

This story is a sequel to Of Men and Insects

With Queen Chrysalis gone, and peace once again restored, you'd think life would be simple and calm for Allan Ryder and his friends, right? -HA! Think again, silly! Life's never that simple!-
-Dammit Pinkie! Get out of Vegan's description!-
Chaos gods, crazy neighbors, crazier friends -Hey! I resemble that remark!-, ridiculous misadventures, and a world full of magic don't make good bedfellows with the word"ordinary".
Being in a new body, yet again, and being an adoptive mother? That just makes everything worse.
Welcome back to life in Equestria. Please enjoy your stay.


The sequel is here! Basically an anthology series detailing the goings on between major events, this fic will include plot relevant details and characters involved in future stories, so read this before moving on to any sequels that I write in the future.
Allan and Katherine Ryder, as well as several other characters who will be added to this description later, are of my own creation. AKA, COPYRIGHT TO ME! I will be extremely annoyed if people use them without asking for permission first.
Mature rating and tags for innuendo, references to booze, physical violence, swearing, and multitudes of adorable, pastel coloured ponies. You have been warned.

Chapters (19)
Comments ( 51 )

“KATIE’S HERE?! WHERE?!” Allan nearly leapt off the bed….or, he would have, if he could move his legs. He still managed to get himself zapped by the Doctor’s spell though, eliciting a high pitched yelp from the transformed human.

also Liked!

Heeeeeeeeere's....the cat?

I'm willing to bet that this is the person whose dream Luna saw at the end of the previous story. Enough details certainly match up.

I love this bothe stories a lot . You've done a good job and I hope you continue .

Awwww, thank you, Batty! I'm glad you enjoyed them!

Wow, this is one of the edgiest characters I've seen. I loved all the bs reasons you gave.

In all seriousness, I'm totally into this sequel so far. I like it!

What? Choosing her new name? Yeah, they are kinda ridiculous, aren't they? Put it down to a fondness of dramatics and silliness. :pinkiecrazy:

From his transformation from lunar knight changeling to pegasus mom... I don't know it feels a bit random and confusing :S
Did Discord reroll his charakter sheet?:rainbowhuh:

It's part of the ongoing theme I hope I've instilled in the series so far.

I like how Static tunts Twilight playfully. It's very amusing.

I feel sorry for the CMC unintentionally causing all of the mayhem in this chapter.

Not my cup of tea on the ship but it needs to happen

To make it short: I miss the focus on Static.

Don't worry. I'll be turning attention back to her real soon...

Well let's just say that a storm is brewing

Crystal is precious and must be protected

She ish da precious babbu bug! Musht protec!

You are a verry bad person!

For what?! What did I do this time?

Cliffhanger :(

It's not your fault, I'm just way to impatient.

You should make a note chapter when Book 3 is out for those of us who are story but not user subscribed

Static nodded. "Well, maybe now is the time to do some things for you, since the farm is currently buried under several feet of snow, and Spike's more than getting the hang of using his claws. Is there anything you want to do, or need to? Make living arrangements? Find a better job? Meet people?"


Heh. I first read that as

Find a job? Meet better people?"


Yoda, is that you? Dislexia, you have.

So very, very true. But I have to say, it's funnier the way I read it. :rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh:

Yeah, Crystal Ass it shall be.

From the initial description of where Crimson came from, I was expecting to find a out he had been sent out into the world to find either a Water Chip, or a G.E.C.K.

I wonder where Rex is?

This chapter was very satisfying to read

I was trying to make some family drama that actually meant something to the characters. I'm hoping I delivered?

More of this and Pinkie will eventually write her own dialouge

I feel like Thatchers first name is Margaret for some reason

Eeeeeesh......... yeah I don't know how I feel about him being forcibly and permanently switching sexes......... aside from the fact that I don't like it, at all. Hope he can get switched back at some point.

Yeah I skimmed through a few chapters, and some of the next story too, and discovered they remain a mare. Yeah that's a no from me on continuing to read this. Forced and permanent sex changes in a story are a big hell no from me.

Shame too, because I really liked the previous book, but I just cannot abide by this. Wish you the best of luck, but I'm out.

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