam of magic. A puff of magic later and AJ and Rarity were young fillies while Rainbow, Fluttershy, and Pinkie were old mares. Another blast of magic and they’d all traded ages. Another blast, another age change. Five more times Twilight changed her friends’ ages, all without breaking a sweat. “Don’t go away thinking I’m done yet; I’ve got another idea!” Another blast of magic and there was now two of each of her friends, who she promptly played with by changing their ages again. Not once did she seem to struggle or even break a sweat.

“How… how are you-!?” Trixie gasped, not able to comprehend how Twilight was doing all this without becoming completely drained.

“You know, I could really go for some music. How about it Pinkie?” A blast of magic and there was a third Pinkie now, playing ten instruments at a time and bouncing around without a care in the world. “You know what? I’ve got one more idea.” Twilight’s horn flared again and this time it was Midnight who was dragged into the duel.

“Uh, Twilight, what are you doing?” the kirin asked, worry clear in her voice.

“A kirin is much harder to work with than just five ponies, so let’s see how strong this amulet is.” Twilight said with a smirk.

“Now hold on a minute, Twilight! We never agreed-!” But Twilight just ignored the kirin and blasted her. Clearing smoke reveled an angry kirin foal. “Turn me back this instant!” She squeaked. Daws came from the crowd and even a few camera flashes went off. Another blast and now Midnight looked like a kirin version of Granny Smith. Another blast and she was back to normal. “When my head stops spinning, I’m gonna…” Another blast of magic, and now Midnight’s colors were inverted, with a white coat and orange mane and eyes. Then she had a blue coat and black mane. Then she was polka dot, then plaid, then finally back to normal.

Again, through all this, Twilight never looked like she was under any stress to perform her spells. It was like she had enough magical reserves to go on for ages! Or, at least her amulet had enough. “You know, I think I’ve got one more idea I want to try. How about I change a mare into a stallion half her age and with a different color?” Before Midnight could protest she disappeared in another sickly green smoke cloud and what came out… was a young, male kirin with grey fur and black hair. A final shot and the captain of the bearer guard was herself again.

“I… hate… you…” she said as she took dizzy steps back to where she’d originally been.

“Well Trixie, think you can beat- hey!” As Twilight had begin to gloat her amulet became surrounded in red magic and was yanked off her neck, flying towards Trixie.

“With this amulet I could rule not only Ponyville but all of Equestria! The Great and Powerful Trixie will be forever known as Queen Trixie!” She pulled on the Alicorn Amulet, breaking the lock and quickly putting the new amulet on. “Gaze upon your new ruler!” she shouted to the assembled crowd.

Out of said crowd a rainbow streak shot out and snatched the Alicorn Amulet out of her hoof. “GOT IT!” Rainbow yelled, waving the amulet over her head for all to see.

“Hey!” Trixie shouted.

“GET HER!” Midnight roared, but it wasn’t the Midnight that was standing in formation. A whole new Midnight had just appeared from around the back of the town hall, along with doubles of most of her guard. Only a few that were in the original formation broke and charged with the rest.

“Fools! I have this new, far stronger amulet to take care of you with!” Trixie shouted, aiming a magic beam at the onrushing guards. What came out of her horn, though, was not the sickly green magic Twilight had been using but her own original pink magic that just rolled off the oncoming kirin like oil over water. “What!?” Trixie squealed, turning to try and bolt but the wave of angry guards slammed into her like an avalanche and before she knew it her legs were bound and a magic suppressant ring was jammed onto her horn. A few had been stored at the small police station but no-one had been able to use them while Trixie still had the amulet.

“Wanna hear some fun facts?” Midnight said once the other guards stepped back to show the mare had been properly restrained. “Fun Fact number one: that amulet you stole from Twilight? Fake.” She stepped on it, crushing it to pebbles. “Fun Fact number two,” she continued, spinning Trixie to see the original line of guards and Twilight, who all became engulfed in sickly green flames and were revealed to be changelings when the flames dispersed. Even the bearers and their doubles became changelings, with Twilight becoming a taller changeling with a honey-colored mane and tail. Only the Pinkie playing the instruments stayed a pony. “You were fighting changelings the entire time. All smoke and mirrors to get you to take the Alicorn Amulet off and you fell for it hook, line, and sinker.”

“But, what about Snips and Snails and the pony with the ten instruments?” Trixie asked.

“The normal-age Snips and Snails were also changelings,” the real Twilight said, stepping forward out of the crowd. “The real Snips and Snails will have to be changed back to normal by the princesses when they arrive.”

“The princesses are coming here!?” Trixie choked out.

“Yep,” Midnight said, “as well as a dragon bigger than me in my wyvern form. Maybe you’ll get to meet her as well.”

The powder blue mare looked like she was about to wet herself.

“As for the ten instruments, that’s just Pinkie being Pinkie,” Twilight elaborated.

“Alright everyone, show’s finally over,” Midnight called out to everyone present, “I want four of the guard to escort Little Miss Throne Usurper to the brig in the barracks where she can wait for the princesses to decide what to do with her. Everyone else, let’s get town hall cleaned up before our special guests arrive.”


“It would seem that saying thou hast had an exciting week would be an understatement,” Luna said as she, Midnight, and Celestia drank tea and coffee together. Twilight was entertaining the delegates from Saddle Arabia by floating some of Fluttershy’s animals through the air while they dined on the seafood Shoal had brought back. Midnight had a couple of lobster tails with butter waiting for her at home that she planned to enjoy once the debriefing was done.

“Eeyep,” Midnight said after a swig of her coffee.

“And a new kirin found as well!” Celestia said happily, “Lady Eden will be overjoyed to finally meet her son! I assume you haven’t told her yet, since she’s not here right now, but have you told Norik?”

Midnight’s ears flattened a little. “No, I’ve been waiting for the whole debacle with Trixie to finally be over with. I don’t want or need Eden barreling in here while I’m still concerned with that particular problem. Speaking of which,” she pulled a box out of her saddle bags and pushed it towards the two princesses, “I believe you’re the best ponies to entrust this to.”

Levitating the box and opening it, both alicorns’ eyes went wide when they saw what was inside. “By the makers,” Luna sighed, “after all this time!”

“Yes, and I’m glad it’s finally back in our possession,” Celestia said, closing the box and teleporting it away, to the vaults in Canterlot Castle, Midnight guessed. “That artifact dates back all the way to the days Discord ruled Equestria.”

“Something else he cooked up?” Midnight asked, her fangs poking out and making a mental note to throw a few animal guts onto his stony face.

“Actually… that was our doing,” Celestia confessed. “It was a part of a plan we, General Steel Spark, and your aunt Storm Vine came up with. We thought we could overwhelm Discord if we just had more ponies with abilities on par with alicorns, so the idea was proposed to create powerful magic items normal ponies could wear and together face off against Discord.”

“There were to be three items made for each,” Luna continued, “the amulet to increase one’s unicorn power, enchanted shoes to enhance one’s earth pony abilities, and a helm to make one a master of flight. They would be duplicated as many times as we felt would be needed.”

Midnight felt a hole start in her stomach. “So… the others…?” she prompted.

“Only the one amulet was created, carefully grown and tended to by your aunt and her team,” Celestia said, assuaging the kirin’s fears. “It looked like it had promise but the pony testing the amulet became corrupt and tried to take on Discord by himself. With such a spectacular failure, it was decided to scrap the project.”

“Thine aunt and General Steel Spark almost came to blows over the matter,” Luna added with a snort. “Perhaps twould been better for all in the end to let her maul him.”

“The point,” Celestia said, “is that we got it back after his fall but it quickly disappeared again in the aftermath. With it back in our possession, we can see to its destruction or permanent sealing.”

“And what about Trixie?” Midnight asked. “The amulet may have made her power-hungry, but she still put it on in the first place.”

Celestia nodded gravely. “She put the amulet on with the intent to cause harm. That cannot be overlooked. Her actions afterwards are subject to some debate as per the nature of the amulet but there will still be consequences.” The alabaster alicorn smiled, “that said, if she fully cooperates with helping us back-track the amulet as far back as possible, I believe that can count as some time spent.”

“You are still too lenient, sister,” Luna huffed, “but learning where it has been all this time will be interesting, if not help right any wrongs it might have caused down the ages.”

“I do have something else to ask,” Midnight said, seeing the conversation begin to wander in a new direction. “We were effectively fighting an alicorn this time around,” she said when both alicorns turned their attention back on her, “and we were woefully unprepared for it. With every other threat we’ve faced we’ve been able to do something while this time we might as well have sat on the sidelines and ate popcorn. Is there… is there anything we can do or be given so that next time we can actually do our job?”

The sisters looked at each other again and then back at the kirin with sympathy. “Other than the amulet, we don’t know of any kind of magic or items that can help with that,” Celestia said apologetically.

“At least not in the way thou are wanting,” Luna emphasized. “There are traps that one can make to combat such powerful magic-users, but they must be placed ahead of time and anyone can trigger them. They can be deadly if someone with weak magic activates them.”

Midnight sighed. “I figured that was the case, not to mention that would be something of a national secret if you did know anything.”

Celestia tapped a hoof on her chin. “Wasn’t there a book from Starswirl’s library about powerful enchantments?”

“He had several arcane books filled with who knows what,” Luna said, “it is possible he had a spell or two that would be of use here. Do we still have them?”

“More than likely still back in our old castle,” Celestia said, then gave the kirin a smile. “We can see what we can do to speed up the recovery effort of our old home. If all goes well, we can at least do something to help with your armor.”

Midnight shrugged. “As long as something is done before the next crisis, I’ll be happy. That, or next time Shoal will be around to sit on them.”


“Nervous?” Midnight asked as Norik stood straighter. They were standing on Ponyville’s train platform and the train from Canterlot had just come into view.

“A little,” the younger kirin said. “I mean, are you sure…?”

“Yes, I’m sure. Without the stripes you’re exactly as she described and with that necklace of yours there’s no doubt.” She pointed to the half rose hanging around his neck.

She’d sat down with Norik the day after the princesses left with the delegates and Trixie and told him everything she knew about Eden and what she’d told her about her kirin son being taken away. He’d hung on every word and when she was done had stayed in thoughtful silence for a while. When he finally spoke again he’d asked Midnight opinion about his mother.

“Eccentric and prone to a few of the more aggravating tendencies of the nobles but she has a good heart,” she’d told him. “I think she really wants to meet and know you as your mom, not for social points.” Her eyes had tabled. “That said, just prepare yourself; the second she gets my letter she’ll be here so fast it’ll make Dash envious.”

Once Midnight had sent the letter she’d busied herself with getting Norik ready for his mother’s arrival, getting him cleaned up from his long trip, getting him properly fed, and convincing him to hold off reapplying his stripes so it would be easier for his mother to recognize him. She also began preparing herself mentally for Eden’s reaction. She’d made a promise right before the royal wedding to help host another hybrid gathering and with her son now found, Midnight was sure Eden would want to get it underway as soon as possible.

She’d also seen to it that Lhikan was presentable, visiting Fluttershy with Norik to give him a brief checkup and clean up. “He’s not going to bite, is he?” Midnight asked Norik as Fluttershy cleaned his feathers, remembering how they first met.

“He shouldn’t,” Norik said, “he’s tamer than any other animal I’ve met.”

“What about if she rushes at you once she gets off the train?” Midnight asked, picturing the scene and needing more reassurance.

Norik blinked, then his eyes grew wide with understanding. “I think I better talk with him before she gets here,” he said.

“Good idea,” the older kirin agreed.

Midnight had sent the letter first thing in the morning via express mail so it would get to Canterlot that day. In late afternoon a pegasus courier had arrived at her house with a return letter from Eden, saying that she was going to be on the first train into Ponyville the very next morning. With the meeting set, Midnight had gotten them all to bed early so they’d have time for some breakfast before Eden arrived.

Despite Midnight’s assurances, Norik still felt his omelet move uncomfortably in his stomach. Everything seemed to be happening so fast.

The train squealed to a stop in the station and the train doors opened. A few ponies exited and entered the train, then a trio of mares exited with the one on the middle matching the description Midnight had given him; a light green unicorn with a rose-colored mane in a somewhat fancy but not too out of place dress. The three of them looked around, then one of the mares taped the unicorn’s whither and pointed towards them.

As they approached, Midnight noticed that Eden was obviously holding herself back from bolting right over to them. It had to have taken all her willpower to wait until this morning to arrive instead of the very last train the night before or even take her private carriage all the way down the mountain. It impressed the ebony kirin. It also looked like she barely had any makeup on and what had been applied had been to cover up a pony that had barely slept at all the previous night. “Eden, Sun, Dancer,” Midnight said with a nod as the three came over, “it’s good to see you again.”

“As it is to see you, Captain Storm,” Eden said, her searching eyes never leaving Norik. Her voice had a note of tiredness to it that confirmed her lack of sleep.

“My Lady,” Sun whispered, trying to help keep her mistress’s appearance up.

“May I introduce,” Midnight started, knowing and sympathizing that Eden didn’t give a damn about her appearance or manners right then, gesturing to the smaller kirin next to her with a wing, “the kirin known as Norik. Norik, this is Lady Eden Rose.”

“H-Hello, Miss Rose,” he said.

“Hello, Norik,” Eden said back, her eyes still searching his features.

When that was all they said, Midnight spoke up again. “I think you have something that will put any last doubts to bed?” She gestured with a wing again at his chest.

He started and fumbled to bring the half pendant up for them all to see. Eden’s gaze peeled itself away from him to look at the pendant, then with her magic slowly lifted up her own half pendant up to his. They touched and easily fit together, both halves making a full rose. Tears began streaming down her face as a smile grew. “H-He’s my son…” she choked out, “h-he’s my baby!” With that she lurched forward and threw her forelegs around him, startling them all and nearly throwing Norik off balance. Lhikan squawked indignantly and flew over to Midnight as Eden began bawling into Norik’s shoulder. Not sure what to do, he looked over at Midnight who simply gestured back at him. Focusing back on the crying Eden, he gently patted her with a claw.

“It’s good to meet you, too… mom.” As he said it, feelings began to well up inside his chest. Memories of how he’d seen other foals interact with their parents and how he and his master never quite had the same bond, the loss of his master and feeling more alone than he ever had before, the hope the picture of Midnight had given him, the shock to find out someone had been searching for him his entire life. All of it welled up inside of him and as he began to hold her tighter he could feel tears running down his own cheeks. “It’s good to finally meet you, too.”

Author's Note:

And we get to see how Trixie gets beat in this timeline. Still not 100% sure about it, but overall it feels and flows right, so hopefully you guys like what I came up with. Really cut down Zecora here because I just was not in the mood to figure out rhymes for every other line of dialogue. Plus if she was going to mentor anyone, I might as well make it young Norik.
That was another tough thing to pull off, making the answer so simple yet no-one would think of it right off the bat. Another thing I hope I pulled off to all of your satisfactions.
Finally, we also get the conclusion to Eden's search. Norik is the product of dragonstoa and I'm glad to finally bring his character into the story after all these years of waiting.
Until next time.